[2.3] Voxcy: Reach of the Ballista (200k,UberLab,Atziri)
![]() ____________________________________________________________________________________ The Ballista: Unlike most totems, ballista's damage comes from your bows stats. Everything that affects your player for bow stats, apply to your totems. Pro's: -100% Pierce -7 Arrows -Great Damage -Fast Clear Speed -Knockback -Defensive or Offensive play style -Decent Life -3 Totems -Most all map mod's *** 60% regen, Ele/Phy Reflect -Uber Lab Viable -Atziri Viable Con's: -Not a 1 button smash build -No regen maps or blood magic maps -Dodge/Evasion build -Needs help with getting INT -Bit expensive ____________________________________________________________________________________ Required Unique Items: Reach of the Council is what makes this build. Extra projectiles, no need for GMP support. Which frees up a gem slot.. and GMP's reduced damage. Gives us our extra totem. As well is cheap to buy and corrupt for +1 arrow. Extra curse and Extra Damage. Curse hex proof mobs ! Perk Unique Items: Great damage multiplier. Corrupt for Temp Chains or Vulnerability. Extra aura perks. Saves on mana. Cant be frozen. Or *** Or use a well rolled evasion helm if you want more defensive. Doedre's Scorn Covers the missing INT needed. 20% more elemental dmg, Max roll 20% increase damage per curse. 2curses 40% increased Damage. ____________________________________________________________________________________ Gem Setup: 6L: Siege Ballista, Added Fire, Slower Projectiles, Physical Projectile Attack Damage, Faster Attacks Increased Critical Strikes. 6L: Frenzy, Power Charge on Critical, Increased Critical Strikes, Curse on Hit, Projectile Weakness, Chain (or tempchain/vulnerability if not on gloves) 4L: Hatred, Grace, Clarity, Enlighten 4L: Cast When Damage Taken, Vaal Haste, Increased Duration, Immortal Call 4L: Ice Golem, Blink Arrow, Herald of Ash, Faster Projectile ____________________________________________________________________________________ Bandits/Passive Tree Norm-Oak Cruel-Kraityn Merci-Kraityn https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAABAABeAMEFtQagCC4IiQ2NEMwRLxUgFr8Zjhm0GjgdwiF2I_Yk_SaVJy8qEy2DMHwx-jIJNZI2PTnUPC1KfUrITZJRR1VLVvpY5VnzWitbr11oYeJirGSEZU1mnmxGbIxuqnBScg9ybHKpdct1_Xb3eyB7bnvDfXV_K4Lkg1-DzIRThG-GzocHh3aJ04qvjDaNfY2_kBGQVZUFlyGa8ZuNnaqgn6Pypq-n1KyqtMW1SLXytz674702vqe-vMEzwXzC7MSixPbGrsqp037UI9RC2L3dDd7c45_nVOpi62Ptg-4O73rv_fiT-b38xf4K_of-uv7I_94= The passive tree is very custom. You can change out damage for more life. Be more Offensive or Defensive as you wish. Ascendancy 8 Points: Ranger Dead Eye- Extra arrow, Extra Damage at ranged, Bleeding Path of Ranger- This saves us points from having to cross over. Chieftain- Ignite, Extra Damage, Regen ____________________________________________________________________________________ Stats: Currently 4.6k Hp, 68k Totems, Max Resistance Charged Up w/Hatred: No Taste of Hate/ Silver Flask *** Gems are not all 20/20 yet. Will update as they level.
![]() Defensive w/Grace,Jade
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____________________________________________________________________________________ Leveling: Very Simple Split Arrow -> Tornado Shot/Siege Ballista **Depending on which way in the tree you want to go** Bows to level with in order. SilverBranch Stormcloud Roth's Reach Death's Harp Death's Opus Reach of the Council ____________________________________________________________________________________ Ending Notes: I am very much enjoying this build in solo and party. I feel very tanky with this build, not dying very much and clearing T15 maps with ease. I'm constantly updating stats and gear. My gems are not yet 20/20. If anyone wish's to suggest anything, just post here. I will try to get some video's in when I can. Also like to thank VodkaWater for the time helping me come up with the passive tree. Last edited by Dazerk#6649 on Jul 6, 2016, 11:05:51 PM Last bumped on Sep 3, 2016, 4:02:44 PM
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Nice build! What jewels do you have?
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Hey, how come you do not use a drillneck? Is a thrid totem really nessesary, since the totems fire so many projectile?
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" Anything that has Totem, Life, Bow, Attack Speed, Physical, Crit, Multi... or Resistance if needed. Its great because a lot of the random cheap 4 moded jewels have these mix of stats. Most people would find to be junk. " With Skirmish each totem now is doing 65k buffed. That is about 195K + total damage 3 totems. With Drillneck (mine as well has +1 arrow corrupted) each totem was doing 80k buffed. That is 160k + total damage with 2 totems. Ideal drillneck would hit harder. But for the attack speed of ballista, its just better to chain place 3 totems and move on. Keep in mind as well I didnt grab any totem life nodes. So their semi squishy if the mob doesnt die.. such as bosses. So if you only have 2 totems on drill and one dies, your wasting time placing another and waiting for it to shoot. 1 totem 80k Drillneck or 2 totem 130k Skirmish. |
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Videos please
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im very confused (new to game (only 70 hrs)). How can you have grace and hatred if they each take 50% mana reserve?
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thanks for the guide, can u post ur skill tree?, the skill tree u posted is only for early levels, =p edit: my bad, i can see it good now p; Last edited by erani#1319 on Aug 1, 2016, 9:42:16 PM
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can more then one arrow of the ballista hit enemies?, so if i put the totem close to a target it will dmg him more?, or only 1 proj can 'attack' one target having a blast with the build so far :p |
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" run one or the other, depending on map mods. As for ballista hitting more the one. You dont want to stack it near the enemy because of the ranger point that increases damage with the further away you are. ******** Will update this build when I get the currency in atlas to do so. |
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