The Suicide Bomber (Cast-on-Death Discharge) v2.2
![]() "One shot, one life When it's one need in the night One shot, we get to share it Leaves you dead if you don't care for it" -- One Shot, U2
Notes and Version control
This build:
- is heavily based on an 1.3 build from Arikado45, which was for 1.3 Shadows and is sadly no longer maintained. - relies on leveling trees from Icemasta (thanks!) - can be equipped extremely cheaply - 10 chaos or so plus some fuses/jews/chroms to color and 4L - will be 99% effective if you add a 5L Infernal mantle (2ex or so), all other gear is just icing on the cake - will not work outside maps, unless you are in a party as teleports to non-map areas disappear on logging out - has very significant IIR/IIQ - has oneshot all bosses now except - Shrine-Piety and Palace-Dominus, which need two shots - Core which requires a lot of shots due to sub-bsses and multi-staged Malachai - will give a different meaning to the word "oneshot" when used in a HC league :) Versions - v1.0: first build - v1.1: MF has been added and spells have been diversified. - v1.2: spells have been put back to all Firestorms. Optional Endurance charge belt added. - v1.3: tree has been updated to v2.1 - v2.0: added double Blasphemy cursing, moved entire build to MF as the damage is plentiful. - v2.1: upgraded to v2.1 and added Assassin option - v2.2: added leveling trees and moved to Shadow forum In 2.0 a number of new bosses were introduced, most of which are hard and dangerous. 2.0 also reduced high map drops, forcing you to roll ever more dangerous maps, making the bosses even more dangerous. Yet these bosses drop loot and the very occasional +2 map, so you do want them dead without risking that 10% xp. This build solves this issue for solo-players, by using a 2nd tag-team character especially designed to oneshot everything: 1) the main character clears the map up to the boss and logs out 2) the suicide bomber logs in, goes to the hideout, teleports in, oneshots the boss and logs out 3) the main character logs in, goes to the hideout, teleports in, grabs the loot and continues Once respecced, you will no longer gain xp, nor will your gems level.
How to Oneshot
The oneshot mechanism is quite simple: - cast Flammability and Elemental Weakness in your hideout (using Blasphemy) - teleport to target - drink 4 Doedre's Elixir for 12 charges and the Divination Distillate - run up to the target, stick to it like a cheap suit and wait until something kills you - a Discharge linked to Cast on Death goes off with 12 charges for about 2 million damage - followed by a bunch of Firestorms linked to Fire Penetration and Cast On Death to mop up any survivors - if you are killed before you are near enough or the target survives, a Portal is cast so you are nearer for attempt #2
3 to 5 million Discharge Damage? Really?
<to be updated when Perandus finishes and I can combine my Assassin in Perandus with my gear in Standard>> I estimate the basic Discharge damage at about 2 million: - about 9000 flat damage (15 charges at roughly 600 flat damage per charge) - about 500% increased damage from passives, jewels and gear (about 45K) - multiplied by a 500 or so crit multiplier (225K) - multiplied by 8 (the MORE multipliers from RF (60%), Pain Attunement (30%), Concentrated Effect (60%) and Cast-on-Death (300%)) for a total of about 2 million for the Discharge alone. With a Q20 Blasphemy, your curses are 70% effective against bosses (20% increased from tree, 10% increased from Blasphemy, 60% reduced because of bosses) which means about 40% reduction in resistance of the boss. Depending on the resistance this is another 40% to 150% MORE damage making the effective damage 3 to 5 million. When this crits, *everything* that can be oneshot is oneshot. When it doesn't crit, some survive, but usually the critting firestorms take them down as well.
The tree below is more or less the final tree, depending on when you respec. This tree uses Ascendancy abilities Deadly Infusion and Ambush, so you have a base crit of 9% for Discharge) and double crit chance on enemies on full life (which for the Discharge is everyone). This means that you only need 428% increased crit chance from gear, charges and tree (9% x (100+428))=47.5%, which will be doubled to 95%. You get 45% already from Assassin Nodes and 200% from 4 power charges leaving us with just 183% from regular tree and gear. As you still want a lot of crit multi from the tree, the 183% crit chance comes free from the tree. This means that your gear needs no crit%
The easiest way is just to use a free respec on an existing Assassin. In temp leagues, or if you do not have an Assassin, use: @ 20 Skill points: @ 40 skill points: @ 60 Skill points: @ 80 skill points: @ Level 70 (93 skill points, with a bonus endurance charge from kaom) This is exactly 24 skill points used to get life, which matches the 24 refund points we get from leveling. You get 109% maximum life, 105% maximum ES, enough to get to about 3.5k hp on gear. Refund the extremities first, such as Blood Siphon, Heart and Soul, Melding first, then finish the Curse side as per build, then refund the little by-pass we did, then 1 point filler and refund the Written in Blood wheel, and that should give you enough the build once you're level 81. From 70 to 81 for the build, you can either follow the build so you don't have to spend regrets, or do this. Meaning you get to about 133% maximum life, but gotta use 10 regret orbs, which isn't too bad. I leveled up with a Tabula rasa, firestorm, fire trap, fire totem, etc...
Kill All/Kill All/Oak (for an Endurance Charge, so you won't need Kaom's Sign)
5L Infernal Mantle with: 1) a high level Cast on Death (preferably Q20, as this increases the AOE by a giant 60%) 2) Discharge 3) Elemental Focus 4) Increased AOE 5) Concentrated Effect (if you need more dps), IIQ if you have it, IIR otherwise if you have a 6L, use IIQ or IIR as a 6th link. I use CoD, Discharge, EF, IncAOE, IIR, IIQ. Elemental Focus works because if you crit, everything dies anyway, so burning, freezing, shocking is not applicable. 4L Broken Crown the ideal ultra-cheap helmet for this build, with Firestorm x3, Fire Penetration. 4L Sadima's Touch, with Cast on Death, Firestorm, Culling Strike and Portal (so your main toon does not have to walk far, or, if the target still lives, you start out try #2 right on top of him). 4L Wondertrap if you are dead, you are on low life for a sweet +100 rarity. Use Cast on Death, Firestorm x2, Fire Penetration. Either: 1H Thrusting Swords with a 50% crit multi implicit, and a high crit multi% mod. Since the only other usable mod is crit chance, you might as well add that. It is not very hard to get 160% multi out of a pair of these. Or Daggers/Wands with crit multi, spell damage, fire damage, flat fire damage to spells and crit%. Need to experiment further. An amulet with as much crit multi and spell damage as you can find. IIR and crit% are a bonus. Doedre's Elixirs (x4) for charges. Divination Distillate for more IIQ/IIR. Rings with spell damage, fire damage. Crit% and IIR are a bonus Perandus' Blazon for IIQ (and STR). Jewels crit multi (plain, spells, elemental skills or fire), fire damage, area damage, damage, spell damage. IIR is a bonus. Ideally with the Increased Damage While Dead corruption but these are far and few between. If you have a lot of money and are in Standard, use legacy IIQ gear. IIQ rules.
Map Mods
The build runs all map mods, but: - Blood Magic means a different sequence of flasks (Doedre, Doedre, heal a bit with Distillate, Doedre, Doedre to prevent blowing up early) - Reduced Damage from Critical, Immune to Curses and Fire Resistance will lower the damage (obviously) - Temporal Chains can be frustrating since you are so slow already. - Vulnerability+Desecrated ground is to be avoided, as it will kill you in seconds.
The interaction between Discharge/Firestorm and Blasphemy+Flammability+Elemental Weakness was unclear (do your aura affect mobs when you die?). GGG answered "Discharge will benefit, as it calculates it's damage immediately, as you die. This would not be true for, say, a projectile skill, which is fired when you die, but won't calculated damage until it hits something, some time after you died (and thus lost the aura). So it depends on the skill, but for this example, yes." So Discharge benefits, but Firestorm does not. Thinking whether Firestorm can be replaced (the nice thing is that it hits where your cursor is, while spells like Ice Nova hit where you are). Research on a good Firestorm replacement is ongoing, suggestions are welcome..... Comments/ideas on tree, gear and concept are more than welcome. I know that this tactic can be considered despicable softcore scum-cheating and am not interested in a discussion on that. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Oct 19, 2016, 10:58:51 AM Last bumped on Mar 2, 2017, 10:39:21 PM
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hmmm... is it Hardcore viable? (0_0) **JOHN CENA** ba binup berrrr, bi binup berrr....
actually, in a softcore environment, i think this would be a hilarious build to set up with a friend just run bosses of the atziri caliber really, come in for the Asura Strike finish (ragnarok pun) |
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" In the past, this would have worked perfectly with Dominus runs. Now that everyone can waltz over Dominus and Voll, it is map bosses only. And yes, it is hilarious. Dear Maligaro,
I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai |
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Culling strike is interresting too, on a firestorm link?
a movement skill to stick to the target could be great too. Atziri's disfavour 6L could be nice? for the +2 level support gem, of cast on death + empower/ or iiq/iir I will never be good but always I try to improve.
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Nice this got updated.
Ever since v1.0 i had a witch version of your build for trolling players in the sarn arena:) With ascendancy i slapped together a templar version of it. Inquisitor works really well. With crit capped discharge Inquisitor's inevitable judgement (ignore enemy elemental resistances on crit) works nice versus those players with overcapped resistances. |
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Any further info on leveling? What are good skill setups and levelling uniques to get to Dried lake merc? Any info appreciated (not experienced with caster builds here)
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" Good idea! I have added a Culling Strike setup to the build. " But which one? - Whirling Blades, Flame Dash, Leap Slam and Lightning Warp damage the target (which affects the Assassins +100% crit chance when target is on full life) - Phase Run eats charges: it is possible to trigger Phase Run, and then your Doedre Elixirs, but that is a lot to do in 1.8 seconds while running - Blink Arrow requires a bow (and the character you leave behind starts damaging things) " The Disfavour would be nice (though expensive) and (I think) marginal: - +5 to your Cast on Death (from a lvl 4 Empower) helps in damage, though only the toughest of tough bosses on tough mod maps survive a crit Discharge at the moment - but I wouldn't know what gem to take out....Elemental Focus would reduce your dps more then the +5 Empower would gain. Removing IncAOE reduces your AOE a lot, and I certainly dont want to lose the MF gems. " Unfortunately this build gets *destroyed* by the ever-present sparkers out there :( " If you link me a tree, I will add it to the main article. " Fire Trap, Firestorm and Flame Totem (use all three). Add a Tabula Rasa, 2xLifesprig, Seven League Boots (or anything else with movement speed, such as Wanderlust). Use a 6L firestorm to kill stuff, if it doesnt die immediately or comes in large groups, chuck down a 3L FireTrap and a 3L FlameTotem (in the Lifesprigs). Don't stop running until you hit Merc Lake. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on May 13, 2016, 5:25:58 AM
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" You can look up the char in my character list. Name is MyKingdomForSomePants_. I'm gonna upgrade the gems to lvl 19/20 in between leagues (lv 19/20 firestorm gems were really cheap in perandus). The main difference to the shadow/witch version is the use of curses. As inevitable judgement ignores enemies resists, penetration gems and elemental weakness curse have no effect. I'll either use no curse or switch to assassin's mark (should be good for an extra 20% more damage). |
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Very small update:
I am currently looking at RealmEnder: the Fated upgrade to Realmshaper. Because a: - +4 (yes four!) to Discharge. A quick calculation shows about 35% MORE damage compared to the +1 of Fire Mantle. - +14% MORE fire damage on your cold damage (from the Cold to Fire), which is about 5% MORE damage overall - +30-50% increased Elemental Damage - and moving half of your Cold Damage to Fire Damage (which is affected by Flammability) will be giving an even bigger bang for your buck. You lose out on the crit multi and spell damage from two daggers/wands/sceptres, but the total +40% MORE is a lot more than that. And you gain more MF, as the new Armour of choice will then be Greed's Embrace. Probably this means that I will need to start experimenting with Flame Dash (just do not Dash too close to the boss, as damaging the boss will cause your crit% to be not doubled) as -20% movement speed makes us too slow otherwise. Dear Maligaro, I left my head in San Francisco, I lost my legs in Peru My liver and kidney are on holiday in Sydney And I am sending my Heart to you --- Love, Malachai Last edited by Flapdrol#5373 on Jun 13, 2016, 6:33:13 AM
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Hello everyone.
Something must be wrong here, i have a level 13 quantity support gem, which needs 90 strength, but i only have 14 with my shadow, how on earth do i get from 14-90 with the gear needed here, lol? |