[2.2] Fistan's Tanky Mjölner/Aegis Discharge (30k+ Arm 75/71 Block 12K Disc) Atziri/Budget build

Idea came to me when i wanted to make a build that can live through any sort of physical damage and still do decent damage while being cheap. So i decided to combine aegis for the survivability it offers and discharge mjölner for damage because it's just amazing dps for just under an exalt these days.

This build is what i consider an end-game viable budget build, entire build just requires you to have about 7-9 exalts including enlighten3 gem. Lets start with what we need, and i'll write down how much each piece cost me


bought for 45 chaos
bought for 50 chaos
4L costs about 4-5 ex
bought for 15 chaos
can be bought for 5 chaos
regulars costs about 1-2 chaos
bought for 3c
bought for 1c
bought for 10c and 15c respectively (we need 25+ to have 75% block with flasks)
costs about 1c
bought for 3c (i know its cheap)
since we only have 2 rare slots, it gets tricky for resists. Good thing that what we need is cheap rolls, double resist + all attributes. It may be tricky to get however, not many of those are around.

Do not be alarmed we dont need this sort of gloves, but it represents what perfect gloves look like. I got this few years ago and been using them because of op stats despite the horrible colors. But it adds dexterity which we need for Grace, and attack speed for more damage, and resists. Only dexterity and resists are required however. Shouldnt be too hard to get 150ES + 40dex + Res. If you cant get it use the second +30 dex node in tree.

Alternatively we can use Repentance for our gloves and drop stone of lazhwar for stat+res amulet. Which allows us to use lightning penetration gem to do 40%-100% more damage. But without the amulet we cant face-tank the likes of Dominus or Megaera.

As you can see entire build costs half of a Voll's Devotion. Thats what i call budget.

Gems and Jewels


We put main attack gems to vertex because it reduces the mana cost by half. I use Molten instead of Lightning strike because this build already does good aoe damage, but MS is 100 times better against single target. If you dont mind switching gems however you may want to use Lightning strike + Fortify instead of Molten strike + GMP against trash mobs.


I recently tried Shield Charge instead of Leap Slam and i fell in love with it. It has far greater range, faster to travel with and it stuns the enemies you hit. But you need to be precise in targeting to get fortify buff.


Arc is the best support gem discharge can have, it adds at least 1 extra power charge each trigger, and adds almost a quarter of damage of disc, and on top it shocks. And iron will gives us about %50 more damage. Use lightning penetration if you opt to go Repentance instead of Stone of Lazhwar.


This is where the aura gems go and the reason why we dont need a 5 or a 6 link although i do recommend at least a 5th socket. We use grace which turns to armor through IR, and determination which multiplies our armor. Since we have %44 aura effectiveness just with these 2 auras we gain 25k armor.


I did recently bought +1 rainbowstride to include arctic armor to the build. This is not core however so we only need regular rainbowstrides with Wrath + blood magic. +1 stride cost me 1 ex and another to craft it to 4L and right colors. With level20 blood magic & enlighten3 we can reserve both Wrath and Arctic armor from life. Ofc another way to do it is to put these to Vertex to benefit from +1, but then again 4 offcolor is unrealistic to get in Rainbowstride. It is possible however if we forgo the use of Stone of Lazhwar, we can use Repentance gloves and put Molten strike 4L to here. Havent tested however for mana sustainability.


Lvl1 cwdt is all that is needed here, warlord's life leech stays the same through all levels, and we only need tempest shield for %3 extra block. Alternatively if you want use a l20 tempest shield + life leech and cast it manually. I prefer cwdt though.

These are the core gems, however there are a few that i highly recommend for use. It all depends what colors you get in boots and gloves.

This trio of gems synergizes extremely well with our build. We are 75% block all the time with rumi's and these actually trigger discharge quite often and they make us afk immune in more map tiers (prob up to 10).

for dps boost in bosses

And rallying cry gem. I personally prefer Reckoning&vengeance but choise is yours. This just adds another active gem we have to use before engaging and those extra discharges from trigger gems might mean the same dps gain in the end.

For jewels we use Energy From within for Melding cluster between Witch and Shadow. And Inertia to convert dexterity nodes near Vaal Pact to strength. For the scion Jewel node, some resist+spell damage jewel.


LIFE:388 unreserved
MANA: 44 unreserved

Discharge with 6 power charges: 11870 damage
Arc : 2750 damage (not dps)
Attacks per second : 4.15
30243 (unbuffed) %79
46651 (with rumi) %86

84/79/84 (with saffell's + purity of fire/lightning)


Normal = Kill All
Cruel = Kill All
Merciless = Alira (+1 power charge)

Passive Skill Tree

Level 82


Level 90


Level 100


This tree is what makes the build work, berserker is extremely good for this build because it allows us to drop life leech gem for mjölner and still leech reliably. But more importantly we get Path of the marauder because it saves us so many points that previously impossible build is now possible. We only gain about 1400 armor from gear yet because we stack grace and determination with iron reflexes, we end up with 29k+ unbuffed and 45K armor with rumi. Which means 600-900 ES per block from regular aegis! For 75% it means monsters need to do above 675 damage per hit to break even, which is hard with that much armor. Put leech on top and you got yourself one tanky scion.

I will say this much however, this build requires a LOT of levels, to perform at peak you need at least lvl82(by now we need a stats so cant use lazhwar yet) and by lvl90 it just gets ripe. Also we are a bit tight in terms of stat management so Atziri's foible is highly recommended until we get the stats.

Now to general performance. I can do pretty much any map mod except blood magic and no leech. Elemental reflect is easy enough if we replace iron will with life leech gem, however i dont recommend facetanking hard-hitting bosses with this mod. I'm rather starved in terms of good maps, despite my best efforts (ie%100 quantity runs) game refuses to drop anything above t11. So i cant give you detailed information there. However anything t11 or below is just a breeze, almost nothing can touch me, and i can even face-tank crematorium boss without the need of vaal discipline (which i forget to use all the time anyway) with stone of lazhwar equipped. I did try face-tanking Voll's in 6 man group with 2 damage mods on him + i think we had -max res , and as assumed he hits like freight train, but was unable to kill me in one hit while dropping level100s in my group like flies. I'm sure i can tank him reliably solo, without damage mods.

We do have however 2 weaknesses. Dot damage or extreme single target damage(not dps, damage). Dot is bad because it completely ignores block, and since we dont have very high ES pool, we can still get one-shotted by very high amounts of one-hit damage. For spells it means doom because we normally dont use saffel's + purities, and physical it's bad because even 45k armor means little against something that hits for 10k+.


Atziri is done, deathless. To be honest i am rather disappointed how easy it was. Vaal and trio is a joke, atziri herself presents a bit of challenge however. For her we need to equip ruby and topaz flasks, and switch our shield to saffel's frame/Rise of the phoenix. Also we drop Grace and determination and use Purity of Fire and Purity of lightning and facetank everything during mirror phase.

T13 Wasteland

Did wasteland today with fairly high quantity, damage, endurance, power charge etc. Trash is easy as ever, volls himself was the most annoying boss i've ever faced however. Apparently we need to kite him so he doesnt stay inside desecrated ground and heal himself. However his animations take so long, by the time you get him out of those, he heals up. Outside of the effect i can deal a quite good damage against him. We dont have enough dps to outlast him through that healing however, it'd take 10 minutes which is not viable to me. I guess this fight doesnt favor melee. On the tankiness side however i tanked every single blow he could throw at me, his charge takes around half hp, even his big aoe attack i managed to survive (though tanking that point blank takes almost all my ES but we get up to full until he recovers.) Still wouldnt try to facetank those with crit mod on him. Overall, i guess it is possible to kill him as i did manage to get him to %75, but again, a few seconds inside that desecrated ground is enough to heal him up to full. And im not that patient.

I will try to update this build's capabilities in the future, my intention is to level up to 100 with this or at least 95. Although i'm prone to making new builds and not playing those i deem complete, i will most likely achieve my objective because this character is just too much fun.
Last edited by Fistaniderya#2671 on Apr 23, 2016, 8:28:49 AM
Last bumped on Apr 23, 2016, 7:12:13 AM
updated on atziri kill
updated on wasteland
I'm thinking about trying this build out, how's it going? Are you still playing it?
Standard: @MeowViking
Perandus: @VikingVortex
yep, but not as often as i used to. I'm making 2 other builds and leveling up is a slow process for me. Currently im trying to get my high level map pool with another character, once i have 20+ t12+ i'll start doing them and write down all my experiences with them. If you have any questions about the build btw just ask.
would you use volls if you had one?
You will never be happy if
you continue to search for
what happiness consists of.
You will never live if you are
looking for the meaning of life.
I have recently used a respect you try this build. For my gear i have all thew same unique items and my ring is better. i dont have as good of gloves though but their decent. This is where things begin to get off a bit. as it stands right now as a lvl 84. and using your lvl 82 skill tree i have:

HP 1882
ES 3550 (Buffed)
Armor 17.9k (2x Buffed)
block 47%

how is it that i have literally half the stats you do when my gear is almost identical? Hell, i even have a 6L shav's.

secondly, How do you manage to run all those aura's i can only seem to get 3 of the 5 to function at an given time and that with 2 lvl 3 enlightens?

any help would be greatly appreciated. as it stand right now boss like the izaro literally 1 shot me.

you should have at least 5K ES with the lvl82 build i linked if u have discipline. I tried to see what it'd be without mygloves so i just removed them entirely even without it i have 5.1k ES. In order to run Grace, determination + discipline on mana, you need to get ALL the mana reservation nodes in my build, this means ones near iron reflexes, ones near vaal pact, ones near conduit and the ones near CI. With all that we gain -24 mana reservation + enlighten 3 on shavs will let you run grace/determination/discipline auras on mana. Then only wrath+bloodmagic is left on life. Arctic armor is a luxury btw you can only run it if you have +1 rainbowstrides, an extra enlighten3 and l20 bloodmagic.

Your armor should be at least 26k with grace+determination. Block rate is right, you'll be 75 block constantly with +3 from tempest+cwdt and 25block rumi.

From what i understand i think you forget to get one of the aura nodes, only explaination to those stats.
Last edited by Fistaniderya#2671 on Apr 18, 2016, 5:14:44 PM
feuerbach wrote:
would you use volls if you had one?

If i had voll's then i'd do a different build. Voll's endurance charge generation is extremely good for survival when you couple them with cwdt+immortal call. Also makes you nigh-immortal with Kingsguard with almost no investment from tree. Or just do a fakener with voll armor. This is just cheaper option, entire build is almost half the value of a volls.
Last edited by Fistaniderya#2671 on Apr 23, 2016, 7:12:55 AM

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