Strantana's CI, +150k to peak +270k CHOAS INCINERATE. Atziri kills with ease, all map mods viable
![]() ![]() This is a build I have come to enjoy very much. There whole reason for making this type of build was to make a character that could work under many different conditions in path of exile, this character can manage all map mods, is atziri viable, relatively cheep, and has good clear speed. For those of you who share the same love for this skill please feel free to comment and make any suggestions you like. I'd be glad to hear your input. SKILL TREE jewels and ascendancy point are shown here I wanted to build this character to be able to handle almost any situation, and map mods. GEAR Gem set ups shown on items
Offensive Average damage 46754.54 at 12.82 casts a second. *******NOTE When considering my DPS output for incinerate take into consideration that the damage stated is at stage one of the skill. This character dishes out huge damage, I have yet to come across any mob that posses a challenge for this character. Currently the dps with GMP is 45040.45, when the lightning golem is active damage reaches 46754.54 dps. With atziri flask popped the damage reaches 53,767. In most cases you won't need much more damage against a majority of boss fights or mob fights. Against the higher tier maps and more heavy hitting bosses, I swap out GMP with SLOWER PROJ. At this point my DPS has reached 70,549.00 with an active lighting golem, with the atziri flask that can reach 81,139.00 dps. As you can imagine most bosses melt away dealing this level of dps. Now we also can do one of 2 things against dangerous foes, pop vaal molten shell linked with leech giving 13,759 damage at 3.5% base leech. 481 leeched damage mitigation on top of your 1.5% leech per second grants you 701 plus 481 leech a second for a total of 1182 es leeched instantly at stage 1 of incinerate. A few perks when killing a cursed foe my damage reaches 48023, thanks to the ascendancy nodes. ![]() When I pop vaal haste (lvl 13) damage reaches 52,845 ![]() Defensive I run AA to mitigate my physical damage. I have little to none so this ability allows for a great chuck to be mitigated Block chance of 15% with flasks it reaches 45% Flasks like rumi's and taste of hate help mitigate a majority of physical damage for more bosses if not all of them. CWDT will cast warlord mark and molten shell both help to give me leeched ES back for mobs. ES is average at 7723 ES with Discipline on. Leech potential of 5.5% instantly at top end damage of 134,417 giving you 7,392 ES Leeched a second. PLUS the 481 from vaal molten shell Now leech is based off of base life not damage so it is capped to be much lower. However the gem hungry abyss:With 5 Corrupted Items Equipped: Life Leech recovers based on your Chaos Damage instead Allows you to leech at 7k + I have not tested this as of yet but will in the future if someone doesn't beat me to the punch first :) whirling blades to proc fortify --- PROS -huge dps -great survivability -almost viable with all map mods, except no life leech map mods. (viable in blood magic map mods) need to swap out 2 jewels with no reduced mana cost with reduced mana cost ones to do blood magic -0 mana issues even with map mods -stun immunity -frozen immunity ***************REFLECT IMMUNE************** this is a big pro, as the number one death in POE is due to reflect -savage hits (taking 25% of ES in one hit) increased damage output and leech output. -1% ES regen -gear is relatively cheap, with the most expensive item being a consuming dark converting 75% of fire damage, and 20 c for infernal mantle. All other items were self found with exception of gloves costing me 9 ex. Noob friendly, you can take big hits, but not against atziri's double flame blast and other charging attacks that should be avoided. --- CONS -Over confidence, due to most bosses and mobs melting quiet easily you get pretty comfortable rushing into anything, play by kiting against hard hitting bosses using FASTER PRO and use SLOW PRO for bosses you've become familiar with in terms of their damage output. -moderate ES 7.7 k es currently - there are improvements that can be made. -reliance on hitting targets to gain ES, there can be situations where you can't take another hit, so backing off and re-positioning may be best in a few situations. -PVP - not very enjoyable as ES foes and max block foes are just annoying to be up against. --- REVIEW I love the skill, I was concerned when they nerfed it and SPell echo no longer effected it that the skill was dead, but after a bit of tinkering I got back in love with it. I hope this guild has given you back your hope for the skill, as I still kick some serious ass with it. Future improvements DPS is at a good point now the only thing required is to enhance the ES sheild to be able to take more large hits as the DPS currently can heal most of the damage taken almost instantly. My rings once I add ES % increases to them can grant me 8500 ES easily, and with a better helm and gloves. The ES can easily reach 9000-9500. Now the real challenge will be to get a +1 to gems corrupted infernal mantle. Once I get that I can only imagine how much more damage I could hit. Another improvement is an empower gem at lvl 4 for dps. Jewel improvement---ideally ES%, reduced mana cost, and then damage, or cast speed, if having issues with maxing res, go with res stats. any addition nodes will be allocated to es and one more for damage in the shadow slot called fangs of the viper. Any thoughts or questions please feel free to ask me. Last edited by tafonso#3145 on May 28, 2016, 10:22:02 AM Last bumped on Jun 10, 2016, 11:35:01 AM
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Any plans for 2.3 and the chaos conversion nerf?
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Another nerf to my incinerate build.
off all the skills that get nerfed I'd have to say incinerate always gets shit on the most. We'll have to see how things go. The changes to some ascendancy nodes I'll have to re-evaluate. For the most part I would likely just drop consuming dark. My anticipations will be that I can manage to keep damage the same. Now reflect maps would be an issue. Possibly Last edited by tafonso#3145 on May 26, 2016, 9:35:09 PM
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new tree to impliment copy past into new offline tree. Last edited by tafonso#3145 on May 28, 2016, 11:20:33 AM
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Thanks for sharing your build. Perhaps I'll give an ES or CI version a try in 2.3 I've been playing a life version thus far with 4 curses together with blasphemy + Ligtning Coil + AA + Acrobatics + evasion for defences. The curses I use are: Warlord's mark / Temporal chains / Assassin's mark and Enfeeble. Essential for my DPS is elemental overload. This is activated by using Assassin's Mark + Blasphemy. This gives me a big boost in DPS. If you want to improve DPS I would advise getting that keystone. My tooltip DPS when Elemental Overload is active (that is almost always) is 40k dps with GMP and 48k dps with LMP using 2 legacy Consuming Dark (similar to your DPS). Even with the coming update I'll still be able to convert 90% of fire damage to chaos damage. I have a Projectile speed modifier of 130%, so with 5 beams I can cover the whole screen. Passive tree: |
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" Thanks for the tree link and tips, It doesn't make sense that you need the huge projectile speed, the point to your build is to be close enough to be able to have those curses applied. Just a few questions on how your build addresses some issues. How are you taking the big hits from bosses? How much hp do you have? Are the defenses holding up or do you have to kite against heavy hitting bosses? How do you deal with stun and freeze? How are you dealing with mana? Can you do no mana or reduced mana regen maps? Also any curse immune maps means your dps is significantly capped including defenses. Being heavily dependent on curses posses those problems. When I decided to build this character I took into consideration many different situations. I wanted to take out many problems I could come across with the different map mods or monsters I would face. Currently this character can run every map mod besides no leech mods. (blood magic is possible to run even with my build as ci) From testing the survivability. I was able to run into the trio and face tank them due to the fact that I leech instantly any damage they inflict. As an added precaution I use vaal molten shell linked with leech to further reduce the chances of dying if I got hit multiple times in close succession. I did this test several times without dying once. I hope you test it for yourself as I wish I could produce a video to verify my tests. Last edited by tafonso#3145 on May 29, 2016, 9:21:21 PM
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The high projectile speed is for clear speed + it's safer to kill things from a distance. I don't need to worry about reflect anyway. Big hits get reduced by AA + enfeeble + lightning coil + Fortify + 3 endurance charges (from Warlord's Mark). That is most of the time enough to stay alive. Tier 15 maps (except the core map) are no problem. My HP is 4400 + around 300 ES. But that's fine with the defences I have. For heavy hitting bosses I kite around, using Whirling Blades. I don't have a problem with Freeze (except with strongboxes that freeze). For bosses that can do strong elemental damage I can switch weapons (I switch 2 consuming dark for 1 consuming dark + a legacy Saffell's Frame). To avoid stun: I have 55% 'chance to avoid interruptions from stuns while casting' from the tree + I have 'Heart of Oak from the tree', this gives me stun avoidance. I might get stunned once in a while, but it's never a problem. I have a small mana pool 1098 and little mana regeneration. But I do have 2 Elreon rings + a lot of 'reduced mana cost of skills' from the tree + from jewels. This brings the cost of incinerate down to 5 mana. The rest of my mana needs I leech from monsters by using Warlord's Mark. I can do no mana regen. maps when I use an Elreon's Amulet, but then I will loose 1 curse of course. Blood magic I can do, but then I'll have to drop 3 curses (only Warlord's Mark remains). The Trio I cannot facetank with my build, I have to kite around a bit. The fight doesn't last long though, as my damage is quite sufficient. Now that I'm using 2 consuming dark daggers, I switched Temporal Chains for Projectile Weakness (Temp. chains is not required for mitigating big hits). This feels like a lot of extra damage when playing, though you can't see it in the tooltip. Also Projectile weakness gives knockback chance, so it's defensive as well. Conclusion I guess, no matter if you go CI or life based: Incinerate is still a lot of fun to play! Last edited by fgdfshhs#4807 on May 30, 2016, 4:40:24 PM
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" Thanks for going into detail. I'm glad see that incinerate is easily a viable choice for most of the game content. Last edited by tafonso#3145 on May 31, 2016, 2:09:43 PM
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