Null's Inclination Build
Reason for Build
I tend to not do builds that that have been done often and shown to be pretty ineffective. I'm constantly doing off the wall builds but trying to make them end game viable. When looking to see what people have done with Null's so far I saw many fundamental flaws in their builds. When I saw spirit guardian jewel and a null's list for 1c, I figured it was time to give this a good. The fundamental problems I've seen with the builds so far is they focus on the minions rather than their own damage. Let's be clear up front, this is an ele bow build that also summons minions to help it. It's not a summoner build with a bow. When I saw these builds getting a bunch of minion nodes and minion uniques I was curious if I missed something. It would be like a CoC build focusing on spell damage and crit rather than getting weapon crit and acc. If YOU don't get enough kills (or crits w/ CoC) the buffed up trigger effect just can't happen enough for it to be a real impact. So I'm hoping to share my info so people with more currency can trick it out and maybe someone can see something I didn't then add to what I've started. This build is fun but has some glaring errors. It's fairly difficult to get decent DPS, as your giving up a good/fast ele bow or windripper for null's. So there's a heavy focus on my tree for DPS. Also many bosses are difficult as they have high damage AOEs that wipe your army out quickly so that bow damage you're lacking really shines during these fights. Leaving you to be a master kiter to get through them. Video - Gorge Run Tree - Lvl 89 Scion: MoosiferXVIII
General Info
Bandits Oak, Krait, Krait (I took the point but was before I planned to use blood rage) Split DPS buffed is 15k Blast DPS buffed is 14k (but does "shotgun" projectiles overlap, especially vs large hitboxes, like bosses, so does higher effective DPS than split even though lower sheet dps) 15 second vaal haste 71 second animate weapon 9.5 second SRS On a good map (lots of small minions, high IIQ so many weapons) I'll get 40 weapons up and maxed out on 50 SRSs Average map I have 20-30 weapons and 50 SRS Bad map (reduced damage, high life mobs, low IIQ) I'll have 10-20 weapons and 20-30 SRS so worst case is usually 40 minions, my peak was over 90 when doing a rare unid map which one of the mods was sea witch and had like +100% IIQ The gorge I posted was just under a 4 min run and I had one faster just before it that had burrowing crabs so perma-vaal haste and maxed out minions the entire time.
Gear at a glance
I went with split + chain + WED + culling + added light. For a 6th I'd either go with leech or LGoH for the needed EHP. You want to go balls out added cold would probably work, FA if you wanted to save on mana. I tried out TS, it's better damage and better for bosses, wouldn't require a single target but once the army is up and running TS just can't keep up and suddenly the army starts to die off. You end up with this burst of clear speed then a lull, then a burst again. Split helps lvl that out. But everytime a map starts with a blue pack I wish I was using TS. (No, I'm way too fucking lazy to swap) LA probably works but I didn't try it. Something about needing LMP along with chain seemed like it wouldn't match the damage, maybe it would and I should give it an honest try. Culling is required, you want to be able to steal kills once the army is going and your damage isn't doing all the work. Also lets you kill bosses a little easier and you just have to get them to 10%. For single target: Blast Rain + WED + conc + added lightning I didn't try any others, blast rain is new so I wanted to try it. It's pretty good for single target, probably a little too mana hungry for this build but if the target isn't too mobile I usually get enough mana to spam it. If they are then they become a real pain in the ass to kill. I use to have FA rather than added light, but decided I prefer the harder hits over faster. Majority of your damage, I can't imagine any helm matching this even if you could cover the mana reservation without it's discount. Haste, wrath and anger because they scale both your damage and their's. Hatred would be one sided and heralds wouldn't help them. Although, you could consider heralds because the main focus is your damage. Do not do any minion only auras though, just not worth it. I'd love to have fire golem with minion life and other EHP shit but alas, not enough sockets to make it all work. Blood rage is for the frenzy charges, IAS scales ele damage great and the 12% more damage is nice too. If I had the 40 regrets I'd change my merc bandit to frenzy charge as I didn't think I'd be using them when I went through merc. With all the duration stuff you get 15 seconds on vaal haste, if you're moving quickly and get decent mobs on the map you can easily sustain it the entire map. Sea witch map I found myself casting it before the duration even ended on accident. Drillneck, LA and pierce might be a better combo, but you'd need better jewelry than what I have to make up for the EHP loss from quiver. I can imagine it will have a much higher sheet DPS, unsure about the comparison between effective DPS.
Gear Explanation
One thing I immediately noticed with all the other builds is most had skeletons in the links, which this is a fast pace build, skeletons would only be useful as meat shields and generally with 50-80 other minions up nothing is getting to you and you don't need meat shields vs trash, and you can't generate them consistently during boss fights (or they die instantly even if you do). Also, NONE had a 2nd SRS gem in and this just seemed odd. One of the first things I tried was if you could cast 2 of the same gem as that's how the old trigger gems use to work. As that was a year ago now I guess everyone just assumed this bow would work the same, it doesn't. The 2 SRS gems will only go up to 50 SRSs anyways, yes I tried 5, still only 50 total. The benefit of 2 is that you get 2 per kill so you get to that 50 cap very quickly. I tried 3 to see if it would help with the boss situation, as most/all come with a blue pack so if you take them down quickly you can get like 15-21 SRSs out quickly. But sadly they just didn't do enough damage w/o minion damage and without minion speed they weren't really quick enough to go pack to pack. I tried duration at first before I tested the double SRS and really it's not that great. The SRSs don't get that much of a duration boost and they don't travel with you well, packs go quickly so you end up having to resummon them a screen or two away regardless of how long they last. I tried and Null's doesn't summon the ranged weapons. Planned on trying to squeeze in 2 so was happy to buy two before finding out they didn't work. Sad too because an extra 8 weapons would make a big difference. Personally I loved having flesh offering going off all the time. Fuck necros, don't have to worry about DD or VDD and having the buff always on has a set it and forget it feel. You don't have to worry about forgetting to cast it. So I actually wouldn't bother getting a 6l, like I said, bosses was my only struggle and more minion damage wouldn't help that because they aren't there.
Before I can talk about the chest I need to discuss the jewels I used. The idea with these is MGoH as this build has just too high of a mana demand, stressed too much for aura space, lacks enough life to do clarity + BM, needs jewelry for damage so thief's torment isn't a great idea. More would be better, but MGoH and some form of damage which for my specific set up would be projectile damage, IAS with bows (normal is only 4%, bow is 8%, this is if you're looking for blues ofc, take bow over normal if you can find it), fire or lightning damage. I think projectile damage and IAS will be the best scaling but fire and lightning work in a pinch. With these I'm able to do no regen maps, but I won't act like I'm sustaining without a problem, I do carry a mana flask for the times I'm firing into the air and run out of mana. Big DPS boost from this wanna say it's like 2 of the 11k unbuffed DPS, and it's sitting on the path between shadow and ranger. I've seriously considered going to shadow or ranger jewel to get a 2nd one in but I'm not exactly sure what to give up as the build is basically aura reserve, life jewels and some skill duration. Not sure if dropping the few damage passives I have for another would end up as a wash or not. Because I can't get two statics I went with this bad boy, which is the reason for my chest. Auras count as a buff, so I have 3 there, blood rage for 4, with vaal haste up I have 5, fire golem for 6 and when onslaught turns on from being hit while wearing daresso's defiance I get to 7 for an extra 35-77 fire damage. If I did get the second static, in the ranger spot it would be about 40-50 top end, shadow would be 40. So 56 average fire damage plugged into any jewel socket or 25ish in an out of the way jewel socket which might require ineffective pathing to make the damage worth it. Also Mantra is like 1-2c while static is 5-10c, so generally better and cheaper, seemed like a good idea.
Main focus is WED, then flat ele damage then life. The rest depends on what you need. Build is stressed for INT and DEX so they are good things to look for, DEX would throw in free minion damage from the bow too so don't be afraid of getting too much. I don't give a shit about having portal gem in a socketed ring, I'd prefer any other base but that one had the highest damage when I was searching for jewelry so seemed like a no brainer.
The rest
Alpha + all the reserve passives I have is the best way to have all 3 auras and enough mana left over for a couple of shots. You could take other steps but they involve enlighten or that chest that gives only to your minions. Again, not a minion build, those auras are your main damage source, can't afford to lose them. Chest, I'm sure there are better options but this gives end charges for free, decent life and sudden DPS boost between onslaught and the extra bit of fire damage from mantra of flames. Gloves are just like jewelry, look for flat ele damage and IAS, res just go defensive. Boots are pure defensive, 30% MS is pretty required if you want to keep pushing the pace, once the army is live things go quickly and your stuff is on a timer, the faster you go the bigger the army gets, the more DPS the more EHP (more weapons to absorb hits for you) and for non-AOE bosses you can just zerg them with everything like I do the gorge boss in the video. I actually had no idea I was at the boss until I saw the wall. You could go with drill neck and use pierce instead of chain, but I knew I was going very offensive on jewelry so I wanted an EHP quiver to make up for that, it has decent damage too. Flat ele quivers aren't very popular as most ele builds have gone crit now.
Thoughts On future improvements
-Trying with pierce and drillneck. I think this could be a big DPS boost, just lose some of the autotargeting from chain. - For HC viability, probably go with acro and evasion. Can't really afford to be effective and give up much DPS. When the army is going you won't be in the line of fire often, adding avoidance, with good MS you can take an active defense to stay alive. Early map exiles and many bosses will be pretty scary though. - A crit version might work, which would help the early map play when you do run into blue packs right away, maybe with bosses too because of the burst. I just worry the crit won't be very high and getting enough accuracy to make it worth it might be difficult as well. Getting ele damage and crit gear is also not cheap to gear. - A LL version that stays on the left side of the tree might be good. Being able to run heralds would be a nice DPS jump, and if you're going with shavs I'd probably try to give crit a shot. - A version with more frenzy charges would be good. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - Last bumped on Mar 23, 2016, 11:06:32 PM
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bump...I guess? Guess I should have added some flashy title or something.
Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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Maybe it would have, its a pretty awesome guide, though I cant stand playing builds that aren't so great versus bosses. Overall I like the build and enjoyed watching you get a tidal wave of spirits, if I ever get a null's ill probably try it despite the boss issue, maybe get some high end bow on a swap like a chin sol with a puncture trap in it, swap to that for bosses?
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" I was thinking about maybe just getting a high damage ele bow on swap, I'm just really lazy. I wouldn't suggest doing anything physical related because there's so much ele damage all over the place so you'd be leaving a ton of damage on the table. Chin sol might work because I think the point blank works on ele damage. A high end option in voltaxic probably works too because it's basically the same build just with fire damage and non-crit. For anyone else reading this thread. Obviously isn't getting much interest so if you have questions about the build PM me on the forums. I'm better at answering questions on here than in game, if there's some super specific you want to see in action we can probably work it out in game. I just don't see myself checking this thread too much more when after a week it has 1 reply. Finished 17th in Rampage - Peaked at 11th
Finished 18th in Torment/Bloodline 1mo Race - peaked at 9th Null's Inclination Build 2.1.0 - Summon Skeleton 1.3 - |
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Hey, I've searching information about Null's inclination, I wanna create this build just for do you level with that passive tree? did you use all your respec points?.
Can I start as a ranger or witch? with the new classes in ascendancy? Last edited by AeternumExsilium#4171 on Feb 8, 2016, 8:03:32 AM
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Hi, will you update your build and create a new skill tree ? You build seems extremely fun to play and I was hoping for it, but I discovered about 1week from Ascendancy , so I coulnd't level up my Scion at time for use this build
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