[2.0 Crit] Zaeo's "Inferno of Elements" CoC CI Wander*Cheap!*
Hello and welcome to my guide for a rather unexpected, and also very powerful build this season! Honestly, I have no idea how much damage this build actually does, but it kills mobs almost 5 times faster than my 50k dps arc witch, and completely mops the floor with single target damage in the right conditions.
It was inspired from Araycan's Magma CoC Wander build, but with my personal preferences and touch added to it. Let me first apologize, as I have no videos currently to show off the build, but it is capable, quite easily, of doing 78+ maps, and can even do 82 maps once a few key conditions are met. So lets start! Heres a Rundown of the defences. 200% ES, 15% more ES, and 190% defences from equipped shield ensures a COLOSSAL ES pool. And a humble, but helpful 7% additional chance to block with shields. Around 31% block chance with a 24% block chance shield. It isn't a lot, but it helps give your energy shield time to recharge to take the next hit. You can LITERALLY face tank the Colonade boss and kole, because if you evade, or block, your es has time to kick in for regeneration. It is worth to note that you can also start on the witch to do this build. the only thing that changes is the early game. Witch is much more tanky early game than shadow, but shadow is much more powerful early. Now, I tag this as Cheap, because it is cheap to start. Like most builds, however, It can get very expensive for all of the best in slot things. Min Maxing is generally never cheap, So the items mentioned in the gear list can scale in price rather quickly.
My reason for choosing CI was to actually make the build cheaper.
My original intent was for this build to be hybrid life/ES Evasion, but soon realized such a combination wreaked havoc on the build costs. I decided then to try out CI. I was not disappointed. Not only did it completely negate chaos damage as a factor, it opened up a few key slots that can be used to drastically improve the performance of the build, Namely, Infernal Mantle. Super cheap, High ES, and most importantly, 100% global crit chance. As of the writing of this post, I have 8174 energy shield at 87, and I can very easily get more once I gain 6 more levels, and get the 110% defences from shield. I chose damage vs ES at this point, because...I have enough ES right now for what I'm doing. When you get all the shield nodes, feel free to change discipline to Herald of Thunder.
So Why Evasion?
Well, Evasion made sense for the build. Have a ridiculously large ES pool, take the big hits, and evade once or twice to allow a full regen before the next hit. Risky? Sure. Reliant on help from RNGesus, Absolutely. You can Most certainly have bad luck with evasion, and with not taking acrobatics on the tree, even moreso. I'll list the cons to save you reading, If you don't like what you see, I at least spare you the rest of the guide of wasted reading.
-Loses the ability to use life flasks as a means of emergency healing due to CI, and thus loses a reliable emergency heal -Barring changing out spells, Atziri is likely to be incredibly challenging -Pretty substantial hit to the FPS of yourself and everyone around you. Such is the nature of Cast on Crit. In other words, Unless your friends have beefy PC's don't expect them to enjoy your characters company, even with its high damage output -Physical spells hurt! A pack of evangelists in the wrong conditions can burst you down if you are not careful -A certain awareness is required to maximize damage output. Positioning is key! -Requires 85%+ crit chance on your main attack, as well as 85%+ Accuracy to be reliable. Ice golem Helps a ton with this early on. -The build's survivability depends on RNG and user awareness of what is going on. -Single target damage is lacking with exception of the proper conditions. -unable to use more than a herald and Discipline to avoid the drawbacks of infernal mantle. And if you are still around by now, you can read the Pros!
-Clear speed. I mean seriously. The larger the pack, the faster you clear. -Fun as hell to watch your enemies explode into frozen, burning pieces. -Able to do ANY map mod. Even Phys/Ele reflect. The key is in the choice of spells. I'll explain more in detail further down. -Super cheap to get started. You really just need a high crit chance wand and a 5 link infernal mantle. -The satisfying sound of clinking ice and explosions will leave a very large smile on your face for hours -And much much more. Read on! Alright, Ele reflect on Cast on crit. How do we accomplish being able to survive an ele reflect map? Well, first off, you convert 25% of your fire damage to chaos damage right off the top. Then you use a ruby flask, which is almost permanently running, giving you 85% fire resistance. Finally, You take it slow, and use spells like flame lash. You can hit a pack, positioning yourself to only hit a few at a time*with flame lash*, and kite, letting it recharge. It is by no means fast, but it is doable. Meanwhile, Kinetic blast, dealing phys damage will whittle down the pack slowly, while flame lash helps speed things up. Or, you could just take out cast on crit, put in Faster projectiles, Increased crit damage, and Crit chance*if you need it* or Added Chaos damage, and just act as a phys crit wander. /shrug There are a few ways to go about it, but it saves having to use an alt or chaos on maps, if you are low on currency.
Well, as I have mentioned, the key item is Infernal Mantle. The rolls don't matter TOO much, I just managed to land it cheap*40 chaos!* they generally go for around an ex already linked, but you can easily buy one *itemlevel 64 min* and link it yourself for a chaos. 5 links aren't too difficult to get. I rolled by them on my 6 link armor attempt within 50 fusings a few times
Next up is the wand. Essentially, What you see here are near ideal wands, each with their own drawbacks and benefits The priority goes Crit chance > Attack speed > Accuracy rating > Flat spell damage > % spell damage > Projectile speed. When you get 95% crit chance, and can handle the mana cost of them, Imbued is superior, Just a lot more expensive. Ideally, you would try for an Imbued wand, as they naturally roll a high attack speed, but as a result, they suffer a substantial increase in cost, both in currency and mana. The Infernal mantle drawback is harsh, so you want to maintain your mana at its maximum possible after reserved to keep above 35%. As such, I've opted to buy a set of "The Spoiled Prince" divination cards to get the holy grail of crafting wands. You can get them as cheap as 5 chaos*on warbands* with the average price around 10 Chaos. I then augmented, got a crap roll, *if its good, you can sell it really high!*, scoured, alched, and spent 6 chaos on it to get the rolls it did. Bit of luck involved, but beats spending a lot more for an ideal wand. The prophecy wand has its own drawback, the intense Int cost to use it. It's rather hard to get that, and you most assuredly need some on gear. The imbued wand does not have this problem, so its easier to gear for.
For this, it can get expensive, but this is where your massive ES pool comes from. Ideally, 450 ES or higher, with 80%+ spell crit chance. Resists are a plus, and sometimes necessary. Forgo the spell crit for resists if you need them
Your helm will be something like this, the higher evasion, the better. It is your sole source of high evasion on gear, go for 800+ evasion and 300+ accuracy rating. You don't need life, so that cuts the cost a bit. You will likely need str on it, crafted or otherwise to support the tiny costs of a lvl 1 CWDT setup, as we completely ignore it in the passive tree, save the Hybrid life-es node.
The belts listed here are Best in slot. The Bated breath is preferred over Auxium, but if you are doing a no regen/reduced regen map, or are having issues sustaining mana, use Auxium.
Now for gloves, this is the highest costing slot. Ideally, you want a pair of maligaro's. These can run from 3-5 ex.I don't have them, and you don't NEED them, but they are the best case scenario. Instead, I use Voidbringer... These are VERY powerful for our build, and an Incredible alternative to Maligaro's gloves. Note, that with the drawback of void bringers, you become highly susceptible to running yourself into the "Low mana" situation which activates the drawback from Infernal mantle. This is why I opted for the prophecy wand for lower attack speed and mana regen with flat mana. If you land maligaro's though, they will let you use the imbued wand without a second thought. Alternatively, A High ES/EV hybrid with accuracy and attack speed with resists are totally an option.
Next up is a tossup. Your choice, really. My recommendation: If you are in warbands, these*with a higher projectile roll* will yeiled the greatest increase of damage of any one item, while offering immunity to shocked ground and some much needed resists. Another choice I have these on my arc witch, these are also VERY good for our build, but I needed lightning resistance, and Blood dance will hit your damage a bit, but make generating frenzy charges a breeze. Normally we use A curse on hit Assassins mark, and self cast poachers mark, getting either of the two until a 6 link becomes available, in which power charge on critical will be used instead of assassins mark, and you throw poachers mark into your curse on hit setup.
Finally, your rings and ammy. Accuracy is also a VERY good thing to have on these pieces, and should be your first choice when choosing as you need a lot to be really effective, but those can run very high prices with these stat combinations. Also, the Leo craft, "10-20% faster start of energy shield recharge" Should be placed on one of your rings before you drop Essence Surge.The Rate is covered by Bated breath belt. You lose 10% recharge rate, but "could" Gain 5% faster start. Its a worthy trade off for 3 points saved on the tree. The int is to support the requirements of the prophecy wand. I have exactly 245 int, so its cutting it REALLY close. Bated breath also gives int, so it should be considered if you need the int.
A Surgeon's Touch - Flasks
Surgeons with 95% crit chance = 99.5% flask uptime, only dipping for single target, high health bosses that won't get near walls.
The Build
I'm going to be Frank, You will need dex on gear to use all of your gems to the highest level. That is precisely why I have not gotten a corruption on my ammy for block chance to spells, which would help our survivability substantially
Bandit Choices
Normal - Kill All Cruel - Kill All Merciless - Help Alira/Help Krytan/Kill all. Your choice. I recommend killing Alira for leveling purposes, as it ups our spell damage, Wand damage, makes it easier to cap crit And gives us more mana leech with Auxium. If you have endgame in mind, Krytan will give the most overall damage increase. If you want survivability, kill all and grab the Spell block node on the tree.
The Cast on Crit Attack choices
There are really only Two choices for a wander to use for Cast on crit. Barrage and Kinetic Blast. Barrage will be far more reliable damage against single target, and the only thing that changes for the setup is an additional green socket, for a grand total of 3 Green 2(3) Blue. Quality Barrage scales projectile damage, which helps even further. Kinetic Blast is the other choice. This skill does not require dex, And WILL clear large packs around 10% faster than barrage, at the cost of single target reliability. In addition to this, A quality Kinetic blast scales up the AOE range of the skills AOE effects, so you really want to get this to 20 quality. As your main source of damage is the spells, the level of this gem isn't as important, so if you go for a corruption, go for 23% quality.
Spell choices for Cast on Crit
Considering Synergy, You should try to stick to fire spells. As such, Fireball and magma orb should be your main choices. They are both projectiles, which benenfit from the projectile nodes we pick up at the very start of the tree, as well as the brinerot Whalers projectile damage, and they are both very powerful against large packs. We pick up the witch AOE node cluster to scale the overlap, as well as to increase the size of our kinetic blast aoe clusters. Another option is Firestorm. I don't recommend this, though, as it loses the projectile damage boost from the boots and creates a hell of a lot of lag for you and everyone else. You can also say goodbye to ever seeing the floor around you, but hey, it is fun to play around with. For making a reliable curse on hit with herald of Ice, I chose Arctic breath and fireball instead of magma orb. This combination makes your single target damage when targets are against a wall Rediculously high, as you are shotgunning from the aoe of the projectiles. I can kill voll in under 5 seconds, sometimes under 3 if the opportunity presents itself and hes near a wall. That said, Literally any spell goes that works with cast on crit. We have a 4 link cast on crit with Flame lash to counter bosses or mobs that don't stay still, if you choose the barrage route for your main setup, this can be filled in with whatever you want.
The Gem setups(Assume max level unless otherwise mentioned)
Chest = Barrage/Kinetic blast - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Cast on Critical Strike - Spell 1 - Spell 2 - Power charge on Critical/Spell 3/Increased Critical Damage*Comes down to playstyle preference* Any 4 link item = Ice golem - Blind - Minion Speed - Minion Life Any 4 link Item = Cast when Damage Taken(lv 1) - Ball Lightning(lv 1) - Greater Multiple Projectiles(lv 1-20) - Blind Any 4 link Item = Free choice Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark - Poachers mark*randomizes, prioritises top left to bottom left order* Barrage - Cast on Critical strike - Greater Multiple Projectiles - Flame Lash Any 3 link Item = Discipline - Vaal Discipline - Increased Duration(lv 1, 20 Quality, more if you manage to find the str for it)/poachers mark*self cast* Any 3 link Item = Herald of Ice - Curse on hit - Assassins mark/poachers mark*Whatever one you prefer How to counter curse immune mod - Flip out spell 2 for power charge on critical, or if you have a 6l, just throw it in there. How to counter Ele reflect*In case you missed it, Scroll back up and read it :D* Stat rundown = Once you have obtained 95% crit chance, your main focus should be Raw accuracy rating on gear. 350+ per slot. Ammys, rings, Gloves, and Helm can roll + accuracy. If you have at least 2500 accuracy rating total, or you accuracy % is 90%+, your focus then should be crit multi and spell damage. Finally, A disclaimer : This build was designed for softcore in mind. I have not tested its feasibility in hardcore, nor will I. I play this game semi-casually. I will note that I do die on occasion, from lag spikes from the CoC, large bursts of phys damage, such as evangelists, and just crap luck with accuracy, block, and evasion RNG. You have been warned. Edit: I will clean up the post a bit and format it a bit better for legibility. The core information is there. Last edited by Zaeo#7479 on Aug 27, 2015, 2:22:19 AM
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i realy like your idea my friend. i have two questions
- can you post a video ? i want to see your mana using voidbringers. it seems....very hard to not get into low mana problems.... - have you tried Incandescent Heart as a chest replacement ? most of the stats are wasted like life for a ci build but i think that it would work great as a tool against reflect... https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1462987
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I'll work on posting the video. I have compensated by using Auxium for now, and it really only runs low on mana against bosses or single targets that don't cooperate. Thats why I have a Surgeons Divine mana flask, to keep pushing it back up in that situation. Without VB, you can use another quicksilver, or even a Diamond flask if you wish.
Cast on crit is "Technically" only a 3 link, so the mana requirements isn't all that much, 86 mana to cast kinetic blast. If you choose barrage, even less. Reflect honestly isn't enough of a problem to warrant switching out to incandecant, which has its own big drawbacks*Str requirement.* Even two ele reflect yellows aren't dangerous, especially if you know they are there, and use Vaal Discipline. But if you don't realize they are there, then you will survive just fine, barring external influences*Extra mobs with the pack that get though you while blasting away.* Your spells aren't very strong in and of themselves, its when you are slinging 50-80 spells every 5 seconds that the damage comes. EDIT: for a slight pdps nerf, you can run a lv 1 kinetic blast 20 quality for 56 mana vs 83 at lv 20, so theres that as an option to help with sustain. Last edited by Zaeo#7479 on Aug 27, 2015, 3:24:30 PM
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thank you for the answer. looking forward to that video.
it would be cool if you could show us an ele reflect map. i am looking for ways to be able to survive an ele reflect map... although the more i think about it...the more i realize its just not worth my time... maybe i just need to realize that my current build (life based dual wand CoC) cant handle ele reflect maps:( https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1462987
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Ele reflect maps are only doable by REALLY slowing down. You pull out your fast clearing projectile spells and run basically as a phys wander. I only managed to do it because I spent 20+ mins and cleared packs super slowly with my links running as phys, albeit not ideal links due to coloring.
with an 8k ES buffer, you can slot a single spell like flame lash if you want to speed it up a bit, but it is by no means easy. I had to run it because it was my last 75 map at the time and I had no chaos to reroll it. Trying to get more maps in preparation for the videos, and hope it goes well. Sorry for the wait! | |
Could you post updated build links? Thanks!
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