"The Acid rainer"(Updated for Prophecy league!)INSANE DMG
Hey guys it's me again Ekarpoe, some of you may know me from the Coc Bladefall-Volley Fire guide or from my stream or ingame and participated in my lab service runs or you don't, well whatever. Acendancy has finally arrived and I decided to give the Bladefall-Poison-Trapper a go and im pretty overwhelmed by how good it performs. So I decided to share my version of a Bladefall-Poison-Trapper. ![]()
Build concept Pros / cons Stats Videos Gear Gem-links Passive tree levelling (outdated) Bandit choices Ascendancy points
We are playing a life based Assassin using Bladefall + Traps + Poison + crit as main damage. Binos + Southbound for the aoe poison spread. (credit to theshadedone at this point) Jaws of Agony for powercharge generation. Phase Acro + Acrobatics + Enfeeble-Blasphemy as defense. Bear Trap for filling the gaps.
[+]Kills anything in the blink of an eye, even tanky blue T15 packs [+]Kills any boss in seconds [+]Can carry full party Izaro while doing fights alone [+]Can do Atziri without getting sweatty [+]Can do Uber Atziri [+]Non-lag build, fps friendly [+]Active play style, it's not a brainless "one button - all die" build [+]Pretty cheap (works in t15 maps with a tabula) [+]Vagan and strongboxes are finished instantly [+]Can do any map mod (some are less comfortable then others)
[-]Clearspeed is limited by trap cooldown (can be circumvented with trap cooldown in low maps) [-]You sustain mana with pots
Reminder: tooltip on traps are just an indicator and do not reflect the real dmg the setup does! This includes increases from area damage, poison damage, spread to nearby enemies and some more,also the newest build version dropped alot of tooltip dmg it will show much less dmg in tooltip.But we will have more damage then before,that again shows how meaningless tooltip dmg is for this build.!
Powercharges+frenzy+atziri flask
All videos
T15 twinned Collosseum + extra dmg + vuln + shocked ground
T15 Core full clear
Normal Atziri full run
Uber-Atziri full run, not optimized
Hall of Grandmasters full clear
For more, check my twitch channel
The startup cost of this build is pretty cheap for what we can actually do with it.
A 6Link is ideal, for fresh leagues a Tabula Rasa is fine for up to T13 maps and even normal Atziri you can get to 4,7k life with tabula. Cost point: roundabout 20c (PSC) Upgrade :6L Belly is the chest to go it gives us a insane amount of life with belly i managed to reach 5,8k life. Other option: 6l Lightning coil You just need to drop arctic armor and run purity of lightning instead. For those who are interrested: I tested cospiris will. Sadly i wasnt statisfied it needs very good rare jewels to get 5k+life which can get kinda expansive (30c-1 ex per gem) if u want stuff like area dmg and trap dmg also. But what really kills it that even blasphemy curses linked to inc are of effect gem + Hex master wasnt enough to curse everything reliable enough to poison all enemys. I still encountered enemys with 0 life so i had to throw another trap to finsih them off. It may be a usable for atziri and uber atziri fights. But there are cheaper options to archive the same thing.
We are using 4X
This allows us to remove the poison support gem from our main links and using an increased critical strike gem instead.
Southbound are pretty cheap, 1-3 chaos search for high life% roll and cold res.
Why Southbound?
1. They give a lot of cold res and HP for very low price. 2. While using Poison on Traps, Totems or Minions the "On Killing a Poisoned enemy" Bino's effect only works if the Poison kills the enemy. Therefore, we face a huge problem: most of mobs would be killed with Bladefall's first impact, not Poison => Bino's affix doesn't work and we don't get our poison spreading and regen (which greatly slows down our clearspeed). However, Southbound unique affix "Your Hits can only Kill Frozen enemies" fits this case perfectly. It does apply to Bladefall initial damage, but don't apply to the Poison DoT. Therefore, Bladefall will lower HP of mobs to 1, but won't kill them. Then Poison applies and finish mob instantly, and Bino's spread the poison. Works like a charm!
Bino's is needed for the poison spread and with 30-50 chaos (PSC) it's the most expensive item in that build (lol), just look for 24-25 crit multi roll, the rest doesn't matter. As long you don't have binos a rare dagger will work too.
Aim for following mods by priority
1.Spell dmg 2.Spell crit chance 3.Crit multi 4.Added light dmg to spells (avoid added cold at all cost ! 5.Mana regen 6.resistances
Trap damage + phys damage + life are pretty nice to start with. Since Blast Cascade (15%change to gain a powercharge when your trap is triggered by an enemy) isn't enough to sustain charges, Jaws of Agony's powercharge on throwing a trap mod makes it a perfect solution. Also it offers a free lvl 20 beartrap, insert 3 supports for an effective 4Link Cost Point: 1-8 chaos depends on roll (PSC)
Start out with rare boots with life and resistances (no need for movespeed, we use Whirling Blades). If you have enough resistances, Atziri´s steps are a perfect choice. As for labyrinth enchantments aim for x incresed % crit chance when u havent crit recently. Since our traps do the crit and not us it counts as we never crit which results in we always get the inc crit chance bonus. Warning here! Since we have such a high base crit on binos we have 95% chance to crit on whirling blades which reduces our crit when we use it to get fortify while relying on the inc crit chance from boots.
Aim for as much life and resistances on your helm as u can get.An evasion base is ideal, there are multiple enchantments from the labyrinths to look for, too.
Best ring base is diamond for the extra crit, aim for life and resistances also strength and mana reg are useful.Any other base will work too as long u can cap your resitances. Aim for life and res as first priority (you really want to be capped :) ) Then loock for crit chance,crit multi,strength mana reg.
Aim for life resistances and strength if needed. Tora level 6 can craft you 10-20 Trap Damage for 2 chaos if you have a free suffix. leather belts >rustic sash for that case.
my current gear in ProphecySC
Replacements for Uber-Atziri
Mings heart is needed for the double vaals since we try to max our damage as much as we can to oneshot both vaals at the same time. The dagger is used for all bossfights since we dont need the poison spread for those fights. Aim for spell crit(only if you arent crit capped because of any reasons),spell damage.critical strike multiplier, added light dmg to spells
We can now savely use trap cooldown recovery support in any map. Beside that we are still swapping in for really hard map mods:endurance charges+phys dmg reduction,temp chain maps and uber atziri runs.
4L item 1
4L item 2
Jaws of Agony
Optional:Physical to lightning Instead of increased crit damage gem. Try both and decide what suits you best personally.
considerable options for remaining slots
vaal lightning trap for bosses wither totem: Wither + spell totem +faster casting Vaal summon skelletons
Levelling section
1. At the start take any spell you want. For example spark+fire trap. Switch to Bladevortex as soon as possible. (The Siren's Cadence Akt 1 normal=Killing Mervil) 2. Now Move on going you way to Acrobatics+Phase Acrobatics it will making levelling much easier Take life nodes on the way. 3. We start to collect all the important stuff for our build. Get bladefall gem as soon as possible. (Sever the Right Hand Act 3 normal=killing gravicius) 4l Setup Links are Bladefall + controlled destruction + concentrated effect +faster casting or spell echo.(Mana heavy get a mana pot!!Good start to getting used to it) This setup can carry you to merc diff actually. (just saying) :P 4. Now enter the Witch area take Blast cascade and then life nodes. If u have a Tabula you can switch to traps now Bladefall+trap+clustertrap+poison+trap and mine dmg+trap cooldown recovery Dont switch to traps without clustertrap! (The Eternal Nightmare Akt 4 Cruel Kill Malachai in cruel) 5. We need some regrets now. Focus on getting Jewel sockets,powercharges,crit chance After that do the grind and finish the tree as shown at the very top.
Normal: Help Oak (+40 max life) Cruel: Kill all (+1 passive point) Merciles: Help alira (+1 power charge)
First 4 points to Deadly Infusion (norm and cruel lab) Second 4 points to Toxic Delivery (merc and uberlab) That's it for now, I will add some gameplay soon. If u have any questions, feel free to ask me here or Ingame: Ekarpoe credits to: Chronodroid for doing the formatting. Last edited by EkarPoe#6030 on Sep 1, 2016, 9:54:07 AM Last bumped on Sep 22, 2017, 3:23:53 PM
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Very Nice Build!^^
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Nice Build can confirm that this build is op and work without big inverstment
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Hey was just curious if a 5 link lightning coil would be a big draw back on dps? I guess you would probably leave out cluster traps?
IGN@ HuckMcAmp
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Very nice build, alots of fun and carry! Loved it.
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" Lightning coil is a very good chest the problem is it kinda really starts to shine if u get +max light res and u dont have that much mana left if u also using purity of lightning. Without that max res belly is just the better chest. I really wont advise playing with a 5l but if, leave away trap and mine damage(support gem) missing out clustertrap is no option. |
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that is one of my best builds i ever played with ty alot dude :)
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heyo, wondering if you could post your life / stats.
Thanks m8 |
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Pardon me, but is there a reason as to why running Cluster Traps with Binos?
I mean, I ran the build in Talisman, Binos spread was more than enough to justify using Void Manipulation instead of Multitrap, and most of us, who played the build, had no problems killing nearly an entire screen with the toss of one or two traps. Does Cluster Trap overlap actually justify the gem slot, considering the fact that we still kill stuff fairly easy through all d.dip dot? Personally, I haven't tried it, since Bino's spread still feels more than enough on retired Talisman character on STD, still clears anything with ease, even went back on running 5l Splendour due to mana pot laziness, but I would like your opinion over Cluster, how much of an impact it actually has?
Although I'm still on non crit version, still undecided about ascendancy, Sabouteur or Trickster.
Last edited by Songweaver#4672 on Mar 22, 2016, 3:29:13 PM
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" Is there a reason as to why running Cluster Traps with Binos? Yes there is every bladefall cast from each trap counts as an individual cast so a bladefall casted by trap 1 can overlapp with the bladefall of trap2,3,4 and so on. This results in more hits and with that in more posion stacks = more dmg Also just relying on one traps aoe+binos proliferation is not optimal since the radius of binos poison spread is kinda small. But this is just my personal feeling. We bypass that by using cluster traps for a better Aoe. Also at dangerous bossfights its nice not to have to take all the time aiming while standing still (which can be very dangerous) u just need to throw the traps in his direction and doge/move on. Voidmanipulation is a option for sure i still use it for very hard bosses where i have time enough to prepar (Doubble vaal at uber atziri for example) But isit realy that effective boosting the Dot onyl or isit more effective boosting amount of initial hit and with that the number of resulting dot stacks ? i prefer last one. Im not a big fan of Sabouteur it just dont offer that much so i took assasin (fatal toxin) and went the crit route (because crit is fun and gives nice extra dmg). I cant tell you much about your passiv tree before i dont know in what league you are going to play HC/SC? And what u want to archive with your build (only maps? atziri? Uber ?). Also i saw u took some Curse nodes do you plan on going dual curse when yes how ? |
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