[Suggestion] Race Season Change

It is absolute madness that:
There are so few players able to compete for the crown in a big event like a race season.

Even the most popular players from the community are unable to compete because of lack of time.

A race season should be a great spectacle, for all to be enjoyable,
and with alot of contenders, until the very end.

There should be a better ballance between
[time invested + skill] vs [reward]

The suggestion:
ALL players should have a chance of reaching the maximum amount of scorable points by completing only a fraction of the season's content.

possible changes

Season layout:
* The season consists out of X amount of unique races.
* These unique races will each feature multiple times.
* Timing of these races are divided all around the 24 hour clock and divided among week / weekend days.
(So even John Doe can plan ahead to figure out an agenda to play each race atleast once without missing sleep, school, work, etc.)

The suggestion:
Only the best result of a specific unique race will count towards your ladder position.

So even though you've run a specific unique race 6 times, only the single best result will count. Your ladder score will consist out of all those single best results combined.

That position would also correlate directly to race rewards.
The amount of points needed to earn an additional reward item would become
smaller and smaller to the very end where it would only take 1-2 extra race points to get the next item. A smaller amount, because it will be harder and harder to improve your best race results.

I hope this will open the door to more people to race competatively,
and give a better ratio of time investment and reward,
besides flattening the pyramid of top, mid and casual players.

Assumed effect on players:

-First insentive to race, will be to get some points in, doing all the different races and get on the ladder. Rewards will be raked up quickly after doing all the different races once, and hopefully that'll get people hooked.
-Second insentive will be to join races in wich you've died.
-Third insentive to keep racing, will be to improve your result in a specific race.

A particular race might fall out of grace; It might seem like it's impossible to improve a result. This might not necessarily be a bad thing, one less race to worry about. It might feel like notching off a challange that has been completed. Most of us are all suckers for that kinda thing anyway.

No lifers would still have the edge: they can rerun more races, and have more chances at improving their best result.
They can rerun more races, to steal places from the competition to keep the other guy's best result down. (an interesting king of the hill theme, where somebody does not want to share a Nr. 1 result in a specific race)

A new player is pushed to try out ALL the different races,
INSTEAD of just spamming the one he still get's points for after death.
Get's bored, watches the stars he can't reach,
and drops out of the race season when he's awarded the first or second race reward.
Trying to improve on a particular result, would be a forced learning experience by improving racing skills.

A decent player without much time, could do a hell of a job in a season by just running each race once.
After that it's also fun to compete with your own result. Taking more risk, pushing the limits, instead of taking it slow for the steady reward points. The insentive to play to the max wasn't there since he couldn't beat the top leaderboard anyway, so why not just rake up the easy points.
And what do you know? That player might get some good races in and an unexpected high end result.

The Crown
Last week will still have many many players with theoretical chances, but realisticly it would be great if there where still 50 players with a decent chance.

Think of the carnage where people drop out of the season,
because they have to perform in do or die races to keep in the running.

In the last races you'll have multiple twitch windows open, watching the final enfold.
Plenty dropped out streamers to cast, and explain what result each contender still needs to achieve.

It will be an epic last dash to the finish line.

Last edited by MinstrelShadrak#5606 on Sep 28, 2015, 9:42:17 AM
No time to read the spoilers, but i fully agree with the intro.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
It's a good thread and I actually agree with it. You have much more incentive to git gud rather than just run the safest amount of content you can do, it means you have a reason to try the different event types rather than just sticking to ezpoint bursts and it doesn't penalise you for not being able to make every single event they host.

The only issues I can see are that there'd have to be a way to distribute raffle prizes and that if you miss a specific type of race consistently then your season points are screwed. I guess that's not too different than what's happening at the moment but it would suck if, for example, you got points to the best of your ability in all of the race types except Immolation and then you miss the final Immolation race. Right now if you miss one kind of race consistently you can still run the last races in the season and get full points for them.

It'd still be a lot better system than what's currently in place though.
League would have been fine with this schedule:

League Mods Schedule

Day 1-4: Warbands, Invasion, Nemesis and Domination.
Day 5-7: Warbands, Anarchy, Bloodlines and Beyond.
Day 8-9: All league mods except BEYOND.
Day 10-12: Tempest, Domination, Nemesis and Beyond.
Day 13-14: Tempest, Ambush, Invasion and Torment.
Day 15-16: All league mods except BEYOND.
Day 17-19: Warbands, Anarchy, Nemesis, Invasion and Torment.
Day 20-21: Warbands, Rampage, Ambush, Beyond and Onslaught.
Day 22-23: All league mods except BEYOND.
Day 24-26: Tempest, Rampage, Bloodlines, Invasion, Nemesis and Torment.
Day 27-28: Tempest, Beyond, Rampage, Ambush, Domination and Onslaught.
Day 29-31: All league mods except BEYOND.

Sorry to say, but Beyond annoyed the shit out of me this 1M.

I needed to level up to 85 (not done yet) and my character is fine with everything, but Beyond bosses. My computer can't handle the fast movement and the lag, so I tend to die often.

Besides, Beyond is unfun in groups too. Heck, Beyond is unfun generally. I believe that is the reason why it was hidden and degraded to a map mod only. Which was a wise decision.

So, don't ever put Beyond in the spotlight like this EVER again.
See my stats: http://poestatistics.com/users/wiraqucha/
Seems not updated for whatever reason: http://exilestats.com/account.php?id=265406
Discontinued profile: http://exilestats.com/account.php?id=40468
Wiraqucha wrote:
League would have been fine with this schedule:

League Mods Schedule

Day 1-4: Warbands, Invasion, Nemesis and Domination.
Day 5-7: Warbands, Anarchy, Bloodlines and Beyond.
Day 8-9: All league mods except BEYOND.
Day 10-12: Tempest, Domination, Nemesis and Beyond.
Day 13-14: Tempest, Ambush, Invasion and Torment.
Day 15-16: All league mods except BEYOND.
Day 17-19: Warbands, Anarchy, Nemesis, Invasion and Torment.
Day 20-21: Warbands, Rampage, Ambush, Beyond and Onslaught.
Day 22-23: All league mods except BEYOND.
Day 24-26: Tempest, Rampage, Bloodlines, Invasion, Nemesis and Torment.
Day 27-28: Tempest, Beyond, Rampage, Ambush, Domination and Onslaught.
Day 29-31: All league mods except BEYOND.

Sorry to say, but Beyond annoyed the shit out of me this 1M.

I needed to level up to 85 (not done yet) and my character is fine with everything, but Beyond bosses. My computer can't handle the fast movement and the lag, so I tend to die often.

Besides, Beyond is unfun in groups too. Heck, Beyond is unfun generally. I believe that is the reason why it was hidden and degraded to a map mod only. Which was a wise decision.

So, don't ever put Beyond in the spotlight like this EVER again.

Don't think you're in the right thread...
SeoHyun (www.twitch.tv/Awkamess)
My racing guides for S11:

"Terrex is irrelevant." ~Lonestar420 2015

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