[2.1] The Little Doctor [Uber Down] [7k+ hp & 2.9Million SgT / 130k AOE Chaos DPS] [SC&HC]

2.2 Update

Good news : core mechanics haven't been touched, it will still be super op.

Bad news : I will not update and support this thread anymore

The Little Doctor

Have you ever see Ender's Game and what the "Little Doctor" can do? It’s a Molecular Detachment Device that shoots two beams, when they collide they create a shockwave that shatters bonds between molecules and creates a chain reaction that spreads exponentially until there is nothing left but basic elements.

With this build, it’s what we do : we spread death until there is nothing left alive to spread it further. The better the density, the stronger the build. With high enough density you can clear more two screens away in a matter of seconds. The mechanics of Essence Drain & Contagion make "Fracture" mode on maps look like a joke, it will not slow your clear speed and it will even boost your life regen -> More active dots = more regen.

Hello everyone. Every leagues I have challenge : make a unique build that is not yet on the forum, and make it work.

Last league I did a full armor EB molten strike life on hit, es on hit marauder. It had over 100k dps, 6k life, 60k armor, and could facetank anything that would not one shot him (single target heal was several thousand life/sec). Unfortunaly I was not motivated enough to publish a guide and the build was fairly expensive. I made a video for each boss (even some double ghosted), super funy, it did work pretty well.

But this time I am making a guide and sharing my success.

So this is an armor, high life, righteous fire, contagion and essence drain build that uses poison support for single target. Its a tank build, its not optimised to do damages, but to do as much damage as possible after getting an insane amount of defenses. It still does a lot of damage if properly optimised.

It has the advantage of beeing cheap for its power. I'm a softcore player, but this build is totaly viable for hardcore. You might want to tune a bit the passive tree and the gear (like forcing lightning coil), but it's definitly a build with insane survivability.

Pro :

- Easy to get 8k+ life if you want to
- Life is not your only defense, you can get :
- A lot of armorr
- Mixed armour & Evasion
- A lot of life regen
- Immunity to fire damage
- Block Chance
- Rigtheous Fire kills thing that come too close
- Lightning coil is a top choice
- Exceptional clear speed & dps
- Can do all the game content (By example double Daressos with aoe & dmg nodes)
- Cheap to start (but expensive to optimise)

Cons :

- Can not run some map mods, but you can turn off Righteous Fire and still run everything except no regen mod.
- Lack of control, you will facetank a lot

Loot Filter

I have had several request about my loot filter. So here it is. Be aware that it is heavly customised.

# Script edited with Filtration - https://github.com/ben-wallis/Filtration
# Pro7ech's Efficient Item Filter
# Currency

BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra" "Eternal Orb" "Exalted Orb" "Divine Orb" "Albino Rhoa Feather" "Fishing Rod"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 69 0
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
PlayAlertSound 3 200

BaseType "Talisman"

Class "Divination Card"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 136 136 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
PlayAlertSound 7 300

BaseType "Crimson Jewel" "Viridian Jewel" "Cobalt Jewel"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 0 255
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

Class "Daggers"
BaseType "Sai"
SetBorderColor 210 0 220

BaseType "Chaos Orb" "Regal Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Orb of Regret" "Orb of Scouring" "Orb of Alchemy" "Blessed Orb" "Jeweller's Orb" "Orb of Chance" "Orb of Fusing"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 230 194 85
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

BaseType "Cartographer's Chisel" "Blacksmith's Whetstone" "Armourer's Scrap" "Glassblower's Bauble" "Scroll of Wisdom" "Portal"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 178 174 170 247
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

BaseType "Orb of Alteration" "Orb of Transmutation" "Orb of Augmentation"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 12 128 214
SetBorderColor 0 0 255

Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker" "Gavel"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 128 128 128
SetBorderColor 255 255 255

BaseType "Vaal Orb"
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 255 40 0 220
SetBorderColor 0 0 0
PlayAlertSound 8 85

LinkedSockets >= 5
SetTextColor 255 255 153
SetBackgroundColor 250 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 153

Sockets = 6
SetTextColor 0 0 0
SetBackgroundColor 230 194 85
SetBorderColor 0 0 0

BaseType "Empower" "Enlighten" "Enhance"
SetTextColor 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 255

Quality > 0
Class "Gem"
SetTextColor 0 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 0 255 255

Quality = 0
Class "Gem"

Rarity = Normal
Class "Map"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 150

Rarity = Magic
Class "Map"
SetTextColor 0 150 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 150

Rarity = Rare
Class "Map"
SetTextColor 255 255 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 150

Rarity = Unique
Class "Map"
SetTextColor 200 70 0
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 0 150
PlayAlertSound 6 300

ItemLevel >= 75
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Agate Amulet" "Amethyst Ring"
SetBackgroundColor 0 35 60
SetBorderColor 0 128 255

ItemLevel >= 60
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Agate Amulet" "Amethyst Ring"
SetBackgroundColor 0 35 60
SetBorderColor 255 231 67

Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Agate Amulet" "Sorcerer Boots"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 200 70 0

ItemLevel >= 75
Rarity = Rare
SetBackgroundColor 0 35 60
SetBorderColor 0 128 255

ItemLevel >= 75
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Ruby Ring" "Amethyst Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Agate Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Rustic Sash" "Leather Belt" "Heavy Belt"
SetBackgroundColor 0 35 60
SetBorderColor 0 128 255

ItemLevel >= 60
Rarity = Normal
BaseType "Ruby Ring" "Amethyst Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Topaz Ring" "Diamond Ring" "Prismatic Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Agate Amulet" "Citrine Amulet" "Turquoise Amulet" "Heavy Belt" "Leather Belt" "Rustic Sash"
SetBackgroundColor 0 35 60
SetBorderColor 255 231 67

Rarity = Unique
SetTextColor 200 70 0
PlayAlertSound 6 300

Quality > 0
Class "Flask"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 0 0 0
SetBorderColor 255 255 255

Class "Utility Flasks"
SetTextColor 255 255 255
SetBackgroundColor 127 127 127
SetBorderColor 255 255 255

# Section: Warbands

#Disabled Block Start
# Rarity = Magic
# Class "Helmets"
#Disabled Block End

#Disabled Block Start
# Rarity = Magic
# Class "Boots"
#Disabled Block End

#Disabled Block Start
# Rarity = Magic
# Class "Gloves"
#Disabled Block End

BaseType "Chromatic Orb"
SetTextColor 50 255 50
SetBackgroundColor 100 100 255
SetBorderColor 255 0 0

Rarity = Rare

LinkedSockets >= 3
LinkedSockets <= 4
SocketGroup "RGB"
SetTextColor 50 255 50
SetBackgroundColor 100 100 255
SetBorderColor 255 0 0

Rarity = Magic

Rarity = Normal

Uber Atziri

Uber success rate : 100% (13 runs)
Average deaths per run : 1.15 (15 deaths)
Average deaths on Vaals (8) : 0.615
Average deaths on Trio (3) : 0.23
Average deaths on Atziri (4) : 0.3

Maskes : 5
Chests : 4
Axes : 2
Gloves : 1

Uber down first try ever in this league, second lifetime try : deathless Vaals, deathless Trio, deathless Atziri. Still one death on trashes, guess how... I interverted my bleed flask with my shock flask, got bleed from snake, spamed cleans, didn't work, died... :(((

Proof :

Setup :

Generic gear :

Trashes :

Vaals :

Usually I turn out RF and run vitality instead of purity of fire, this gives me a flat 930hp/sec. But the fight lasts longer. Be aware that you need to always kill the adds, if you don't the vaals will spam deathray (although it does no dmg if you are under topaz + immune shock) and balls (this will kill you).
Its possible to bruteforce the vaals by keeping the RF gear if you are skilled enough to kill them before your flask charge expire.

Trio :

Kill Spike girl first, then the dualstriker and the cycloner ad the end. Endless flask charge due to the ED + Contagion power for this fight, so the fight is usually not a problem, unless you mess up the place where you kill the first two or panic spam flask and end up with no charge for your bleed flask.

Atziri :

You can tank little flameblasts with ruby up (will do ~1k dmg only) but avoid them because its not worth losing flask charges. Place wither totem + vaal trap on top of the furfest clone for split phase and preshot ED (opop slower projectiles) You should be able to kill the clones before the second flameblast is casted. If you don't, it means it only misses 1 or 2 cast to die. You can tank the first or the second flameblast with ruby to secure a 100% kill on the clone. Usually she will not cast the first on you if you have totem + golem up. Rest of the fight is easy, just don't get hit by stormcall, ever, and carefully manage your bleed flask or Spears will kill you.

Mechanics of the build

Righteous Fire

At level 20 and 20 quality, this gem will add a 1.59 multiplier to all your spell damage (including poison), as well as a 20% spell increased spell damage.

But, you will degen of 90% of your total life and 70% of your total shield per second.

The formula to know how much you degen and/or how much life regen and/or how much res you need is :

(total life * 0.9) + (total shield * 0.7) * ((100 - Fire res)/100) * ((100 - Leo Craft)/100)) = life degen per sec

(%Life regeneration/100) * total life = life per seconds

You want that your life regen per sec >= life degen per sec

You will get your max fire resist with the passive tree (1% from Barbarism) ; 4% from Purity of Fire ; 8% from Rise of the Phoenix, for a total of +13% to your maximum fire resist, bringing you to 88% fire res.

Some map mode will not allow you to run RF. But since this is not your source of damage, but only an other multiplier for your skills, you can turn it off and still run the map, with this time nearly 1k hp/sec up all the time (at the exepnse of some damage) :)

Iron Will

With 800 strength and at level 20 & 20 quality, this gem will provide 208% increased spell damage. Since you nearly dont take any damage from the tree (except with jewels), its mandatory to use it (it's also the point of the build huhu).

I the later stages, you can replace it with :
But be aware that you will have to spend a lot on other piece of gear to cap your resists and getting 306 Intelligence. It is very passives and gear intensive. Only use them as the very last upgrade.

Essence Drain & Contagion

Essence Drain is a projectile that deals chaos damage. When it hits the target, it will do chaos damage and apply a debuff that deals chaos damage and heals you.

Contagion is a spell that debuffs all the enemies in an area. When they die, they spread it to nearby enemies (the area is like if you casted the spell on top of the enemy that it spreading it). It will also spread Essence Drain to nearby enemies if the enemy that died had an essence drain debuff on him.

Be aware that the duration of both skills does not reset when they are spread to an nearby enemy.


Update : After a lot of testing, I feel like poison is not a good gem for maping once you get your dot damage above ~30k (before its nice because it helps killing fast the target that will spread Essence Drain). Its still the best option for single target dps, but if you focus on maping, the time you get by killing enemies faster replacing Poison by Slower Projectiles makes it up for the time you lose on the boss. After that, you can swap your Rapid Decay for Poison if you want to greatly increase your single target.


Poison is a debuff that causes chaos damage over 2 seconds (base duration) for a total of 20% of the initial hit (base damage), so 10% per seconds for 2 seconds. It can be applied by a physical or chaos hit when supported by this gem (or by other uniques/keyston from the skill tree).

The damage over time and the duration can both be scaled. Any increased/more chaos damage or increased/more damage over time will increase the damage done by poison. When it is applied by a projectile, projectile damage will also increase the poison damage.

The poison applied by a chaos spell will benefit 2 times from an increased chaos damage bonus. One time for the initial hit, and one time for the poison damage (like burning damage).

GGG also confirme not long ago that spell damage also scales poison damage with skills that have the special ability to apply spell damage to damage over time (like Essence Drain).

"Contagion and Essence Drain have a stat that makes "spell damage" modifiers behave as "spell damage or damage over time" modifiers. This means for those specific skills, poison applied by their hits will benefit from those modifiers, because the skill has that stat."

This means that in our case spell damage, projectile damage, chaos damage and generic increased damage will double dip on our Essence Drain Projectile. Those are the stats that you want on your jewels. Damage over time is also nice, but your poison damage will benefit less from it since it will not increase the damage of the projectile of essence drain.

Offensive Stats

Essence Drain (lvl 19) + Controled Destruction + Rapid Decay + Poison + Iron Will + Void Manilulation

With Repentance Gloves : Essence Drain (lvl 19) + Empower (lvl3) + Controled Destruction + Rapid Decay + Slower Projeciles + Void Manipulation.

Damage Calculation

Here is the fun part :D

Essence Drain damage over time (the aoe dps) :

Base skill damage
(Strentgh*0.325 [fron Iron Will&Doon Cuebiyari] + Spell damage + Chaos damage + Projectile Damage + Increased damage + Damage Over Time)
Controled Destruction (1.44)
Void Manipulation (1.39)
Rapid Decay (1.39)
Righteous Fire (1.59)

Exemple (virtual):

Total increased

Tree : 80
Jewels : 200 (9 jewels)
Iron Will & Doon Cuebiyari : 300
Gems Quality & Golem : 90

Total increased damage : 670 -> 1+(670/100)=7.7

Total multiplier : 7.7*1.44*1.39*1.39*1.59 = 34.06 -> at lvl 20 Essence drain will do 27.5k damage/sec. Pretty good, eh? And thats without the Wither & Vulnerability.

If you go Empower + Essence drain + Rapid Decay + Controlled destruction + Void Manipulation + Slower Projectile + Repentance gloves, with good amount of strength (800+) and nice jewels (2 dmg mods), you will hit 50k+ dot damage, making any content of the game trivial.

Vaal Trap and Wither will increase it further to about 130k dot dps.


Essence Drain single target dps :

ED + IW + CD + VM + Poison + Slower Projectiles

Take all the previous multiplier, except for damage overtime : 7.7*1.44*1.39*1.29*1.59 = 31.61

Base damage of the projectile at lvl 20 : (233+349)/2 = 291 average damage

291 * 31.61 = 9199 average chaos damage damage per hit.

Poison damage : take all the previous multiplier that apply to damage overtime and poison damage, so all ^^, also add add 120 increased from the poison gem, so 7.7 becomes 8.9.

8.9*1.44*1.39*1.29*1.59 = 36.53

Base poison damage : 0.2 -> 0.2*36.53 = 7.3 times the initial hit over 2 seconds.

Since poison stacks, we need to take into account the duration. We have 90% from tree and 20% from the gem, for a total of 110% increased duration, that puts the poison duration to 2 seconds * 2.1 = 4.2 seconds. Basicly, it also multiplies its damage by 2.1.

Total poison damage per hit : 36.53*0.2*2.1 = 15.34 times the initial hit.

15.34*9199 = 141170 poison damage per hit over 4.2 seconds -> 33612 poison damage per seconds during 4.2 seconds.

Now taking into account casting speed : we have lets say 25% -> we can multiply the single target dps by 1.25. We also add the dot from Essence Drain (24.5k)

Total single target dps : (9199+141170)*1.25 + 27.5k = 215471 dps

Waow, did we really end up with 215k dps ???? And thats without any curse, or Shock or Wither.

This shows why this build has insane single target dps, and why it is so strong.

Its possible to get even more dps (500% more), pushing over 1 million dps, at very high gear (when you have a lot of increased damage from jewels and passive tree), if you give up Iron Will and replace it with lvl 3/4 Empower. If you do so, you might even consider using the Repentance gloves, since you will not be using Iron Will anymore as a gem (for a 7 link).


Quick exemple of high gear lvl dps :

750% increased -> 8.5 multiplicator

Gems : Empower lvl 3 + spell lvl 21 : 398.5 average hit & dot = 1107/sec

Emp + ED + CD + VM + SP + Poison

More multiplier : 1.44*1.39*1.29*1.59 = 4.1

4.1*8.5*398.5 = 13887 hit and 38k dot

Poison : 0.2*9.7*1.44*1.39*1.29*1.59 = 7.96

Duration : 1+(90+20)/100 = 2.1

Total : 15.9

Poison damage = 15.9*13887 = 220803 dmg over 4.2 seconds

Total dps = (13887+220803)* casting speed + 38k = with 25% casting speed its ~331k dps.

Now if you add shock (from Vaal lightning trap)+ Wither:

Wither base duration 2 seconds, goes to 5.2 seconds with 160% increased duration. Cast time is 0.23 (with 25% casting speed), with totem it goes to ~0.3. Total stacks : 5.270.3 = 17. Total increased damage : 121%.

Total increased chaos damage taken : 50% from shock, 121% from wither = 171% -> 2.71 Multiplier

8.5*1.44*1.39*1.29*1.59*(2.71) = 94.5 -> 37686 hit and 104668 dot

Poison : 0.2*2.1*9.7*1.44*1.39*1.29*1.59*(2.71) = 45.32 -> 45.32*37686 = 1708183

Total : (37686+1708183)*1.25 + 104668 = 2.2 million dps. With Vaal hast, 2.9 Million.

Yep, 2.9 million dps. Bosses die fast (but to be honest, its useless to have that kind of dps).

Defensive Stats

Stats with mid/end gear, very little spec into armor from the tree and low armor/eva chest. Also not optimsed strength from both tree, jewels and gear.

Gearing, Jewels & Passives

You only need two uniques to make it work :

With 800 strength (easy to get) this baby will provide 100% increased damage and 50% increased armor, mana, casting speed (more quality of life than dps), life and mana. For a total of... a few chaos :D

This shield is more or less mandatory for running RF. You can try to get an other shield with the leo craft. But you will need more regen. With a lvl 20 Purity of Fire you will need 14.5% life regen to be stable. Also you will lose your immunity to fire damage. I could understand the choice if the shield is worth it (by exemple a lot of life, strength chaos res and 2k+ armor).


Asside from those uniques you need a 2% life regen talisman, that will make your life much easier.

Atm I'm using :

In a perfect world, on the talisman you want life&strength, and then what you miss (int/dext and/or resists/mana regen, etc...)

An other option less end game but more convenient, is :


The rest of the gear is pretty simple, you want on all your gear pieces

- Life
- Strengh

And you cap your resists where you want. Since you don't need casting speed, crit, crit multi, etc... You will have an easy time to cap and over cap your resists while keeping the cost of the gear low. That being said, its nice to get gear with int and dext, since you will need ~150 int and over 110 dext for your gems.

Sadly I lost my setup without Repentance Gloves, but it is basicly the same except that I don't use rings with intelligence and I use rares gloves with life, resists and strength.

What is really important to be careful is the chest. You want to use an armour/evasion chest to have an easy way with the gem colors. Getting 5 off colors in a pure armor chest is hard O.o, and getting 200+ dext to use an evasion chest is hard too. Idealy you want a top end rare chest (t1 life and 2k+ armor+eva) or use Lightning Coil (but caping resist will be much harder). You can go with Carcass Jack too, solid option for clear speed, but you will need more life regen because of the shield the chest will bring you.

This is what I came up so far using the Repentance gloves :

But don't try to make your build Repentance gloves focused right at the begening. They are a pain in the ass to make work without penalising the rest of the build too much. First start with rare gloves that have life, resist and strength, you can also not take that much int from gear (you don't need anymore 300 ints for repentance).


On every Jewels you want : Life & as much Spell Power/Chaos/Projectile/Dmg and then stats that you miss (int/dex). Strength is a bonus.


I have been used to run 1 life flask, 1 Quicksilver, 2 Ruby and 1 Granite. Among those three you want at least one purge for curses and bleeding. Try to get increased flask charge gained as prefix.


Active Skills :

Main skill (RBBGGG) : Essence Drain + Iron Will + Controled Destruction + Slower Projectiles + Void Manipulation + Rapid Decay/Poison

End game option : replace Iron Will with Repentance gloves, and use Empower.

Secondary skill : Contagion + Faster Casting + Increased Area of Effect + Increased Duration (Increased duration is not mandatory).

Others :

Wither + Spell Totem + Faster Casting/Increased duration + Increased AOE if you use it in a 4L

Righteous Fire (if you don't want other warcry or support skills support it with Increased Burning Damage + Increased Area of Effect + Concentrated Effect for a nice dammage boost)

Vaal Lightning Trap + Increased duration

Fire Golem

Auras :

Purity of Fire & Clarity

Option :

- Blasphemy + Vulnerability/Temporal Chain/Enfeeble
- Any other aura (purities, grace, determination)

Trigger :

Immortal Call (lvl1) + Cast When Damage Taken (lvl1) + Increased Duration


This is one of the many possibilities you have with the skill tree. This build has the advantage of having a very flexible skilltree. This one (the one linked just under)is a bit more oriented offence than defense. If you want to be even more tanky, you can remove the spell nodes and projectiles nodes to put them into life/armor/endurances charges.

What is mandatory is the life regen until you are stable with RF, the jewels (8 to 9 of them) and the skill duration nodes. Iron Reflex is optional, but I took it to make my life easier with gems colors.



For leveling, I strongly suggest that you go into the shadow area to get damage. It's possible to level entirely with Essence drain + Contagion. It's more or less ok until you get the right support gem (level 31). Once you get them this 4L will carry you up until maps : Essence drain + Controled Cestruction + Poison + Void Manipulation/Rapid Decay. Retarded damage :DDDDDD

Respect all your points from the shadow area into the maraudeur/templar/duelist area when you have enough point to make use of RF and a 5L to add Iron Will (and ofc gear with strengt)


Normal : take life
Cruel : kill all
Merciless : endurance/frenzy/kill all

Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Mar 3, 2016, 1:31:47 AM
Last bumped on Mar 16, 2016, 9:44:42 AM
Update 19.01.2016 :
- Since I changed my gear for Uber Atziri and posted my results, all my linked item got mixed up. I sorted them out again. Sorry for the epic fail.

Update 17.01.2016 :
- New Atziri Video
- Good news, Wither is really good. With totem + increased duration you get 17 stacks. meaning 121% increased chaos damage taken.
- Uber Down (deathless bosses, 1 death on trashes because I messed up my flask order)

Update 29.12.2015 :
- Improved quality and completed the guide by a little bit

Update 27.12.2015 :
- I'm now using the Repentance gloves, and I replaced the Iron Will support gem with a lvl 3 Empower and the Poison gem with a 19/20 Slower Projectiles.
- My dot damage is now at 40k with a lvl 19 Essence Drain.
- I feel like poison is only good if you have a lot of duration and farming bosses (like atziri), but for maping getting more aoe dps is more important (and you can always replace, just for the boss, your Slower Projectiles for Poison).
- I'm also runing only 45% increased duration from the tree. Since I have so much damage, the bonus duration is not usefull anymore.
- Updated the guide

Update 25.12.2015 :
- I bought a 6L lightning coil
- I changed my 2% regen amulet for a 15% all stat amulet
- Updated the guide

Creation of the guide : 23.12.2015
Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Jan 19, 2016, 3:47:42 AM
Have you tested your poison damage calculations? I don't think it double dips that hard. If you are right, then it's 2x increase DoT damage for 4 first seconds, it should be pretty easy to check.
IGN: rooteniy
r00teniy wrote:
Have you tested your poison damage calculations? I don't think it double dips that hard. If you are right, then it's 2x increase DoT damage for 4 first seconds, it should be pretty easy to check.

It does, the first target does dies 5x faster than the other ones.

"spell damage modifiers" means both "increased" and "more" damage to spell power are applied to poison.

Why do you think that one day after my post everyone is lvling Iron Will RF contagion/essence drain and posting builds about it? Because a few players understood from the begening that the combo is op, now the rest just follows :D

I'm the first only one who posted a detailed thread about how the single target with Essence Drain and poison is op.
Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Dec 24, 2015, 4:14:14 PM
Really looking forward to trying this build. I love the idea of usings DoTs to kill mobs. Would be sweet to see a video of the build in action.
Not_MVP wrote:
Really looking forward to trying this build. I love the idea of usings DoTs to kill mobs. Would be sweet to see a video of the build in action.

I'll do one right now. Expect it to be online in the next hours.
one question:
im want to start your build on standard (no talisman, havent the time to start from the scratch) and i see u recommend a 2% liferegen talisman. is there another solution for standard players to gear ?
MBMajestic wrote:
one question:
im want to start your build on standard (no talisman, havent the time to start from the scratch) and i see u recommend a 2% liferegen talisman. is there another solution for standard players to gear ?

You just take more life regen from the tree. I did not took the 3 nodes of the templar (3x0.4%) and the 1% from Arsonist in the Marauder area (but this one is not efficient at all for this build, not recommended).

With a lvl 20 Purity of fire, Rise of the Phoenix and Barbarism you will get 88% fire resist.

So you need at least 10.8% of life regen to sustain RF -> (0.9*((100-88)/100)=0.108 (be aware that you actually need ~11% because Rise of the Phoenix gives you some ES)

You can get 12.5% without Arsonist, so not having the Talisman should not be a problem.

Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Dec 24, 2015, 6:34:34 PM
Based on your gear you are playing wout any movement skills, would you recommend others to do same or do you feel that you need then from time to time?
IGN: rooteniy
Last edited by r00teniy#1832 on Dec 24, 2015, 11:54:43 PM
r00teniy wrote:
Based on your gear you are playing wout any movement skills, would you recommend others to do same or do you feel that you need then from time to time?

I play without movement skills because I can maintain my quicksilver flask with nearly 100% uptime and I'm tanky as hell. But you can use Leap Slam + Brightbeak in off hand (or flame dash)

The only time I feel like I really felt like I was missing a movement skill is during the leveling in act2 in The Riverways, annoying to not be able to jump above the river ^^

It is not a squishy build, far from it. So you can afford to take hits, a lot of them. That being said, you are not supposed to rush into the melee and expect to never die. But if you know what you are doing, how much you can take, you will have no trouble using just a quicksilver, even in T15 maps.
Last edited by Zybeline2#7822 on Dec 25, 2015, 6:10:30 AM

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