[2.2]The Sparkster - Lowlife Spark Trickster - 75/69+ Block 9k+ES
In the past i focused a lot on builds with high bosskill potential and loved to do t15 maps uber etc. but over the time i realized how fruitless all that effort is, t14-15 maps being hard and expensive to sustain and having bad layouts, uber farming being barely profitable this league so i started crafting a build focused on speedfarming t11-13 maps because i can actually sustain those tiers and they're pretty fun to do and have plenty of maps with generally good layouts Sparks biggest counter in general is maps with bad layouts and it takes me double the time to run t14-t15 due to that than only a tier or two lower for example so instead of Inquistor which would be a no brainer if you based your build around doing t14s-15s i chose to go with Trickster Reasons why i picked Trickster: - Ton of attack and cast speed which reduces animation lock and improves whirling blades speed for ultimate zoom zooms - 250 Base ES which gives me 1000+ total ES with my tree making the build extremely tanky - Trickster is a cool name I went with block/spell block + high ES pool so i can play as fast and recklessly as i can, not having to worry about whirling into packs, spell block also mitigates reflect issues on the occasion that my Vinktars is down which only really happens in curse immune maps where i'm stripped of Poachers mark In regular maps poachers mark + flask nodes will recharge your Vinktars on every decently sized pack and you get 7 second duration on it
Items i deem necessary to have this build feel good
- At least a 5L shavs - Vinktars - Either a +1 curse lazhwar or doedres damning - rumis concoction Skyforth is not neccesary, it's just a huge QOL which will open up gear slots and passive points Q: I can't afford skyforth, what do i do? You run Assasins mark instead of projectile weakness on your curse on hit setup Q: But how do i solve stun problem? Option 1: - Use rathpith to solve the spell block, i don't recommend rainbowstride because i would still run reckless defence because it gives you 4% block which you need to get block capped without spending even more nodes on block, but if you want to i cant stop you - Use eye of chayula Option 2: - Craft stun avoidance on your helm - Get stun avoidance as your boot enchant - take stun avoidance nodes a high %stun avoidance would make you as good as stun immune as any life based build out there since you'd have very low chance to be stunned, you'd still have to deal with block animations and it might not feel as smooth, but i already ran a build to 95 using this method and stuns weren't a huge issue Option 3: - Use Lioneyes paws, this will also solve your attribute requirement issues and using whirling blades negates the loss of movespeed Whichever budget option you do to replace skyforth will cost you some nodes and gear slots so don't expect to hit my ES or damage, it will still however be more than enough to clear even t12 maps just a bit slower But that's expected of a budget option
Shipyard - ele weakness - monster life, boss life Village Ruin - Vulnerability, 60% less recovery, extra crit, monster damage Random Gorge if you're into that inb4 omg 2 min gorge so slow no cheats aka no attack speed dagger, no full yolo dps tree, no dps gear, no Haste, just my regular mapping setup i take into other maps if you want to turn this build into gorge speed farming be my guest, i'm sure with all the twinks you can get under 1:30 easily, Trickster is very suited for speedfarming type builds i'm just not into that stuff personally but still wanted to show that even with a defensive setup the build can go very fast Shrine this is to showcase why i didn't base the build around running t14s and why i dont really intend to run them at all, layouts in all of t14-15 maps are pretty Spark unfriendly with tons of small rooms, walls, doors, nooks and crannys which not only significantly reduce your clear speed, they also make it hard to sustain your flasks comfortably but i still like to include bad maps in my guides just so players would have full perspective on the build this map can also show you that not having Vinktars up all the time isn't so detrimental as it would appear on first sight but you can enchant leech on your boots if you still feel unsafe
Ascendancy nodes
- Shade form, no debate, if you're playing ES trickster and you're not taking this node you're doing it wrong - Walk the Aether - pretty much permanent 20% AS/CS since you always have it up due to whirling blades, it also makes no regen maps so much smoother since you can whirl without worries
You can level this build extremely fast, although you will need a different setup for HC leveling, i don't have enough experience with HC leveling to recommend good setups so i won't even try to mislead you, i'm sorry but you'll just have to find your own way How i leveled: - Dual axiom perpetuum - Flesh and Spirit - Using chill of corruption as soon as i got herald of ice - Put spark - vaal spark - faster proj- pierce - spell echo - inc critical strikes in your tabula Other good leveling gear options: - Goldrim - Seven league step or Wanderlust for boots - Le heup of all - random rare life + res belts you find on your way - Karui ward for amulet - it will help with some attribute requirement issues you might have and boost your proj speed/movespeed I wouldn't switch to full lowlifing before lvl 65-67 Use Orb of storms + pcoc to get power charges before you get skyforths if you plan on using them otheriwse just use assassins mark with herald of ice + coh Passive tree around lvl 20 passive tree around lvl 40 Passive tree around lvl 60 Passive tree when you equip shavs and switch to lowlife
Endgame passive tree options for around lvl 95-97 and bandit choices
My planned passive tree which would give you 10k+ES with good gear Yolo dps i just wanna go fast tree if you want to get spell block capped you can take those spell block nodes in witch tree but even with "only" 69% block i feel very good and it does its job of preventing me from deaths to reflect if i have vinktars down you will probably need couple of more mana reserved nodes with skyforth, i'm not sure use poe.mikelat calculator to find what you exactly need for your setup For bandits i took all 3 skill points, i have 75% crit which makes me crit capped with diamond flask so i didn't deem power charge neccessary and i don't feel like i need faster trash clear so i didn't wanna take frenzy there's plenty of options how to go with bandits: Normal: skill point or %all resistances if you have bad gear Cruel: skill point or cast speed for more dps or attack speed for more zoom zoom Merciless: Skill point or power charge or frenzy charge
My gem setup
Spark - Spell echo - Faster projectiles - Increased Critical strikes - Pierce - Lightning penetration in order of priority Herald of ice - Curse on hit - Projectile weakness/Assasins mark if no skyforths - Poachers mark Purity of Lightning - Wrath - Enlighten - Lightning golem when it comes out tommorrow xD Vaal Haste - Vaal Discipline - Increased duration - Tempest shield Herald of thunder/Arctic armor - Discipline - Blood magic Whirling blades - Faster attacks - Fortify other options include: use enduring cry although strength requirements will be pain in the ass take couple of more mana reserved nodes and a 21 blood magic to use purity of ice instead of arctic armor/herald of thunder but imo if you wanna go with a defensive buff i'd just use arctic armor i didn't find it that necessary so i stuck with herald of thunder Lightning golem is gonna be huge for the build and i can't wait for it to come out with the next patch My gear: you'd prob want belt with %reduced flask charges used over duration but i need that strength and fire res so i'm keeping mine until i find a suitable replacement i use dream fragments to open up a flask suffix so i can get imunity to curses, i don't like being cursed you will need some dex but not much on gear and jewels to get 155 dex for some of your gems more yolo option is to get an immune to silence energy from within and use freeze imune flask instead and drop dream fragments for some other rings caster rings are pretty meh and dream fragments helps with mana regen if your vinktars is down a lot so i think it's a pretty good choice If you have to use chayula use doedres damning use resist jewels and take all resists for bandit reward in normal if you feel you can't cap your resists however i'm ele weakness overcapped for red maps on everything but lightning even without the skillpoint and i have a jewel with double lightning res roll i use in red maps to fix that dps options for gloves are standard Facebreakers/Maligaros/Shadows and dust or even Winds of change for more proj speed but i'd rather have more ES since i feel damage is very good you can get leech on your boots if you feel vinktars is not reliable enough for you, i still havent died or even came close to dying since i started mapping so i'm very satisfied with my current setup
- i highly recommend Energy from within - Reckless defense is also reccomended to get high block and spell block Rare jewels can have a variety of rolls that are good: - %maximum ES - Crit multi for spells - Crit multi for lightning skills/global crit multi - Lightning damage - Spell damage while holding a shield - Spell damage - Projectile damage - Cast speed when holding a shield - cast speed with lightning skills you will need some dex on gear and jewels if you dont want to take the 30 dex node for max lvl vaal haste, proj weakness and poachers so dexterity or all atributes is also not a complete waste if you need that IGN JustifiedF Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Apr 14, 2016, 8:03:38 AM Last bumped on Jun 1, 2016, 6:33:54 AM
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Thank you very much for your build !
my setup now: have 8.2 es 213 mf and still easy do 12-13 tier maps if have enfeeble mod on map i change ventors gamble to dream fragments + take curse flask tree: https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAYCAAMeBUIHHgkgDXwOSA5cD8QQWBEPES8RUBGWFecZihqPGyUdTx2DH0EgbiSdKgsqOCsKLJwtHy2oMFs1uTt8PeJBlkJLRA1FfEV-RnFI7klRSbFLrkyDTLNQMF3yX2pfsGJaavptGW-ecFJw1HOzdIF2EXcHe9d-r3_GgwmExYXFhxOJ04w2jRmP-pMnlSCVLpWHlwaXl5u1nKShL6Kjo6OnK6yXrrOxkLQMuMq5k76AvorB88MJwzrEosjwykrK09Af0NDQ9dN-18_ZW9lf217djN-Y377gEukC6rrr9e9674jv6_Br8NXyHfba-Tf5pPsJ?accountName=SoOptimistic&characterName=sonofmoon took dmg points to clear faster p.s. temporal chains kills this build i think ) what do you think about this setup ? |
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that's some sick ass gear mate, and i think that the fact you're steamrolling red maps with mf gear is a testimony how strong it is
honestly i had 0 issues with temp chains, i was able to chain Vaal Haste and completely negate it for the most part i was also extremely pleased with the build's damage that i ended up dropping some damage nodes for attack speed and shifted focus on jewels with double attack speed rolls If the mf works for you i'd keep it, once i got an attack speed dagger and more AS nodes i was able to clear t12-13 in around 2 minutes give or take depending on layout, so combining mf with clear speed is great p.s. warding flask doesn't work on Map mod "players are cursed with x" you can only remove curses that monsters actually cast on you i was running with an immune to silence jewel for low maps but i ended up using dream fragments + warding flask cause i wanted to reduce chances of death, elemental resist curses aren't that big of an issue because you can overcap but temp chains can be annoying and vulnerability can be quite dangerous only change i'd do in your setup would be getting a high rolled "reduced flask charges used" belt, it helps immensely on curse immunes map because you lose poachers IGN JustifiedF Last edited by Justifi3d#3841 on Apr 19, 2016, 5:56:26 PM
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hi i got only 5% block why?
sry forget to use flask :) Last edited by aekreda#1662 on Apr 22, 2016, 8:56:27 AM
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Hello, Justifi3d!
Thank you for your build! We are pleased to play them all the previous league! Following the publication of today's patchnout - Spark nerfed ... - do you think there will be any changes in the build of 2.3? Or maybe build dead? |
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sadly with the nerf to projectile travel time build is dead
range and interaction of projectiles with Pierce was what made this build amazing it will be ok if you really like Spark but it won't be as half as good as it used to be and it sure as hell won't be good enough to justify spending money to reach that "OP" tier with Skyforth and 6L shavs i guess you could say the build is doable but the price is no longer Justified :D IGN JustifiedF
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Yes - I loved the spark in this build - it was amazing! Sorry rasstavtsya with this build ... :(
In any case - thanks for the pleasure of your build of the game! I hope you will do something just as wonderful in 2.3 !!! With the high speed cleaning Tier 12-13 cards! |
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