[2.2] One-click screen clear: Emberwake/Taming KB Wander Elementalist.

14/05/2016 Update: I 6L'd my Lioneye's so added in the 7th link to the build. See post below for gear update. You can go look at the character on my profile for tree. Slower Proj does give the most damage but I feel like it slows the character down too much. After talking to a friend I also respecced a bunch of points into aura reservation and effect so I could drop HoT for Wrath. I lost some crit (doesn't matter) and the CWDT Ball Lightning setup but overall dps went up. Also freed up a slot to slap reduced mana onto Frost Wall, and a spot for Vaal Clarity (currently Blood Rage but that's arse)

This build focuses on the absurdly OP Ascendancy that is Shaper of Desolation (Conflux).

Conflux is 100% chance to ignite while active, so Emberwake is the logical complementary item (in my mind). With the base of the build chosen, I needed a skill that would apply a huge number of hits in as short of a time as possible, hence Kinetic Blast was chosen. Lastly, the Taming ring kicks this build over the top.

The result is a build that costs about 4-10ex to setup (90% of which goes into The Taming), and clears most packs up to red maps in one click. This is by far the most fun and powerful build I've ever played.

BUIDE GUIDE AND GAMEPLAY VIDEO HERE (including a bonus gorge run just because I can)


When Ascendancies were released I wanted to try out a Ele Hit Elementalist Wander. Mainly because Ele Hit is garbage and the original reveal for Elementalist was... less than positive. After starting out, I and many others have seen that Ele Hit is still inferior to every other wand skill but Conflux is retarded.

Character is OliviaOlivander

Passive Tree at Level 91

The Important Stuff
This build is actually very forgiving and surprisingly flexible as far as skills and passives go. It get's carried quite hard by the Ascendancy. My current setup as follows:

5L: KB > WED > GMP > Hypo > LGOH
  • I used a Tabula until the mid-80s when I got lucky and 6L'd the Carcass Jack. The build is very flexible in terms of chest, but I would reccomend using Tabula and upgrading to either a 5L'd Lioneye's Vision or a 6L rare/unique. I am currently using a Lioneye's because I wanted the Carcass for something else.
  • If you didn't have a Lioneye's Vision you would have to use Pierce in a 6L or get rid of LGOH
  • I use Hypo because Conflux means perma-chill which results in another More damage modifier, as does the new Pierce.
  • If I managed to 6L my Lioneye's I would probably use Slower Proj for yet another More modifier and an effective 7L
  • LGOH feels better than leech but this is optional
  • I'm using Eldritch Battery with ES-on-hit jewels to compensate for reserving 100% of mana

Alternative Build

While levelling and using a Tabula, I wasn't specced for Pierce and didn't have Eldritch Battery. Instead I was using:
KB > WED > GMP > CHAIN > LGOH > Blood Magic
KB has a very high mana cost, and elreon jewellery isnt really an option.

I changed to Eldritch Battery because my skill setup wasn't the most efficient and I needed the points I put into mana reservation for Pierce
I changed to Pierce because it's vastly more effective for single-target.

Despite having about 1/2 the tooltip dps, it clears packs better by nature of chained proejctiles having auto-targetting

Passive tree before I changed over looked something like this

Emberwake + Taming is the core of the build. If you're not familiar with the synergies just read the tooltips. Emberwake is dirt cheap and as noted above, The Taming is most of the cost for the build. The Taming is a league-specific unique, so outside of Standard or Perandus, the only way to farm for it is via the stupidly rare divination card "Hunter's Reward" which only drops in Grotto, or by getting lucky handing in "Hope" cards. I got mine for 3ex but I see they've gone up since then.

Wand is the next most important thing since this is an attack-based build. The best part about this is that you're only really looking for raw elemental damage. Don't care about attack speed, crit or crit multi. As long as you do one big attack and crit once every 8 seconds, the wand will work. I got this for about 10c since ele non-crit wands are cheap

Jewels and Other Skills
I focus on %Life and +ES on Hit for my jewels, and use Mantra of Flames. Because the build benefits from flat damage to a ridiculous degree, standing next to an aura-bot can nearly double my dps.

I use Anger, HoI and HoT for substantial extra DPS

My other skill setups are filled in by:
  • Power Charge Generation (HoI and HoT linked to Curse on Hit AssMark)
  • Single-Target assistance (Spell Echo Frost Wall)
  • Movement (Lightning Warp)
  • "Free" ignite stacker (CWDT Ball Lightning GMP Knockback)
  • Anti-Porcupine (CWDT IC)
  • Vaal Haste (because 30% MS on boots it still too slow)
  • Extra screen clear (Vaal Power Siphon). I don't use this anymore but by god it's pretty

The Less Important Stuff

The rest of my gear is cheap rares from poe.trade of self-found (was pretty happy when I had that belt drop)

Flasks are pretty standard
Last edited by PhoenixNZ#2912 on May 14, 2016, 7:41:58 AM
Last bumped on Oct 2, 2016, 9:30:07 PM
14/05/2016 Update: I 6L'd my Lioneye's so added in the 7th link to the build. You can go look at the character on my profile for tree.

Slower Proj does give the most damage but I feel like it slows the character down too much.

A fully levelled Added Cold gave comparable dps (before I droppped it back for 20%q) and filled in the last link after I spent a bunch of chromes colouring it

After talking to a friend I also respecced a bunch of points into aura reservation and effect so I could drop HoT for Wrath. I lost some crit (doesn't matter) and the CWDT Ball Lightning setup but overall dps went up. Also freed up a slot to slap reduced mana onto Frost Wall, and a spot for Vaal Clarity (currently Blood Rage but that's arse)

Update 16/5/16: Deathless Death&Taxes. Got a bit hairy in a few spots. The Ice Nova hurts
Last edited by PhoenixNZ#2912 on May 16, 2016, 7:38:12 AM
Build definitely looks like it's got a lot of oomph! How is survivability for you? Seems like the life is a little low.
Pracis wrote:
Build definitely looks like it's got a lot of oomph! How is survivability for you? Seems like the life is a little low.

Oh I'm full glass cannon haha. 4.5k life, no EV/AR/ES or Fortify as defence either. My /deaths is distressing.
Because there's so much DPS in the build I'm sure a HC player could take it and spec into a lot more life nodes

I made it from 86 to 91 primarily by offscreening everything. I could happily carry groups through high level maps by making sure someone else did the boss, and standing next to the aurabots for all the extra damage from Mantra of Flames.

Also: Stibnite flasks are the tits

Video is currently being uploaded
Really want to try this in PHC as CI.
PhoenixNZ wrote:
Pracis wrote:
Build definitely looks like it's got a lot of oomph! How is survivability for you? Seems like the life is a little low.

Oh I'm full glass cannon haha. 4.5k life, no EV/AR/ES or Fortify as defence either. My /deaths is distressing.
Because there's so much DPS in the build I'm sure a HC player could take it and spec into a lot more life nodes

I made it from 86 to 91 primarily by offscreening everything. I could happily carry groups through high level maps by making sure someone else did the boss, and standing next to the aurabots for all the extra damage from Mantra of Flames.

Also: Stibnite flasks are the tits

Video is currently being uploaded

I can't wait to see the madness! :)
Is Low life possible? with Shav's
JobiEl_Pfiff wrote:
Is Low life possible? with Shav's

I think low life could work. Extra dps from wrath would be very good, and the build is close to a large number of ES nodes. Mana management would be quite difficult so I imagine you would need to pick up reservation nodes over by the templar. If you took Assasin's mark off the Heralds might be able to use Blasphemied Poachers or Jewels for Mana on Hit, since both ring slots are taken (Rings being where you'd normally pick up mana on hit).

Depending on if you can pick up enough ES on other gear, Prisim Guardian would be a good option for getting your auras onto Life. Helm options would be either Heretic's Veil, the Vertex or maybe Crown of Eyes (and switch to a phys wand).

You'd also need to pick up Ghost Reaver and Vaal Pact and swap out LGOH for Leech
Pracis wrote:

I can't wait to see the madness! :)

Video is still being uploaded lol. I had to split it across multiple nights because it's so huge.
Video up

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