Deadeye/Berserker Low Life Voltaxic Spark/Vaal Spark
I have had a chance of pace with games recently and haven't played Path of Exile at all this league. I may give it a shot again over the next few days but not sure. THis said I am not going to update the guide as I'm not playing PoE. Note that not much has changed besides it being nerfed and lesser damage output that before. Its not so much OP now as there are probably many better ways to Spark. I have officially hit level 90 with this build. First 90 ever! I typically have problems with sticking to one character in a league but this one was too fun (Still is). I have been wanting to play Voltaxic Spark for a while now and with the Ascendency expansion it has become insanely good. I was originally planning to go life based but I have aquired a Shavronne's Wrapping in Perandus SC (Mostly due to them being cheaaaap). I couldn't find any good updated guides for Low Life Voltaxic Spark in 2.2, so I made one for people to get ideas from. This will be updated over time and is subject to change as I do testing. Edit: Mostly done testing, confirmed great build :) So do you want to steamroll all the things? Tier 12-15 maps? Atziri? Do you want to do almost every map mod in the game? (See Mapping section below) Then roll this build! Theorycraft Corner
Put on your Tinfoil hats! Disclaimer:
This has not been tested yet as I don't have the regrets for that much respeccing right now. In theory it should perform well with a tank that isn't based upon leeching and would be better for single target encounters where leech isn't very strong anyway.
I have been debating making a version of the guide that is Zealot's Oath Based instead of Leech. This would take the Occultist Scion Ascendency along with Deadeye and drop some nodes that are south of the Shadow. The tree idea I have is as follows: If my calculations are correct, that is a ~81 ish tree. This tree offers 4.8% es regen per second and if you take advantage of a Sulphur flask, you can get extra 5% (I think) from standing on the Consecrated Ground. Note: Put a second Energy from Within Jewel into the Socket near mind over matter to convert the life in the life/regen cluster to ES, as those nodes are taken for the es regen with ZO. Thought's on Life vs. ES
" Low Life has been awesome this league and I have had no trouble hitting high tier maps. If you want to play something other than the streamer popularized Life based Voltaxic Spark, look no further! Mandatory Uniques
The following are must haves for this build: Also get one of those Energy from Within Jewels to put in the socket below the melding cluster. You can get away with using a Solaris Lorica but you won't have near the tankiness (Already kinda squishy). Voltaxic is a must because we need to be doing chaos damage to use the Poison Support Gem. This allows us to do massive damage on hit and over time and kill things very fast. We are also immune to reflect as Chaos damage cannot be reflected. If you are wanting the build to be Vaal Spark heavy and very effective with Vaal Spark, then get multiple Sacrificial Harvest Viridian Jewels. These can be corrupted from any rarity viridian jewel using a Vaal Orb. Not 100% chance to happen so it may take a while. They are expensive to buy, especially high rolls. Leveling
Leveling is easy with spark as it is one of the best leveling specs even for non end game spark characters. I will assume this isn't your first character of the league. If you are wanting it to be, then good luck ES gear is expensive. Disclaimer: Borrowed some of the leveling strategy from Zizaran. You can watch him on He plays a life based Vaal Spark/Spark with Voltaxic. So some gems to have bought that you can't get yourself: Fire Trap, Lightning trap. Levels 1 - 12
Level with Spark and Fire Trap. Add in added lightning when you get it as reward and try and have a Vaal Spark before you start the character. Get an Orb of Storms for and toss down for bosses along with using your Vaal Spark.
Levels 12-30
Link Lightning trap with multi-trap and added lightning. Vaal Spark and Spark linked to added lightning. Faster casting for Spark when you get it. Lightning trap is great for Aoe clearing really fast.
At 24 you can get a Reverberation Wand and put spark - controlled destruction - ele focus. Vaal Spark should be 3-4l as Vaal Spark - controlled destruction - elemental focus - added lightning Levels 30-62
I leveled with a Tabula for 6 linked Spark after completing quests in A4N for Spell echo, Spark - Spell echo - controlled destruction - pierce - faster casting elemental focus. At this point you can use a Quill Rain Bow or Roth's Reach Bow for free proj speed/chain. You can use a Geofri's Crest at level 53 for a good 4L Vaal Spark with Vaal Spark - Pierce - Increased Duration - Spell echo
At 62 I respecced to Low Life and put on Shavs (Still don't have Cruel/ Merc lab... ) You are quite squishy at this stage and if you want lab completion to be easier, wait till 70 to switch. Expand the Text Wall Crash Course on how to survive at level 62 as lowlife with sub par gear:
This Flask is amazeballs:
If you have my exact tree you think, "Zealot's Oath Flask? DansGame ! You have like no regen in tree!" Well Consecrated Ground gives life regen my friends, and quite a bit at that. We have 1% in tree and with the flask you will feel significantly tankier. I would love to get the ZO node in the tree as I don't think I am going Vaal Pact at this time, but it is too far to travel. Also positioning is KEY to survival. Make sure you are just trying to facetank Perandus chests unless you know for a fact you will be fine. I use flame dash and Blink Arrow for mobility. Levels 62+ get your ES gear and then at 64 equip Voltaxic. You can use Strike Point quiver as well at 64 if you need more es. Be aware that the quiver slows recharge time for shield but makes it start faster while providing flat es. At this point work towards getting the links in the Gem Links section below. Leveling Trees
Level 30 Tree Level 56-ish tree Level 62 (Wear shavs) Good Leveling Uniques
Wanderlust, Asenath's Gentle Touch, Tabula Rasa, Lifesprig x2, Reverberation Wand, Victario's Acuity(End Game item also), Goldrim, Elreon Rings, Roth's Reach, Drillneck Bandits
Point - Alira - Kraityn/Alira
Reasoning is we need cast speed because we are using a bow end game. Also Frenzy from Kraityn because Victario's Acuity give Proj SPEED per frenzy charge! You could take Alira if you want for damage. I personally liked the proj speed for Vaal Spark. Current Gear - Updated with level 92 Gear
This gear hasn't changed much since earlier. Sitting at 6100ES right now using drillneck. Voltaxic is Self explanatory and explained above :) The Vertex is a great item if you can pick up resists elsewhere. Lots of es and chaos res. Should cost roughly 10-15c for decent rolls in Perandus. Drillneck is used when you don't need as much tankiness. Soul Strike is great because it gives us ES and Faster Start of recharge for our ES. Victario's is BIS and highly recommended. Very affordable this league as well. Low Life = better get a Shavs, also extremely affordable in comparison to past leagues. Just looking for some flas ES and resists here for the time being. Resists and as much es as you can on gloves Resists and es on belt, Doryani's Invitation Lightning belt would also be an option. I suggest some Rainbowstrides for starter boots as they give tri-res and decent es and are fairly inexpensive this league. I also use 2 Sacrifical Harvest jewels for extra chance for vaal souls on kill. The aren't required but they are great for keeping vaal spark up more often. Rare ES gear is quite expensive (Normal for this to be the case). So expect to spend a bit on your end game gear. If you are playing SC you can get away with sub par gear until higher levels and get better gear then. Jewels
Jewels are pretty straightforward. You have two routes you can take. Route 1: Get 2-3 Sacrificial Harvest Jewels and perm vaal spark. Best done in open maps and you'll get used to what maps you can and can't do it on later. Route 2: For maps you can vaal spark constantly, you can swap in rare jewels with Proj Damage/Chaos damage. These double dip with poison damage. (Proj Damage = Chaos damage) >(Spell damage/Lightining Damage) With both you will want an Energy from Within below the Melding cluster between Witch and Scion. Flasks - Updated with my End Game go-to flasks
I used to swap flasks a lot and I have landed on these being my favorite and most used. Gem Links
Vaal Spark: In Voltaxic because it makes colors easier(5L) Vaal Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Poison - Void Manipulation Spark: In Chest Piece(5L) Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Poison - Controlled Destruction/Void Manipulation if you get 3 green somehow :) Aura Setup 1(3L) Blood Magic - Discipline - Clarity (Keep an eye on levels and if you have a Vertex helmet then put them in there for free +1 gems) Aura Setup 2(3-4L) Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit - Temp Chains/Enfeeble/Vulnerability(pick one) - Wrath (Wrath can be by itself as it can't actually curse) CWDT(2L) CWDT - Immortal Call Single Socket Gems Wrath (If you don't have it in the Herald Link from above) Blink Arrow Flame Dash(Can add faster casting if you have the link for it) Portal gem(Optional but very nice) Golem (I use Chaos golem mostly because it uses blue socket) As you can see, the build is strapped for links so if you have 6L bow or chest piece you will have to make a sacrifice somewhere. Maybe drop a movement skill or golem or get a ring with a socket in it. The Current Gear section has the way I have the gems set up right now. Auras
Currently running level 20 clarity and Discipline on Blood Magic to put me on low life. Then I am using Herald of Thunder, Wrath, and Arctic Armour on mana.
Passive Tree at level 92 - Updated with reasoning for certain nodes
So many people have come in here and said "Why no Vaal pact?" I wasn't convinced it was great until I hit high tier maps and steamrolled Atziri with Vaal Pact. My mobility is far too high to use the Sorrow of the Divine flask very well and Zealot's Oath is too far away. Thus I have landed on taking Vaal Pact now. I didn't take it till 91 and its definitely not required I just found it to be simpler this way and with Atziri's Flask it is a lot of leeching going on. Other than that node the rest is pretty much self explanatory. Getting power charge and a frenzy charge to complement our Victario's Acuity and we get things like Pain Attunement and Ghost Reaver because we are low life. Certainly keep in mind that this is just the tree that has performed amazing for me and is not necessarily the best tree EVER. Make changes and see how you like them. Regrets are not super expensive and I certainly don't have the same tree I started with. Good luck out there! Ascendancy Class
We are a Scion because of one very important reason: Deadeye is amazing. So we take Deadeye and Berkserker for sick damage and leech. This allows us to focus on getting good ES on gear.
Mapping Guide - Lite Version
Coming SoonTM
T7 Twinned Abandoned Caverns (Used to be Mines) T9 Extra Life, Curse immune, Crit map T9 Residence - No Regen + more Regular Atziri - First ever Atziri kill. Yes I am level 92. Made one attempt before but this was the real try. Atziri by Mztic Changelog
3/21/2016 - Guide started
Basic sections added with leveling trees and expected end game tree Leveling Guide -WIP 3/22/2016 - Added level 56 tree progression Will be expanding soon, almost to respec to end game tree time 3/23/2016 - Added Leveling section for levels 30-62 Updated with my bandit choices and short explanation Added Current Gear Section, will add explanation on choices later today probably Added Required Unqiques section Added Explanations for each of my current gear pieces. General Edits and such 3/24/2016 - VIDEOS Section! Uploaded 1 video showing build in action. Added Gem Links Section 3/26/2016 - Fixed wording errors in bandits... :) 3/28/2016 - Added theorycraft section on a Zealot's Oath version of the build. Section on Life vs ES to come soon -Updated with some intitial thoughts Updated Passive tree to my current tree as I noticed it was a different one than I ended up with, only minor changes 4/16/2016 - Back from time away from the build and have now hit 92 and am going to do more updating on the guide. Added Atziri kill video - easy ;) Updated the endgame passive tree to my current level 92 tree. Did a metric fuckton of situation tests for my personal debate between Vaal Pact or not and have landed on taking Vaal Pact. See Passive Tree section for more details. Updated Current Gear and Flasks sections Mapping Guide coming soon! 4/20/2016 - Added Video by Mztic of Atziri 4/24/2016 - Added basic Jewels guide 4/27/2016 - Tree changed slightly Last edited by VisionOverload#6101 on Aug 5, 2016, 4:28:11 PM Last bumped on Aug 5, 2016, 4:26:45 PM
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How is this working for you? Looks interesting to me!
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" Its working fantastic so far! I am currently level 77 and it clears extremely fast. I'll be adding some video's to the guide tomorrow probably. |
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Just got my hand on and have a scion with passive tree reset.
I dont have a shav yet could belly of the beast do the job ? waiting for more details to try this build. :) ---
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" Hey there Kelemn! Shavs is very important for my particular build as it is based on Energy Shield. If you would like to try a life based version (Which is less expensive) I suggest looking at ZiggyD's Youtube for his life based Sparker. Alternatively here is his profile and if you look at the character SparklyD that will have a tree and some other good life based gear! Last edited by VisionOverload#6101 on Mar 24, 2016, 11:00:12 AM
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how abt the aura?
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" Currently running level 18 clarity and Discipline on Blood Magic to put me on low life. Then I am using Herald of Thunder and Wrath on mana. I will be adding in Arctic Armour when I pick up the last of the Aura nodes in the planned tree. |
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" how abt running a curse? but seems need some aura node to make it happen |
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I am running a curse on hit linked to Herald of Thunder. Currently setup with Enfeeble but ideally would use temp chains. Blasphemy curse doesn't seem to make enough sense as you will constantly off screen things outside of blasphemy range.
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Alrighty going to give this a try. Just a heads up. In the leveling uniques you have Voltaxic and end game quiver linked.
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