[2.2] 5.5+ life ||Ele Spectral throw|| Uber viable
Everything is awesome! Last edited by DevILL#7102 on May 12, 2016, 4:31:08 AM Last bumped on Oct 25, 2016, 12:44:15 PM
Private video
Snowy ash drizzles from the sky.
hey i'm doing something similar in prophecy league, but i'm going with assassin class and my skill tree will only have like 4 jewels :S
I have a question about the build: How important is lightning coil? wouldnt a rare 1k eva 100hp, trires chest , or maybe belly of beast/ daresso's defiance better for it? considering u don't really need to tank damage since u rarely get hit anyway? |
thank you for a great build :D
i will play pathfinder http://poeplanner.com/AAMAAVRBQU1DQXlNQWZKdU5DQzd0Z3htT0FGN1RmbjExX3JxdjY4U2lvU0lCMGFKQTlQanZldTRPVnZyZFJtT25FWUZicncyTmgzYmpuMHA5VGlwTV95UFRieWVhYWtNeGpYN3FZblhMdDdhLXAyVk52VFpIZnRyQmRPMEZMWHJ2TGxQVGIzOHIxb293ZkkxOUlfWk5rbEZINTFRa19mX2VqYl9VSXpCeDNhaExlRHBDdE1WaXJHeU1KcFZoNGxWTGpEYUowM0JTS2d2YjUyd0k4WXBIQnZ6RjJIYTVQcXhtTE9GOTR6ZlU3VDlkOGc1SUVaYVRsYTB6R2RlUUczQldtaFBiMUk5Z0JiWEM3Ti1ZWWxwRURjanc4TlZKVVFjZWxTNFd2NTdFcHI2ZHFqWTk2Mk1STHlzS0F4NGZRUlIxcE1KX2dQOFFucmZ4YlRkTXg1M3BtQmVXABBBQUFDQUFmUUFRSDBBUUFBAAA= could you tell me how about my skill tree ? Last edited by karnpapa#7244 on Oct 25, 2016, 12:44:39 PM