[2.1] Mind over Matter Freezing Pulser - safe, good damage and affordable
![]() It was said that Freezing Pulse has been dead since the removal of shotgunning. Not any more! A healthy damage buff and some projectile speed go a long way towards creating a viable Freezing Pulse build… This build takes advantage of the high base damage of Freezing Pulse and negates its disadvantage – the damage decrease with increasing distance – by stacking projectile speed. It also has a strong defense by using Mind over Matter. To do all that, a Scion start is heavily recommended as it allows us to branch off in two different directions of the tree, the Ranger area for projectile nodes and the Templar/Witch Area for Mind over Matter and elemental damage increases. The build is surprisingly (for me!) strong defensively while doing good damage even in higher-level maps. At level 85, I’m currently doing yellow tier 10-11 maps with little problems… There is one item which is pretty much non-negotiable as it increases both damage and defense substantially. And it’s not very cheap: You CAN use Mind over Matter without it – I recommend wearing at least a Dream Fragments and taking some increased mana nodes – but it won’t be as strong as with it. Fortunately, the rest of the build is rather cheap, and you can put it together on Standard for less than 7 Exalted total. Onto the stats!
At level 85, AoE damage is a bit over 42k (no Penetration) while single target goes up to 48k (plus Penetration). These values are for nearby enemies, so if you play it safe and stay at a distance from them you will do less damage due to Freezing Pulse mechanics. ![]() ![]()
There are several lines of defense here. The first and most important is Mind over Matter. The build has 1.1k unreserved mana at level 85 and has both good mana regeneration (110/second) as well as leech (330/second). That means that our effective health is quite higher than only the life you have, depending on how fast you get hit by enemies and how big the hits are. Our life is about 5k which seems low but is really sufficient with Mind over Matter, which – it bears mentioning – is one of very few defense mechanisms which also works against elemental damage. Second, we wear a good old Lightning Coil to reduce a significant portion of physical damage. Third, freezing mobs – this build is NOT a freezing build, but it manages to freeze mobs surprisingly often considering the low critical strike chance and dealing many small instead of a few big hits. Even rares in tier 10 maps can get semi-permafrozen (at least long enough for you to kill them)…and then there's the knockback from Winds of Change, also triggers surprisingly often and adds to mobs not reaching you before they're dead! ![]()
Sustaining life and mana
At about 280 mana a second, Freezing Pulse doesn’t come cheap. At full casting speed, we spend 170 mana more per second than we regenerate, which is still possible for a long time for a build with 1.1k unreserved mana. To help out with mana and life, Warlord’s Mark is linked both to Cast When Damage Taken (at a low level) and to Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit, which triggers rather often.
Skill Setup
Freezing Pulse + Faster Casting + Controlled Destruction The first three skills are self-explanatory due to their power. After that, I usually also run Faster Projectiles either for staying away from dangerous mobs or faster clearing. The fifth link varies between Lesser Multiple Projectiles - you CAN clear packs without it but it’s just slower, or Cold Penetration for single target against bosses or uniques. There’s also the possibility of Added Cold Damage, which gives even higher tooltip damage due to good damage effectiveness, but I think the other options provide better and safer clearing. If you are a bith wealthy and need something for a sixth link, a level 3 or level 4 Empower will give you a big damage boost. Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit + Warlord's Mark A decent damage boost – adds about 2.5k DPS – but more importantly, clears stragglers from packs and curses mobs not in full killing range but about to get close. Against dangerous bosses not surrounded by mobs I sometimes switch it off to have more unreserved mana available to soak up bigger hits. There's the option of using a fourth link for Hypothermia which gives you noticeably stronger ice explosions at the cost of 5% mana reservation. I think it's worth the mana cost as you'll clear faster unless you're doing really dangerous maps where you want as much mana as possible (thanks to burned20022003 for the suggestion). Cast When Damage Taken (level 1) + Warlord's Mark (level 5) + Increased Area of Effect To curse enemies where Herald of Ice doesn’t trigger. CWDT + curse is not always good, but with Warlord’s it’s pretty perfect because the amount of leech doesn’t get reduced at lower levels of the spell, and leech is most needed after taking damage. Clarity You can choose which level you want, I found around level 8 good for providing decent regeneration while still leaving unreserved mana at a comfortable level. I switch to level 20 when I take out Herald of Ice. Enlighten If you happen to have an Enlighten at level two or three, by all means get yourself a five-linked Coil and put Enlighten + Clarity + Herald of Ice (plus the Curse on Hit combo) in there. You will be safer with more unreserved mana. But be aware that getting three blue sockets on a Lightning Coil can require quite a lot of Chromatic Orbs (we're talking about 500+ here) and might not be worth it if you don't have much currency. Lightning Warp + Less Duration + Faster Casting Because I don’t like to walk where I can warp… Vaal Clarity + Increased Duration Before engaging a boss or opening a strongbox, I switch on Vaal Clarity (ideally with Increased Duration) to save 280 mana/second and have a bigger health buffer to work with. Rallying Cry I haven't tested this at all, but it seems like it could act as a lesser Vaal Clarity without needing souls, plus it gives some damage. I still run Vaal Clarity and don't get into situations where I would need the extra mana that much, but if you do, or want to run another Vaal skill (like Vaal Grace) then it could be worth running.
As mentioned, a Pledge of Hands is almost non-negotiable for this build due to effectively adding a link and vastly increasing our mana for Mind over Matter. If you can’t get it, a Taryn’s Shiver or any staff with high spell/cold/elemental damage will do (you could also dual-wield Doryani’s Catalyst if you manage to get a Lightning Coil with four blue for your Freezing Pulse). For defense, you really want which is also hard to replace but not that expensive to get. The build doesn’t scale armour or energy shield very much so you’ll have a hard time replacing it with a rare with high stats. There’s one other item almost perfect for this build: High projectile speed, damage AND life? We’ll take it! The drawback isn’t very noticeable as long as you remember to get 30% increased movement speed boots. As for the rest, fill up resistances and life, and look for high flat mana increased and high percentages of mana regeneration. I choose to wear a for both stats but it's in no way mandatory.
My Gear
[Please ignore the gems only there for levelling...] One or two Hybrid flasks are really great for dangerous situations where your mana is low and you might be hit hard again. The combination of Granite + Topaz Flask is something I hit whenever something with high physical damage is approaching. Magically, about 5k armour appear while the physical damage reduction from Coil is further improved!
Passive Tree
Level 85 tree:
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwAAAx4EswhnD6sRLREvFm8Wvxg8GFYZiho4Gmwc3B9BJIskqiaVJy8o-isKLJwtqDCXNZI2PTbpOYo62DrhQYdFnUbXS1dN41NSVEdVS1cpWfNd8l-wYeJirGZUbIxvnnGFcg97w3yDfseCm4LHgwmExYUyhXuMNo8akFWTOpcGmjua4Jtdm7Wdqp2unsSiAKZXpr6nCKiasUKxkLc-t9a4k7vjvSe-gMBmwOPDOsSiykrVpti921nhc-Nq5CLli-tj6-7sOO088B_xs_JF8pf52_no_gr-j_66 Bandit choices should be Oak - Alira - passive point. As you can see, we take a number of jewel sockets to be filled with spell damage/cold damage/life/projectile speed etc. For leveling, I recommend first pathing to the Templar side of the tree, taking Mind over Matter only once you have rather good regeneration and leech going, then go towards Sniper and finally the Shadow area. Since we don't actually pick up many nodes specific to cold damage, up to level 50 or 60 you can use a skill that is stronger in the early stages like Bladefall, Firestorm or Flame Totem. Good gear in those early stages would be Lifesprig or a Reverberation Rod (dual wield if you feel safe enough). There's the possibility of picking up Acrobatics for only a five point investment after going to the Shadow area. This will very much increase the tankiness of the build so is definitely a viable choice for Hardcore. Points for that should come off the projectile damage nodes below Scion (4), Heart of Oak (2) and/or Occultist's Dominion (3) - if you use all of them you can get Phase Acrobatics as well. Damage will suffer a bit but if you feel you alrady have enough damage or have access to a 6-linked Pledge this is a very strong option.
This build allows you to play it in very different ways. If you want to go fast and dangerous, you can Warp right before packs and get maximum damage at close range. If you are playing in Hardcore or just don’t want to die, you can shoot from long range. For both styles, you want to be mobile – since Freezing Pulse pierces, you want to get as many mobs as possible in one direction before you to maximize your clear speed and be safe. This requires some walking or Warping around.
Map mods
There are not many map mods this build can’t do. Elemental reflect and Blood Magic are the ones I don’t do, for obvious reasons, but apart from that everything is possible. Curse immunity takes away our leech so we link Herald of Ice with Life Leech and Freezing Pulse with Mana Leech (taking out Penetration/Faster Projectiles). You’ll leech a bit less life but still survive. No life or mana regeneration maps also require mana leech (with Herald or Freezing Pulse) and maybe an additional mana flask. Mods like Elemental Equilibrium or Cold Resistance are a bit annoying and need Penetration instead of Faster Projectiles but they’re still very doable. If you hit Curse immunity + no regeneration + Equilibrium + Cold Resistance…well, I think it’s time to use that Chaos Orb.
Why no Arctic Armour? Fits with the cold theme and provides extra defense. Someone did the math and concluded that the protection from Arctic Armour would outweigh the reduction in unreserved mana in Mind over Matter builds, but that doesn’t take into account the high mobility of this build. By all means, switch it in for Herald or Clarity against bosses which deal a lot of smaller fire/physical hits! Which advantages does this build have over going the critical strike route with Freezing Pulse? While Freezing Pulse focusing on crit has the advantage of freezing a mobs a lot more frequently, it has the disadvantage of being weaker defensively when either getting unlucky with crits for a few seconds or when facing tough bosses which can't realistically be frozen. Many points spent on crit chance/multi mean that there aren't that many left for life and defense. In addition, Pledge of Hands + Mind over Matter is a really strong defensive mechanism which a crit build couldn't really use since it would lose 12-15% crit chance from dagger and shield. So while crit Freezing Pulse can certainly be made viable, it seems a riskier choice than this build. To be expanded as new questions get asked… This is a really nice build – I’m frequently re-speccing my characters but this is my favorite so far. I’ll frequently look in here for suggestions and questions, and can only recommend you to try it if you like freezing and killing mobs from a safe distance or up close and personal. scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 Last edited by scrooge999#0080 on Mar 9, 2016, 5:46:38 AM Last bumped on Mar 9, 2016, 5:46:00 AM
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scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder
Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 |
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hey man nice looking guide i am gonna be trying your build since i just got a pledge and i'll keep you posted on how it goes, always a fun of a good fp build.
Btw any good leveling uniques for this build that you might suggest? Last edited by burned20022003#5526 on Dec 24, 2015, 6:50:44 AM
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Thank you for the build.
One question though: What choices would you recommend for bandits? I am especially uncertain for normal difficulty. Would the +60 Base Mana or the +40 Base Life be better? |
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Thanks for your comments, both! I'll add the answers to the original post...
" I'm not terribly efficient at leveling, but in 2.1 my choice would be to use a Lifesprig early on and a bit later a Reverberation Rod, using Bladefall or Firestorm for fast leveling. Of course, Flame Totem in a +2 to fire gems should still be fine even after 2.1! Since very few nodes are cold-damage specific you can choose yourself when you switch to Freezing Pulse. That said, we don't actually pick up nodes for spell/elemental damage until about level 30 so using a Silverbranch bow or Facebreakers for the first 35 levels is perfectly fine if that feels better. " With my setup, both choices in Normal will give about the same total amount of mana/life - about 110 mana (when using Herald) or about 120 life. With that in mind, the +40 life add more to your survival. In Cruel Alira's 5% cast speed are worth a bit more than a passive point, while in Merciless we take the point. So: Oak - Alira - passive point. Something else: I didn't mention in the guide so far that this build can be made even more tanky by spending five points for Acrobatics, which doesn't really have much of a drawback for this build. The points for doing that should come off Heart of Oak (2 points), Occultist's Dominion (3 points) and/or well as the projectile damage nodes leading to the jewel below Scion (4 points). You could even forego all of those points and get Phase Acrobatics as well! Damage will suffer a bit, but for HC or if you already have a 6-linked Pledge it seems like a strong choice. scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder
Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 |
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Hey, what do you think of using unique pyre ring and converting 100% cold dmg to fire ?
Im thinking of doing that :) always going hard --
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Interesting idea. Ignites are strong, the question is if this build can take good advantage of them considering it deals many smaller hits versus a few bigger ones (which would be better for ignites).
With the current setup, I deal almost 6 hits a second for about 7k a hit. More than half the damage increases from tree and gear are only spell damage, not elemental/cold/fire damage. So an ignite would be increased by about 200%, for something like 4.5k burn a second. I don't think that would be enough to justify the conversion since it's relatively little damage which doesn't stack while giving up the additional defense of keeping enemies frozen for a few seconds via repeated hits. Not saying it isn't viable, just that I think for this specific build the freezes are more helpful than the ignites. Plus Herald of Ice would be a lot less effective so you'd probably want Anger which reserves a lot more mana. If you want to ignite enemies with cold damage - I know I would, I love ignites - it's probably better to go for high critical strike chance + crit multiplier, and then either Pyre ring or Avatar of Fire + Cold to Fire support. Something like Freezing Pulse + Lesser Multiple Projectiles + Cold to Fire + Fire Penetration + Increased Critical Damage. But Pledge of Hands is not very well suited for a crit build as you want a dagger + shield with high crit chance + crit multi there. scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 Last edited by scrooge999#0080 on Dec 25, 2015, 1:37:05 PM
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you have a point there, Thanks for the fast and detailed explanation :)
always going hard --
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Hello man! I do really like this build, but i have some questions.
Which is the main reason to not to go Crit FP and choose this build ? Against Hard bosses, like Abaxoth, 78 Dominus, Malachai Merciless, is this build able to kill them ? Thank you so much! looking forward to try it! |
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Crit FP is surely viable, but the main reason to play this build over it is defense. Crit FP is more stretched for passive points (needing projectile speed AND crit) so it likely has fewer life. It is also not well suited to wearing a Pledge of Hands (as that will cost it 12-15% crit chance from dagger + shield) and so not well suited for Mind over Matter, which is a very strong defense mechanism. In return crit FP will freeze mobs a lot more often, which is already a strong defense, but if they get unlucky and DON'T get freezes for a few seconds (or come up against bosses too strong to freeze) they are much more vulnerable than this build.
Regarding the bosses you mentioned: Abaxoth I think not, I haven't encountered him yet with any build (strangely enough) but from what I hear you need to either be near invulnerable or do very high DPS to kill him comfortably. The other two are doable. The build can soak up quite some damage, but of course you need to dodge the really high damage (Touch of God) mechanically. Sadly I play on a potato laptop which lags a lot during these kind of fights, and I am not the most skilled player, so I usually take a lot more damage than I'd need to. For this reason I have only done things like Residence Dominus or the Jungle Valley boss so far but will get a new computer (if not better skills) over the next months and then try the tougher bosses. scroogetemplar / scroogewitch / scroogemarauder Freezing Pulser (safe + affordable): https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1529856 Last edited by scrooge999#0080 on Dec 26, 2015, 5:29:46 AM
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