[2.1] Gilgamesh Build - Bloodmagic Bladefall 3 Curse 1 Aura

In this guild I will teach you be a God like Gilgamesh.

We have two versions:
* No currency, high damage, Evasion and Dodge for defense, natural dual curse.
* A lot of currency, Mid damage, high Block chance, Vaal pact and ulta high Armour

Talking about:

Good night!
With this build we can:
* Use a new skill
* Attack from range
* Hit and run (poison do a lot of damage)
* Very powerfull from beginner. Dodge make you tank early.
* We have a powerfull skill with 4 More Supports with high synergy Physical/Chaos damage with poison and Force Shaper
* Stun Lock anything
* Physical reflexes can be reduced with 4 Life pots and Evasion Pot.
* We never have mana problems. And have 4 life pots for Emergency
* In party, you friends auras (like haste and Hatred) will boost you a looooot!
* With currency, you will tree curse with enfeeble, Warlord and Vulnerability + Grace Aura. Its the same as 30% more damage, 76% more poison, 2% Life leech and 30% Less damage taken
* The DPS is 6x the show in tooltip. 2,1x from poison and 2,85x from the way the skill works.
Some explanations:

Some boss can take all 5 stages from the skill


Self buff

Self buff

No flask

With Evasion Flask


Status (104 points - LVL 82)

+104 to Strength
+143 to Dexterity
+283 to Intelligence
Evasion Rating: 344

167% increased maximum Life
29% increased Evasion Rating from Dexterity
35% increased Evasion Rating
30% Chance to Dodge Attacks. 50% less Armour and Energy Shield, 30% less Chance to Block Spells and Attacks
10% additional chance to Dodge Attacks
30% Chance to Dodge Spell Damage

183% increased Physical Damage
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
86% increased Chaos Damage
100% increased Spell Damage
125% increased Damage with Poison
10% chance to Poison on Hit

22% increased Cast Speed
5% increased Attack and Cast Speed

14% reduced Mana Reserved
Enemies can have 1 additional Curse

Status (117 points)

+74 to Strength
+263 to Dexterity
+263 to Intelligence

171% increased maximum Life
+129 to maximum Life

Evasion Rating: 56
59% increased Evasion Rating
80% increased Defences from equipped Shield
13% additional Chance to Block with Shields
+13% to all Elemental Resistances
Converts all Evasion Rating to Armour. Dexterity provides no bonus to Evasion Rating
+5 Jewel Socket (Life, Block, Cast Speed)
2,4% of Life Regenerated per Second
25% increased Evasion Rating while you have Onslaught
+526 Accuracy Rating
53% increased Evasion Rating from Dexterity
30% reduced Mana Reserved (with Alpha'sHowl we can 3 curse+Grace)

183% increased Physical Damage
86% increased Chaos Damage
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
10% chance to gain Onslaught for 3 seconds on Kill (20% cast speed)
125% increased Damage with Poison
26% increased Spell Damage
10% increased Effect of your Curses
Enemies can have 1 additional Curse (need one corrupt accessory +1 curse)

6% increased Cast Speed
5% increased Attack and Cast Speed

Tree skill (low currency evasion build)

Tree skill (Armour build)

Gem setup:
Damage setup (Blood magic for dual curse + aura)

Aura/Curse setup

Or 3 curse no aura setup

Defensive setups:

Important equip:

Why: Cannot be frozen, high evasion, reduced mana reserved for triple curse. 30c

Why: Easy 6L, with Grace you can have more evasion than from an expensive 6L chest. Last link must be a Blood magic. 30c

Why: Cast speed (we have low cast speed in tree and no Faster cast gem, so this is like a More damage for us. 12 chisel

Have more orbs to use?

Why: Your poison will spread and heal you. Not mandatory and will make you damage lower.

Actual equips:

Last edited by MEZIR#6646 on Dec 29, 2015, 4:43:39 PM

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