2.1 Crit EK Shadow using EB/MoM/ZO (HC Viable)
Hello, my name is Initialise and I am a level 87 Shadow playing in the HC Talisman league. The reason why I made this thread is to solely express and furthermore promote this build. This is purely created from the concept and understanding by Hegemony's "Crit EK Witch with EB/MoM/AA/ZO" and ThisIsRealLife's "CRIT ETHEREAL KNIVES with EB/MOM/ZO".
To be clear, the reason why this build does not have much explanation is because I did not want to reiterate what both creator's said in their own guide as it would not be my own words. However, I did put explanations on the choices I made for things such as bandits, gear choice and passive tree. This guide is what I would consider an extension to their builds as I would recommend that you should read and listen to their explanations of the build first. Link provided to each creator's build:
Hegemony's Crit EK Witch
ThisIsRealLife's Crit EK Shadow
Offensive Stats - Voidbringers with 5 Power/4 Frenzy
Voidbringer Charges
Offensive Stats - Surgebinders with 5 Power/4 Frenzy
Surgebinder Charges
Voidbringer and Surgebinder Comparison
Voidbringers: ES Gained on Kill More DPS against most bosses Less DPS against mobs More ES Expensive
Voidbringer Stats
Surgebinder: Less DPS against most bosses (usually you won't have max charges against bosses like Piety or Dominus) More DPS against mobs (permanent charges) Less ES Really Cheap
Surgebinder Stats
The reason why I left out cost of skills is because you have well over 100 ES Regen with The Restless Ward. I maintain over 160 ES regen and have never had problems with mana cost of EK. In case you were curious of the cost:
EK Cost with Voidbringer
EK Cost with Surgebinder
![]() My final point on this is Voidbringer should be your final result of gloves because of the ES gain and the DPS it does not only to mobs, but against bosses as well. It also provides the build more ES for survivability. I suggest using Surgebinder purely for DPS as endgame.
Defensive Stats - 5 endurance charges
Passive Tree
This is for level 1-71 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBsNii2cgU9W9qjBa_JpVh4lVLjDaJ03BSKgtd8isKAx4fQREv62O1SDY9napsjGKsDkgRlgcelS7w1UlRj_rr9WSd8h3DCbmTf8aio8HzlSBrFy0fTLMEB4PbVcY6WK6zQZbQ9QVCLJyCHtsLES18g-vuMtFFR8BmBLOiAPAftQTkIhps98E26SSqFm_jatWmKU_sODrYAZEt0icvkFUaOJrgRZ1TUrzqwFQI9GpDkyfviA== Please note that from 68-71 you should save your points and get EB/MoM/ZO at the same time when you have The Restless Ward. If you do not have The Restless Ward, ignore and go for more life. This is for level 87 https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBAZEDHgQHBLMFQgceDkgPxBEtES8RlhZvFr8abB0UH0EgbiSqJpUnLylPKgsrCiycLR8t0jLRNj026TrYO3xBlkVHRZ1JUUyzUDBTUlVLVYVVxl3yYeJknWpDaoxrF2u3bIxwUnyDf8aCHoPbhG-FMoV9idOMNo5kj_qQVZMnlSCVLprgnaqhL6IAoqOi2aXLrrOw2LUEtUi2-rjKuZO86r6KwFTAZsHzwwnIFND11ELVptsL217jauQi62Pr7uv17DjviPDV8h31b_em98H5N_rS From 71-87, I made many transitions from swapping to using Blood Dance and Voidbringers as I've gotten better gear/more ES. I have also picked up additional power charges/frenzy charges and lost life nodes as you can see from comparing both passive trees.
My Current Gear
Atziri's Promise can be replaced with one of the Granite Flasks as it is so strong for survivability and damage. And to be quite frank, I have never tried Taste of Hate or Rumi's Concoction or any of the new flasks as I've never had enough money for/thought to try them. Feel free to replace those as I've heard that those unique flasks are quite strong.
Gem Links
EK: 6L: EK - Added Fire - Spell Echo - Faster Casting - Faster Projectiles - Phys to Light (in order of linkage) Power Charges: 3L: Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark CWDT: 2L: Molten Shell - CWDT Auras: Herald of Thunder - Hatred - Arctic Armour Whirling Blades: 3L: Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify Enduring Cry: 2L: Enduring Cry - Increased Duration I also use Flame Dash and Flame Golem, they may be placed anywhere. Flame Dash for mobility and Flame Golem for damage. Feel free to use Chaos Golem for additional Phys Reduction; both are viable.
Normal - Oak Cruel - Alira or Oak (I chose Alira for cast speed because it's increase to Flame Dash, Flame Golem, Enduring Cry, EK. However, Oak is the correct choice I believe for more damage solely for EK) Merciless - Oak (You may choose Kraityn or Alira for the extra Frenzy Charge/Power Charge. ThisIsRealLife explains it well but I have chosen the Endurance Charge for higher use of The Restless Ward (Hegemony's concept)) Unfortunately, I have no video for you to showcase because I have a terrible computer. Please, if you have any questions, I highly recommend you to contact ThisIsRealLife or Hegemony about the build. They have more knowledge about this build than I can imagine. I am a simple person who really enjoys Crit EK and know some knowledge about this build. If you must, please PM me in-game, forums, or post a reply below and I will try to answer the best as I can. Last edited by Initialise#2899 on Feb 12, 2016, 3:55:01 PM Last bumped on Mar 9, 2016, 7:47:00 PM
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Why don't you get the Force Shaper passives? Are they worse/less efficient than they seem?
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" Hello there, when I was going through the passive tree; I was originally following ThisIsRealLife's passive tree where I can understand that while going for the Keystones ZO and MoM, he also picked up life nodes and nodes such as Lights of Divinity and Retribution on the Templar side. As you can see, neither of us (Hegemony, ThisIsRealLife, and myself) chose any large physical damage nodes such as Force Shaper because this was initially going for HC where life nodes were the main priority. However, if I was to advance to level 100 (which I did not plan for since it felt unrealistic to myself and other people who wanted to try this build), I would have gone for the life nodes I originally took out, extra power charge + power charge damage node (possibly the jewel node as well), then Force Shaper. To fully answer your question, Force Shaper is a really great node to pick up, but not to pick up until the very end where crit/life/charges gain more value as well as more usefulness to this build in the beginning. The only physical nodes I did choose were Will of Blades (in the Shadow beginning under Assassination) but that was at the very end using only 2 nodes. Last edited by Initialise#2899 on Dec 30, 2015, 5:06:20 PM
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I'm currently doing your build in standard and I'm excited to see how it'll turn out. I believe this is the third EK build I've tried. Both previous builds were a mess with the skill tree in my opinion and I gave up right before getting EB/MoM/ZO. Your tree looks promising and I've got the uniques you have. Just waiting until I can use them. Thank you.
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" No credit to me please with the tree; this is merely a mirror of Hege's and ThisIsRealLife's passive tree collaborated together. As I do appreciate your feedback, it is not mine to thank for. I really do hope your build works out fine, I did die in HC Tali with that build due to a really underestimated thought against ele weak/vuln maps, and died again due to lag spike from beyond mobs on my 2nd try (with bladefall instead). If you ever plan to play in HC, I highly suggest to never play in ele weak/vuln maps because they will crush you. May I also suggest from other builds that chain gem replacing faster projectiles can be an alternative for faster clear speed but from my experience, faster projectiles is literally off the screen EK, resulting in much safer clears and merely as fast clear speed. I will start a 3rd try in HC Tali, give me a PM and if you need any upgrades, I'm available to give some away in Standard as I don't like to play in that league anymore. |
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Seems pretty nice, ek has always been one of my favourite leveling skills, but never did an actual ek build and ill try this one, restless ward + charges idea is pretty dank. I have one question tho, how do you handle mana till you get RW? Mana leech gem? clarity?
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" Hello there. Hmm, if I do get more questions like yours, I may end up putting more information into this guide as to what to use while leveling. Mana leech and clarity is not needed for leveling for this build; a simple bubbling mana flask will work because EK is an extremely strong skill meaning you will likely 1-3 shot most groups and gain all of your flask charges back. During leveling, I always use EK > Added Fire > Faster Casting as a 3L, at 38 I switch Faster Casting with Spell Echo (use both with 4L) which I can comprehend that it can be very high cost. I do understand it is a bit extensive on the micro-management side where you constantly have to keep pressing the mana flask whilst using 2 auras (I usually use Hatred and Herald of Ice (while leveling, you should not use Herald of Thunder as it is more of a luxury for higher crits, using Herald of Ice is much more safer and will avoid high crits against phys/ele reflect mobs)). However, I strongly suggest using 2 elreon rings (-8 rings are not essential, but beneficial) and possibly an elreon amulet, but most likely a breakrib talisman like the one I am using is much more valued over -8 cost of skills. This will become immensely helpful to reduce the micro-management. Just a food for thought, with 2 lifesprigs, and average gear I was doing about 2k at level 30, and 9-10k at 55~. This should give you a ballpark of how much you should do according to the tree. Lifesprigs are not mandatory, but a normal spell damage/crit spell dagger (aim for Kris dagger for the 80% crit implicit) and a normal crit spell + life + some es shield will suffice. For the TL;DR fellows, I have bolded what was the most important to answer this question. The rest was just my thought process for people who could use more explanation about EK Last edited by Initialise#2899 on Jan 11, 2016, 4:30:37 AM
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Gets the power charge from Infused in the shadow area for 3 points but doesn't get the power charge from Instability in the witch area for 2 points.
Okkkaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... Seriously you should fix that and save that 1 point. |
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" Sorry, but I am not sure what you are talking about. I checked the 2nd passive tree and Infused shows 2 points allocated in. Although, I probably should switch it to Instability considering that the 4% spell damage per power charge becomes very great for increasing damage, but that will be in 1 more level. |
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" He Is talking about the power Charge in shadow area. It cost 3 points to get, you can move that to the witch power charge that only cost 2 point to get. The shadow Power Charge has a int point you need to take, the Witch one doesnt. |
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