Innsbury Trickster , Chaos Poison EK Insanity , Crazy Good Chaos Conversion... HC
![]() Ghoulish Dreams, too strange to comprehend! This build uses dual Innsbury Swords to convert physical damage to chaos. It hits with huge flat chaos damage, and physical damage which combines to poison the monsters. Chaos damage is killer, this build focuses on it. Ethereal Knives plays like a deadly one shot, great for single target and packs. Watch Bosses wither away fast from poison after a few strong EK blasts! Use evasion, blind, acrobatics, phase acrobatics, vaal grace, to avoid getting hit. Slow them down with wither, maim, and optional temporal chains. Keep fortified and endurance charges, along with Mind over Matter to take the edge off any incoming damage. Good HC build, can do any map, great for un-id'd maps. With a corrupted culling Innsbury most trash mobs are one shot. This build just keeps getting better for me. I look forward to playing it in the new league, its fun, cheap and a boss slayer. Innbury sword in Insane! Yes the sword has a hidden insanity related affix! You will see things happen which will seem very leveling notice when your not close,loosing a level, your char has been slain, and other insane actions which dont really happen, or do they? (they dont so dont worry) Its crazy, and patch 2.3.2 added more insanity and multiple sources of insanity stack. New damage type Insanity? Leveling guide: This might help you to level but you can use your own tricks. Shadow gets EK at the start. Get 2 spell damage wands and go elemental with linked added fire , lightnig or cold. Run clarity to maintain mana. When your finally level 47 you get your swords yes! For a 4 link I like EK, controlled destruction, Void Manipulation, and added Chaos. When you get enough mana and weaver of the arcane ascendendy then you can drop clarity and run blasphemy Warlords Mark and Haste/or Grace, good luck. For physical reflect maps you can sub in Physical to Lightning gem for added chaos. This will convert your damage to 50/50 lightning/chaos , no physical. Bandit Rewards: Oak (life), kill all , Kraytin (Frenzy charge) Ascendency order: 1. Weave the Arcane 2. Swift Killer 3.Patient Reaper 4. Ghost Dance Gem Links: Main Chest links: 4 link: EK, controlled destruction, Void Manipulation, Added Chaos 5 link: EK, controlled destruction, Void Manipulation, Added Chaos, Poison 6 Link: EK, Controlled Destruction, Pierce, Added Chaos, Void Manipulation, and Poison Note: With a Cospri Will armour drop poison for Faster projectiles. 4 link: Lacerate or Whirling Blades , Faster attacks, blind, Fortify Swords: 3 link: Wither , Spell totem, faster casting Aura: Blasphemy optional curses depend on gear (Cospris, Doedres ring) enfeeble, temporal chains, projectile weakness, warlords mark. Jewels [spoiler][/spoiler] Some Offensive stats: Sitting in Hideout with chaos Golem, nothing else. This gets buffed nicely with frenzy charges and flasks. total dps = 28572 casts = 2.8 phys damage = 1994- 2990 chaos damage= 5968- 8959 _______Fat chaos damage! Some defense stats: Evasion 49% Dodge 45% Dodge spells 51% I got this advanced gear in Prophecy league. Took me awile to upgrade but was worth it. A few things to note are, culling Innsbury, level 21 EK, EK damage enchanted helm, temp chains on hit gloves, level 21 projectile weakness, and regen when hit enchantment on boots. [spoiler][/spoiler] I am running only 2 blasphemys Enfeeble and Projectile weakness. Curse on hit Temporal Chains gloves can curse monsters outside the radius of your auras. Witchfire brew flask can overide and cancel out temp chains and provides Vulnerability and extra dot damage...nice! I took Mind over Matter which will help control damage. I have around 800 mana left in my pool, with weave the arcane and patient reaper helping out the mana. Heres the tree: Build Options: There are a few ways to run the character and it depends on Cospris and Doedres rings for curse count. I have run the build with 2,3,or 4 curses, it depends on what you have and your preference. I have found Mind over matter to be effective but then you need to leave alot of mana in your pool. Weave the Arcane has been good for gaining mana, also Patient reaper. Curse on hit gloves (temp or vuln) lets you not use a blasphemy and save mana. More Life Option: You can drop Hexmaster nodes on the tree and take Discipline and training (by Templar) life nodes. I have also built this character as a witch (occulitst!) , this drops doedres for a ring with more life. My occultist has over 6k life. You need to run a lvl 20 clarity though. Reflect free, pure Chaos Dont want any physical damage for reflect maps? Use this belt.You still have your killer chaos damage. [spoiler][/spoiler] Some Item Options: [spoiler][/spoiler] Mings ring wasint too bad for life reduction and gives chaos resist. It can be a substitute for a Doedres ring. Winds of Change can be useful for more damage and projectile speed. Brinerot can add DPS. ****Check it out, Cool Option!!!*** Fun Spell popping that works good with the trickster. This is just for fun but it works pretty good. Try out some different spells. Fireball and ice spear cast together and make a nice firework. [spoiler][/spoiler] Last edited by Rorshax#4200 on Oct 26, 2016, 7:18:08 PM Last bumped on Sep 1, 2017, 1:02:42 AM
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Great Build, I am using it, thanks!
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Going to do this one! In HC though. Is it HC viable you think?
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Ya I think it would be good in HC. Lots of leech with warlords, or you can sub in enfeeble. Chaos damage kicks ass and is great with no reflect. I do un id'd maps without fear. Although watch out for ele weakness maps and vulnerability, keep up your fortify in tricky spots.
So Ive been experimenting with a lvl 3 enlighten gem. With a few changes I can run Grace, one Blasphemy aura (Enfeeble, Warlords,Temp chains or my fav Projectile weakness) and Arctic Armour. I needed more flat mana on my rings. If the map has hexproof you can switch to just using Grace and Haste. heres my newish tree and gear gear spoiler
So ya the builds going great once I level I'm goign to go after Atziri. Last edited by Rorshax#4200 on Jul 3, 2016, 2:05:31 PM
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Great! Thanks for the reply man! Going strong now level 43 atm. Cant wait for level 47! Ill let you know how it goes
What about bandits btw? :) 2nd edit: Do you think i should do an CWDT setup in HC? With IC etc? Last edited by kramurz#7996 on Jul 3, 2016, 9:13:40 AM
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Oh ya bandits are posted now.
Went with Oak(life), Alira (cast speed) and Kraytin (frenzy charge). I guess if you want more phys damage than cast speed you could go with Oak in Cruel (16 phys) reward. I figure more cast speed would be better. Yes a CWDT ...Immortal call is ok if your running warlords mark. I would rather keep the end charges since I am running arctic armour as well,and a chaos golem. Immortal call can be usless most of the time, you only have three charges, so it wont last that long. Try it out though see if it works for you. thanks enjoy Last edited by Rorshax#4200 on Jul 3, 2016, 2:11:20 PM
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Thanks! And what about the ascendanscy points?
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You can see them if you open the skill tree and open shadow ascendency.
I would take weaver of the arcane first, then the Swift killer, then the patient reaper. |
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Like the build idea, going to be trying it out. Maybe get a video up?
Last edited by TheBeardedClam#0579 on Jul 3, 2016, 8:40:28 PM
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