[2.2] Oro's Bridle build
The Concept
first of all, i must say , the thing i love the most about poe is to theory craft builds :) the main thing about this build is a simple yet elegant combination: oro's sacrafice and scot's bridle, with vall molten shell not sure about the name of the build, "oro's bridle" or maybe "vaal flicker shell" what do you say?
vaal molten shell is probably the strongest spell there is. Q : so why people dont use it more often? A : because you need a special, not cheap uniqe in order to take make a good use of this mechanic properly. and this uniqe is Q : there are alot of people with tihs uniqe, why vaal molten shell isnt popular even among them? A : because vaal molten shell create explosion on yourself, so in order to hurt many monsters you need to go and be close to them. if only there were a skill that helps us get close to monsters fast enough...... o wait, yes there is, flicker strike! in order to use flicker strike, there is a need to expand frenzy charge, to bypass this cooldown. you can use blood dance and blood rage to achive something like this, but its not 100% uptime. or, you can use . this sword has perfect synergy with vaal molten shell because they both fire only skills. but vaal molten shell is an vaal skill, that require souls to use. to deal with that we will use two diffrent things: 1. - atm i have 3 of this, but 4 of this will guarntee that every monster you kill you gain 2 souls. (yes i tested it and the jewels are additive) 2. make vaal molten shell last as long as possible, so we will be able to gain other souls quickly to achive that, we take all duration nodes from tree + 20/20 inc duration gem. this is quite alot because vaal molten shell base duration is high anyway (10 sec), so we got to 25 sec uptime! that is alot of time, probably enough. but i dtn like take chances, so i use another mechanic. i use , as you can see its linked with vengance, that also triger every time i take a hit (from scold's for example) (even though there is a 1.2 sec cooldown, but it trigger quite often so that is good enough), curse on hit, and temp chains . temp chains make the time go slower for me, so if for example i could keep temp chains on me all the time, that will make vaal molten shell to last 1.4 times longer! so 25 sec X 1.4 = 35 sec (at max potential), that is a lot of time with vall molten shell, especially with flicker strike which is a fast skill. after some testing, i found out that on this build, multistrike make you slower!!! thas because you trigger the vaal molten shell every 3 hits (when you use mana) and not every hit. so to deal with that im using 2 oro's on switch: 1 - with multistrike in order to kill the first few mobs quickly before vaal molten shell kicks in 2- without multistrike but with fastrt attacks and chance to ignite in order to keep flickering fast while triggering vaal molten shell ALOT of times
Pros and cons
+ relativly cheap + nice damage and clear speed + nice survavbility - laggy - sea sickness
- even 5L is good enough, only need to do enough damage to gain souls for vaal molten shell to activate - also no need to 6L, 5L and even 4L is more than enough damage, and the fact that is vaaled only make it harder for me to gain the colors i want, just had this from diff build - a must for this build! we need to take damage to make vaal molten shell explode - jewellry with - to mana cost of skills, in order to take less damgae and be more sustainable on the mana part - took this because im going acrobatics, and also have life, but any boots will be good (can have great synergy with Gang's Momentum boots! - need to test) - use this for life and res, but also doryani's fire version can be good
- best jewel for this, increase vaal molten shell duraion (have 3 atm and need to get 4 to reach 100%) - also very nice for this build, if you have enough sockets free after you fill the other 4
oro's sacrafice - 6L (also 5L is good enoguh) - Flicker strike + multistrike + melee splash + life leech/life on hit + WED + fire pen / fortify / blood magic (can be very good to take more auras). switched oro's sacrafice (when molten shell is on) - 5L - flicker strike + faster attacks + melee splash + chance to ignite + fortify chest - 6L (can be even 4L and will be good enough dmg wise) - vaal molten shell + inc duration + fire pen + life leech + spell echo (yes its work with this sepll!) + conc effect / empower (because i use vall chest and wasted too much i put mana leech, green sockets what else can i put (used blind for a while). shekels gloves 4L - vengance + curse on hit + temp chains + inc duration / endurance charge on melee stun ( to proc endurance charges, good for survivability). boots -4L - CWDT + flammability + ...? helm - 4L - ? (not sure what best for those, auras + portal + flame golem + ? would love suggestions). another really really cool idea is to use on weapon swap another oro's sacrafic! and use diff sets for diff uses: 1 set to use before vall molten shell is on - for max dps and aoe 2 set to use with vaal molten shell on - put stuff for survivabilty (fortify), or curses or whatever, because the main dps coming from the vaal molten shell and not the sword.
this build have a really good defance, so i would say it is hc vailable! i use acrobatics + atziri's boots + endurance charges + fortify + probabily will take soon Arctic armour + enough life +high attack speed so most mobs dont hit us anyway. o.. and lets not forget that vaal molten shell + life leech is a great defance mechanic, all melee attack on you actually heal you :) you can easily go for high aromour and more endurance charges from diff trees, if need help with trees contact me :) ill gladly help
will probably use anger and arctic armour, atm use herald of thunder and pueirty of elem to cap resist :) (and to have enough mana left)
there are so many options for the tree here, more jewels / less jewels, shadow or templar or marauder or dulist, life and armour or life and evasion /dodge. i had shadow with kind of high lvl so i went with him, really not a must my tree atm (lvl 78): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAA3UD7gW1D6sSaRZvFr8YZRo4HNwdFB2-IuokiyaVKPoqOCpNMHEzhzWSOkI6WD8nQYdFfEbXSshLeFFMUftVS1XGWHdZbVnzXwRfmF-wYeJj_WZUZp5uqnGFcg9yqXrmfNl9W4KbgseExYV7jDaNv48aj0aQVZErlG-Xl5o7m6GbtZ2uogCksacIrEesmKyqsUK0OLXytz64k8M6ykrNFs8y1CPYvd2o4XPjauUZ5Y7o1uvu7DjzEfcy99f56PrS-_X-Cg==?accountName=The_x_ile&characterName=Duke_NuketheM end game tree (just one of many veriations possible): https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAA3UD7gW1Bg4J9g-rEmkWbxa_GGUaOBzcHRQdviLqJIsmlScvJ-0o-io4Kk0qjS3SMHEzhzWSNtg6QjpYPydBh0V8RtdJG0rIS3hRTFH7VUtVxlh3WW1Z818EX5hfsGHiY_1mVGaebqpxhXIPcql2rHrmfNl9W4KbgseExYV7jDaNv48aj0aQVZErlG-Xl5o7m6GbtZ2unz6iAKSxpwisR6yYrKqxQrQ4tfK3PriTwzrE9spKzRbPMs9-1CPUfNi93ajhc-Nq5RnljujW6hjr7uw47FXxbPMR9zL31_no-tL79f4K?accountName=The_x_ile&characterName=Duke_NuketheM
Costs (price)
this build isn't expansive, the only expansive thing in this build is scold's bridle (bought for 16 ex in standard) 6L isnt mandatory, so 5L oro's should be life exalt or something like this (my 6L price was 15 ex, so also not much - in standard prices ofcourse) 5L belly of the beast, very cheap, around 1 ex i think shekels gloves - 1 chaos or even less atziri's step - only few chaoses' also diff botts the same so really, i think it is possible to make this build with 20 ex in standard, which is fairly cheap
in all of those videos please wait for vaal molten shell to start before you gudge the build
old Videos with multistrike all the time
vaal map (lvl 70): https://youtu.be/vV8BkqB_wf0 bog map (lvl 72): https://youtu.be/aGbMCSl0D0s canyon map (lvl 73): https://youtu.be/EagqmKxdySw strand map (lvl 73): https://youtu.be/RARjgOUm8wk waste pool map (lvl 74): https://youtu.be/6QRj2nmBtww
Videos without multistrike when using vaal molten shell (much better)
promenade map (lvl 71): https://youtu.be/WSojqdJz2eY coves map (lvl 72): https://youtu.be/wUVwFmfM_gw graveyard map (lvl 72): https://youtu.be/1q65zrO8Uzc waste pool map (lvl 74): https://youtu.be/AnJt2G969CE orchard map (lvl 75): https://youtu.be/iF5S5aJ3mpc dry peninsula (lvl 75): https://youtu.be/xS7j8fJynNg cells map (lvl 75): https://youtu.be/tWAaiIXfK1k channel map (lvl 76): https://youtu.be/DdbUhpPDQ-w **please notice that in those higher map im only lvl 81-82 and also no arctic armour used, so the defence can be much higher plateau map (lvl 77): https://youtu.be/3Q5IM3iqouU springs map (lvl 78): https://youtu.be/8MGrDVjNuLQ
Other builds
my builds: - COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 Last edited by The_x_ile#7220 on Aug 30, 2015, 10:56:54 AM
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my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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i like it, although spells like incinerate will proc vms a lot faster no?
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yes they will, but they will proc on your self, while flicker strike make you instantly go closer to the enemy and detonate on them, so you wont have to run to each enemy
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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I like the idea, makes sense to use flicker to more efficiently get between enemies and the synergy with Oros is neat.
How do you feel about the Temp Chains? Because it does also slow down your movement. Also how much of your DPS comes from the flicker? |
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i feel like the temp chains is important, because i dont walk alot myself, flicker most of the time, and the extra time its up help alot in killing more enemies, but you can try :)
about my dps, if you look closly i have 2 sets of oro's, one for before vaal molten shell is up, with higher dps and multistrike, and one without multistrike and molten shell, in this situation most of the dps is from molten shell, but with oro's you always culling ignited enemies, so hard to tell exactly my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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can you post some screenshots of your offences and defences?
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yes ill update later
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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ok updated stats + new high maps
my builds:
- COLB (Cast On Last Breath) first ever build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1632595 - the Flash: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1367774 - the oro's bridle build: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1409823 |
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i wouldn't call this a cheap build, not even close
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