Season points, all time list

Just something I did while talking with Helman and others about lifetime seasons points

It is not complete, I just took the top 50 of each season. I'll probably expand to top 500 and redo the list to capture all the random points I missed.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
Interesting initiative.

The list will look totally different at the bottom end if you take everyone who at least gained himself 1 top 500 spot in one of the seasons.
Heart of Purity

Awarded 'Silverblade' to Talent Competition Winner 2020.
POE 2 is designed primarily for console.

Seasons & Events
Lifetime Season Points: 7911
Current Season Points: 6
Current Season Rank: 16093rd

my current one
Lifetime Season Points: 4020
Current Season Points: 662
Current Season Rank: 45th

Seems like you only looked at the season ladders without looking at the profiles of the individual racers in the top 50 of each season. I've accumulated some points since I started racing (first races were Season 7, first Season I played hard in was 8), but on your list you only have my points and rank from this season (at the time that you made this post). Your list will need to be adjusted for that.
give me the list of ppl I can parse profiles for you

[Helman, 18188]
[Morsexier, 16361]
[Fightgarr, 14456]
[grindis123, 13386]
[Whirlwarian, 12654]
[shashk0, 11705]
[cobaIt, 11075]
[Goratha, 10708]
[pouu, 10689]
[cwu, 10504]
[boof, 10358]
[terrex, 9991]
[tagpt, 9790]
[jstq, 9206]
[passofexhale, 9189]
[Throzz, 9127]
[Dsfarblarwaggle, 9054]
[ZoRoXo, 9014]
[slably, 8804]
[kefirhl, 8631]
[Rithz, 8367]
[Johnny_Annihilation, 8302]
[janimauk, 7911]
[kyuzoudono, 7167]
[Karvarousku, 6859]
[4EverLost, 6858]
[lPeeps, 6796]
[pasta777, 6731]
[Ireneusz, 6363]
[bazoungus, 6211]
[GreatOnePoE, 6150]
[HeaT1, 6079]
[bluechipps, 6077]
[tpc2084, 6070]
[mardukthewolf, 5956]
[Jolteon1619, 5910]
[GR8Cornholio, 5885]
[TempoTune, 5854]
[Hybriis, 5772]
[Krame_, 5653]
[Trekker720, 5639]
[ChronoExile, 5559]
[Mirato, 5509]
[mallow, 5470]
[nugiyen, 5446]
[GucciPradas, 5360]
[349528, 5156]
[Deviruchi27, 5153]
[Warlock279, 5098]
[Pam, 5014]
[Condemned, 5008]
[Obumbro, 4995]
[Astrophys, 4942]
[RhoxPOE, 4877]
[wwwpoonster, 4778]
[w0wsuchdoge, 4769]
[Kravt, 4754]
[FrAgGy, 4697]
[Microh, 4590]
[xLiQuiDx, 4498]
[blindHORNET, 4497]
[TheuberClips, 4484]
[Tetoz, 4436]
[Dahrak, 4418]
[unsane, 4376]
[faffer, 4364]
[Steelmage, 4357]
[oreoresama, 4337]
[theoryofipcus, 4242]
[ilikepi3, 4197]
[machine5, 4157]
[SpareTheRod1976, 4148]
[Lionheart87, 4132]
[thirstybob, 4114]
[_MBR_, 4055]
[RaizQT, 4031]
[Bucaphi, 3960]
[hubsaw, 3959]
[Avantura, 3948]
[bottlehead93, 3947]
[Dawnz, 3914]
[KoTao, 3818]
[Bzmode, 3776]
[realmlord44, 3766]
[jjjarrett, 3707]
[Metronomy, 3640]
[Darni, 3609]
[Nilkemorya, 3593]
[feelgewd, 3589]
[Raycheetah, 3552]
[playagain, 3535]
[PureTrancendence, 3507]
[Snapfire, 3486]
[ipioo2000, 3434]
[TheRisenOne, 3400]
[Krippers, 3375]
[StupidFatHobbit, 3357]
[D_bak, 3354]
[RyogaHibiki, 3334]
[Leioblastus, 3314]
[CreativeAspect, 3297]
[SimmonTV, 3286]
[Mephisto_n, 3259]
[StuntmanBob, 3161]
[Ghbeats, 3154]
[SlixSC, 3115]
[RimGreeper, 3094]
[Elgnohp, 3093]
[mirificel, 3032]
[Davecgo, 2953]
[Ryzeup, 2903]
[SuicidalPancake, 2871]
[Fifth2301, 2867]
[buzzi, 2856]
[Havoc6, 2818]
[MewsicalPulse, 2816]
[Vexellent, 2787]
[HarryLarry, 2774]
[Timza7, 2773]
[FS2_ZAKU, 2736]
[Celorien, 2725]
[Choilicious, 2718]
[WereJackal, 2693]
[myapeli, 2692]
[AdzPoE, 2678]
[Salq, 2649]
[Naptimes, 2589]
[Wongod, 2581]
[Igneus, 2567]
[harmonic2, 2526]
[ctcsback, 2518]
[sp4rky, 2509]
[dknight, 2507]
[VirusH5N1, 2497]
[Hilbert, 2484]
[Rubik87, 2345]
[PanVictor, 2337]
[manman, 2306]
[Murfdawgg, 2287]
[Storbusen, 2262]
[Barrett52, 2244]
[Thorriorlinkdv2, 2219]
[NSA, 2204]
[Ezekiel_, 2193]
[devenie13, 2175]
[morbo, 2167]
[p0t, 2158]
[dda550, 2149]
[Sonickronic, 2149]
[Heltoniak, 2148]
[Ikhan_win, 2129]
[MajorMudfish, 2126]
[exodus820, 2125]
[TheMachine999, 2122]
[lZeus, 2119]
[BadM0jo, 2117]
[KaiSong, 2112]
[asdfman, 2079]
[Nurbel, 2051]
[dovahkiin92, 2033]
[zeus2172, 2031]
[alphaccount, 2025]
[D4wdl, 2007]
[Storm_Born, 2003]
[FarmerJoe73, 1979]
[codraziel, 1979]
[Rngbeast, 1969]
[ghaleon686, 1967]
[Monox1de562, 1967]
[Cataract, 1964]
[FleepQc, 1952]
[AlkaizerX, 1951]
[Kilithaza, 1942]
[Khob, 1937]
[NoObLeR, 1916]
[Miinistry, 1914]
[wegebah, 1900]
[Bnn, 1900]
[poor_hobbit, 1883]
[Customss, 1869]
[snifz, 1853]
[TechN, 1853]
[Powster, 1847]
[Kotnaschor, 1825]
[Tekkless, 1823]
[Jinsyn, 1820]
[mptyspace, 1810]
[Olecgolec, 1809]
[boof4, 1790]
[deansymule, 1760]
[GuyThatDies, 1750]
[ishville, 1729]
[MrFlyingCircus, 1720]
[slanghardcircles, 1707]
[Dokandre, 1689]
[Xper1mental, 1683]
[gagged, 1670]
[Fireknight, 1667]
[sirvenomik, 1635]
[Talathor, 1617]
[Fraya, 1613]
[gosunero, 1611]
[FranzKafka, 1593]
[Kurgan8, 1590]
[Sundrino, 1586]
[oretubaftw, 1585]
[DoctorMeat, 1583]
[Falcanito, 1572]
[Jzeeee, 1572]
[Moulouddesiles, 1568]
[manic_miner, 1568]
[Walczu, 1563]
[Zareuther, 1561]
[machetesavane, 1557]
[GodF4th3r, 1552]
[xIgelEi, 1544]
[atte, 1495]
[InstantDie, 1487]
[ShreddedBabyguts, 1480]
[brnoxx, 1472]
[Dargos, 1470]
[Sinew2, 1460]
[Casildar, 1454]
[SmokinTumbleWeed, 1451]
[caliark, 1449]
[MyH4o, 1442]
[Capper, 1436]
[Hypaethral, 1426]
[Maedhlyn, 1410]
[Smalceson_, 1384]
[FlyingGiraffes, 1366]
[Garnier, 1362]
[somesayso, 1361]
[TheLurker, 1351]
[uinku, 1341]
[Lassittor, 1337]
[Shaoxy, 1330]
[Kenrocket, 1308]
[Stration_, 1301]
[butte, 1281]
[Sarrom107, 1281]
[Paveltov, 1248]
[TPxErebus, 1222]
[Ins0mn1ac, 1217]
[Reffie, 1213]
[Fightgarr2, 1194]
[Varkorium, 1153]
[Violet_Cow, 1150]
[airways1, 1148]
[ctcx, 1145]
[Helzr, 1145]
[PhyniX5, 1143]
[lustar, 1109]
[xDank, 1104]
[Chronnoisseur, 1094]
[Exune, 1079]
[straw23, 1078]
[Slaander, 1078]
[bluerabbit333, 1075]
[beceka, 1064]
[Gottron, 1063]
[Jimbobkevint, 1053]
[Prototype_Project, 1053]
[aphexacid, 1037]
[Shenkuo, 1025]
[illuu, 1012]
[13eik, 1008]
[DittoWookie, 1005]
[sporting3112, 1001]
[Goratha2, 1001]
[Ragnarok789, 1000]
[Calby, 964]
[igusa, 957]
[BigPomelo, 943]
[ArciZ, 890]
[Dolorosa, 889]
[Jotalves, 887]
[Rydek, 876]
[Frostring, 858]
[Lilanarchy, 849]
[MirrorBomb, 831]
[laterr2, 828]
[Absurdd, 822]
[AcrePOE, 814]
[Daser777, 798]
[Nyxy, 796]
[Invalesco, 787]
[Lukasz2986, 777]
[SBCYugi, 770]
[Enzo, 759]
[MouseNorr, 759]
[mat1x, 754]
[_Khaotik, 747]
[Boulz, 742]
[Kastane, 731]
[_Stration, 716]
[ssnodgrass1283, 707]
[triada13, 681]
[alkiww, 674]
[GgrrrH, 674]
[Bambivicious, 653]
[Kazooya, 645]
[Friner, 644]
[Bokheim, 642]
[Deziowy, 624]
[KCIV, 621]
[TenzoYamato, 615]
[IronMask75, 614]
[x2martir, 603]
[4KKris, 585]
[Origination, 576]
[JrRenly, 553]
[HylianSage, 552]
[GRiMSKuLL, 541]
[BebopDeluxe, 534]
[Cybrixz, 483]
[Victo, 479]
[armies, 467]
[Chetnik, 422]
[Lasti, 386]
[MartinCreek, 338]
[Vizrt, 263]
[IMDisappoint, 0]
[Katakiri, 0]
[Vachy, 0]
[Tolerancece, 0]
[popcornyogi, 0]
[ithinkithink, 0]
[Robit, 0]
[D84, 0]
[gnidaeRruoY, 0]
[cjhhelpme, 0]
[Dooley13, 0]
[nasty5651, 0]
[Matze765, 0]
[yamaneko1920, 0]
[C1111, 0]
[staceily, 0]
[AtomicDoge, 0]
[IVIrPorter, 0]
[Umpalumpao0, 0]
[Dazaraki, 0]
[rocketlauncher, 0]
[illsick, 0]
[BdMtFk, 0]
[IGran, 0]
[Smokah, 0]
[hrafnain, 0]
[Greywing, 0]
[hellboar, 0]
[blocs, 0]
[Valmar, 0]
0 = private/deleted/banned profile
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact
Last edited by jstq#1440 on Feb 14, 2016, 8:13:04 AM
A 99% complete list of names could be sourced from the Ladders - Race Season Points. From there profiles could be used to get the points.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
You have people's PVP points included in that list jani.
"When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."

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