The_Skull_Queen SRS Build 2.1 (500k+ dps obtainable, tooltip doesn't show)
Disclaimer: I don't consider myself a pro player, and this build may not be min/maxed perfectly. But this is what works for me.
Overview: SRS has always been one of my favorite skills, recently had a few nice buffs especially with the damage effectiveness going to 100% from 70%. It is a huge bonus for damage auras and other damage modifiers. The basic Idea is to keep 2 auras Hatred/Anger/Wrath up while spamming SRS. Focus on Increased Minion Damage will have a multiplicative effect on over all dps (In theory can break over 1m+ dps) Increased Minion Damage Jewels are Essential to this build having 6 x 15% Jewels give your minions 90% extra damage on all damage bonuses (From Auras, Base damage, etc) End game this build could have 8 Jewels. So 120% from Jewels alone. Jewels quickly get expensive with other mods, even more so life%. Some good mods to look for are reduced mana cost, casting speed with staffs or fire skills or just casting speed, or resistances. My current theoretical dps
Overall Dps is hard to pin point as the tool tip dps is off and doesn't show anything close to near dps. Currently My tooltip dps shows roughly 2400 per skull(lvl 19) I peak at 47 skulls without haste. Base srs Damage, Minion Damage, Multistrike and minion damage from jewels/passives and auras are not calculated. So 2400 + 768 (srs19/20) + 618 (anger 6 attacks per second) + 17.5%(Hatred cold dmg bonus to physical)+ 63% (minion dmg 19/20) + 156%(passives/jewels) = 12 452 dps per skull I can maintain 47 skulls without vaal haste, so conservative number 30 skulls out on average. = 373560 dps Vaal haste I can maintain 50 skulls, 40 skulls on average = 498080 dps (without factoring increased attack speed) I'm sure there are some flaws in my calculations, there are many calculators out there but this shows dps totals can break 500k end game, possibly even as high as 1m+ Pro's: Insanely High Damage Potential High Life (5k+) Capped Resistances Ability to maintain 45+ SRS Immune to Reflect Immune to Freeze Con's: Can't do maps with big penalties to regen or no regen. Vulnerable to Ranged mobs with Pierce Moderately expensive endgame (9-11ex for well equipped) Current skill tree Passive skill tree build Key equipment: Pledge is essential to this build for the Spell Echo mod. With that you can maintain a lot more skulls. More skulls = more damage and more fodder to eat up ranged attacks Foible is another Essential item the reduced attribute req helps a lot for your dex based skills (vaal haste, Culling Strike, hatred) The Mana regen is essential to help you spam Skulls without needing potions I wear the Heart only for the life, the increased fire damage has no effect on your skulls, the life can boost your total by 1200, which helps you avoid those burst damage hits, the armor is a nice bonus. Dream fragments is essential for the immunity to freeze, the extra mana regen helps a lot as well. Low Level grinding (under 68)
The great thing about SRS is it is easy to grind through the low levels with it, pick up a tabula rasa and you generally can grind up to 68, swap in a Heart and Pledge and continue. It will slow down a little in the 62-67 range but works great.
I recommend focusing on the west side of the skill tree until you get most of the Jewels then expand north towards the Witch side of the skill tree Current Gear
Weapon: Pledge of Hands is essential for this build, although +3 fire skill staff is another option which I haven't explored. 6L:
Summon Raging Spirt Melee Splash (20q helps but not that much as you have so many skulls as it is) Multi Strike Minion Damage Culling Strike (Most SRS Builds overlook Culling Strike, the Increased attack/cast speed from quality helps you and your skulls, the increased damage helps your skulls a lot, the 'culling' part is just icing on the cake and increases your clear speed by roughly 10% as everything is essentially 10% less life) Increased Chaos Damage (the best of the increased damage gems, with the 100% damage effectiveness of SRS and all the increased damage mods this is a no brainer) If 5L drop Multistrike, if 4l drop Melee splash. Helm: Grab a rare to top up your resistances. Focus on Str based. Other mods : + life, + rarity, +armor Armor: Kaoms heart although you can probably sub in something else if you want to be less squishy. I personally love the extra life. Amulet: Atziri's Foible is essential for the reasons I mentioned before Rings: Dream Fragments (essential) 2nd Grab a rare with resistances or if you can afford get a nice Gamble Gloves: I use Aurseize. But anything with resistance or what ever you feel you are lacking works well. Belt: Address any resistance issues with the belt, maybe get some more life. Boots: I use Atziri's Step for the life/spell dodge, but this slot is also very flexible. Potions: I just just life potions, you wont need mana ones but this is flexible. Other Skills/linked skills 1x 3l: Generosity Hatred Anger (this is the main source of your damage output, generosity since you are not doing direct damage yourself) 1x 2l: Cast when damage taken Summon Skeleton (Little bit of Cannon fodder) 1x 2l: Vaal Haste Increased Duration (Can 3 l with another Vaal haste if you feel it is needed, which will make you pretty much perma vaal haste. I find one vaal haste more then enough I can almost perma cast it as it stands.) Last edited by gryphon79#7049 on Jan 31, 2016, 12:05:11 PM
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