[2.3] CoC Cyclone Discharge Trickster! HC/Level 100 Viable!
2.3 Update This guide is in the process of being updated. Not much is changing with 2.3, except that you can do lab easier now! Further, we get 2 extra points for Ascendancy but it doesn't do much for us!
First thing I want to get out of the way is that I am not claiming this build as my own. I know many, many people are doing this build such as PressStartToPaws, Dish, Odang, etc. This is a very popular build and I did not see any guides for it so I figured I would share it with you all! Please note that multiple characters have hit level 100 with this build and I do link to them below so you can see how they make variations of this build. Video Guide Here I will be posting some videos on my youtube channel HERE Video showing a twinned abyss map and a speed gorge clear HERE! Let's get into the mechanics of this build first. The main function of this build is to use Cyclone to proc cast on crit to discharge. You will also have blade vortex attached to Cast on Crit so you can get power charges even faster with Voll's Protector. You can also take out BV if you have high APS/decent gear and put in increased aoe for clear speed or conc effect for bosses. If you have a Voll's Devotion, you will get an endurance charge every time a power charge is consumed. This increases your dps by quite a bit. This is a build that can do a ton of damage and scales EXTREMELY well with gear. Please note that a Voll's Devotion is not mandatory but a huge help. We also use elemental equilibrium so that mobs we hit have -50% Lightning and Fore resistances and +25% cold resistance. This is obtained by having cold damage on either your weapon or jewelery while having NO fire damage or lightning damage on any gear. Your cyclone should simply say that it deals a small amount of physical damage and cold damage. Swift Killer DOES NOT mess up our EE rotation. For Defenses we have an extremely large ES pool along with CI, Vaal Pact and Ghost Reaver. You can pretty much out leech any mob in the game within reason. You still have to play well to an extent. You don't want to tank a smash from double damage modded conservatory Vaal. If you take enough aura nodes you can Blasphemy a 4th aura, Enfeeble. Some people do this and it is viable. We use no mana with this build. The Trickster Ascendancy allows us to use movement based skills at no mana cost. As such we reserve all of our mana with auras and everything else we use are movement skills. Cyclone, Whirling Blades and Flame Dash are all movement skills, so enjoy never worrying about mana! Links to High Level Perandus players of this build
Talent Tree
Please note that on the left side you will use intuitive leap and take the endurance charge, power charge and faith and steel in all of these builds. The tree does not load properly.
Level 99 IAS tree, must use Diamond flask Level 100 Crit Tree Please note that you can spec out of Nightstalker and True Strike if you like to use Diamond Flasks. this let's you get more IAS nodes, Crit Multi nodes, ES nodes, +max res nodes, aura nodes. Lots of variations here. For instance, see Dish's profile, he takes a ton of IAS instead of crit because Diamond Flask OP. Ascendancy Class/Point Choice
Trickster Trickster is the only option. It gives us the ability to not have to worry about mana, ever. It gives us 20% IAS if we have used a movement skill recently. Walk The Aether, Ghost Dance, Shadow Form and Swift Killer. These are you only real choices. Swift Killer would be your 7th and 8th points. It is not necessary and is more a QoL deal. Gear on Perandus (top tier)
Gear on Prophecy (in progress)
Discussing Gear Options
Weapon You want a high APS Vagan dagger with a crit implicit. Vagan dagger is extremely important as it means we cannot miss. This is VERY important. You will also want to make sure it has no damage on it besides either cold damage or physical damage. Note you need one piece of gar with cold damage on it. After that get spell damage and another crit roll! Chest Voll's Protector is the only option. This is a build enabling item and it cannot be done without it. 6L is ideal with 2G3B1R. If you get a 5L, drop Inc Aoe in your chest and put BV in a CWDT setup. If your choice is between a 6L and a Voll's Devotion, go for the Devotion and drop increased AoE. Increased AoE/Conc effect/BV are 6th link options. Amulet BiS far and away is Voll's Devotion. This allows us to get endurance charges nonstop and significantly increase our DPS. If you cannot get a Voll's Devotion, for an amulet with crit, %ES, resistances, etc. Gloves I am using Voidbringers gloves. They give a lot of crit and a lot of ES. You can use Maligaro's but I don't recommend it. Rare gloves work as well and may help make gearing with resistances easier. If you have enough ES already, are playing on SC or just want to max DPS you can also try Maligaros or Facebreakers! Both have crit multi which is OP, facebreakers having much more of it (90%, the ones I linked are old and can be divined to 90% as of 2.2). You do drop ES for it though so make the decision knowing the tradeoffs! FACEBREAKERS ARE FAR AND AWAY THE HIGHEST DPS GLOVES. Just clearing it up! Boots I am using Steppan Eard. It gives you a lot of ES, movement speed and some buffs on status ailment ground effects. It is a cheap option. You can also use Rainbowstrides. They are nice and more defensive. You can also use rare boots! Helm For the helm you should look into getting a rare Helm with ES, Int, and Resistances. Shield Go for a shield with High ES, crit, spell damage or resistances. Mine is a high ES/resistance shield. Rings You will want to have 2 diamond rings with +Max ES, resistances and an open slot for an elreon %ES roll. If you do not have a cold damage roll on your weapon, get it on a ring. Belt Any belt here will do. You can get a Heavy belt for the STR requirements. You can go Chain belt for the ES, studded belt for the stun, etc. Get +max ES, strength if needed, resistances and flask rolls. I am using headhunter, but that is only because I have one. Flasks You will want a combination of flasks. I use Basalt, Topaz, Ruby, Quicksilver, Diamond. You can swap out the Diamond for something else like a Granite. You will want a roll with curse immunity, shock removal, freeze removal, MS on the quicksilver and bleed on the diamond. Roll Surgeons on all flasks if you can, except Diamond. I go for reduced charge use there. Gem Choices
Cyclone Cyclone + Cast on Crit + Discharge + Increased Critical Strikes + Life Leech + Increased Aoe/Conc Effect Blade Vortex can be used if you need charge generation. Whirling Blades Whirling Blades + Fortify + Faster Attacks Auras/Curse Purity of Lightning + Purity of Fire + Discipline + Enlighten We got purities due to reflect. We can pump out a ton of elemental damage so the extra max resistances really helps out. The other option is to take a Blasphemied Enfeeble if you take enough Aura nodes. It is useful but not needed. Blasphemy Warlord's Mark is a great option if you do not have a Voll's Devotion. Vaal Skills Vaal Discipline + Vaal Haste + Faster Casting + Increased Duration CWDT #1 CWDT + Immortal Call + Inc. Duration CWDT #2 CWDT + Enfeeble + Blade Vortex (not necessary) + Flame Dash (over-leveled, self cast) Jewels
1) Attack Speed (by itself, with daggers, one handed melee weaps, holding a shield, attack and cast speed) 2) critical strike multiplier (global, global with spells, global with elemental skills, global with lightning skills) 3) %increased maximum energy shield 4) spell damage/lightning damage 5) resistances if needed 6) crit chance but we really should not need this Bandits
Normal = Talent Point Cruel = Talent point or MAYBE IAS Merciless = Endurance Charge if you have or plan on getting a Voll's Devotion, otherwise take a Power Charge Videos I hope you guys enjoy the build. Again, I am not claiming this as my own, but posting it here so people can see a build that a lot of good players are playing! For my current builds, thoughts and videos. youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC Last edited by Grocery#5050 on Aug 1, 2016, 6:00:13 PM Last bumped on Feb 6, 2017, 4:13:01 AM
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Seems allright, but i yet cant understand why people would choose Trickster over Occulist for this build. Elreon rings doesnt hurt this build at all.
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" I'd guess it's mostly the fact of how expensive it would be to get legit rolled elreon rings. That would be my guess. They both are pretty good, but Trickster is easy to gear for. Though, if you can afford the high end portions of this build, it should not be an issue. Have you tried Occultist? It looks pretty damn good. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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" Yeah my thought exactly, but at this point in league its not difficult at all to get your hands on good elreon rings for a fair price. Early league, trickster seems to be the better choice for gearing as you did mention. I'm about to test it, a few more days and I got all i need for it. Looks promising :) Last edited by Jonta#2372 on Mar 31, 2016, 1:04:00 AM
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i played with people doing this build and it is crazy good
IGN: Leupacob, Cobberts
check out my shop--> http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/162312/page/1 |
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" Let me know how it goes! It looks pretty damn interesting. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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" Yeah, you can carry 5 person parties with a good CoC Discharge build. It is pretty nuts. For my current builds, thoughts and videos.
youtube.com/andypistone www.twitch.tv/GrocerySC |
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What's the best way to level before starting this build? What level should i transition? New player so won't have that much currency either.
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How would a lvl 85 version of this build look like? is this even possbile to play before lvl 100?
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" It works from Lvl 70 on, you should reach around 7K ES than with the gear above, prolly abit more. > Skip jewelnodes below "Infused" in shadow area > Skip jewelslot in Scion area near "True Strike" > Skip the 3 ES nodes in Scion start > Skip flasknodes in witch area If I may say something, as I play this build too: Voidbringers are a bad choice. The ES is nice, but the rest is crap. My critchance is at like 93% for discharge without them. I highly prefer either rare gloves with Attackspeed or Facebreaker - 90% critmulti is just insane!! Moreover: I would never skip "Annihilation" in witch area. Insane critmulti for discharge, and it further more enable you to skip the bad choise voidbringer. Unskill those 3 6% ES nodes in Scionarea for it imo. Also: I would NEVER skip crit strikes for a 5l. I would definetly skip Bladevortex. Crit strikes is the only support for your discharge and makes it huge. I tried both, and know what I am talking about This should be an input, not a blame. I am not a skilled hardcore player so our opinions might differ |
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