[2.1.0] Gryphenprey's Dual Curse CoC EK/BF Cyclone!
Hey everyone, I came up with this build for the start of the Talisman league so I thought I would share it with the community. I'm aware that this isn't completely original and many people have had similar ideas, but I feel this is unique enough to post a guide about it.
This is the first time I've posted a build-guide, so bare with me as I fumble through this. :) Basic Idea The idea of this build is quite simple: I wanted something that would have a fast clear speed in maps as well as good single-target DPS. I've been playing much tankier toons lately (AOF ice Storm, Max Block Incinerate/Aegis Incinerate) but the clear speeds on these were getting boring. SO DPS it is. The thought started with CoC+Cyclone+Blade Vortex. Why? Because I thought it would LOOK SWEET! And I was right. However, Blade Vortex is kind of bad on CoC from my testing. I've been using BF+EK in combination to MUCH success. TL:DR - I want to make things dead quickly. Pros: Very Fast, very Fun DEM DEEPS!!! Stuff dies instantly and shatters into oblivion! Vaal Pact leech is insane here. Uses all 3 types of charges. Dual Curses Excellent Damage Scaling for our spells! Several Defensive Layers to help us NOT die to physical damage spikes. Cons -Glass Cannon - Seriously, I have a 3k Life pool currently at level 76. Albeit, my gear is basically garbage. I feel this build *should* be able to push 4k+ life fairly easily with more levels + better life on gear At level 79, I now have 3.8k with some gear upgrades. I still have 4 more life nodes to grab, so I'll easily push 4k life. -Evasion based (that's a con right?) I take Acrobatics b/c it's there at no extra investment, so why not? But my physical mitigation is kinda tricky. However! I have multiple defenses for physical damage lined up! Warlord's Mark gives us Endurance Charges, which will be spent on CWDT+IC, for a decent buffer vs Physical damage. Additionally, the endurance charges themselves give us Phys Mitigation. Oh and an almost permanent up-time on Fortify from Whirling Blade. You'll pretty much be okay as long as you don't get 1-shot by Kole or something. -No passive life regen for Blood Rage. Not that this is really an issue, due to leech from Mark, but it's worth mentioning. -Curse immune maps require a little finagling. Gem Links What I currently use for my setup: Cyclone - CoC - Bladefall - Ethereal Knives - Faster Attacks - Controlled Destruction. Blasphemy - Warlord's Mark - Assasin's Mark CWDT - Immortal Call - Increased Duration - Hatred Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Fortify Blade Vortex - Spell Echo - Culling Strike - Item Rarity Blood Rage in there somewhere. I'll also add a CWDT - Chaos Golem somewhere too. The Tree My current tree at level 76: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBBbUHHg5ID6sRLxGWFe0WvxmKGo8dqiP2JIsk_SaVKgsqOCpNLOEwfDGeNZI2PTrhPydGcUcGSVFKyE2SUUdRTFS9VUtcQF3yX7Bh4mKsaoxsjG6qb55wUnBWcLt1_XcHfVuDCYRvhxOJ04w2jX2Nv4_6kBuVLpaLmhObtZyknaqi2aZXrEesZrDYtMW1SLXyuT7C7MM6yBTKStQj1ELVudh22L3b1Nvn4YjnVOtj7Bjw1fJF9W_22vsJ_gr-j__e?accountName=Gryphenprey&characterName=DirectMyWrath My planned tree for level 91: https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBsNii2cgU9W9qjBa_df0mlYRvYeLUQlVLtUiMNutjidMRLzY9cFKdqioLbIxd8mKsDki0xRGWwuzb55AbBx4FtUcGcFaVLo2_0NDYdpoT8NVRR9Qjj_q5PtvUSVHnVDB8XECsZiT9jX1UvSzhRnH_3iP2Fe2DCU2SlotvntW58bOcpEtXhxPA43cH_gryRdi9OuE1kqZX_o9N4w-rJIvDOpu1X7DKSlFMrEd9WypNPydKyG6qtfLhiB2qGYr7CfbaGo-ExewYcLtH4iLipDlsCPGK8uFjQzGeKjg31O0_ Tree without the extra Aura nodes Level 90 (further explanation below): https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYBsNii2cgU9W9qjBa_df0mlYRvYeLUQlVLtUiMNutjidMRLzY9cFKdqioLbIxd8mKsDki0xRGWwuzb55AbBx4FtUcGcFaVLo2_0NDYdpoT8NVRR9Qjj_q5PtvUSVHnVDB8XECsZiT9jX1UvSzh_94j9hXtgwlNkpaLb57VufGznKRLV4cTwON3B_4K8kXYvTrhNZKmV_6PTeMPqySLwzqbtV-wykpRTKxHfVsqTT8nSshuqrXyGYr7CfbaGo-ExUfiIuKkOWwI8Yry4WNDMZ4qODfU7T8wcd2oS3g6Qg== Mechanics: Alright, the nitty gritty! First of all, how do we dual curse? I use Doedre's Damning Ring. I haven't decided if I would rather have this or Windscreams, but I like having more than 10% MS on my boots, so the little ring takes the spot! So, WHY dual curse? Have you READ Assassin's Mark and Warlord's Mark? Yes. Good. That's why. More specifically, while testing this build in the new league trying to figure out what works I realized that I needed Assassin's Mark to feel consistent, but without Warlord's I felt too squishy. Or I had to sacrifice damage for Leech. Even then, still felt squishy. The solution? RUN BOTH! AM gives me extra crit chance and power charge generation. WM gives me Life/Mana Leech and Endurance charge generation. The Auras: Blasphemy - Warlord's Mark - Assassin's Mark (35% Mana Reserve x2 70% total) Hatred (50% Mana reserve) This gets us 120% total mana reserved. We only need a smidgen of mana (like 30, tops) so getting just under 100% is best. We do this by getting 20% Reduced Mana reserved from the passives in tree. 120% x .8 = 96% Another way to do this is to have an enlighten gem. A level 2 Gem will get a mana multiplier of .96, which lets us take off 3 passive points from our tree to use elsewhere. The Math: 120% x .84 x .96 = 96.768 (97% rounded) Oh if only it were this simple. This would require two Enlighten gems! Links for most efficient mana: Blasphemy - Assassin's Mark - Hatred - Enlighten 2 Blasphemy - Warlord's Mark The Math! 50% (Hatred) + 35% (Blasphemy) = 85%. 85 x .84 x .96 = 68.544 35% x .84 = 29.4 This equates to 97.944 = 98% Reserve. This should work but would be a bit harder to use skills. Honestly, you will want two level 2-3 Enlightens. This upgrade inevitably gives us an extra 5 Passives to work with. Easy way to do it? use an Alpha's howl--8% mana reserve. The disadvantage here, is that you lose the ability to use Rat's Nest, which would be a darn SHAME. The Gear Let's start by showing you what I CURRENTLY use at level 79. I'll update this as I go along:
Required Gear: Vagan Dagger is super spicy! Hits cannot be evaded is great! What we want? 1) Vagan Mod 2) Crit Chance 3) Attack Speed 4) Spell Damage 5) Mana Regen (good place to get it) 6) Crit multi 7) Spell Crit Some mix of those whilst prioritizing the first three. Ideally, we buy a Dagger from Vagan, Aug Crit Chance or Attack speed, regal the other and craft what we need most. Or Multimod it if you're rich. For dual-cursing of course! Elreon Jewelry: I use these to get my Cyclone mana cost down to 7. (3 with -8 ring) honestly, I feel like a -8 Ring with Mana Regen paired with Regen on Ammy and Dagger will be enough to sustain you no problem. Remember, we DO leech mana from Warlord's Mark. Nice to have, cheap to get Yeah, we want a 6L. Honestly I ran on a 4L setup until I could farm/buy enough humility div cards to get my tabula. Took me like an hour. I ran Cyc - CoC - FA - Bladefall and farmed The Aqueduct. Rat's Nest is probably BiS for helmet! Shield: This is your "fun" slot! Use it for life/damage/resists/whatever you want! Boots: Windscream (instead of damning ring) or Movespeed/Life/Resists boots. We are Cyclone, Movespeed is a must for mobility. Gloves: I would either go Maligaro's or rare gloves with Life/Resists/IAS Some DPS stats of my toon currently: Bladefall (Lvl 18) Average Damage: 4.3k no charges 5.3k with 4 Power/3 Frenzy Ethereal Knives (Lvl 18) Average Damage: 3.5k no charges 4.5k with 4 Power/3 Frenzy Cyclone APS: .28 before Rage+Charges .24 after Rage+Charges I think that's it for now. I'll work on posting Pics and Videos soon! If anyone knows where I can get video recording software or if you recommend a specific one, let me know so I can record playing, that'd be awesome! Questions/Comments/Concerns? Post below! I'd love to have some feedback from the community. Cheers! Last edited by Gryphenprey#0653 on Dec 16, 2015, 3:52:11 PM
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Small Update: I upgraded most of my gear to have more life. This brought me from 2.9k to 3.8k life. I also dropped Blood Rage. With no armor or regen, the degen was too risky to keep up on. I feel MUCH better about my survive-ability.
Input is always welcome! Thanks again for looking! |
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this build looks really cool i will defiantly make it but if you can pleas post some game play videos gorge run or anything i wanna see how it works before i start spending currency to make it
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