Undying Bladefall [2.2 Update]

What's New?
March 21 - Added link to orlp's L100 PSC setup.
March 7 - Updated for Ascendancy.
Feb 29 - Huge props to WhiteShark. He managed to kill Uber on Talisman HC with the low budget CI variant of this build! Amazing! His gear/tree is posted here.
Feb 25 - managed to make Core Malachai run away.


In 2.2 Vinktar is much harder to use:

Check out orlp's setup, which he used to reach L100 in Perandus without relying on Vinktar.

The main reason is that increased flask charges used on the flask make it so that even with 35% reduced charges used we still only get 1 use out of it.

The compensation is that the base duration of the flask is 4.8 seconds, up from 4.2. So in regular mapping you can have it up 90% of the time. Just not 100% of the time like we used to back in 2.1.

There are several options I'm exploring to replace Vinktar, but it is clear to me that they are weaker:

1. 1 Vinktar + Blasphemy Warlords for when Vinktar is down.
2. 2 Vinktars instead of a Taste of Hate.
3. Atziri's Promise + Consuming Dark + Pyre to leech life and a mana flask to refill mana. This is what I'm currently testing in PSC.

My Gear/Tree/Ascend after 5 days of Perandus SC

Jewels: 1x Conqueror's Potency, 1x Conqueror's Efficiency, 1x Energy from Within, 1x Rare with ES and damage

L86 Ranger Tree

Stats are 7.8k ES, 43k damage with flasks/buffs and increased AoE (6L using L19 gems)


Low-life or CI flask-based bladefall. Inspired by Ghudda's Flask Effect EK build and Sherkhan's Bladebender build. Currently L100 in TSC and completed all the hardest content available.

2.1 stats

Offense: 288k tooltip with 5PC, 4FC, conc effect and Taste of Hate. 355k with vaal haste. 210k with vaal haste and inc aoe. 1.66M tooltip with RF, Atziri's Promise and Vaal Haste. Real DPS is Tooltip x1.15 (poison from consuming dark) x1.5 (shock from Vinktar). So 288k TT is actually 496k DPS. After factoring resists + assassin's mark, real world DPS is right around 500k per hit, so 1M-1.5M DPS against most larger hitbox bosses.

Defense: 8042 ES, and with perma flasks: 88 allres, 39% phys taken as cold, 4.5k armor, 75 block, 74 spell block.

In Yolo mode DPS is 355k with consuming dark (no vaal haste) and 6.7k ES.

2.1 Videos

Village Ruin boss (vulnerability curse immune)
Village Ruin boss? (2boss extra cold)
Arsenal Haast Fights (-Max, Enfeeble, 72% monster life, beyond)

Vaal Temple (temp chain, phys red)
Palace Dom (temp chain, vuln, extra fire)

Core malachai runs away (2p with DukeLBH)

Core Malachai (easy mods)
Core (176q 30p map)
Colosseum Daresso (2p health, temp chain, monster dmg, monster crit/multi)

Uber on Talisman HC by WhiteShark using the low budget CI variant of the build.

Alluring Abyss aka Uber 9m59s deathless full clear
Hall of Grandmasters 5m49s deathless fullclear
Hall of Grandmasters 6m29s deathless fullclear
Hall of Grandmasters 7m16s deathless fullclear
Vinktar Square

Crazy Mods
Double Reflect (L79 Overgrown Ruin)
No leech, No regen, 18% ele reflect (L79 Village Ruin)

Tree + Discussion

2.2 Tree

Krait/Passive or Alira/Alira or Krait

4 Jewels:
1x Energy from Within below Melding
3x Incr Energy Shield + Damage

Notice we don't take stun immunity, just a lot of stun avoidance. This is enough to kill core malachai, but you have to watch out for heavy damage bosses (eg an enraged Gnarr) in temp chain maps, where the stuns you do take will last longer.

Arcane vision is a mandatory 3pt tax. It's really impossible to play this build safely without it. It could be unspeced for fights like Alluring Abyss though.

Ascendancy Options

Shadow - Assassin - Deadly Infusion + Toxic Delivery
Perrydtf wrote:

I'm running Unstable Infusion and Toxic delivery because I personally one shot any mob with any health anyway except for bosses so the initial hit from Ambush doesn't seem worth it to me. For non uber runs Ambush would probably be stronger then Toxic Delivery though.

Shadow - Assassin - Ambush + Deadly Infusion
Ambush allows us to 1shot most regular mobs while deadly infusion lets us generate PCs and have high sustained damage against tougher mobs.

Witch - Occultist - Malediction + Forbidden Power
Extra Curse, PC generation, 10% explode on death, and a weird non-chaos as chaos added mechanic.

Shadow - Assassin - Assassinate + Unstable Infusion
When enemies are on full life and below 35% we have 100% more crit chance. In the midrange we don't have the additional crit chance so we generate PCs with unstable infusion. We also have culling strike so that's like 9-11% more damage.

Scion - Assassin + Raider
Generate PCs thru assassin & FCs thru raider. We also phase & onslaught at full FCs.

Scion - Assassin + Pathfinder
Free PCs and even more flask charges. Honestly it seems like overkill on the flask charges in this spec.

Scion - Assassin + Juggernaught
A potential way to generate ECs, and grant ourselves stun immunity, but the EC is 10% on hit. We usually don't get hit because we block, so it may not be worth it.

Duelist - Gladiator - Versatile Combatant - Violent Retaliation
Cap block without Rumi or Lazhwar. Use Atziri + Rare amu for DPS.

Marauder - Juggernaught - Unbreakable + Unrelenting
Stun immunity, and reduced elemental damage taken per EC. This would be like a more multiplier on our HP against all damage thanks to taste of hate.

Gear + Discussion

The most important part of this build. Vinktar's gives 12-20% (depending on whether I'm using the conversion or penetration one) instant leech. Both life and mana, so it sustains our skill cost as well as our reheal. Taste of hate gives great mitigation as well as great damage. The grounding flask caps our fire res and dispells shocks from Vinktar. Rumi puts my block at 75/74.

Shavs is required IMO. Before shavs I'd play life/es or CI with a 5L 500ish ES chest. Lorica is trashy and hard to chrom. This is my old setup, I don't use P2L any more. Empower/added fire is a better 6L than P2L.

Gloves/Helm are there for ES.

Option 1:

Spell damage on the dagger is better than adds x-y to spells since I mostly take phys damage on tree. The base dagger APS doesn't affect whirling blades, but the local %inc atk speed does, go figure.

Caster rings are meh so I use Loris for nice res, chres, and about 6% more ES. I also use Ming's for that sweet DPS boost and chaos res. Shavs + 28% chaos + over 7k ES basically makes me immune to chaos.

Option 2:

Despite a 10% lower tooltip than the above, this gives 15% more damage overall thanks to poison and the fact that chaos resists are typically 15% whereas elemental resists are 30%.

The belt needs 16%-20% reduced flask charges used to make it so that taste of hate & co only consume 20 charges per use.

My spellblock setup, this gives me 75/74 block, 8.2k ES, 215k DPS.

A alternative setup is:

This gives 71/75 block, 7.9k ES,, 220k DPS.

I used the rathpith/rare amu setup for a long time because it's much cheaper, and it's hard to beat with a rare shield. My rare shield cost me 2.5ex, and I exalted the 47 int myself. It's probably worth 10-15ex now.

Gem Links + Discussion

Blade Fall - Spell Echo - Faster Casting - Added Fire / Empower - Controlled Destruction - Inc AoE / Conc Effect
AoE gems are last priority. I like conc effect in high DPS parties, and inc aoe the rest of the time.

Blood Magic (21) - Discipline - Arctic Armor | Hatred
You could also do Blood Magic (17) - Enlighten (2) - Discipline - Arctic Armor. Hatred is not linked to the blood magic.

Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark - Poacher's Mark
HoT is always working thanks to Vinktar. Poacher's gives flask and frenzy charges.

CWDT L1 - Immortall Call L3 - Warlord's Mark L5 - Tempest Shield L7
This is what saves us from phys/ele ref maps when we forget to flask. Paid two deaths to realize this is necessary if going for 95+. The reason is going for high levels you have to play somewhat carelessly so you can't expect perfect flask uptime.

Or you can replace warlord's with increased duration.

Or you can just use sibyls + p2l for physref maps and get vaal haste + increased duration.

Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify
Gotta move fast to clear fast. FA could be replaced with culling strike for tough bosses.

Lightning Warp| Herald of Ash | Summon Fire Golem
Stick them in somewhere. In theory HoA+AA could be replaced with Wrath, but I haven't tested it.

Safety First Gear + Tree [my current setup in TSC]

This setup is only meant to be used for leveling L96-L100. Before L96 you can't even really spec this tree. What changed? We get 3 curse and run Warlord's mark on Blasphemy instead of arctic armor, as well as a CWDT-Dur-IC. The purpose of this is that it protects us from phys reflect, and can give us an extra 2 seconds to manage corrupted blood / bonespire. Warlord's is on blasphemy because it's the most important curse in order to protect us from reflect (more important than Assassin's or Poacher's).

The purpose of this variant is to minimize deaths to certain annoying mechanics that the base variant can die to:
1) phys reflect if you forget to use flasks
2) ele reflect if you forget to use flasks
3) corrupted bloodline
4) bonespire


For L96 I would take out one of the spell crit clusters. For L97 and L98 I would put those points into spell damage.

Low Budget CI Version

You can play this build as soon as you have a Vinktar flask and a 5L ES chest with about 500 ES (easy to craft one yourself ~ 200 alts + 10regal&scour). You can also play before getting a Vinktar flask but it will feel *bad to play* because you'll have trouble with mana and no good source of life leech.

L90ish Passives

Use consuming dark, pyre, rathpith, rainbowstride and doedre ring.

Bladefall - Spell Echo - Faster Casting - Controlled Destruction - Added Fire - (Conc/Inc AoE)

For auras just skip HoA and AA. I.e. use Disc - Hatred - HoT curse on hit.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Last edited by MatrixFactor#3574 on Mar 21, 2016, 1:50:30 PM
Last bumped on Jul 9, 2016, 8:04:16 PM
sherkhan wrote:
This build is super-OP. The only reason it's not BOTW is because Matrix hasn't really publicized it.

For reasonable gearing costs, it lets you race from L90-100 pretty smoothly, at the small cost of required regular flask tapping.

Also because it's not really my build and I'm just posting this so I can cosolidate what I've done in one place and get more exposure for Ghudda's build. :3
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Added two videos showcasing the "fixed" Vinktar flask against vulnerability village ruin boss and -max enfeeble monster life 4p health Haasts.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
full gear?
sherkhan wrote:
This build is super-OP. The only reason it's not BOTW is because Matrix hasn't really publicized it.

For reasonable gearing costs, it lets you race from L90-100 pretty smoothly, at the small cost of required regular flask tapping.

hehe what end game build isnt Path of Flasks? I am doing this in HC. started two days ago..lvl 50 right now.

Again GG matrix.
Git R Dun!
Last edited by Aim_Deep#3474 on Jan 17, 2016, 2:38:03 PM
It should be worth noting that this build is impossible without at least 20ex
SlamBro wrote:
It should be worth noting that this build is impossible without at least 20ex

Not true at all. Im running a budget version atm, using CI with pretty average ES rares and a 5l. Only using vinktar and rumis. Still works like a charm! those 2 flask are the only real investment atm, 2ex aprox.

Once i get my hands on a taste of hate or a 5l shav's i can only imagine the power creep going higher and higher.

@MatrixFactor do you think there is a way to put to use innervate in the build? because abusing the vinktar flask it should be easy to proc it all the time. HoI-innervate? Tempest shield-culling strike-innervate?

1nfest wrote:
SlamBro wrote:
It should be worth noting that this build is impossible without at least 20ex

Not true at all. Im running a budget version atm, using CI with pretty average ES rares and a 5l. Only using vinktar and rumis. Still works like a charm! those 2 flask are the only real investment atm, 2ex aprox.

Once i get my hands on a taste of hate or a 5l shav's i can only imagine the power creep going higher and higher.

@MatrixFactor do you think there is a way to put to use innervate in the build? because abusing the vinktar flask it should be easy to proc it all the time. HoI-innervate? Tempest shield-culling strike-innervate?

I have no idea how to make innervate work reliably.

You could try HoI-Cull-Innervate, but I think that would only grant you somewhat reliable onslaught in open maps like Plateau. It would don absolutely nothing for boss fights.

My build design philosophy is to have a balanced build. If I already have good clearspeed, but weak single target, I'm not going to further improve clearspeed and make single even worse. This way I get builds that are solid in all types of maps, but I don't get to discover builds like Vaal Spark.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
Added a video of double boss colosseum with 2p health. Testing pyre+consuming dark version.
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
I was the scrub following this dude in double Colosseum. This build really insta-gibs everything. Glad I found the build posted somewhere as I was curious of it.

Thanks again for the full clear on the T15 - Twinned!

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