Headhunter on a budget - Emperors headhunting Assassin
Hi there! This is intended to be a budget friendly headhunter build. If you came here because you want to tell me that 90 exalts (what an average headhunter costs in prophecy atm) are by no means ever "on budget", well... you are right! But we are not using the belt, so that's not a problem! Now, the only other way to reliably steal a monsters mods is a jewel called "inspired learning", which has the downside of only working in specific locations of the tree while also forcing you to take specific nodes and, to top it all off, only grants 1 out of up to 4 mods! (instead of, as headhunter does, all of them) Seems pretty bad, huh? HOWEVER one of these jewels costs roughly 8 (now 40! Holy ****) chaos as of now. Which, as you may be able to tell, is much, much cheaper than 100 exalts. So, if a build would be able to make efficient use of them and not be too bothered by the limitations on pathing they impose, then it is actually possible to reproduce a headhunter-like gameplay! The goal of this build is to do this by using 3 copies of this jewel, since they STACK. If you did not come here for playing a pseudo headhunter (why???): The build works perfectly fine without it (since it has to kill rares to get the headhunting started), and the jewels slots can be used to enhance both defenses and damage. IMPORTANT: After some testing... this build lacks the clearspeed and attack speed based movement skill that makes a "good headhunter". Working on a variant that fixes that issue (probably spec throw). You still get buffs... but you don't really snowball of them. "Headhunter math"
So, if you want to know just how much of a headhunter this build will give you... the math behind it is actually more complicated then it may at first seem. Because instead of allowing you to take x different mods by using x jewels... you get a total of x mods, at full random.
While this may seem to make the jewel even worse... many mods can actually stack! So, assuming a monster had 3 mods which all would give you 30% more dps, if all of these mods can stack, the result is the same no matter what! Also, the result would be the same as if you had a headhunter equipped. But, since it is unlikely(/impossible) for a mob to have 3 mods that would all give you the exact same benefits... time for some math. (You can skip the following part if you don't like reading too much. The summary is: It can be worse, just as good, or even better than a headhunter, the average probably being "slightly worse". In the end, it's just more random than an actual headhunter belt)
A rare monster that has no nemesis mod has 3 mods. However, among those mods, some can stack, some cannot stack, some are pretty much useless and others cannot even be copied (all of the "on death" mods, like fractured, inner treasure and volatile _blood. As you can see, quite a few mods are "on death". After looking through all available mods for monsters
Here is a link to the wiki:
http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Monster_modifiers I reached the conclusion that, to this build, an "average rare monster" should have a total of 2 beneficial mods, of which 1 can stack. These values are mere estimates for a simple reason: I have no clue how rare a specific mod is, and you probably don't either... if you do have a list of the probabilities of mods, I'd try to incorporate it. Now, headhunter would give you both of the beneficial mods, and the useless one. This build, on a non-nemesis rare mob where every mod can be copied, has the following probabilities for acquiring mods: in 3 out of 27 cases, the same mod 3 times. in 18 out of 27 cases, the same mod twice and another mod. in 6 out of 27 cases, each mod once. So, assuming the above distribution of stacking and useless mods, in roughly 22% of cases it will be exactly like a headhunter. In only 3% of cases will it be completely useless (useless mod 3 times). In 3% of cases it will give you the stacking mod 3 times! (Which usually will be better than what headhunter could have delivered) And so on... do you really want the entire math? Really? Even though I have no way of telling just what the distribution of good/stacking.. etc mods actually is? Well, i sure don't want to do it atm... if you however have any questions, the part I wrote in big might help. For nemesis monsters... I hope it is enough that I tell you that in "only" 31% of cases you will not get the nemesis mod. Also: While some mods are useless, some cannot be copied to begin with (as stated above). Now, let's assume a monster has the following mods: - Fractured (Nemesis mod) - Vengeful (Prefix, allies gain frenzy charges on death) - of Frost (gain 25% of physical damage as cold damage) - AURA_Speed (35% inc attack and castpeed, 70% inc movement speed) Since Fractured and Vengeful cannot be copied to begin with, a headhunter would give you: - of Forst - AURA_Speed Whereas 3 inspired learning would (likely, 6/8 cases) give you: - of Frost x2 (stacks) - AURA_Speed OR - of Forst - AURA_Speed (doesn't stack to my knowledge) (Then there's the option to get "of Frost x3, or well, only the Speed aura) See? It's very likely to be either better or just as good (in such a case). The build: My current character is able to effectively use just about any ranged bow attack and scales the damage mainly via projectile damage, crit and critmulti, while inflicting bleed and poison (which scale from projectile damage, yay!). So... as mentioned above, bow attacks just are "meh" for headhunting. Which is why, since I myself obviously want to see just how close to THIS we can get... I'm working on more efficient variants. Spectral throw seems like an obvious choice (due to scaling from pretty much the same nodes, though it'll probably need quite a bit of modification), but I'll try flicker strike too, and other skills. Honoring my Ancestors: Before getting into my own attempts to make it work: I recently found someone else who had the exact same idea. The build is "outdated" (2.1) but, credit were credit is due: patwt7/Patwtf's "Poorhunter" (Reave as mainskill, whirling blades for movement, probably great enhancements possible with ascendancy) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1571112 If you know of any other builds using 2+ Jewels that came before this one, do tell me. Also... why not submit your own ideas? My variants:
Bow attacks version: (Tested, Assassin, currently 83. Result: Good, can run all map mods, but meh for headhunting.)
Theoretical performance (estimating how well it should perform by comparing it('s skilltree) to another successful build):
The build is just your everyday assreach with minor detours here and there for an additional (inspired learning viable) jewel socket. What an assreacher can do, this build should be able to do as well.
Here's a link to the first popular guide I was able to find (amigo's): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1674319 This build is pretty much the same (open spoiler below for differences) as that build. Not much more to add to that. (There are only so many efficient ways to path the skilltree, and link up skills, and gear to use to make the most out of those skills...) The major differences are:
- Amigo has 117% additional inc DoT.
- Amigo has 70% additional inc poison. - Amigo has 25% inc skill effect duration. - Amigo has 62% reduced projectile damage, which doubledips into what the stats above would affect so... some kind of balance. - Amigo has 13% reduced attack speed. (Clearspeed & stacking poison... somewhat counteracts having less base skill duration) - amigo has 1 additional frenzy charge, 1 less power charge and 1 less endurance charge. Do the math on the impact of that one frenzy charge yourself, if you really want to know how much it affects the overall performance. If you feel the impact is too heavy... we can get it in exchange for 2 points. (More on how to get a few additional points further below). And the biggest downside of this build compared to it: - Amigo has 20 additional% inc maximum life. We CAN get (almost) that much by using a slightly different pathing and only taking 2 (inspired learning viable) jewels sockets (in total we'd still have 3, like amigo). OR we could spend some money on Atziri's Acuity, allowing us to not need to path to Vaal Pact => more points to spend for lifenodes. Or, as mentioned above, a frenzy charge (and only 4% life instead of 12%). The options here are: WITH Vaal pact AND dropping 5 nodes and thus 1 endurance charge and 1 inspired learning, we get 16%. WITHOUT Vaal pact AND dropping those 5 nodes in addition to those for Vaal Pact, we can reach 20% AND the additional frenzy charge. WITHOUT Vaal pact, we can get 8/12% (depending on bandit rewards) increased life OR 4% and 1 frenzy charge. IF you do take Vaal Pact, any 2 points can be dropped for an additional jewel socket. Overall, for the highest survivability, I'd recommend investing into Acuity, not taking Vaal Pact and the five nodes taken for the endurance charge + additional notable for the third inspired learning, thus achieving 20% inc maximum life and an additional frenzy charge. This build would also offer the performance most similar to Amigos. Also: We can easily deal with reflect, no problem, by using Voltaxic. Just put it in weaponswap with a lightning arrow setup. Now, Concerning Uber and t14: I'm a poor casual. Mostly my fault for constantly wasting currency, but that's how it is. Killed regular atziri just fine... but that's nothing impressive. Merc lab: done. Uber lab: nope. - but: I should be able to run it if I invest more into this build, without problems. Videos: Since most people like to watch a video instead of reading lots of text... (In advance: I'm a relatively bad player, and on a 4link so... this might be underwhelming.) Casual merc dried lake: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEoE0AcH28U&feature=youtu.be Stealing nemesis mods (no great mods, just showing the probability) - keep in mind mods like apparition/ soul conduit/ fractured/etc. cannot be copied): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYNxYSZGXuU&feature=youtu.be Ascendancy:
I picked deadly infusion and toxic delivery. Alternatively, you can exchange deadly infusion for assassinate... as long as you can get the crit after multiplier to roughly 50%, it will perform just as well/better, the exception being bosses you cannot one/twoshot.
Or... you could play as a ranger and just grab one of the ranger ascendancies. Flaskfinder will give you free crits in a bottle, damage in a bottle, defence in a bottle, as well as lolnope I cannot be frozen/ignited/shocked or bleed in a bottle. Did I mention it refills your bottles on crit?(Master surgeon and master alchemist) If you are lazy, pick Deadeye. It turns Death's Opus into an "it's almost reach". And gives you some crit (about 7.5 to 9.5%). Damage, more damage, and if your attacks cause bleeding, which they are now more likely to do, even more crit and crit multi. (Endless munitions, Powerful precision, rupture) If there's something wrong with you, pick raider. Even better choices in that case are: Sabotuer, Trickster. Honestly now... there are some benefits to it, but avatar of the veil aside, nothing too useful here, really. Only take this if you really, really hate using flasks (that are not surgeon's removes bleeding on use life flasks/ instant life flasks/ move fast of move fast flasks), since it will give you elemental status ailment immunity. Lastly, there is the champion. Fortify, anyone? Final Skilltree, 122 points (compatible with voltaxic): - recommended bandit rewards are: oak/point, oak/point, alira/point. I took point, point, alira. It's a crit bow build with 150% inc life, acrobatics, arrow dancing, vaal pact, evasion and obviously resistances for defense, alongside some (4) endurance charges should you choose to run: As you can see, I am using it as a 4l without inc crit chance (in case this is not a Daresso's defiance with 4 links: sorry, forgot to update this part/ something went wrong), and it is performing pretty well... probably because I am also using a reach (of the council) To make this clear, neither of the above items is required (though the only item where that may really matter for your budget is reach), I myself just had the luck of getting this bow on my first (and so far only) attempt at the pale court. A death's opus/ good rare bow can probably get you simmilar results, death's opus actually being a very good choice due to increased critical strike chance and multiplier. Keep in mind that while this build is "on budget", this is only by comparing it to an actual headhunter... you will probably have to spend and exalt or so (including the 3 jewels for 8c each) for gear that will allow you to start mapping (and many, many more from then on). Ah, talking about gear... Required and recommended items:
Before talking about any other items...
Amulet: this is the king. BIS. However, since this is also pretty hard to obtain in Prophecy atm... we can make do without it and use a good rare/ unique with other benefits, for example, as long as we find a way to generate power and frenzy charges. More about this in the skills section. Weapon: Choices here are: a) Very good rare b) Reach of the council c) Death's Opus and, should you use Lightning arrow as skill/ just feel like it: d) Voltaxic rift (having this in weaponswap deals with reflect 99.9% of the time) Quiver: Drillneck, period. Mandatory. The adds an additional arrow corruption would be the cherry on top. Helmet: Nothing mandatory here. Use this slot to cap your resistances, get some life and evasion, or improve your dps. Do I even need to mention Rat's nest? Armour: Nothing mandatory here either, but use a tabulas if you need the links. Otherwise, I recomend Daresso's defiance for one and one reason only: It allows us to make use of the +1 endurance charge we get on the tree. Admittedly... the resulting damage reduction on being hit (from 0 to up to from 16 to 32%), acting similar to kintsugi, sadly only for phys, (the value depending on corruptions/ choosing oak instead of alira/etc.), onslaught and the additional chance to dodge are all pretty nice too. Otherwise, just use this slot to max your resistances, increase evasion, life... or, well, use one of the many uniques that would give you some form of benefit. The choice is yours. However... if you feel like you have way too much currency, try to get a lioneye's vision, 6 socket it, 6 link it, and give it all of your chromatics while hoping for the right sockets. Congratulations, you now have a 7 link. And, if you count reach of the council as gmp... 8 link. List of potentially useful uniques (have yet to actually test most of them):
Tabula Rasa: 6link chest Lioneye's vision: 7link chest Cospri's Will: Great if you have curse on hit gloves. If you don't, don't bother. Daresso's defiance: Makes you look like a Christmas tree. Kintsugi: Didn't try it out yet, might work. Lightning Coil: Only considerable if you don't want to use voltaxic to deal with reflect for whatever reason you may have. Gloves: Again, nothing mechanically mandatory, but this time, there are a few options so good that I can only highly recommend them: a) Winds of change (doubledip damage boost for poison & bleed: check) b) Maligaro's (crit in case you still need it: check) and maybe even c) Facebreaker (critmulti = damage: check) d) Shadow and dust. Rampage = Rampage. If you like headhunting, your are likely to also like this. and... IF you can afford it: e) Atziri's Acuity (saves you a couple of skillpoints that you can now invest into something else) If you can get a "curses enemies with vulnerability on hit" corruption... don't do it, unless you can also get your hands on "enemies can have +1 additional curse" from somewhere (Cospri's)/ can get another way to generate power charges than assassins mark. Belt: Res, life... or maybe "just" a but if you feel like spitting on the entire concept of the build and can afford it, why not take a headhunter! (On a side note: that item actually stacks with the jewel, because why not) Boots: We use vaal pact, so blood rage is kinda... well, a hassle to deal with. Which is why, unless you are able to use victario's acuity... the only reason you want those boots is for frenzy charge generation. If you can find another way to generate frenzy charges: replace them with a better option as soon as you find one. Rings: You just want resistance, life, and damage on those. No especially recommended uniques here. Flasks: No required uniques here either (thought the obvious candidates are obvious #TasteofHaste), just take what you think will help you most... removes bleeding life flask, a diamond flask for crits while you aren't capped, resistance flasks... obviously, if they gain charges on crit, that's a huge benefit. (writhing jar is notable for the fact that it will grant us endurance charges when paired with daresso's defiance, for those very dangerous situations where you want them... aka hopefully never.) Skills, gems, links:
Main skill:
Concerning your main skill, there are "plenty" of options. Tornado shot, Lightning arrow, even puncture and frenzy can perform well, the later especially if you don't want to use the blood dance for some reason. Honestly though... Neversink probably does a much better job at explaining those skills than I could, also my skilltree is inspired by his, so here's a link to his guide on the matter, just go to the "Gems / pick one primary attack" section:
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1041989 However do keep in mind that he has yet to update it to the availability of 2 additional ascendancy points, and with reach of the council being a thing, puncture is a somewhat viable option especially if you take noxious strike and toxic delivery. Also, tornado shot has a much higher AoE coverage with it. And shotgun potential. And- actually, you probably already know that that bow is insane. Concerning the skill setups in his build: You may leave out GMP, and if you use a lioneye's vision, pierce. Replace them with what you deem most usefull. We already have plenty of leech, but... why not take more? Faster projectiles? You should have plenty options to choose from. If you feel like you need powercharges... (desperately), why not use curse on hit + assassins mark? Auxiliary skill (optional, for absolute maximization of links and damage on the main skill):
Assuming the skill is not already your main skill:
Frenzy - Curse on hit - Assassin's mark - power charge on crit - (pierce/ culling strike/ gmp/...) This setup will let you use boots other than the blood dance. OR, if you wish to run bloodlust as support on your main skill (hey, I'm not judging): Puncture - Curse on hit - Assassin's mark - power charge on crit - (pierce/ culling strike/ gmp/ ...) In this setup, if you have "enemies can have 1 additional curse", you can use poacher's mark in one of the optional slots to generate frenzy charges. Single target skill:
There are situations where you only want to hit one target (Atziri), and those where you want to deal as much damage as possible to a single target (just about any boss that you cannot oneshot with your mainskill ever).
For most of these situations, running the following setup in your weaponswap chin sol will do the trick: Puncture - trap - trap and mine damage - physical projectile attack damage - slower projectiles - rapid decay If you don't want to have to use this, or feel like traps without the "clever construction" node are too unreliable, "manually" applying puncture, using blast rain, and even barrage (that skill is not to be underestimated, really... on a single target it can stack poison much faster and more reliable than even tornado shot), all of these will usually be sufficient to deal with whatever boss you might be facing. The default setup here should be: skill - physical projectile attack damage - slower projectiles - increased critical strike chance (should you need it for capping crit) - increased critical damage - culling strike Though obviously, depending on the skill, there are better options. Rapid decay for puncture, concentrated effect for blast rain, faster attacks in case barrage doesn't "oneshot"... 4 links:
We have 3 of those available, so let's put them to use.
1) Hatred (for voltaxic users: wrath) - (any skill combination reserving another 50%) - enlighten - (ice/fire golem) If you do not have enlighten, or feel like the small mana pool is not enough (though we have mana leech), just use a skill combination reserving less then 50% instead. Defensively, there is arctic armor, offensively, there is herald of ash, and as miscellaneous there is blasphemy with a curse of your choice. Those are just examples, of course (though the skills I use). If you want, you may use grace, haste, the other heralds, purity of x... herald of thunder + curse on hit can perform pretty well for volatxic... and the other variants. Only use if you (really) want whatever curse this setup would allow you to get. 2) Vaal haste(/grace) - increased duration - cast when damage taken - immortal call. Quite a standard setup. On a side note: it works with Daresso's defiance, so your IC will last longer if you had charges. 3) (ice/fire golem, in case you didn't have it already) - (choose your own adventure!) Okay, what to do with those last 3/4 sockets? If you use lightning arrow, you probably know exactly what belongs there... Ice wall. Otherwise, just take any (useable) skill + culling strike and increased item rarity. If you chose champion, this is where you put in your warcry to gain benefits from the taunt node... just kidding, you didn't seriously consider that node did you? Dreamfeather Spectral throw version: (a borderline mad theorycraft, Raider.)
Just something I made on a whim, probably subpar efficient in achieving its set goals. Will try to minmax within my available budget once i actually try the build. So, just a concept so far, here's the tree: OR, with VP (not sure if we can actually make use of that) Perhaps even something more like a regen oriented build against the dots of the game (some definite QoL in there) Items would be: -Dreamfeather x2 (200 evasion each, 400 total so far) -Queen of the forest (~2k evasion, make that 2500 total) -Atziri's step (600 evasion, so 3100 total so far) -Ascent from flesh (300 evasion, so 3400) -Surgebinders (200, 3600) -Alpha's howl (650, 4250) -(Aura) Grace, make that 2850, and we have 7100 evasion -Tasalio's sign, maybe, maybe even x2 (res on the additional jewel slots, and it's a deal.) (up to 7500 total with this!) -Flasks. Make that an additional 3k, or 3750... so at the very least, 10k BASE evasion (while flasks are up). On a sidenote: A (very) good rare shield will (easily) best a second dreamfeather. Now, onto the increased evasion: Base evasion + math = A LOT of evasion. 800%(flasks suffix) is possible, but might be an overstatement, but since the mere 10k base evasion are an understatement (and don't include the level based base evasion, up to 353) let's say we'll have roughly 800% on average. Soooooo what's 10k base increased by 800%? 90000 evasion. AND very high (maxed with vaal grace) dodge. NOTHING in that game with an accuracy based roll to hit something will hit you at that point. Just... forget about that being a possibility. (It still is possible, but you shouldn't concern yourself too much with that possibility). Ah, right, the benefits: 200%+ increased damage on our dreamfeathers. 200%+ increased movement speed from Queen of the forest alone (-25%). (these numbers can get much higher. Someone else using QotF, which I happened to find searching for well, QoTF builds, attempted to minmax movement speed, thus obviously movement speed from QoTF, thus evasion. You may already know the build, anyways, here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDibvjQr9_s (Youtube) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1657859 (Forum) Almost overlooked such a nice build! (Though I'd probably never be able to afford the minmaxing myself) -> it helped me a bit making this rather quick theorycraft, so thx Moasie.) We get evasion and elemental damage and more damage and attack damage and attack speed and movement speed and more attack speed and... you get it, right? From frenzy charges. For things you can't evade, out ascendancy class, tree and gear provides dodge. For stuff you can neither evade nor dodge, we have resistances. For physical damage that is not evaded or dodged, may we pray for our poor souls. (That prayer including a curse, namely enfeeble) About vaal pact: Why? We shouldn't be able to be hit by reflect, nor should any mobs ever get too close and/ or hit us. The thing that's most likely to kill us of is corrupting blood + carelessness, chaos DoT, secondary physical/chaos damage, dots in general. Admittedly... we don't take much life regen on the tree or gear (depending on what skilltree I'll find to be best), but hey, life gain on hit? Maybe? And if it doesn't work, let's just copy'n past a normal spec thrower with high attackspeed (so, buzzsaw). Should pass close to at least 1 or 2 nodes, and 3 with a slightly subpar version. Once that Vanguard belt comes out, maybe replace most of the stuff with armor based gear for 40k/40k armor/evasion? (Or something close to those values) - should be pretty interesting. Submitted builds: (none so far) Final words: I'm not dead yet! -jokes aside, if there's anything that seems wrong, or you have a question... just post about it. I'll try to (be of) help. Last edited by EmperorIzaro#2108 on Jul 27, 2016, 9:26:28 AM Last bumped on Jul 21, 2016, 7:02:47 AM
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Hey, I´m planning on trying this build. I have one question, is the Jewel in the ranger section working? I counted 3 notables in its radius. Thanks :D
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" Noticed that I was using the wrong tree for some reason. Thx, fixed. Concerning alternate versions using 3 jewels: drop avatar of the hunt (and the 4% lifenode of thick skin) and grab all of the projectile damage nodes from the ranger for maximum doubledip. Concerning alternates using only 2 jewels: well, now we have pleeeeenty of options. But honestly... with all of the crit (max) doubledipdot (bleed, poison), and gear being OP, I don't think there is a need for using only 2 jewels. The damage boost from additional monster mods may be random, but it can be bigger than any number of nodes on the tree could ever hope to give you. I saw my damage get multiplied by 5 while running merc dried lake once. In any case, if you feel your base damage to be lacking, you know what to respec now. (But honestly... just run a nemesis map. There is no going back once you get a taste of it XD ...and having that third jewel boost your chance to steal a desired mod by about 11%, which may not seem like much, but this snowballs.) Last edited by EmperorIzaro#2108 on Jul 5, 2016, 2:37:02 PM
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Updated skilltree to be more generic, now full support for voltaxic.
PS: might upload a (few) vidoe(s) tomorrow. |
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DO you mind opening your character panel for us to see? that would be of great help. I am also interested if you are able to DO uber atziri, t14 maps, and the reach. Id really love to know! ty in advance
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Before anything else:
If you're looking for an actual headhunter, sadly this is the wrong build... ranged attack skills just don't snowball as well as flickerstrike/leapslam/etc. forgot to consider that while making the build. A shame, though if you ever want to feel like a true headhunter despite being a fake with inneficient setup: Just take mountain ledge, roll nemesis, and then grab the twins prophecy. Concerning your initial question on what this build can and can't do: The build is just your everyday assreach with minor detours here and there for an additional jewel socket. What an assreacher can do, this build should be able to do as well. Here's a link to the first popular guide I was able to find (amigo's): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1674319 This build is pretty much the same (open spoiler below for differences) as that build. Not much more to add to that. (There are only so many efficient ways to path the skilltree, and link up skills, and gear to use to make the most out of those skills...) The major differences are:
- Amigo has 117% additional inc DoT.
- Amigo has 70% additional inc poison. - Amigo has 25% inc skill effect duration. - Amigo has 62% reduced projectile damage, which doubledips into what the stats above would affect so... some kind of balance. - Amigo has 13% reduced attack speed. (Clearspeed & stacking poison... somewhat counteracts having less base skill duration) - amigo has 1 additional frenzy charge, 1 less power charge and 1 less endurance charge. Do the math on the impact of that one frenzy charge yourself, if you really want to know how much it affects the overall performance. If you feel the impact is too heavy... we can get it in exchange for 2 points. (More on how to get a few additional points further below). And the biggest downside of this build compared to it: - Amigo has 20 additional% inc maximum life. We CAN get (almost) that much by using a slightly different pathing and only taking 2 (inspired learning viable) jewels sockets (in total we'd still have 3, like amigo). OR we could spend some money on Atziri's Acuity, allowing us to not need to path to Vaal Pact => more points to spend for lifenodes. Or, as mentioned above, a frenzy charge (and only 4% life instead of 12%). The options here are: WITH Vaal pact AND dropping 5 nodes and thus 1 endurance charge and 1 inspired learning, we get 16%. WITHOUT Vaal pact AND dropping those 5 nodes in addition to those for Vaal Pact, we can reach 20% AND the additional frenzy charge. WITHOUT Vaal pact, we can get 8/12% (depending on bandit rewards) increased life OR 4% and 1 frenzy charge. Overall, for the highest survivability, I'd recommend investing into Acuity, not taking Vaal Pact and the five nodes taken for the endurance charge + additional notable for the third inspired learning, thus achieving 20% inc maximum life and an additional frenzy charge. This build would also offer the performance most similar to Amigos. Now, Concerning Uber and t14: I'm a poor casual. Mostly my fault for constantly wasting currency, but that's how it is. Killed regular atziri just fine... but that's nothing impressive. Merc lab: done. Uber lab: nope. - but: I should be able to run it if I invest more into this build, without problems. On another note: I'm currently using Voltaxic instead of Reach, because it makes reflect less of a pain to deal with. And... open character panel? (sry for being ignorant about what you mean) Last edited by EmperorIzaro#2108 on Jul 21, 2016, 7:45:43 AM
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