2.2 Assassin CoCSlam *SUPREME Offense and Defense

This is my version of the CoCslam build that has been going around. Its incredibly strong and easy, so i see why its so popular. Well i wanted to take it to a new level of damage and defensive capabilities with the addition of an amazing flask orientated belt and flasks.

This build can either be extremely tanky or extreme damaging, or a mix between both. I will post both variations within two posts.
With a few choice skill effects, this build is also the most GORE you'll see in this game, period.


The gear is what makes this build unique to other CoCSlam builds. I use the Death's Hand sceptre for its high base crit chance and for Unholy Might, 30% of physical damage gained as extra chaos damage.
This ensures that our choice spells are gaining an extreme amount of chaos damage every single time you strike and crit with ground slam. its duration is negated by two factors. 1) you're critting all the time anyway. 2) its active as soon as you crit with ground slam, which then procs your spells, which will ALWAYS have Unholy Might active on their casts.

Required gear is essentially Death's Hand, 5L Carcass, and Rat's Nest.
I'd also consider a belt like mine to be pretty mandatory since we utilize the power of flasks in this build which takes the builds great offense/defense and makes it extreme.

Since we use physical spells, we can benefit most from Hatred aura and Taste of Hate flask.

Flasks are important. My DPS more than QUADRUPLES from base, to having charges and flasks up. My DPS more than DOUBLES with just activating flasks. Its even more effective than that, because it doesn't take into consideration my additional attack speed and thus proc speed.

This also boosts my defense an intense amount. Keep in mind we have the Witch nodes Alchemist which gives us flask effect, so each flask is 30% more powerful than shown, meaning we have a 39% physical to cold conversion with taste of hate, and other effects.

Passive Tree

The biggest fault of using Death's Hand is that accuracy is a thing. So yes you need to pick up some accuracy. Basing a lot of power from flasks (both defensively and offensively) it is worth it to pick up the scion life wheel...or square...and grab Arcane Chemistry. Coupled with a similar belt to mine allows three uses from all flasks.

Make sure to pick up some attack speed via Berserking, and otherwise the focus is on life. With the Quick Recovery hp/mana regen nodes, this allows us to not need to use elreon jewelry, but have high enough mana regen to use whirling blades and ground slam non stop with basically no issues.

My jewels are focused on attack speed because if i focus damage too much im vulnerable to even single reflect mobs. You already can't do reflect maps, so don't worry about that.
The other preferred jewel is a legacy chill of corruption which gives us 80% chance to gain an additional vaal soul when you shatter an enemy. with hatred and taste of hate you will shatter everything. this allows me to keep vaal skills up as often as needed.


Standard CoCSlam setup but run all spells that can capitalize on auras/buffs based off physical damage. So EK, Bladefall and Glacial Cascade are BiS. Bladefall and GC also hit targets more than once as well, and GC is great for single target.

I dont need arc or anything else because i use VoV which gives me shock. Curse on hit with HoI...your choice what to use. You dont NEED assassin's mark since its damage nerf. you're able to maintain full charges without it because of Death's Hand.
I chose Poacher's Mark and Warlord's Mark purely for the Frenzy/Endurance and flask charges. No other effect really matters because things die so fast you don't actually get to hit anything that has already been cursed.

I use Vaal Grace and Vaal Discipline for the additional cast when needed defensive layers. This boosts my defense an enormous amount which i'll get into later. Feel free to replace vaal grace with vaal haste if you want additional attack/movement speed for more procs and faster whirling blades movement.

BiS is Lightning Golem. We do need accuracy but we don't need crit, and ice golem doesn't boost my personal accuracy another % at all so i might as well use lightning for more attack speec.

Your standard cast when damage taken/immortal call for when you take bursts of damage and can put those endurance charges to use since they're up 100% of the time anyway.


Offense is hard to calculate, but here goes...
All numbers will be with full charges and full flasks active, as well as the Unholy Might buff.

Ground Slam
Not really important at all, since it isn't the basis of our damage, but out attack speed and such is relevant.
DPS: 18,538.21
AtkSpd: 5.47
Acc: 91%
Crit %: 95
Crit Dmg: 343

Ethereal Knives
DPS: 31,507
Crit %: 95
Crit Dmg: 403

DPS: 27,904.34
Crit %: 93.76
Crit Dmg: 403

Glacial Cascade
DPS: 14,560.96
Crit %: 93.76
Crit Dmg: 403

These are damage per use numbers so we can figure out what our "dps" is by doing a little math.
So our attack speed is 5.5 we'll say, but that is with multistrike, and with multistrike when one crits all three will crit. Our crit is capped at 95 and our accuracy is 91% which i'll try to factor in later.
so in 8 seconds we'll attack 44 times. we'll hit 40 of those 44, and we'll crit for 38 of those 40. so in 38 critical strikes we'll get 26 procs of our spells. now since the damage per use already factors in our crit and crit damage, i just need to multiply the damage per use x how many procs we get. if i assume bladefall and glacial cascade hit the target twice, this equates to a total damage output of 3,768,906 over 8 seconds including ground slam damage.

this should mean our DPS is approximately 470,000 on a SINGLE TARGET.
**NOTE that ground slam is an area of effect, and will crit and proc against multiple targets at once. This of course will make Cast on Critical Strike cooldown of 0.05 seconds come into effect, which i won't know how to calculate for, but essentially our damage is straight up insane, as is any CoC build.


I did have this build spec'd for pure damage at one point, but i noticed i kept on dying to stupid crap including single reflect mobs, so i decided to make this build a lot more defensive so i can get upwards of the 95 level range without taking 4 years. This is the result.

With all charges, flasks and vaal skills proc'd (typical situation going into any boss fight) my numbers are as such.

HP: 4,395
ES: 2,040

Armour: 4862
Estimated Physical Damage Reduction: 44%
Evasion Rating: 3154
Estimated Chance to Evade Attacks: 25%
Chance to Dodge Attacks: 34%
Chance to Dodge Spells: 34%
Fire Res: 75% (91%)
Cold Res: 82% (117%)
Lightning Res: 82% (116%)
Chaos Res: -15% (-15%)
Chance to Block Attacks: 67%
Chance to Block Spells: 69%
Chill Avoidance: 39%
Freeze Avoidance: 39%

So essentially i have upwards of 6,435 life pool, 83.665% chance to avoid physical damage, with a 44% physical damage reduction and a 39% physical damage taken as cold damage, AND fortify via whirling blades. A 79.54% chance to avoid spell damage with 82% cold and lightning resistance. And a 39% instant life leech amount applied to my lightning damage. Currently i only have the spell damage variation but i will be trading that for a physical to lightning conversion, which will both up my damage as well as give me significantly more leech.

Right now this is the variation that i play on a daily basis. Again there is a much more offensive version which does utilize a pyre ring and legacy consuming dark to convert much damage to chaos and utilize poison with the build. It is completely overkill with its damage and you won't even notice the poison damage do anything on 99.98% of the game such you instantly pop any and every boss in the game regardless.

So yeah, this is my version and i couldn't be happier.
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on May 3, 2016, 12:26:44 PM
Last bumped on May 3, 2016, 12:27:49 PM
Last edited by xMustard#3403 on May 3, 2016, 12:27:45 PM

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