The Modular Tank Build
Hello Everyone!
This is my first build guide. I wasn't entirely sure where to put it, since it is less one specific build and more of a build system that creates tank builds for any class as efficiently as it can. I thought Scion would fit best, as it is meant to be the flexible class.
My goal in path of exile was to make a build for any class, using any type of defence. I'm the kind of person who's played path of exile for years, but still doesn't have that 6L Shav's. Chances are, so are you. We are the type of player who might be able to snag a 5L or two once every few months, who have other things to do and can't play like a racer and who don't RMT and don't have those crazy exalts rolling in, and who can't ever seem to maintain a map pool. We're the type of player who hit a rut at around level 80 and will never see any of our characters hit level 100. We're the type of player who doesn't have that high-end or even medium-end laptop who will freeze often and can't rely on player skills or micromanagement to survive. We NEED to be able to AFK almost all content to not die. And that's okay. So, your builds have crashed and burned. They keep dying. They can't map. They can't handle Merciless. They get wrecked by Dominus and Malachai. Well, I'm going to change that for you. I've devised an efficient build system that will enable you to create a character from any of the base classes. This system works because Path of Exile is actually Path of Tank. You won't ever be able to get super far with that uber-crazy DPS build because you'll die, over and over again. But if you build pure tank, you can. And luckily for us, offense in path of exile isn't very important compared to defense. With a pure tank spec, we can still clear 99% of all POE content, including Atziri. To date, this concept has been used and has worked with the Marauder, Shadow, Ranger, Duelist and Scion. All builds revolve around level 70 to 80-ish characters, the level range around which is readily attainable by casual players. Variants of each build are taken from hardcore-viable builds, except they are even tankier (for their level), so they should all be hardcore viable. It should be noted that on many of these characters I have not died to anything a player would normally encounter. My few deaths are from AFK tests on very hard bosses (which as a non min-maxed level 80 without uber gear is suicide) or from very stupid mistakes. I made it to merciless A4 only dying once or twice or not at all on many of these characters. A better player should be able to make it work easily.
The Core Concept
The way we build our characters will depend on their distance to certain passives. In path of exile, there are several key methods of tanking: Life regeneration High Life/ES Armour Evasion Block Dodge Damage conversion Elemental Resists Trigger Gems Of these, for the player who does not have the uber endgame gear or a high end computer, both life regeneration, High Life/ES, and Elemental Resists are mandatory. On top of that, at least one of either armour or evasion are required. And on top of that, at least one of either block or dodge are required. Trigger gems are also capable of adding so much more tanking potential that they are also required. Additional damage conversion to elemental on top of that is also very good to have, being just shy of being required. Any second 5L/6L for attacks would use mitigation or CC supports such as Ice Bite, Hypothermia, Blind, Knockback, or Life Leech and LGoH. Thus, for each character class, we go directly down this decision tree to build our modular tank, 100% in alignment with the attribute persuasions of the classes. We're the underdog poor players. We can't afford to be creative or fancy. That means no hybrid, no worrying about mana.
Weapon combinations of the Modular Tank Setup
We will have several variations: 1H Melee + Shield Dual Wield Melee Bow This type of build is also workable for 1H Wand and Shield builds for the Witch, as well as Staff Block builds for the templar. The Ranger build is identical to the Shadow build. We will not be discussing the specifics of the Staff or 1H Wand builds here, as those builds are still in progress. However, I can tell you that they do work! Just follow the principles I've outlined here. I do have an arctic breath caster and a summoner which are both modular tank builds.
The Modular Gem Setup
The modular gem setup is thus called because in all of our significant links, we will have gems that support our tanking and are compatible with all iterations and permutations of our build. Small tweaks are required for one or two facets of the gem links that will not be compatible with different weapon setups. Our ideal 6L Chest would contain: CWDT + Immortal Call + Molten Shell + Enfeeble + Chaos Golem + Tempest Shield/Cold Snap For a 5L, we would be cutting Tempest Shield or Cold Snap (most of you will use this setup). One of our 4Ls would contain: CWDT + Cold Snap/Tempest Shield + Arctic Breath + Frost Wall Another 4L would contain two defensive auras or more if the build can run it. We will also include Enduring Cry. Where possible, we will include fortify and melee trigger gems. When necessary, we will use high base damage spells such as flameblast and firestorm to do our damage to compensate for zero offensive investment. Before we can afford 5Ls and the like, we can separate our CWDT chain into 3 separate CWDT groups, which we put into 4Ls in our helm, boots, and gloves. In addition, we limit our attack skills to 3-4 links whenever possible for as long as possible to maximize our defense.
For the Marauder, we have easy access to life, armour, and shield block nodes. Therefore, efficiency dictates that we head in those directions, using blood magic support gems for active abilities. We will be going 1H Sword + Shield. The marauder build is a nod to Mortezzah's build. Future iterations of it will focus on maxing out block. As it stands I made this one out of a tree similar to Oro's RF build, so there is more life regen and less block. It was still able to clear content just fine and was pleasantly surprised.
Defensive Stats
4592 Life 629.1 Life Regen 418 ES 74% Physical Reduction 76% Fire Resistance 80% Cold Resistance 75% Lightning Resistance 75% Chaos Resistance 34% Block 28% Spell Block
Chest: Lightning Coil Helmet: Devoto's Devotion Shield: Aegis Aurora, Thousand Teeth Temu, or Lioneye's Remorse Sword: Aurumvorax Boots: Rainbowstride Amulet: Stone of Lazhwar Rings: Good rares with tri res and chaos resist Belt: A good rare with tri res and chaos resist or Doryani's Invitation Gloves: Meginord's Vise or a good rare with tri res and chaos resist I was able to get all this gear fairly easily: a 5L legacy LC cost me 30 chaos, equivalent to a week of Dried Lake farming. Aurumvorax will run you a chaos, as will Stone of Lazhwar. Aegis may cost up to 1 ex, an Devoto's and Rainbowstride will run you a few chaos each. None of these need to be legacy.
Reasoning for Gear Choices
High armor and evasion as well as life from lightning coil and its mitigation make it BIS. Devoto's Devotion is an easy source of high armour and evasion and also provides melee attack speed for our movement abilities and some chaos resist. Aurumvorax is how we cover our elemental resistances. Rainbowstride and Lazhwar are for spell block. Aegis provides more damage mitigation with the energy shield replenish on block along with armor and resistances, with high block. Thousand teeth teemo provides evasion, life, and high block. Lioneye's provides high armor and life with mid-high block. Meginord's vise grants us a lot of strength, which converts to effective life, as well as some armor.
Specific Gem Setup
Chest: CWDT + Molten Shell + Immortal Call + Summon Chaos Golem + Enfeeble (+ Tempest Shield for 6L) Helm: Determination + Grace + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Vengeance Boots: CWDT + Cold Snap + Artic Breath + Frost Wall (or Tempest Shield if using 5L chest) Gloves: Leap Slam + Enduring Cry + Blood Magic + Fortify Shield: Ice Bite + Reckoning + Life Gain on Hit Sword: Flameblast + Iron Will + Blood Magic On swap for sword (shield remains the same): Blood Magic + Faster Attacks + Whirling Blades
Skill Tree
Example Rare Gloves/Belts/Rings
The scion has easy access to early life regeneration. In a nod to Dy'Ness, I've found that the most effective setup is a CI ES/life regen tank with some armor and some block as well as some damage conversion. This is because it's much easier to stack tons of ES than it is to stack tons of life. Since we're CI, we will be mana hungry as we cannot use blood magic, but we will also be tanky.
Defensive Stats
8345 ES 1268.4 ES Regen 29% Physical Reduction 12% Evade 75% Fire Resistance 75% Cold Resistance 76% Lightning Resistance 27% Block 6% Spell Block 100% Chaos Resistance
Chest: Incandescent Heart Helmet: Broken Crown or a good rare Gloves: Voidbringer or a good rare Belt: Auxium or a good rare Rings: Perandus Signet or Shavronne's Revelation or two good rares Shield: Aegis Aurora or Rathpith Globe or a good rare Amulet: Shaper's Seed Sword: Aurumvorax or Ephemeral Edge Boots: Rainbowstride
Bow Version
Bow: Darkscorn Quiver: Soul Strike Broken Crown is selling for way cheap since for most people the 'Cast on Death' support gem is bad. However, for us, that's fine because we put in gems that are unaffected. I snagged my 5L Incandescent Heart for 30 chaos. The Voidbringers were 10 chaos, the Shaper's Seed was free from someone who didn't like the corruption on it, the auxium was a chaos, the Ephemeral Edge was 2 chaos, my rare shield, rings, and belt were self-found.
Reasoning for Gear Choices
Since we are CI, Incandescent Heart's conversion of elemental damage taken as chaos causes us to take no damage from 25% of the elemental damage. In the bow version of the build, Darkscorn would do the same to physical for us. Incandescent Heart also has good armor and ES, and is easy to roll the right colors on. Broken Crown also gives us armor and ES, and is easy to roll the right colors on. Voidbringer and Rainbowstride also give us a lot of ES. Shaper's Seed gives us plenty of life regen. Ephemeral Edge gives us a HUGE boost to ES. Until you upgrade your other gear with enough resistances, use Aurumvorax instead. The Perandus and Shav’s rings are also okay, but shav’s prevents us from casting spells without a high-end corruption. Astramentis is also okay instead of shaper’s for more ES, but I really like the regen.
Specific Gem Setup
Chest: CWDT + Molten Shell + Immortal Call + Enfeeble + Summon Chaos Golem (+ Tempest Shield for a 6L) Helm: Leap Slam + Fortify + Reckoning + Life Gain On Hit Boots: CWDT + Artic Breath + Cold Snap + Frost Wall (or Tempest Shield if using 5L on chest) Gloves: Discipline + Vitality + Enduring Cry + Clarity Sword: Ice Bite + Vengeance + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Shield: Firestorm + Concentrated Effect + Iron Will On Weapon Swap (Sword stays the same): Faster Attacks + Fortify + Whirling Blades For the bow version, we can remove leap slam/fortify/reckoning/LGoH/Tempest Shield/Vengeance/Endurance Charge on Melee Stun. Bow: Ice Shot + Ice Bite + Hypothermia + Life Leech + GMP (+ Knockback/PCoC/Increased Critical Strikes for a 6L). Add a Blink Arrow. Also exchange Leap Slam/Fortify for Lightning Warp/Less Duration on the rest of gear.
Skill Tree
Example Rare Shield/Rings/Belt
The Shadow/Ranger is neither blessed with bountiful life regeneration nodes nor life or ES nodes. Neither is armor readily accessible. It does have access to nearby bow nodes and plenty of evasion Thus, we solve the issue of a lack of high innate tankiness by going ranged evasion and dodge. We are forced to go for some DPS nodes due to the shadow’s squishiness. We get some crit nodes to allow us to freeze enemies and prevent them from reaching us. This version is a nod to Grocery’s Physical Bow Shadow, although we differ greatly. Namely, we go for the life regen cluster near the duelist, while he does not.
Defensive Stats
3588 Life 179.4 Life Regen 33 ES 7% Physical Reduction 48% Evade 75% Fire Resistance 76% Cold Resistance 75% Lightning Resistance -46% Chaos Resistance 48% Dodge 45% Spell Dodge
Chest: Daresso’s Defiance or Hyrri’s Ire Helmet: A good rare or Honourhome/Goldrim/Geofri’s Crest Boots: Atziri’s Step Gloves: A good rare or Aurseize Belt: A good rare or Doryani’s Invitation Rings: Good rares or Le Heup of All x2 Amulet: A good rare Quiver: A good rare or Drillneck/Maloney’s Nightfall Bow: Chin Sol, Lioneye’s Glare, Windripper, Voltaxic Rift, or a good rare. It really doesn’t matter. Path of Tank. No fun DPS allowed. I was able to self-find almost all of the gear. Atziri’s step was for 15c, doryani’s invitation was for 20c, Drillneck was a drop, Maloney’s nightfall was 5c, aurseize for 1c, 5L Lioneye’s glare was for 2ex equiv in odds and ends.
Reasoning for Gear Choices
Spell dodge is wanting in this game, so we really need to bump that up. Atziri’s step is the equivalent of evasion rainbowstrides, and we need them. Daresso’s Defiance is able to roll the colors for the Modular Gem Setup much more easily than Hyrri’s Ire, which will NEVER get those 6-off colors. If you magically get a Hyrri’s to have the right colors though, it’ll be BIS with the sepll and attack dodge. DD also has extra dodge chance as well as life and good armor and evasion. Both the suggested unique helms and gloves only serve to help cap resistances- we ideally want life and evasion and resistances on rares. This holds true for the belt and the rings and amulets too. For the quiver, maloney’s is nice due to the defensive smoke cloud. The nice evasion and life from drillneck is good too. Lioneye’s is just nice for consistency in applying ice shot chill for kiting. We can really use any bow. Chin Sol is a nice candidate as well for the knockback.
Specific Gem Setup
Chest: CWDT + Molten Shell + Immortal Call + Enfeeble + Summon Chaos Golem (+ Desecrate for 6L) Helm: CWDT + Arctic Breath + Cold Snap + Frost Wall Boots: Blink Arrow + Grace + Vitality + Increased Duration Gloves: Blood Magic + Enduring Cry + Lighting Warp + Faster Casting Bow: Ice Shot + GMP + Blood Magic + Ice Bite + LGoH (+Hypothermia or PCoC for a 6L) On swap: Ice Shot + Blood Magic + Ice Bite + Hypothermia + LGoH (+ Blind or PCoC for a 6L)
Skill Tree
Example Rare Helm/Belt/Gloves/Amulet/Rings
For the Duelist, we are very clearly life-focused, but are split between armor and evasion nicely. We have easy access to dual wield block nodes, and will focus there. The Dual Wield block maximization has issues without a large source of additional block, and so we must either sacrifice our chest to use BoR or use a Wings of Entropy, or both. If we lose the chest, we must shift the Modular Gem Setup to other pieces of gear. This build is a nod to FuryofWar’s duelist build, but we do not take any of his suggested DPS nodes, instead moving further up into marauder territory for the life regeneration nodes.
Defensive Stats
3702 Life 359.1 Life Regen 230 ES 26% Physical Reduction 42% Evade 75% Fire Resistance 75% Cold Resistance 75% Lightning Resistance -60 Chaos Resistance 75% Block 56% Spell Block
Chest: None Helm: Bringer of Rain Boots: Rainbowstride Gloves: Meginord’s Vise or a good rare Amulet: Stone of Lazhwar Belt: A good rare or Doryani’s Invitation Rings: Good rare unset rings x2 Main Hand: Cameria’s Maul or a good rare Off Hand: Ungil’s Gauche I got a Bringer of Rain to drop while levelling my characters in Dried Lake. Ungil’s Gauche and Cameria’s Maul are also really cheap, since most people think trollner is useless and don’t like low level unique daggers. The Unset Rings may run you 10-20 chaos if you’re buying them from people. I alched one of them from a white myself.
Reasoning for Gear Choices
We use the Bringer of Rain and Ungil’s Gauche for their block chance. We need them to reach max block. The Cameria’s Maul is just there because it’s the highest DPS 1H unique that we can reliably get for cheap. We need the Unset Rings because we are sacrificing the chest sockets to use the BoR, and need more sockets. In addition, we don’t want auras to compete for space with the blood magic gems or the CWDT gems. Corruption on Stone for more block would help.
Specific Gem Setup
Helm: Ice Crash + Blood Magic+ Fortify + Leap Slam Gloves: Vengeance + Riposte + Life Gain on Hit + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun Boots: CWDT + Enfeeble + Summon Chaos Golem + Cold Snap Rings: Determination, Grace Main Hand: CWDT + Molten Shell + Immortal Call Off Hand: Blood Magic + Enduring Cry + Whirling Blades On Swap: Put Portal or a Vaal gem instead of Whirling Blades
Skill Tree
Example Rare Gloves/Belt/Rings
How much DPS do you actually have?
Not that much. These builds all have around 3-5k DPS. It's enough to kill anything, just really slowly. Still, in a party your DPS can get doubled with a good auramancer and make it actually kill things decently quickly. Still better than dying over and over and over again, IMO. The 80 off meta build guy Last edited by Zhandragon#2269 on Oct 23, 2015, 11:56:04 AM
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" How would you know? I thought you were a poor man that could never afford those builds? Glasscannons can actually get pretty far(mid 80s i recon). They'll struggle in midtier+maps, but so will your build due to you have too little life " There's no way you're going to be able to clear even mid 70s with this setup. I'm not trying to hate or to be rude, it's just constructive criticism It's hard to remember what you have forgotten ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why are police looking for missing people? None of them were missing last time I saw them Last edited by Tommie_Sjukskriven#7744 on Oct 24, 2015, 6:36:58 PM
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I cleared atziri and 80+ maps. it takes a while, but with at least one party member the clearing is pretty fast. 70+ maps are an easy solo clear. It's just the boss that takes a while.
Since i've been working with uber-low dps builds, i found that 2k dps is the bare minimum for fast clearing of mob packs at level 70-75, and 4k DPS is the minimum for bearable clearing of bosses. It'll take maybe 2 casts of fireblast to clear a white mob pack, 3-4 for a blue mob pack, and about 6 for a rare monster. It's not fast but it's doable. I specced my bow shadow a while ago before the 2.0 reset to have 40k DPS, without GG gear. My problem with him was that he would just die over and over again and that character along with two others that had high dps would get trapped around level 79-80 and wouldn't level up. These new characters were created on a budget and are able to consistently level up without dying to pretty much anything. I could even AFK double vaal on apex of sacrifice with my CI ES scion with this build. My marauder is able to clear atziri solo as well, as long as i bring a shockwave totem with knockback on a swap to push back the healing phase mobs. I don't really know how to get more life without GG gear, as i've already spent a ton of spec points on all the life nodes i could and put life on gear wherever I could. Still trying to level up just a little bit more and maybe upgrade a few pieces of gear. The 80 off meta build guy Last edited by Zhandragon#2269 on Oct 25, 2015, 2:35:35 AM
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Any scion videos with stats and atziri/uber/map78+?
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