[2.1] *Ride The Lightning* CI CoC LS Scion
Hi, I'm precome and this is my very first self created build and first guide as well. Initially I wasn't sure if it was going to turn out well but since it did I decided to make a guide! Hope you guys enjoy it!
WHY LIGHTNING STRIKE? • great range • great spread • looks awesome • free lightning conversion (shocking!) ![]() VIDEO
Level 85 Scion - Canyon Map (Tier 8) EXPLANATION:
After getting bored with my Fakener (it’s hard for me personally to be excited about a build that everybody and their grandma is using) I wanted to find a new build, but if possible also use as many of the same items I’ve already worked hard to acquire. After experimenting with some things I’ve found that Lightning strike is an interesting alternative to use for CoC builds. LS on open maps has a bigger spread than spectral throw or any other attack that I can think of without having the need for any investment in projectile speed OR LMP/GMP. With multistrike you can achieve high levels of attack speed fairly easily resulting in more chances to proc the CoC trigger gems. Since it also comes with a free 50% conversion of physical to lightning you get shock in your build without having to CoC a lightning spell. Moreover, because lightning is no longer a priority as a trigger skill, you free up another gem in a 6L for more damage. You’re also open to take elemental equilibrium if you focus on fire or cold spells to increase damage dealt against high health or resistant targets (also the map mod will not negatively affect you at all). Ultimately, this build ends up being comparable to something like Mathil’s Fakerner/Powerpoint builds, which along with HeaT’s Firefury were heavy inspirations for my gear choices. In this guide I will try to explain the reasoning behind all of my decisions, and, while I will provide exactly what I run, the beauty of this build is how versatile it is and how you can put your own flavor to it.
PROS: • easy to spec from Fakener • CI is bless • ranged • good clear speed • looks cool • flexible with CoC trigger skills • elemental equilibrium • vagan daggers forego need for accuracy • perpetual ES recharge • very fun to play EXPLANATION: RESPECCING: Spinning is not always winning.
If you’re somebody looking for a new character to make because your Fakener (the CI variety) had lost its flavor then you’re in luck because many of these items are exactly what I had been using for that build (vagan dagger, elreon rings, high ES gear). Personally, I find chaos damage to be the most obnoxious thing ever so CI has become my best friend. While you can say it makes builds more expensive, I say it’s equally expensive to find gear that can supplement your need for chaos resistance without compromising too many stats for it.
RANGE: Stephen Curry; shoot from anywhere.
Another issue I had with Fakener was the attack range for cyclone was a little too small for my liking and although discharge had a large radius I would find myself annoyed when I was a little too far away to proc a hit and ended up dying (although you can attribute that to me probably being a bad cycloner). The ranged playstyle suits me much better, and if you feel the same then you’ll probably enjoy this build. Lightning strike as a standalone skill has 7 projectiles and the range of about 4 whirling blades (WOW!) which makes it amazing on open maps (you can easily off screen targets). You can save a slot by foregoing GMP to add a different support gem such as concentrated effect (although depending on what your trigger gems are you might have to run GMP anyway). The only core gems needed in a 6L setup are LS + multistrike + CoC so that leaves the last 3 up to you to decide.
DEFENSES: It’s like having a potion popped 24/7.
Because we’re not taking life leech in the setup (which you can and totally become immortal) we have to find another way of keeping your ES up at all times and the Zealot’s Oath passive keystone is definitely more than viable a method for this. With some investment in the passive tree and the use of Primal Skull talismans it’s feasible to achieve upwards of ~6+ % ES regen/s which is fairly decent when you have 9k + ES, not to mention the regular ES charge kicks in after not taking damage. Still, the regeneration is merely to be used to brush off the damage on attacks that manage to clip you, and unfortunately prolonged facetanking is not possible without vaal discipline up.
*THE REST TO BE COVERED IN THE ITEM SECTION* CONS: • fairly expensive • loss of frames • lightning strike walls • power charge reliant • scion’s blue pants are terribly ugly (have to pimp her out) EXPLANATION: COST: Affordable for the middle class.
Like any other build the amount of currency you invest into this will determine how well your character plays. This build revolves around using a 6L ES armor (more specifically for my character an Infernal Mantle) and some other pricey items, however there are many budget shortcuts (which I’ll go over) you can take while you’re levelling or still building up the currency to get the gg rares you’re searching for.
LAG: Build is not toaster viable (unfortunately ●︿●).
CoC builds have a tendency to kill your framerate because of the sheer amount of action going on when you crit on a large mob (especially those damned allies cannot die rares). Simply put if you already struggle to play a regular build on PoE then you probably won’t have a fun time with this one, however if your PC can handle it then I can tell you there’s no feeling more empowering than covering the screen with your destructive spells.
OBSTACLES: Tin foil hats.
LS is held down by its inability to bypass walls, small ledges, even certain rocks. You have to be keen on where to position yourself while clearing to get the optimal spread which can prove as fairly annoying at times, however generally speaking is not it does not amount to too great of a hassle.
POWER CHARGES: I’m nothing without my morning coffee.
Your critical strike chance relies heavily on generating and keeping up max power charges at all times. Before and after charges I get from 60~% chance to crit to 85~+% chance to crit (+9 from Assassin's mark) which makes it imperative to always be at the most power charges you can have. This “con” however is addressed with my gear setup, and is easily avoided in most situations leaving it as something that you just have to be aware of.
GEAR my personal setup
Generally, the gear you're looking for are high ES and enough res to max out (overcap if possible). I chose Maligaro's over an ES glove because I was using it to level and the stats will always be great on this build despite not having any ES. Voidbringers are very viable as well as an alternative with high ES and great spell crit because the mana costs for this build are pretty low because of the elreon rings. It's very manageable to have an 80% increased skill cost with two rings with -7 or -8 mana cost to skills. If you are hardpressed to find extra res and don't want to invest in res in the passive tree then a rare 200+ ES glove with multiple res would also fit this build well. Strength is high priority for the belt as it allows you to use your gear and gems. Try to fill out dex and strength if you can on these items.
Vagan daggers are a beautiful thing for CoC builds. Because LS is categorized as a melee spell but has projectiles added to it we can make use of the 100% accuracy rating of a Vagan dagger (look familiar? Fakener?). I nabbed a multimodded one for fairly cheap because the poor lad who was using it for his Fakener didn't realize the added lightning damage would kill his DPS with discharge but for this build however that is no issue. The most important to stats to look for or craft on these would go from Local Crit Chance -> Spell Damage -> Increased Attack Speed -> Crit Multi.
For the shield you'd want as high ES as you can afford, with resists if you need capping. Big bonuses to this build would be Spell Damage or Crit Chance for Spells with the former being more desirable but the latter also being pretty good. Shields are expensive but have the potential to give you massive amounts of ES.
The amulet I use for this build is a Fangjaw Talisman (2% life regen'd per second) to boost the ES regen we get from Zealot's Oath. The idea talisman would be a Tier 4 with Crit Chance and Life Regen as implicits, however these are pretty hard to find so a Tier 2 with just the regen works just fine. For explicits look for whatever resistances you need to fill out, otherwise Crit Multi is great and flat ES + % max ES also add a ton to your effective life pool.
Infernal Mantle is a solid choice for this build because of it's decently high ES and great added damage to fire + level to fire gems. This is what makes the FB + MO combo really strong in this build and Firestorm strong in the second setup. One big thing to keep in mind however is you do not want to reserve more than 65% of your mana because if you reach sub 35% mana with this chest you will receive a lot of extra damage from spells. The Mantle however is completely not necessary to have as a high ES Vaal Regalia or other body armor would be better at filling your resistance needs or coming at a little bit cheaper than a 6L mantle. If you do decide to go with a rare chest choice then the CoC trigger gems are completely open to what you want to run. Perhaps something like Bladefall + Arctic Breath with GMP similar to Mathil's Powerpoint would be a good combo to try.
If you can't afford a 6L then I would highly recommend a 5L Voll's Protector (what I used to level up) as they are really cheap to get and solve the problems of Power Charges until you can get a 6L.
Lightning Strike + CoC + Multistrike + Bladefall + Firestorm is a really good setup to level up and Voll's gives a tiny bit of ES but you wouldn't spec into CI until later on regardless. LINKS The two setups I use are as follows: 6L GGGRBB LS + CoC + Multistrike + GMP + Magma Orb + Fireball OR 6L GGGRBB (same as other) LS + CoC + Multistrike + Bladefall + Firestorm + Conc Effect/PCoC
My favorite of these two to run is the MO + FB build because I think it looks crazy cool to turn the entire map orange with a big wave of fiery goodness (thanks to HeaT's Firefury ). This setup feels more rewarding for me to play as well as having a faster clear because of the distance that all the fire travels. It often cleans up more than a screen's length of mobs in one good set of crits, which you can follow with whirling blades seemingly riding the wave of flaming basketballs to the next mob.
The second of these two setups is no joke either. It has better single target damage, and is more versatile because it doesn't require GMP meaning you can run Conc Effect which will make your DPS will increase. If you don't care much for a screen filled with ash and are the type to see heavy rain in the form of meteors and green blades then this is the combo I recommend for you. Also Bladefall is the flavor of the league and for good reason (it's OP!) so you can't go wrong with this skill. Even if I'm running the first setup for a map I often switch to this if I know I'm in for a high life boss, especially if the power charges get scarce there's always the option to run PCoC and not have to worry about it entirely. 4L BBBB *POWER CHARGE GENERATION EXPLAINED* Discipline + Blasphemy + Assassin's Mark + Enlighten
This build relies on maximum power charges to achieve high crit chance (hover 60~% w/o charges and 85+~% w/ 7 charges). This greatly increases dps in the obvious form of more crits = more spells, but again with 4% spell damage per power charge from one of the power charge passive nodes. The way we generate charges is Assassin's Mark + Blasphemy to run the curse as an aura. The range of this aura is not to be laughed at (at high levels). It's not off screen range but it's pretty decent (moreso than you would think). There is a trick however to safely gaining and sustaining these charges which is what I like to call "ride the lightning". Basically you just spam a couple LS and get a few crits (easier with a diamond flask) and whirling blades into the mob right as they die as to be seemingly catching the power charges. You'd be moving forward regardless after you clear the wave but this technique quickens map clear speed and is a pretty solid way of getting power charges. On curse immune maps I'd recommend switching to the Bladefall + Firestorm setup with PCoC as the second blue socket which makes charge generation trivial. This is also viable to just have all the time but I would prefer Conc Effect on regular maps because the charges are manageable with the Blasph aura and there are better uses for that socket than PCoC.
4L RRRG Inc Duration + CWDT + Immortal Call + Ice Golem
Just a standard set of links that's good on any build. Immortal Call has saved my ass a multitude of times even without endurance charges so I like to roll with this setup. Ice Golem is also attached just to remove the bother of having to recast is whenever it dies.
4L RRGB Inc Duration + Rallying Cry + Vaal Haste + Vaal Discipline
My Vaal skills of choice are Vaal Haste and Vaal Discipline. The former to increase clear speeds and dps (which can have surprisingly good uptime with Inc Duration) and the latter as a standard for all ES builds (allows you to facetank a little bit and is used for sticky situations when you can't avoid taking damage).
3L GGR Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks + Fortify
Whirling Blades is the best mobility skill in the game. Stick a fortify on it just to get that little bit of tankiness. More standard stuff. 3L BBG Increased Crit Strikes + PCoC + LS
These last 3 links I like to run as a panic button for my power charges. If the time is winding down on my charges and there are no mobs to refuel then you can use this (which will cover a huge portion of an open map even without GMP) to gain another power charge and reset the timer. This is particularly useful in a boss fight where you've entered with charges and have no trash to kill. Simply cast this second Lightning Strike a couple times in the middle of your regular ones and you're back in action with full charges.
This is a completed version of the skill tree. What you choose to fill out while getting up in levels is up to your discretion. Taking the resist nodes under the Scion start is not necessary at all and just something I temporarily have taken while my gear is improving to fill out my resists. I would prioritize crit chance for daggers or general crit chance nodes, then ES, but always be sure to get the life regen nodes if you go Zealot's Oath. Elemental Equilibrium is also completely optional and should only be used if you don't rely on a lightning spell trigger skill. Well I hope you guys liked it! I might have rambled a bit too much in some sections but oh well it's a first guide. I'm open to new ideas and criticism as this is nowhere from perfect just how the build turned out. Leave any questions and I'll try my best to answer them when I can! (Jewels and Flasks to be edited in later) Last edited by precome#5587 on Feb 9, 2016, 4:18:36 AM
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