2.2 Chaos Trapper (Budget, high damage, high survivability) 300k dps
Note: Currently in an early stage. Suggestions? Yes go ahead! Thank you!
So you want to clear high level maps with budget gear? Well, chaos trap! Why chaos damage? I don't know... Atleast it works!
We make use of alot of mechanics in this build. For survivability we take MoM, EB and Zealot's oath. Why Zealot's oath, you might ask. With no regen we have to use flasks! While true, and a bit annoying, it works fine to sustain life on just flasks for this build. The upside with Zealot's oath is that we summon a stone golem and get around 100 ES a second. It's like Clarity for a EB build, but on steroids with no reservation. So the use of MoM and EB means we get tonnes of effective life, for very little investment. It also solves our mana issues completely. I play pretty aggressively, take some damage every now and then and spam my traps. I am always on full ES as long as my golem is up. Without him however, its gone in an instant. As for damage, we convert all around, going from cold to fire and then to chaos. It means we can scale all of those, and each instance is applied. For elemental damage it seems it is applied twice, however I have no confirmation on that. We use two traps to maximize our damage output. I found that running just one trap I constantly found myself with nothing to do but stare at the enemy. Ice Trap is our burst damage, linked correctly with support gems makes it one shot mostly everything. Firestorm trap is our highest DPS though, but takes some time to work. Both are really good for single target and AoE alike.
Skill gems
I will list the support gems in order of importance, so the rightmost is if you use a 6 link and so on. Fire storm trap: Firestorm, Trap, Cluster trap, Concentrated effect, Elemental focus, Increased Duration/Added Cold Ice Trap: Ice Trap, Cluster trap, Elemental Focus(!), Concentrated effect, Trap and mine damage, Increased AoE/Added cold I might find other alternatives here that are more efficient, given I've only played the build for two days.
Passive tree and bandits
There is very little we require to make this build work. Just the two daggers and a ring to get the chaos damage going. After that we want to aim for a 5 link. Even without it we do extreme amounts of damage though. Listed below are good options for uniques, as for the rest of the slots, just cap your resistances, get life and enough ES and your set.
Nice uniques
In order to get the two 5 links we need either Rime Gaze or Deerstalker. Rime Gaze is the superior option, because it lets you keep the Firestorm in an eventual 6 link. With no ambition for a 6 link, it does not matter. You could even go both for two pseudo 5 links, with no need for a 5 link at all. Firestorm in Deerstalker and Ice trap in Rime Gaze. For the chest we have a couple of good options. Carcass Jack Gives a nice AoE, damage, life, ES, resistances and evasion. What more could we ask for in one item? The downside is that Inc AoE decreases the single target DPS of firestorm slightly, but then again, it increases its AoE potential... Lightning Coil Even more damage mitigation! Overall a good option, but we lose out on the ES so we need that somewhere else. Coupled with Rime Gaze sorts it though, but creates the problem of low resistances. A problem that is pretty big in a "budget" build. Could be seen as BIS, but only when you have the currency to support it. Belly of the beast Good life and resistances. ES problem as with Lightning coil, but otherwise a solid choice.
Because we have no way of regaining life without the use of a flask, get enough life flasks to make you comfortable. But make room for a Sulphur flask! Its basicaly a potion for ES, with the added benefit of giving increased damage for the duration.
My current gear
Pros and cons
Pros: -Extreme damage, both single target and AoE -Very cheap to gear, with potential for further investment with increased potential -Probably HC and Uber viable, I will have to confirm this with further testing. -Very survivable -Reflect-immune -Fast clear speed -Engaging playstyle -Can play all map mods, with only no regen and slow regen being very hard and annoying respectively Cons: -Relying on flasks to keep us up -If our golem dies without us noticing it, so do we. You have to keep him up at all times. -Should be nerfed considering the investment versus potential! I will update this with further testing.
Current stats
Right now, after two days and level 76, with very inoptimal gear: Life: 3451 ES: 1768 Eva and armor: non to speak of Damage: This tell us very little of our potential, and you need to know the mechanics of the skills to understand the numbers. Tooltip Ice trap (on 5l, ice trap is level 18): Avg 10,532 That is 70k+ chaos damage per cast with added poison! Tooltip Firestorm (Rime gazed, also level 18): Avg 3,005 Thats per explosion, using the information here, we see that it will hit on average 4.5 times per instance, and we have 5 instances. Ofcourse, they are all spread out a bit, but we get an optimal outcome atleast. That means 95k chaos damage with optimal outcome, we should probably see closer to 70-80 in reality. I do not claim that I am the inventor of said mechanics. The cold to chaos I got from ZiggyD, and there are also other poison storm builds out there. Yet, I have not seen one like this. IGN: Ralfe Last edited by Riakkek#3605 on Mar 8, 2016, 12:47:37 AM Last bumped on Apr 3, 2016, 10:37:57 AM
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Thumbs up! Like this build a lot, does not cost a lot, and the damage output is great. I'm only at the start of maps, but it seems very solid!
Last edited by Damaos#6241 on Mar 9, 2016, 3:18:21 PM
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Hey, I am doing something similar in design though with a vastly different tree. http://poeurl.com/zic
Current gem setup is Firestorm - Trap - Cluster Trap - Concentrated Effect - Trap Cooldown Recovery. Although I will try Pyre with Ice Trap today. The since setup with Firestorm actually poses a problem for a buddy whose GPUs begins stuttering with something like 15 to 20 Firestorms running on the screen at the same time. Note that Trap Cooldown Recovery and Void Manipulation are also good options for links and I found Vaal Clarity very comfortable for that build. If Vaal Clarity is not up I run comfortable on a Mana Flask. Last edited by tzuiop#3102 on Mar 10, 2016, 4:18:24 AM
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I find that using Ice Trap instead of Firestorm is so much faster due to the faster cooldowns and bigger AOE O_O
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" After trying it for a few maps now, I must agree. Single target damage is significantly lower though. |
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can you tell me how you leveled, using traps to lvl seems a bit rough.
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I was wondering why this build doesn't take Elemental Overload, maybe I misunderstand how the keystone works. I know it doesn't proc from traps, but I know Pohx was using orb of storms to keep 100% uptime on the keystone. Perhaps I misunderstand the way the conversion works and it doesn't convert to chaos properly. I just noticed that it's only on point for a 40% MORE multiplier and thought it was odd that it wasn't used. perhaps even a section detailing why you chose not to go with it would help new people trying to decide on a build to use.
Thank you for your time, -Windeed |
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" There are two ways imo: 1. Spec in elemental damage first and respec to chaos once you have your conversion gear. If you do that firestorm - trap - multitrap, till you can use Ice Trap - Cluster Trap - Trap and Mine Damage - Cold Pen or similar. Just experiment a bit. I played fire storm until 45 or so. 2. Spec into the phys/chaos nodes directly and play blade vortex at first and later bladefall traps. Bladefall is still surprisingly strong and you can probably go with Bladefall - Trap - Cluster - Trap and Mine or Trap Cooldown Recovery well into maps. For any setup that is a spell supported by a Trap gem, I would strongly recommend linking Trap Cooldown Reduction. Helps a lot with clear speed and throwing more traps means more damage. " I think OP just does not take it because of laziness. In my tree its just way to far away. There is not downside to taking it, if you are not investing into crit. |
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" It would only be applied once through the conversion, see: " Here's a useful and detailed post about double-dipping on modifiers. I believe the only double-dipping in your setup is trap damage because it scales the initial chaos hit(s) as well as the the Consuming Dark poison (which is already calculated from the initial chaos hit). If the Consuming Dark inherits the AoE modifier (I'm not sure), then it would double-dip as well. |
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" Trap-, AoE- and Chaos damage double dip for Ice Trap and Firestorm Trap since the source ability determines which flags apply. But even though Elemental Focus and Controlled Destruction do not double dip they still add some good damage for your initial hit. |
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