[Concepts] New race ideas and concepts

Preface: I will try to maintain a list of community ideas and concepts, and post them in this thread.
This thread is for new racing ideas and concepts. So we can try to spice up the next race season with new content.
New race ideas and concepts

Race type: Race to the Finish! (RTTF)(Inspired by Super Smash Brothers)

Void League. Items do not transfer over to any other league.
Players are given no skills (or no high damage attack skills, only movement skills. Whirling blades, Lightning Warp, Flame Dash, Leap Slam, and possibly Cyclone).
***(As a side note, thought of a new skill called Hookshot. Any class can use it, has low requirements. Has fixed range. Can collide with Enemies or Terrain. Players are dragged to the location, similar to how Brutus / Kole's hookshot works. Although incredibly prone to desync, would provide a fun skill to try and develop for the race or main game)

Players start with 5 Wisdom scrolls, 3 Transmuation Orbs, and 5 flasks. (2 Health flasks, 1 Quicksilver, 1 Quartz, 1 Utility)
No Equipment is given. This is to promote faster movement to the end goal. (Equipment does spawn in the zone however)
Reviving old concepts: Fountains. Scattered throughout the zone there are fountains which replenish player flasks instantly. These are one use only.
Flask charges replenish over time. Adjust value as needed.
Transmuation, Augmentation, and Alteration orbs spawn at high rate. Uncommon are Alchemy, Chaos, and Baubles. This is to promote rolling flasks and in some cases equipment for resistances or movement speed.
Chests, Trunks, Crates, Barrels, Pots, Coffins, etc, all spawn at slightly higher frequency.
Flask drops are common to uncommon. Do not neglect mana flasks.

This is playing off specific Themed zones that you have already designed, and can play around with and develop.
Zones like The Freezing Chamber, The Obelisks of Faith, The Chamber of Greed.
Take it a step further and apply to Fire, Lightning, Chaos, Traps, Puzzle, Maze structures, DoT, etc.

Zones are designed to have a Theme, and player must run through at the best speed they can, while trying to survive the traps and zone environment.
Zones can have environment dangers, similar to Fireballs in King Kaom's chamber or Weapons in Daresso's Chamber, or Haku Missions.
Zones can also have environment protections, such as Totems and Shrines, similar to Elreons. Safe zones, regeneration, buffs, etc.
Bonus points can be achieved by activating Wayshrines within zones (similar to the Zana missions), adds to final score of the race.
*Side thought, Bonus side missions can be added. Masters can spawn in zones, complete their special mission and earn bonus points toward end score.

Because this race is based off Distance / Time, you need to find a good balance of how long you want the race to be, how many zones it should have.
Since attacks are not as highly valued, experience might be able to add to the total end score in some way.

Might be a good concept race to test asynchronous races. Start time is based off player creation+entering the starting zone+(0-30) seconds Invulnerability leeway Time.

Create a separate special race called Endless Race to the Finish!
(Only distance progression is tracked) (Players have to activate Wayshrines within the zone? Adds to total score progression)

*Side concept: Toward the end of the race, spawn special ending zone transitions that players can enter and end the race early. So their final score is based off that Time, goals, etc. Might be useful when end-zones become too dangerous or impossible to progress? They can backtrack and end the race, stopping their time.

Similar to RTTF, you can create another race type concept, with Puzzle like Race
Escape the Dungeon (ETD).
Zones are Maze like, full of traps, dead-ends, etc. Players have to exit the zones and progress to the next one as fast as possible. Might spawn dangers similar to Haku missions.
Might spawn zones similar to Mud flats. Players have to find single quest item, or multiple quest items, to unlock the next zone.
Might bring funny moments like this within the race: The Rhoa Whisperer

Create special ETD race, Find the Albino Rhoa!
Your task is to escape the dungeon, and kill the Albino Rhoa.
(Although Bird Lovers of Wraeclast will take issue!) Might suggest Zombie alternative, everybody hates Zombies!
I don't have time right now (as I'm posting) to continue the thread.
I will maintain the thread with a list of updated concepts and ideas, as best as I can.
"The absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence."
Last edited by Hixxie#2252 on Sep 29, 2015, 11:13:10 AM
Cruel Race:

Players start the race (which is otherwise like any other generic race format, save the exceptions, below), in Cruel Twilight Strand.

Players have a full set of skill points (including one for the Bandit quest, unless GGG can include a "select Bandit reward" option) for level 40, to be selected when the league starts, and it is assumed that only progression-related quests have been completed. Racers can go back to Normal, if they choose, to grab optional quests and their rewards, but there will be no extra points for any "first cleared" events in Normal, only Cruel.

A provisions chest will contain (among other things) sufficient white Sacred flasks to fill out the belt to 3/2 or 2/3 Life/Mana, and a Quicksilver flask, and a selection of white 4L gear, along with gems appropriate to class selections and quest rewards one would have gained through progression, but no magic or rare items.

Pretty simple, and should make for an interesting change from running the same, old A1 on races. =^[.]^=
=^[.]^= basic (happy/amused) cheetahmoticon: Whiskers/eye/tear-streak/nose/tear-streak/eye/
whiskers =@[.]@= boggled / =>[.]<= annoyed or angry / ='[.]'= concerned / =0[.]o= confuzzled /
=-[.]-= sad or sleepy / =*[.]*= dazzled / =^[.]~= wink / =~[.]^= naughty wink / =9[.]9= rolleyes #FourYearLie

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