[2.2] Odas' Occultist Poison Nova Mine Guide [Budget][SC/HC viable][Uber Viable]

Update 3/20: Added Waterways video

I made this guide because I have always been interested in making a build for mines and the new league adding the new minefield support gem gave me the excuse. My goal this league was to have a character that could cheaply and quickly kill Atziri as well as farm most map mods safely early to make currency in the new league.

I managed to kill regular Atziri at level 68 with less than 4000 health and none of my resists capped and less than 1 day /played. I got lucky with an early 6 link and first did Uber Atziri when my gems were still level 19.

Extremely high damage
Good for group play
Uber Atziri viable


Clear speed is capped

Skill Gems:
Main : Fire Nova Mine- Minefield- Void Manipulation- Trap and Mine Damage- Elemental Focus- Controlled Destruction

Auras: Discipline Blasphemy-Temporal Chains-Enhance

Totem: Wither-Spell Totem-Faster Casting- Increased Duration

Pets: Flame Golem-Animate Guardian-Minon Resists-Life on Hit
Movement: Whirling Blades- Faster Attacks- Fortify

Utility: Enduring Cry- Vaal Clarity- Increased Duration

In the case of a 5 link you should drop Controlled destruction because it doesnt double dip like Trap and Mine damage or Void Manipulation and provides less damage than Elemental Focus. That said, I would suggest using a Tabula Rasa over having a 5L body with stats, they are largely unnecessary.

The auras should avoid having discipline linked with the enhance as it provides only increased radius. I only added enhance once I got my Vertex, and the build functions perfectly fine without it. I also used purity of elements before I was resist capped and I still use it on elemental weakness maps instead of discipline.

The damage from the wither totem is largely overkill and I only included it when I started doing Uber. I also haven't yet bothered to use Animate Guardian mostly due to laziness. I would animate the guardian with Dying Breath for more curse effectiveness, Leer Cast for more damage, and probably an Ambu's Charge for life regen and possibly endurance charges. The rest of the pieces should just be life and resists.


Current Gear:

The only two mandatory uniques are the Consuming Dark Daggers. Since this patch's nerfs of the dagger, you need to dual wield them instead of using one plus an Infernal Mantle to achieve 100% fire to chaos conversion. The downside is you lose a shield for defenses, but you gain an extra aura in discipline, so it balances out.
For chest I suggest a Tabula Rasa until you can afford a 6L. Even the least useful gem provides 43% more damage so every link is important. I use a Carcass Jack for increased area and extra life. You could also use a rare energy shield chest.

The helm I use a Vertex as it provides everything I need: energy shield, evasion, chaos resist, and most importantly +1 gems. The +1 gems really boosts the enhance attached to temporal chains. A geofri's crest could also be used as a budget helm.

The rest of the gear is just rares with life, es, and resists. You could get fire damage or cast speed on rings, but I find it uneeded. I have been pretty lazy about updating my gear as I have managed to clear all the content with just self-found rares. Jewelery can also roll mana regen which is useful, especially on low regen maps.

For flasks I am running 1 slow healing potion, 1 instant healing potion, a divination distillate, a jade flask, and a stibnite flask.

The divination distillate is mostly for the max resists. I was running a regular mana potion before I found it and still swap back for no regen maps. The stibnite flask was added for Uber to blind the spear add. A sulfur flask is helpful for damage as it double dips, but I don't really need it anymore. You can also run a granite flask if you prefer armour, but I like the synergy between the jade and stibnite.

For jewels just look for increased life/es, chaos damage, area damage, mine damage, untyped damage, spell damage, spell damage while dual wielding, or fire damage. Although you can also look for mine placement speed, usually what prevents me from placing mines is mana.

Most of the enchantments aren't that appealing. I luckily managed to get an edict of flames on my gloves which triggers from whirling blades and does chaos damage so it poisons. Its enough to kill most packs in <70 maps but falls off quickly. There is a boot enchant for both chaos damage and fire damage but most of the damage is an afterthought. The helm enchants can be very strong, but are obviously hard to get. I would probably value Temporal Chains effectiveness over the Fire Nova Mine enchants, but either one would be appreciated if you managed to find it. The Temporal Chains effectiveness enchant could actually be more beneficial against act and map bosses due to their inherent curse effectiveness reduction.

I am sitting at 3100 evasion (25%) unbuffed and 21000 (61%) with both flasks. I have 4496 life and 3843 energy shield which could easily be pushed to combined 9000 if I got better rares. The main defense from this build comes from Temporal Chains. With curse effectiveness regular mobs are slowed by 67% and bosses are slowed by 38%. With a level 4 enhance this would go up to 75%/45%. It could be even higher with an Animate Guardian. Most mobs are too slow to even get a single attack animation off before they die. The bosses which have enough health to survive get an amplified Enfeeble further reducing their damage. I so rarely get hit, I ran a Tier 13 Waterways with minus max resist and added fire/cold/lightning and never dropped my energy shield.

Because of the increased duration from the tree and the amplified Temporal Chains, the poison from hits lasts nearly 4 seconds on bosses and because of double dipping the poison does over 100% of the initial hit per second.

Passive Tree


For leveling I went for Clever Construction and Volatile Mines early. After that you can pick up life or damage nodes at your leisure. I was able to 1 shot most packs including rares up until Merciless with just a 4 link. Avoid the chaos damage nodes and void manipulation until you have the Consuming Darks. I ran rallying cry for most of the time, although a mana potion is probably sufficient.

I chose occultist primarily for Void Beacon. With it most mobs are vulnerable to chaos which both amplifies the initial hits and the poison dot. Profane bloom is a 10% increased damage taken which is effectively a 10% more on top of everything for you and your group (it would probably be additive with a vulnerability curse for example), and the explosions are quite helpful. Because of Consuming Dark the explosions cause poison and with the increased chaos damage from the tree its not uncommon to see a pack explode, poison an adjacent pack which also explodes drastically increasing our clear speed. Malediction seemed like the passive to take since I already grab so many curse nodes but was only running one curse. The extra damage is basically wasted since we already do 100% chaos damage, but the extra curse is nice to run Enfeeble for the rare times mobs survive. An alternative would be to pick up Wicked Ward for more defenses without having to cast Enfeeble.

You could probably also run this build with Necromancer if you wanted to have some zombie meat shields and run bone offering for more block. I believe the damage and surviability from Saboteur would be less than Occultist. The only benefit they get is the increased area of effect if you have extra traps active. I would run something like conversion trap-cluster trap-multiple traps- increased duration on a 4 link and just throw out traps to increase aoe.

Normal: Oak for +40 life
Cruel: Kill all for the passive
Merciless: Kill all for the passive

The cast speed from Cruel Alira would theoretically make the mines cast faster, but that only really matters on Atziri when you want the mines to finish casting so you can place more. Now that I am running enduring cry I could probably switch to a 4th endurance charge, but I often don't bother to maintain them.

Last edited by Dantross#3629 on Mar 20, 2016, 1:22:57 AM
Last bumped on Jul 12, 2016, 6:28:47 PM
The videos I made when my internet was especially intermittent. I plan to remake them later including a deathless Uber and a regular map run.
I've been doing a pretty similar build for 2 leagues now. I went full stupid damage nodes vs defense though. Dual blasphemy temp/enfeeble, with a ton of crit chance and crit multiplier. I basically just bulldoze through Uber instead of building to take a few shots. 1 shot everything or rip run basically.

Poison fire nova mine was my first build of this league. I played for about 16 hours straight and then started running atziri. No one ever believes the damage output of fire nova mine, until they see it. (I think i made about 4 people respec this league while I carried them :P)

I went saboteur, there seems to be 3 solid choices to ascend to.
Dantross wrote:
Malediction seemed like the passive to take since I already grab so many curse nodes but was only running one curse. The extra damage is basically wasted since we already do 100% chaos damage, but the extra curse is nice to run Enfeeble for the rare times mobs survive.

Just fyi, Malediction isn't wasted, the extra Damage and the conversion to Chaos happens in the same step, so you would gain extra damage based on the pre-conversion Fire Damage you have..
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Last edited by Sheriff_K#3938 on Mar 16, 2016, 5:12:10 PM
How do think the damage of this compares to a chaos firestorm trapper? These builds are very similar, and both wreck uber atziri with poison damage scaling.
I was looking at trap poisonstorm before this league. I played a trapped a while ago and was annoyed with how you could miss your traps on fast moving mobs and they wouldn't detonate, leaving you to wait while your traps cooldown. I guess a lot of that is fixed with the Saboteur ascendancy and the trap cooldown gem. I still like the freedom to detonate the mines when I want.

As far as damage, I think the mines do a lot more given that you don't have to waste a gem on trap recovery speed. Minefield definitely made mines competitive, but my guess is the damage from firestorm is probably more than enough in most cases so it wouldn't make a difference. With all the increased aoe nodes on the tree and the chaining effect from Profane Bloom I was surprised at how far I can kill things, so I am not sure the range of traps is that much of an advantage.

I think a lot of it is preference. I would try out both, the two builds are pretty similar. The only downside is you'd be stuck as a Saboteur if you wanted to feel how that ascendancy works for traps and then switch to mines.
Dantross wrote:
I was looking at trap poisonstorm before this league. I played a trapped a while ago and was annoyed with how you could miss your traps on fast moving mobs and they wouldn't detonate, leaving you to wait while your traps cooldown. I guess a lot of that is fixed with the Saboteur ascendancy and the trap cooldown gem. I still like the freedom to detonate the mines when I want.

As far as damage, I think the mines do a lot more given that you don't have to waste a gem on trap recovery speed.

A Trapper would never use the recovery speed Gem, it's a trap. Saboteur, and that new Cluster, give enough Cooldown Recovery.

As for Traps not detonating, Sunblast+Cheap Construction IS an option (though many don't like it.)

I personally don't like Firestorm, I hate how random it is and how hard it is to theorycraft its effective DPS.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Hey mate, how do you recommend leveling up with this build? i'm currently just using Orb of storms/spark but it's a little slow. i was wondering what you'd suggest to use. Cheers.
Last edited by Mandibles#7428 on Mar 17, 2016, 4:47:36 PM
Mandibles wrote:
Hey mate, how do you recommend leveling up with this build? i'm currently just using Orb of storms/spark but it's a little slow. i was wondering what you'd suggest to use. Cheers.

I leveled up my Ice Trapper using a 3L Fire Nova Mine until like level 57 (useless until you get Chain Reaction,) and Fire Nova Mine wasn't bad (and more fun than I expected.)

The only downside is... Not that HC-friendly. It's very risky/sketchy at times having to drop Mines near mobs.. :S
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Sheriff_K wrote:
Mandibles wrote:
Hey mate, how do you recommend leveling up with this build? i'm currently just using Orb of storms/spark but it's a little slow. i was wondering what you'd suggest to use. Cheers.

I leveled up my Ice Trapper using a 3L Fire Nova Mine until like level 57 (useless until you get Chain Reaction,) and Fire Nova Mine wasn't bad (and more fun than I expected.)

The only downside is... Not that HC-friendly. It's very risky/sketchy at times having to drop Mines near mobs.. :S

Oh really? I might try that then. I'd prefer slower but funner levelling over fast but mind-numbingly boring levelling any day of the week. Thanks for the suggestion.

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