Chromatic Orb Community Log

It's known that equipment stat alignment (str, dex, int) affects odds of certain socket colors being rolled by chromatic orbs, but it annoys me that the exact probabilities are not known.

I'd like to start a community log to get a better sense (and larger sample size) of these probabilities.

If you wish to participate post here (or PM) the following information:

Equipment alignment (pure armor, evasion/ES, etc.)
Total number of sockets of each color over all rolls.

For example, if you have a 5 socket armor, and you use 10 chromatics, you might see 30 red, 14 green and 6 blue sockets. For this to work, you have to post every single color socket. No picking and choosing.

For those interested, I'll be using the following assumptions. If you have reason to suspect they aren't true, state your case.
1. Socket color rolls are independent of each other.
2. Only the stat alignment is relevant to the probabilities. There is no difference between a low and high level pure evasion armor, for instance.
3. The probabilities are independent of item type (shield vs. boots etc.)

I'll periodically update this post with the aggregated data.
Last edited by jonts26#1008 on Feb 14, 2013, 2:36:17 PM
I will do this the next time I'll try to change the color of an item's socket, it interesets me as well.
SSF is not and will never be a standard for balance, it is not for people entitled to getting more without trading.
Bump, cause I need more data.
Just dumped a ton of chromatics today before I saw this thread, but this seems like it will be very useful to know so I will make sure to contribute next time I use 'em. Good luck.
IGN: SimpleHarmonicMadness (Standard) DiscoMethod (SC Perandus)
Lets say the vendor has 5 of one item. Ex, five white Glass Shanks. Each has two sockets.

Post their sockets as though it was five rolls of Chromatics?
This isnt much of a data point but it took me 127 chroms to get a GGRB on a 4L es chest
IGN: DrKrills
Good luck. This is going to be really tough to try and catalog and report statistics on because there are too many variables.

So, though this isn't a chrom report today a mob dropped a 3L RRR blue scholar's robe. Color bias my ass. ;)
POE Serenity Prayer: GGG, grant me the serenity to accept the RNG I cannot change,
the courage to challenge any unbalanced content, and the wisdom to avoid the forums.
Mad: "Oh, it's simple and if you insist... I just think you're a dick. That's all."
moikpei wrote:
Lets say the vendor has 5 of one item. Ex, five white Glass Shanks. Each has two sockets.

Post their sockets as though it was five rolls of Chromatics?

I don't see why not. I assume the socket color randomization is the same for generation as re-rolling.
Is this still going? Very interested. I did some data collecting myself, and over 100 chromes I found that on a pure strength helm, about 2/3 of the time sockets would be red, and 1/6 blue, and 1/6 green.

If people are still interested and the OP is still willing to update his original post, I can post my exdact results.

I am interested in the odds to roll sockets for hybrid gear as well.
I don't think its necessary to keep track of every socket color when rolling for pure Evasion, Armor and Energy Shield items. It stands to reason that they all have an equal chance of rolling their natural socket and the other socket colors would be evenly split. If that hypothesis is true, here is some data I gathered over 340 rolls on a 4 socket Evasion item;

340x4 = 1360 sockets
Of those 1360 I rolled green 1066 times

I tracked in packs of 10 rolls so for those of you interested the low was 27/40 and the high was 35/40.

1066/1360 = 78.38%

More importantly presuming an even split on the remaining rolls we have;

294 total and 147 each

294/1360 = 21.62%
147/1360 = 10.81%

That's awfully close to 1/9th (.1111) for the specific off color and 1/4.5 for any color other than green.

While its a small sample its a good benchmark to work from if you are considering how many chromes it could take to get a specific combo. Presume that 1/9th is your chance for a specific off color roll and go from there.

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