Can't Believe It's Not Mjolnier-- Lightning Strike/Molten Strike RT scion.
WILL BE UPDATED FOR 2.1 CHANGES SOON!!! Hi, my IGN is Sayk_DCkillsthemanintown. I'm a lvl 90 scion on the current tempest league. I have little to no currency or recognition to my name. This is my first guide, so cheers, here's my budget build. The build i thought of uses lightning strike projectiles to shock and kill enemies are range and gem-swaps to molten strike to kill bosses at a close range. It's a very fast clearing build with little to no downside in the safety department as it gets 30%+ block chance 20%+ dodge, and about 40-50% phys reduction without charges, depending on your gear. It is atziri viable, and easily clears 78 maps with just about any mods. It scales off Auras and Attack speed. At my current state my anger aura gives me 10k dps and my wrath aura gives me 16k dps. It's titled, Can't believe it's not mjolnier, because of the common use of lightning strike and molten strike in the newer mjolnier builds.
Me bullshitting about the build.
Requirements(How budget can we get?)
The only Requirement for the build is a solid weapon, Luckily the current meta has 0 need for non-crit high ele dps claws. The one i'm using was only 2c and i've had it since level 70;;;
Up until level 90 I used a rare helmet and no unique shields, I bought them solely for killing atziri safely(which honestly was a face-roll run). The build and all of the gear together cost me 5ex(not pure, just fusing/chaos/alchs/div card trades) (including uniques). The build scales offgem levels and the phrase "weapon elemental damage". The most expensive piece of gear the build can buy is the alphas howl.
Passive Tree, Bandits, and Gems
Tree at level 90.
Bandits: Normal: Help Oak Cruel: Help Kraityn Merciless: Kill all Gems: Auras:In your Alpha's Howl you want to have; Wrath-Anger-Haste-Herald of Lightning; You need to be able to swap Herald Of Thunder and Anger with Purity of Fire and Purity of Lightning. This is for atziri. Lightning Strike/Molten: Lightning/Molten(swap)-Multistrike-Blood Magic-Greater Multiple Projectiles-Weapon Elemental Damage(5th link)-Faster attacks or LGoH(Faster attacks for mapping and LGoH for atziri) Movement: Whirling Blades-Blood Magic-Faster attacks-Fortify CWDT: CWDT-Molten Shell- Warlords mark(swap out for atziri kill)-Tempest Shield Curse(in 1h or shield): Blood magic-Ele Weakness-Trap(in only for atziri) Golem(1h or shield): BM-Flame Golem- Minion Life.
but how's the damage?
I'll be adding images soon;; The dps of lightning strike is 39k and molten strike 36k ToolTip. With better gear(6l) and succefully vaaled auras we should see something like 70k lightning strike - 65k molten strike.
But what type of gear am I looking for?
as all ele builds do, the builds damage scales off of attack speed, gem levels, and %WED. This leaves a lot of room for defenses, such as High armor pieces and shields.
The build has two separate classes of mods for it's gear; Defense, Offense, and Flasks.[NOTE]IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOUR PRIORITIZE LIFE AND RESISTANCES ABOVE ALL ELSE ON JEWLERY PIECES BEFORE YOU HIT 4.5K LIFE AND MAX RES DURING MERCILESS THIS INCLUDES THE BELT!! A very useful tool to determining what gear can roll what mods is also important, I use poeaffix but there are many other sites that offer this insight.
Offensive Gear
The gear slots that add the most damage are as follows: Rings, Amulet, Belt, Weapon, Gloves. no other slot can add damage that is as relevant as these slots.
When looking for a weapon you want to prioritize the values in this order. Attack Speed > Flat Elemental damage values > %Weapon Elemental Damage. The higher the attack speed on the claw the more LGOH will proc, making it safer(and that's what it's all about folks). Flat ele dps gives your other gear slots the opportunity to increase your damage by an even larger amount. %wed gives your auras more damage(substantial amounts). [NOTE]IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOUR PRIORITIZE LIFE AND RESISTANCES ABOVE ALL ELSE ON JEWLERY PIECES BEFORE YOU HIT 4.5K LIFE AND MAX RES DURING MERCILESS THIS INCLUDES THE BELT!! It's the exact opposite for jewelry pieces, this includes the amulet and rings. %wed > flat ele damage > Attack speed. Jewelry is also going to be your main source of stat requirement. It's very important that you're able to run your auras. the belt has much more to offer in the defensive department, frankly, the belt is the most important piece of gear in this build,before the weapon. What we aim for on a belt is in this order. %wed > Armor> Raw Stats (str. dex.) > Other resistances/life. The gloves are a very special piece in this build, You can spend a fortune on gloves and it is in my recommendation that if you're not very wealthy in POE, is to try and find a good pair of gloves LAST, prioritize the glove slot as the last slot. The aim(in a dps aspect) is Attack speed> Flat ele Damage> armor. as you can see, I haven't spent any time at all looking at my current gloves, but they grant me nice armor and needed resistances.
Defensive Gear
The gear slots that offer the most defense are Boots, Body Armor, Shield, Helmet. These are the pieces you're looking to get a high amount of armor and resistances on. This does not mean that they are the only pieces that can grant high amounts of defenses, amulets, belts, and gloves can also grant massive defensive bonuses. [NOTE]IT'S VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOUR PRIORITIZE LIFE AND RESISTANCES ABOVE ALL ELSE ON JEWLERY PIECES BEFORE YOU HIT 4.5K LIFE AND MAX RES DURING MERCILESS THIS INCLUDES THE BELT!!
Here we will go over the defensive stats and what stats should be prioritized over others. note: ALL GEAR SHOULD PRIORITIZE RESISTANCES OVER EVERYTHING ELSE UNLESS YOUR RESISTANCES ARE CAPPED AT 75% ALLRES, CHAOS RES NOT INCLUDED. Boots are a special item in this build because they offer a wonderful stat called Movement Speed! In this build though movement speed isn't a necessary suffix unless you plan on doing most evasive endgame content such as atziri. As for defenses the mods you're looking for are in this order. Life > Armor flat > %Max Armor> Raw Stats (str. dex.) >Resistances. As far as Body Armor goes, I recomment the unique item Lioneye's Vision, as it gives us an extra link in our build, allowing us to build a 7link in the later stretches of the game. Although if 1alch is out of your price range or you prefer something less effective( teehee). then you would want to aim for: %max Armor> Armor flat> Life> resistances. Shields. Oh how we love you on HC leagues. The shield is a fantastic piece and should be your #1 source of armor. It's the third most prioritized piece in the order of Weapon>Belt>Shield. I recommend the item Lioneye's Remorse because of it's cheap cost and effective block chance, It really pulls the build together in a defensive sense. Although in the far reaches of end game, it is pitiful in the eyes of the newly role-able 3k armor shields. (saffels for swap on atziri). The stats you're looking for are: %Armor> Armor flat> %Block Chance> Life > Resistances. The helmet; Once you can afford it you want and by want i mean NEED to buy an Alpha's Howl SInner Tricorne. It will bump your dps as well as giving you the wonderful CANNOT BE FROZEN aspect. But, before alpha's, you want to prioritize in this fashion: Armor flat > %Armor > Life > Resistances. Since I already linked my belt and amulet in the last spoiler there is no need to do it again, BUT there are aspects of the amulet and belt that are very important in achieving an omnipotent state of defense. For belts; flat armor is your best friend, along with flat strength as it gives a massive amount of life. For amulets; %armor is a very nice (and expensive) mod, it can make or break your character.
As far as flasks go, Instant Recovery/Bleeding and 100% armor granite are your biggest necessities.
Unlike a lot of other players I like to take what i call "I want to be safe because i'm bad" flasks. So I include in my most used flask slot, an Instant Shock Flask. and in my least used flask slot A curse immune amethyst Flask. How i use these is if i'm taking a lot of damage fast, something is wrong, what can possible be wrong? I'm shocked. Thus shock flask helps me out a whole bunch in that aspect, because fuck shocking mobs.(TEMPLE MAP BOSS I"M TALKING TO YOU) For the amethyst curse flask, This is going to be replaced soon, but this is also a flask I use in situations where I don't know what i'm fighting, For instance, If i WB into a room like a fool (which i do all the time) and I don't know what i'm up against, I pop my Amethyst (along with my granite because armor is dope) so that in the off-chance I get cursed with vulnerability and smacked across the room, I don't get one shot :)
Gearing Priority
Weapon>Belt>Shield>Chest>Ring/Amulets>Boots>Gloves>Helmet;;; sadly helmet is last, I don't recommend spending the big bucks on a Alpha's Howl just so you can rip because your shield was really bad or because your chest piece didn't have enough life/armor.
the gear I use
As you can see the gear is very budget, nothing i'm wearing cost over 3ex, and can be obtained by mapping throughout leveling or some basic trading. For instance, my weapon only cost 2 chaos.
Leveling- for new players
I recomment checking out Ghazzy's guide to leveling a scion which can be found here.
(Props to Ghazzy for being a great community member and for making such in detail guides (:!, For those too lazy to click a link. Start templar and marauder to pick up a flame totem and throw it in the stash. Proceed to creating a scion and taking said flame totem, Using flame totem in a 4-link or +1 or +2 3link weapon use the following links;; Flame totem- Faster casting - Fire pen- added lightning(if 4link);; Using flame totem and various other skills equip auras, such as Heralds of Thunder and Ice, and Anger.Remember to level up a Molten Strike and Lightning Strike skill gem along with the other gems listed in your offhand and other available sockets. follow this passive skill tree selection until level 40 At level 40 is the time the build can and IMO should start. first, you will have to respec a few points, swapping the spell damage in the scion start for the attack speed. Second you will need to aquire a claw with flat LGOH, something like a Sparklink Claw or a Gouger. Using alterations roll the claw until you have a flat elemental dps roll. Third, you'll need to get the "static electricty" jewel and socket it in between ranger and shadow. Using the 4link and molten strike, killing any boss should be a piece of cake. You can even use the flame totem links as you want until a later level when the build starts to feel a bit faster. At around level 60 the build should look something like this At this point you should be clearing fast and effectively and using the auras, Wrath-Anger-Herald of Thunder. Around level 75+ This is where the build starts to come into it's prime, scaling very healthily with jewels and experience, you should be able to clear any boss without trouble as long as your res are capped and your attack speed is something like 5-6 attacks per second. Using lightning strike to clear high damage bosses from a distance(dom in residence for instance) and molten strike to facetank other bosses (the bear from underground sea, another example). You should be at a point where the build feels, in my opinion, fun. This is what the tree should look like at around level 80 Last edited by shupasneaky#4203 on Dec 16, 2015, 10:28:07 AM
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Looks fun. I would like to see a video of the build in action!
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Just made the guide at work, throwing some software on my computer tonight, going to try and get a video up of volcano, and one of atziri. Should be done by tomorrow or the day after the next.
Thanks for the support :) |
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Good work, great for newer players.
IGN: @Oos
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Good on you man! It's nice to see some niche budget Atziri-viable builds popping up :)
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Do you use the Conqueror's Efficiency jewel for this build? Unless I missed something, Alpha's Howl and 34% reduced mana reserved on the tree still means reserving 102% mana (which, obviously, isn't possible). Using said jewel puts you at 98% mana reserved.
In case anyone is wondering, I used Mikelat's aura calculator to get these numbers (Link). I apologize if you mentioned this in the guide and I just missed it, or if the calculations are wrong. The build looks interesting btw! I might try this out even though I'm kind of bored with melee builds. Haven't ever played a lightning strike build actually. The gearing seems both easy and cheap too, which is a big plus in my book. |
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Started this in the new league, i looked for a fun budget non meta build easily respeccable to mjolner as league ends and here i am. How you deal with phis damage taken? i guess i'm having troubles cause my dps is still too low (5k-ish) and i don't have the alpha yet so i'm using HoT and Anger for damage and AA to mitigate.
Hope to see some videos Soon^tm. Have a nice life. A "deterministic" way to waste your time
Italian Facebook group: Italian global: /global 69 |
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Hi how abot using soul taker& , and i have 6l rrrrgg corrupt belly if use ls ms bm we gp and pierce on it?.
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And i have ideal foil for this build , can it be seful?
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a video would be nice... a working video.
GGG listens to its fans!!! Thank you!
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