[2.1]CoC Frost wall Kinetic blaster HP ES hybrid witch

CoC Frost wall Kinetic blaster HP ES hybrid witch

So here is my character. The Idea was to make that good old KB-CoC-Frost wall mechanic that was nerfed some time ago when GGG added charges to frost wall. It's not as strong as it was before nerf but I think it's still pretty much fun gameplay.

If you are not familiar to the concept it's simple. Kinetic Blast with pierce has that unique mechanic where if a projectile pierce anything it leaves those explosion behind it. So the best scenario is when projectiles pierce through as many objects as they can. You use CoC in your main skill to spam frost walls what provide plenty of objects to pierce through. On top of that those frost walls do awesome job in keeping monsters/projectiles away from you. (probably that's why it got nerfed :) )

1. Adventages and drawbacks


- great for map clearing
- really safe gameplay (I currently have only 4% phys reduction and 7% evasion from gear and I'm totally fine with total 4000 hp and es)
- average price of gear (only expensive thing is so far tabula rasa, later on you can of course upgrade to something more pricy)
- the mechanic is unique and cool to play with (at least for me :) )


- there is a difference in performance against single and multi target (single target is weaker)
- not that good for Atziri
- to get epic dps you have to invest quite a bit of money (before nerf version had 412k dps using 200 dps wand, this I think can go to around half of that)
- some people don't like frost wall spam so to play in party you may want to swap some gems to get rid of CoC

2. Gear and gem setup
For the gear you basicly aim for what you are missing at the moment. Those new critical hit talismans are great replacement for maligaro gloves. On top of that you need Romira ring to make it work (otherwise you won't be able to keep up with power charge generation). Crown of Eyes is a good replacement for Abysus if you don't want that extra physical damage taken bonus.
There are some problems with dexterity and strength so if you can aim in gear to get those you could get extra 3 skill points.
If you could somehow manage the resistances Doedre ring is also great for double curse setup (assassin's mark and warlord's mark/poarcher's mark)

around 7c



self found

darn I don't remember... 3c maybe?



self found

self found


Auras - I use Wrath and Herald of thunder, It was temptating to go Eldrich and Ghost reaver since we have a lot of ES but I felt like it was not worth it for the bonus that Herald of Ash or Ice could provide.
Also I use Flame golem but Chaos will work great aswell
I have few blank spaces in my gem setup and I use them to exp up gems, here I'll try to write the setup I'm aiming for:

6l - KB - GMP or LMP (I like both) - CoC - Frost wall - Pierce - Arc (for more flask charges and slightly better AoE with LMP) or Attack speed/Weapon elemental damage (for pure dps boost)
3l - Lightning warp - Faster Casting - Reduced Duration (to jump through frost walls)
3l - Spell totem - Frost wall - Faster casting (it really helps against single target)
4l - Herald of thunder - Curse on hit - Assassin's mark - free space (can be a golem here or warlord's mark if I manage to get double curse someday)
4l - Cast when damage taken - Summon skeletons - Minion life - Golem (good distraction, with double curse golem and minion life would be replaced by immortal call and maybe frost wall)
4l - vaal discipline - inc duration - vaal discipline - blood rage/vaal haste (this last 4l is free to use, could be a smoke mine or buffs, frenzy setup, anything)

3. Passive skill tree
You have a lot of traveling in this tree so I think i's good to do it first and later on in end game you can only fill the gaps. Only thing to make sure about is to get most of those critical strike nodes before level 60 cause it's when you can actually change from spell casting to the kinetic blast.
Leveling isn't that great so I think that Night's Hold talisman is a good way to go. I didn't have that one when I was leveling so I went with classic arc self casting build. Team up a lot and you'll be fine :)
lv. 80

lv. 92 (i think? 113 points used)

4. Videos
I recorded some gameplay, but my PC isn't that strong so the quality is pretty low and the framerate isn't that great. But without recording it plays smooth so no worries :)
Also I don't have those high tier maps yet, sorry.

Gear perview:

Part of the Bog map:

Terrace boss fight:

7. Little update

Ok so I leveled up a bit and changed my approach. Unfortunately holidays are over and I have company to run so not too much time for gaming. I hoped to get to 92-95 level but it is what it is :)

Here is dps I got with the gear I posted below

I changed the approach and got rid of CoC and added WED and Faster attacks
(So I have KB-LMP-Faster attacks-WED-Phys. to light.-Pierce)
For additional piercing chance I use Poacher's Aim Jewel


I changed from romira to standard rings and to sustain the 5 power charges I use ice spear, cast when damage take, power charge on crit setup. Works pretty well
Instead of CoC I use spell totem with frost wall. It's not that safe but the single target is much better that way.

Still a lot to do here, but I don't think I can get it right anytime soon so at least I could do that small summary :)

6. Final thoughts
This build is still in development, I would be glad to hear some advices from you to make it better, also feel free to ask, I don't visit the forum frequently so there may be a delay but I'll try to provide some answers. My ING is Ichirinkaa (or Ichirinka if I play my bino build)
Last edited by skulio on Jan 4, 2016, 12:48:27 PM
1) Suggestions or comments on leveling gear? I had to chug mana potions constantly due to Herald of Thunder and Wrath, so I found these two items helpful.

Wearing these might help other players trying to follow along, as Romira's Banquet requires level 60 and Crown of Eyes requires level 69.

Also I found these off of Voll. The projectile speed helps damage a bit and the knockback seems to be semi-useful.

Any other gear you could recommend before we reach higher levels?

2) You're using a Hexclaw Talisman for +44% global crit and 31% crit multiplier. What about Ungil's Harmony?

3) Bandit rewards?

I chose Kraityn for +10% resists, Kraityn for +Attack Speed, and Alira for +1 Power Charge.

What did you choose?

4) My Frost Walls are definitely going to get my melee party members killed. What skill(s) would you recommend? You posted above "get rid of CoC". Wouldn't it be good to just swap out Frost Wall for something else? I've tried Bladefall and it seems alright. Thoughts?

edit: Nevermind, I see you wrote Attack speed/Weapon elemental damage. I'll give it a shot!
Last edited by wetmatches22 on Jan 2, 2016, 4:51:55 AM
Hi, thanks for giving my build a shot :) I'll update it soon cause I changed quite a bit in the final stage.
to answer your questions:
Sure your ideas are fine :) Basicly it is a stage where you pick whatever feels comfortable for you.
For leveling gear I used a basic cheap resistance/life/spell power gear to get arc going. It's good enough for leveling till that level 60+
After the conversion I used a mana flask, mana regen nodes (which I had from leveling stage and I respec'd those later with the free points from quests).
This will work too:

But those problems shouldn't be a thing after 69 where you get CoE

Well in standard Ungil could work, but in talisman you have a lot of good talismans with like 70% crit total for around 1 fus. It's way better, cause you don't lose that crit multi

I took passive - physical damage - power charge, but I think better would be 40 life - phys damage or attack speed - power charge (I'm not sure, the difference will vary deppending of what type of wand you'll use. I use prophecy wand now so I probably would be better with attack speed but for imbued physical damage would work better I think)

#4 Oh I see you got it. Actually I fully swiched from CoC to self cast frost wall totem. Clear speed is the same and single target is much better. I'll edit the first post with updated gear and gem setups later, cause I want to show the damage stats and other stuff.

I hope you enjoy this build so far :)

my curent gem setup for KB is:
Kinetic blast - phys. to light. - pierce - LMP - Weapon Ele. Dmg. - faster attacks
For totem it is:
Frost wall (lvl. 1) - spell totem - faster casting

current wand:

The attack speed is pretty bad here. It would be better to take tora special returning projectiles or crit chance.
I added little build summary to the main post

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