[2.1 Buffed] Kuraku's Wild Strike DW Crit Dagger Shadow
Though this is the first build I've made without a guide, I've been playing off and on since closed beta and have played a lot of different builds and actually this is the first one I've gotten to mapping with. That said, don't let my inexperience discourage you from trying this build cause it's incredibly fun! :]
Wild Strike immediately looked interesting to me when I first saw it and I had decided then to make a build for it. I also love dual wielding daggers on a shadow aaand so here we are. I experimented with as much as I could with different things within the build(Passive tree, uniques, skill combinations, everything) until I found what I think is a good balance. It took a pretty long while but I think it's ready to be posted.
+Great clear speed
+Great single target and AoE +Good Mobility +Cheap to make(You can run it on a 4L Daresso's - most expensive items are probably going to be your daggers) +Works great outdoors and indoors +Super fun and satisfying gameplay +Runs maps up to T10 pretty easily +Mana isn't an issue +Looks awesome +Reflect isn't too bad with Vaal Pact
-Not HC viable
-Low hp(3.5-4k) -Reflect can be difficult to manage, requires careful play(and/or Vaal Pact) -Needs good 200+ PDPS daggers to really pick up(Though not really required) -You'll die if you don't pay attention -Can't use Whirling Blades/Flicker Strike on physical reflect maps
Normal: Oak(40 Life)
Cruel: Oak/Kill all(The 16% phys from Oak is pretty good but there's def some good places for that point from killing all that could be better) Merciless: Kraityn(Frenzy Charge)
Passive Tree
Will be updating with levelling trees later
110 Points It's worth mentioning that if you use Bino's you need to get rid of Vaal Pact Feel free to message me or post on the thread if you have any questions/suggestions for skill tree! :]
Body Armor[GGRRBB/R]: Wild Strike - Faster Attacks - Added Fire Damage - Multistrike - Increased Critical Strikes - Increased Critical Damage/Innervate/Weapon Elemental Damage Multistrike is amazing for most every melee skill, Wild Strike is definitely no exception and with faster attacks it makes it very fun and fast! Added Fire Damage because the extra damage goes for all of our triggered attacks along with the initial hit. Critical Strikes partially because we're using surgeon's flasks but mostly because it's just more damage(As a side note, if you have awful accuracy consider switching with Additional Accuracy until you can get your accuracy from your gear - Think of every 1% of accuracy as an additional 1% of crit chance) Crit damage because we crit a lot and more damage is more damage. Innervate if you aren't using Daresso's but still want Onslaught, which actually is pretty great for clear speed on this build. WED is something I haven't played around much with, but with Added fire damage and our HoA it would provide a pretty sweet dmg boost - Though how much of a damage boost and whether it would be horrible against high fire res mobs, Idk. Dagger[GRX]:Arctic Armour - Herald of Ash - Enduring Cry We're just gonna throw our auras here really, Enduring Cry is good for when you're doing boss fights or against immortal aura enemies Dagger[BBG]: Blasphemy - Assassin's Mark - Blood Rage(Doesn't need to be linked) Blasphemy is amazing and I love it. It's WAY more reliable than our previous CoH setup with HoT. 4L[GGRX]: Vaal Haste - Increased Duration - Vaal Grace - X Vaal Haste is nice when you need things to die before you do. Vaal Grace is great for when you need to not die 4L[RRRG]: Cast When Damage Taken(LV3) - Immortal Call(LV5) - Summon Ice Golem(LV5) - Increased Duration IC will save you too many times to count Ice Golem is decent for some extra accuracy/crit 4L[GGGR]: Flicker Strike - Fortify - Faster Attacks - Whirling Blades Flicker Strike is a great opener and provides awesome mobility from pack to pack or just to a specific enemy if you can aim it well. Fortify cause it's our opener. Whirling blades is mostly used for escape but can be used as our opener as well - Faster attacks cause gotta go fast (Thanks for Firedrop for pointing out that Melee Physical Damage only affects the melee hit and not the triggered effects of wild strike).
Current Gear
Blood Rage. Flicker in to get fortify and then enduring cry for charges(if needed).
Pop surgeon's jade & Atziri's promise flask(This should be up most if not all the time). Wild Strike til everything dies(Not much movement required here with all the AoE/Chains going off plus if we stay in place we get the defense from Arctic Armour) and Vaal Haste whenever you want/need things to die a bit faster. Your CWDT setup with IC will keep you from being killed too fast. Use Whirling Blades when you need to get away from something, don't use Flicker as an escape.
2.1 Videos!
Keep in mind these were done with a 4L Daresso's
Tier-10 Necropolis Map with a terrible death Merciless Dried Lake run(lol. . .) Last edited by kuraku94#4268 on Jan 27, 2016, 10:23:21 PM
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-Passive skill tree changes for more defense -Gem link changes, running Arctic Armour+HoA instead of Hatred for more defense. -Updated Pros/Cons -Updated Playstyle -Videos coming soon! |
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It has been confirmed that the "Melee Physical Damage" gem, as of now, only interacts with the melee portion of WS (AKA the 40% that's not converted to Elemental). This is a huge bummer in the way of scaling WS, so I've put my WS build off for now.
With that in mind, will you still use MPD? |
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" I wasn't sure of this until you brought it up, I just researched it a bit and you're completely correct. The answer at least is pretty simple, just switch it with Added Fire Damage and we're all good! Thanks for pointing that out! :] |
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-Added Videos -Changed urls to look better Last edited by kuraku94#4268 on Sep 2, 2015, 10:00:43 AM
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-Added a new video(Will hopefully be improving my recording soon so the videos aren't short from being cut off so much) -Updated Pros section to reflect how cheap the build is Last edited by kuraku94#4268 on Sep 3, 2015, 10:14:25 AM
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is it good coz im using daresso's defiance and abyssus with your build. A Bino?any thoughts?
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" I tested it a little bit with Daresso's and there's not a huge benefit there to be honest, if you wanted to run an acro version I imagine it may actually be really good though! Plus you could use Rallying cry instead of enduring maybe. Abyssus is great provided you have at least 90% accuracy and 45-50% crit chance. No testing done with Bino's, I'm sure it would work great with it but it doesn't feel like it's required at all. If you have the currency for it then I'd say go for it. You could even use different boots than what I'm using atm(Atziri's step). Blood Dance could be pretty good to completely offset the slight degen we still have from blood rage, while Darkray vectors could also be a decent alternative. If you don't have enough for Maligaro's gloves then Surgebinder's is a decent option for this build, I ran with those until I got my maligaro's Edit: After some more testing with Daresso's, it actually is really good for just improving your clear speed even with IR. EDIT(again): After further testing once I found that Onslaught is really great with this build, you can actually take out increased critical strikes for Innervate which gives you more shocks AND onslaught. It works reaaallly well. Last edited by kuraku94#4268 on Sep 7, 2015, 8:46:09 PM
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-Changed gem links around a bit and made it look nicer -Added gem explanations -Tested up to 77 maps Last edited by kuraku94#4268 on Sep 7, 2015, 10:07:43 PM
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-Updated pros/cons to explain the problem I ran into with Elemental reflect -Added solution to elemental reflect, explained in gem/links section |
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