Scootaloo's Crown of Eyes Oro Cycloner

Oh great, yet another cylone build.

I'm sitting at lvl 83 with 4k HP, 10k DPS unbuffed and 15k DPS buffed. Not too impressive, but it does the job well. I have not tried Atziri or high leveled maps because I doubt I can do it without better equipment.

- = - Why play this build? - = -

--- Relatively easy to play with cyclone
--- Unique mix of Discharge and Cyclone that isn't CoC or COMK, but CWDT
--- Both a spell-caster, and a weapon-user at the same time
--- Lots of explosion, but only when things get tougher
--- Encourages dangerous play.
--- Can start off with almost nothing but Crown of Eyes and Oro's Sacrifice
--- Not a Flicker build (possible, but slow)
--- Can do 99% of the map mods
--- Reflect + CWDT Discharge = CoC Discharge. Have fun.


--- It's yet another cyclone build
--- Minimum 2 ex to start off
--- Can become really expensive really quickly
--- Elemental Reflect is tricky, but doable *There's an in-depth section about reflect at the end of this.
--- Little to no physical mitigation without immortal call
--- Nullify mod on a monster WRECKS this build (No charges, no damage, no survival)

- = - Equipment and Skill Sockets - = -
Crown Of Eyes
--- 4L: Cast When Damage Taken + Portal + Flammability + Immortal Call

--- Reason: Another standard CWDT setup. Portal allows us to quickly get out of a dangerous situation without dying, and if we do die, we can get back into the fight quickly. Flammability lowers the fire resist, which is handy. (It can be swapped for Enfeeble or Temporal Chains if necessary). Immortal Call, along with 7 endurance charges, can be used to negate physical damage for +/- 5 seconds, which is more than enough time for us to generate another 7 endurance charges.

Tabula Rasa
Note: I'm currently using this cheap chest for a 6L. You need a 5/6L. Alternatives are:
--- Belly of The Beast (for Life)
--- Carcass Jack (for AOE)
--- Kingsguard (for sustain)
--- A rare chest (for life and resist)

For cheap Life Based Builds:
--- 5L: Cyclone + Weapon Elemental Damage + Life Leech + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Blood Magic
--- 6L: Cyclone + Weapon Elemental Damage + Life Leech + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Blood Magic + Concentrated Effect

For the expansive ES Crit Based Builds:
--- 5L: Cyclone + Weapon Elemental Damage + Life Leech + Concentrated Effect + Increased Critical Damage
--- 6L: Cyclone + Weapon Elemental Damage + Life Leech + Increased Critical Damage + Concentrated Effect + Faster Attacks / Increased AoE / Increased Critical Strikes

--- Reason (Life Based): Cyclone scales off elemental damage and AoE supports when using Oro's Sacrifice. Life Leech is used to sustain the cost from Blood Magic and to keep us healthy in general. Endurance Charge on Melee Stun allows us constantly grab Endurance Charges to keep Immortal Call on max duration every time it fires off.

--- Reason (ES Based): Cyclone scales off elemental damage and AoE supports when using Oro's Sacrifice. Life Leech is used to sustain the cost from Blood Magic and to keep us healthy in general. Since we use Voll's Devotion and Romira's Banquet to generate both Endurance and Power Charges, we can drop Endurance Charge on Melee Stun and go for more damage instead.

Rare Gloves (Life, Resists)
--- 4L: Vaal Cyclone + Life Leech + Concentrated Effect + Weapon Elemental Damage

--- Reason: Just a good Vaal skill to use to allows us to clear the entire screen, or sustain on a tougher boss. Alterative could be:

Vaal Immortal Call + Increased Duration + Cast When Damage Taken + Flame Golem.


Vaal Righteous Fire + Life Leech + Increased Area of Effect + Fire Penetration

The former allows us to use the Flame Golem. Vaal Immortal Call won't be triggered by Cast when Damage Taken, but it allows us not to die for a good 10 second, which may be more than enough to get rid of a map boss.

The latter allows us to explode and clear tough packs, but fairs worse on tough bosses.

WARNING: You can get stunned while using Vaal Cyclone. Also, certain monsters have deadly effect on death. I've died plenty thanks to Bloodline, Tempest and even Warband mods while spinning. I've warned you.

Rare Boots (Life, Resists)
--- 4L: Purity of Fire + Arctic Armor + Anger/Haste/Aura of your choice + Empower / Another Aura

--- Reason: Purity of Fire raises our max fire resist to 79%, and the barbarism node we pick up on the skill tree makes it 80%. With a Ruby flask, we can obtain 90% fire resist, which is more than enough to sustain reflect maps. *Note: I'll go more in depth about how to handle reflect maps and the risk / reward for it. It's so much fun.

For other two auras, they are situational. Want Herald of Fire for the ignite effect? Want Haste for Haku missions? They are readily available without switching out.

Lastly, Empower allows our auras to be a little stronger.

Doriyani's Invitation (Fire Based)

--- Reason: Resists, Armor, Fire Damage, Life Leech, and the ignite chance on flasks used. What's better then that?

Also, this allows us to handle reflect a little better.

Oro's Sacrifice
---- 5L6s: Cast When Damage Taken + Discharge + Molten Shell + Increased Area of Effect + Life Leech. Enduring Cry on the last slot.

--- Reason: This is one of the reasons why I love using Crown Of Eyes. With Crown of Eyes, I can scale spell damage, which affects both my attack, and my spell damage, allowing another method of survival.

Discharge, along with 7 endurance charges and 4 frenzy charges, does MASSIVE damage, which be leeched back instantly because of Vaal Pact. In short, upon taking a lot of damage, you deal back a lot more.

Molten Shell acts the same way, except that it explodes only after Immortal Call.


--- Reason: Converts those 4 Frenzy Charges from cold into fire damage instead, and destroys burning monsters to prevent regrowth for certain monsters.

Romira's Banquet & Voll's Devotion(for expensive build)

--- Reason: Allows us to generate the Power Charges needed to generate Endurance Charges with Voll's Devotion.

Rare Amulet and Ring (for cheap build)

--- Reason: For extra survival. Consider using an Unset Ring if you want to slot Enduring Cry in here instead. Alternative is to use a Kaom's Sign to increase the number of Endurance Charges.

- = - Synergy: - = -
Crown of Eyes + Oro's Sacrifice

With these two, firstly, we can safely start off with at the witch / templar starting point, and head t towards the fire nodes. By starting off this way, we can worry less about how to scale the damage, and more so on focusing on grabbing nodes efficiently.

Romira's Banquet + Voll's Devotion

With these two, we can constantly maintain Power and Endurance Charges, which is pivotal for survival, as well as damage.

Pyre + Endurance + Frenzy Charges

Pyre converts the Frenzy Charges from cold into fire damage, allowing us to have a pseudo 11 Endurance charges for Discharge.

- = - Skill Points - = -

120 points skill tree (Life, RT Based)

120 points skill tree (EXPENSIVE ES, Crit Based)


+40 Life, +8% Attack Speed, +1 Endurance Charge

- = - Elemental Reflect - = -

I promised in-depth analysis of this, so I'll show some numbers.

Life Leech gem + Doriyani's Invitation = 2.2% Life Leech

--- Consider that we take the reflect damage while having 80% Fire Resist.

--- 13% x 80% = 2.6% damage reflected
--- 2.2% - 2.6% = -0.4%

In short, we'll take back 0.4% damage of what we hit. A measly 0.4%.
How CWDT + IC and CWDT + Discharge work ??
Witch one is consume first the endurance charges or u use difrent lvls for CWDT gems ??

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