Feels like this season was designed to exclude me entirely...

So ive managed to gt in a COUPLE of races... but about 99% of the races are timed in such a way i am completly unable to partake in them. My daily scheduling is as follows:

12pm: Wake up, eat, get online.
12:30-2:45: Dick around online, watch youtube videos, maybe run some maps.
2:45-3: Shower, shave.
3-3:30: More internet Dicking around, probbaly on memebase or soemthing.
3:30-3:45: Get dressed and ready for work.
3:45: Leave for work.
4pm-midnight: Work, i work all the closing shifts, every day. If im LUCKY i finish closing up by about 12:05-12:15
12:30am: Arrive home, eat supper.
1am-3am: Run some maps, do my master dailies, maybe watch something on youtube.
3am-4am:Prepping for bed.
4am-12pm: Sleep, rinse, repeat.

So riddle me this, how am i supposed to partake in the races of this season? they are all set at the WORST times for me

For reference, im in CST timezone. This, coupled with this: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1574501/

Has really put me off from ever playing this game again. You really seem to only cater to very specific players, and have made it near impossible for others to complete challenges, perform races, and generally do ANYTHING in game anymore.
While I do not have the cluster-F of a schedule like you, I too have to work / family.

I have barely any time to do any races because of this. :(
gubaguy wrote:
So ive managed to gt in a COUPLE of races... but about 99% of the races are timed in such a way i am completly unable to partake in them. My daily scheduling is as follows:

12pm: Wake up, eat, get online.
12:30-2:45: Dick around online, watch youtube videos, maybe run some maps.
2:45-3: Shower, shave.
3-3:30: More internet Dicking around, probbaly on memebase or soemthing.
3:30-3:45: Get dressed and ready for work.
3:45: Leave for work.
4pm-midnight: Work, i work all the closing shifts, every day. If im LUCKY i finish closing up by about 12:05-12:15
12:30am: Arrive home, eat supper.
1am-3am: Run some maps, do my master dailies, maybe watch something on youtube.
3am-4am:Prepping for bed.
4am-12pm: Sleep, rinse, repeat.

So riddle me this, how am i supposed to partake in the races of this season? they are all set at the WORST times for me

I'm not sure if you're listing the times where you're "dicking around" or watch videos as "busy times" where you can't possibly do any races or you mean you're dicking around because no race is running at that time.
Anyway, it would be nice to know what timezone you actually live in, in order to understand your situation better.
Since this game has players from all over the world, I assume that all mayor time zones have been taken into account, meaning races will run while some (or most) people are asleep. This should include that you can race while it's bedtime in your country.
ardotschgi wrote:
gubaguy wrote:
So ive managed to gt in a COUPLE of races... but about 99% of the races are timed in such a way i am completly unable to partake in them. My daily scheduling is as follows:

12pm: Wake up, eat, get online.
12:30-2:45: Dick around online, watch youtube videos, maybe run some maps.
2:45-3: Shower, shave.
3-3:30: More internet Dicking around, probbaly on memebase or soemthing.
3:30-3:45: Get dressed and ready for work.
3:45: Leave for work.
4pm-midnight: Work, i work all the closing shifts, every day. If im LUCKY i finish closing up by about 12:05-12:15
12:30am: Arrive home, eat supper.
1am-3am: Run some maps, do my master dailies, maybe watch something on youtube.
3am-4am:Prepping for bed.
4am-12pm: Sleep, rinse, repeat.

So riddle me this, how am i supposed to partake in the races of this season? they are all set at the WORST times for me

I'm not sure if you're listing the times where you're "dicking around" or watch videos as "busy times" where you can't possibly do any races or you mean you're dicking around because no race is running at that time.
Anyway, it would be nice to know what timezone you actually live in, in order to understand your situation better.
Since this game has players from all over the world, I assume that all mayor time zones have been taken into account, meaning races will run while some (or most) people are asleep. This should include that you can race while it's bedtime in your country.

"dicking around" is at time in which there are no races, and i DID list my timezone, in the original post, CST. And to make it simple, races run about every 4 hours, in my local time races start at 8 AM, 12 PM (sleeping, or jsut waking up frmo sleeping), 4 PM (arriving at work), 8PM (at work), 12 AM (closing down the store i work at for the night, and i dont arrive home for at LEAST 15 minutes after that).

thats why i listed my schedule, becuase races are at the WORST times for me, like... they could not POSSIBLY be timed any worse.

And ive been thinking about it... why not run specific races every X minutes? like... 12 minute descent bursts every 30 minutes? or 1 hour races every 2 hours? etc. overlapping so that no one can run EVERY race, but theres enough races for EVERYONE to run? All GGG would haev to do is increase the number of races, overlap them so people cant abuse the increased number, then reduce overall race points, so people can still run 50+ races in a season and get their rewards.
Set alarm for 11:55am. Eat after. Voila, you make the noon race whenever it's on. Go to bed 15-30min earlier or whatever if you want the same amount of sleep.

The midnight race isn't so easy. You could still run longer races, where missing the first 15-30 min isn't a deal breaker. And times when you get home at 12:15 you can still participate in all but Burst and Descent races.

Obviously the schedule sucks for you, but with a bit of juggling you could squeeze in more races in the meantime.
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