[2.0]Fire Incinerate Totems 150K DPS, 19K Tooltip.

I've played several Incinerate builds since 2.0, such as Iron Will Incinerate Totems and Chaos CI as well as a Normal Fire Incinerator, this is my take on Incinerate.

This is my first guide and IS a work in progress, I will update when I can. Any criticism is welcome.

1month Gear

I've yet to reach the state of the build I was in last league but I am easily clearing maps with my current gear and gem levels, my tooltip currently is only 7K though.

Apex of Sacrifice Clear Lockstep with randomly high ping is quite the combo.
Apex of Sacrifice Clear 5link, removed Empower
75 Dark Forest
75 Orchard
76 Gorge
76 Residence
77 Bazaar
77 Necropolis
78 Springs
80 Courtyard
81 Shrine Rolled for funsies, didn't expect to not die, doubleboss + temp chilled ground

Will upload an actual run of Atziri when I get another set


Level 21 Incinerate Level 2 Empower +1 Tabula

Level 20 Incinerate Level 2 Empower +1 Tabula



• Totems! (this may be a Con for some)
• Very high DPS for little investment
• Not affected by reflect
• Can do almost any map mod (refer to map mod section of the guide)


• Requires you to pay attention at all times
• Burst damage hurts, a-lot
• MUST have a +1 gems 6link chest, although a +1 Tabula is now quite cheap
• Very Flask heavy.

Will add to as I think of more of both sides.

Before you consider this build please be aware to make the most of boosting dps you will need either a +1 Tabula (the budget version, and what I am using) or some other 6L Rare +1 gems chest.

Rain of Splinters is the other required item for this build. It's additional Projectiles for near 0 damage loss is absolutely insane.

A +1 Tabula is currently 2-3 Exalt in Warbands, with a low rolled Rain of Splinters being as low as 1 Chaos, and are the only mandatory items of the build.

While I personally have not attempted this on Hardcore, and probably won't due to frame issues with this game, I do believe that if you play smartly this is very Hardcore viable.

As for selffound;
• Farm Humility cards, once you have 1 Tabula you can use that.
• Continue to farm more Tabulas as you feel like it and corrupt them until you achieve +1 socketed gems.
• Use Lesser Multiple Projectiles inplace of Empower until you find a Rain of Splinters.

Bandits are Oak, Kill All, Kill All.

As for levelling itself, I would recommend to level with flame totem and freezing pulse until you can get incinerate, then level with those and a Elreon ring or 2 until you spec into dual totems.

Body Armour - 6 link

Getting Quality on Incinerate and Spell Totem as early as you can will help a-lot.

Helmet/Gloves/Boots - 4 links

Anger gives us a nice damage boost, while AA helps us if we get hit while placing a totem, other than that you shouldn't really require it for it's mitigation as you should be very mobile with Whirling Blades. Clarity should be kept at the lowest level you can while being able to place 2 totems comfortably.

Hopefully self explanatory, curse enemies that don't die instantly, use flame dash to cross over objects Whirling Blades can't, and well yea, Portal to Portal.

I am on the fence about using Molten Shell vs Immortal Call, but I think the armour gain is better since the CwDT is a high level. Keep the CwDT at level 20, and the linked gems at their corresponding levels.

Dagger/Shield - 3 Links

Allows for fast movement to and to move through mobs to gain the Fortify buff once you have placed your totems.

Recommended to keep Cast when Damage Taken at level 10 and Chaos Golem at level 12, allows you to have the phys reduction from the Golem as well as it occasionally blinding enemies for you.

What to look for in Gear

This is a quick run-down of the stats that are desirable on gear, The links of the Helm/Boots/Gloves can be swapped around to suit your gear.

71 Dexterity is required on gear.
Capping Chaos Resistance is ideal if possible.
While the colours may be hard to get on items, getting Evasion/ES bases is preferable


• 4 Blue sockets, all linked.
• 80+ Life
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.


2 Green sockets + 1 Red socket, all linked.
• 80+ Flat Spell damage
• +Dexterity
• +Intelligence
• +Flat Mana
• Mana regeneration rate.

These are the only desired stats for our weapon, dagger base is a must in-order to allow us to use Whirling Blades for mobility, a dagger with block chance for the added defence would be godly.


• 1 socket of each colour, all linked.
• 80+ Life.
• 60+ Spell Damage.
• Mana regeneration rate.
• Resistances including Chaos resistance if possible.


You have 2 options for this build, either;

• +1 socketed gems Tabula.
• +1 socketed gems Rare Body Armour with matching colours required.


• 1 Blue socket + 3 Red sockets, all linked.
• +Dexterity
• 80+ Life
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.


• 2 Blue sockets + 1 Red socket + 1 Green socket, all linked.
• 80+ Life
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.
• While we using Whirling Blades and Flame Dash, nothing wrong with having +movement speed as well.


• +Dexterity
• 70+ Life
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.
• Fire + Spell Damage
• +Flat Mana
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.


• +Dexterity
• 60+ Life
• Cast Speed
• Mana regeneration rate.
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.


You have the option of using a Doryani's if you want more dps, otherwise a rare belt is fine

• 90+ Life
• Resistances, including Chaos resistance if possible.
• Flast Effect Duration + Effectiveness.

Mods on Jewels that benefit the build;

• Fire Damage while holding a shield
• Fire Damage
• Spell Damage while holding a shield
• Spell Damage
• Cast Speed while holding a shield
• Projectile Damage
• Projectile Speed
• Max Life
• Cast Speed with Fire Skills
• Cast Speed
• Increased Damage

There may be others, but these are all I can think of currently.

My Current Gear

Still a long way to go before being want I want, am trying to get more life and chaos resist on gear.

I am also currently experiementing with different gem setups so it may differ to the gem link section of the guide, I used the gem links in the guide up until level 89 without issues.

Current Flask Setup

Once I have my chaos resist capped on gear I plan to swap out the Ruby Flask for

My Jewels

The playstyle is relatively simple, cast totems ahead of you to attack enemies, if the enemies are not a scary base type, proceed to whirling blades through them to have chilled ground from Arctic Armour and to proc your Fortify.

Loot and Repeat.

Please however take note that this is a build that requires you to pay attention, your health pool is essentially your only defence unless you're able to get good gear with Armour or Evasion while having the needed colours.

Map mods worth noting;
• Blood Magic, simply turn off Anger + Clarity + Arctic Armour and you're good to go, just play more cautiously.
• No Regen, turn off Clarity, and run one of these:

• Chaining Projectiles, in my opinion, the hardest map mod for this build. Spike of death mobs will have their spikes chain off your totems at you. This mod is the single cause of my death in maps when mapping seriously.
• Elemental Reflect, This makes the map quite time consuming, but so far I haven't not been able to complete a reflect map.

Will list more if I encounter them.

Suggestions, Critque? Then please let me know in the comments, I do not claim to be the first person to have done something like this (Mors Kappa), this is simply my take on it.
IGN shdowe
Last edited by shdowe#7495 on Oct 8, 2015, 7:56:03 PM

- Added Guide!
- Added Dark Forest Vid
- Added Orchard Vid


- Added Atziri Vid


- Added Gorge Vid
- Added Residence Vid


- Added non laggy Atziri Vid on 5Link (Removed Empower)


- Added some simple banners to tidy the thread up a-bit


- Added small section on HC and Selffound


- Added Bazaar Vid
- Added Necropolis Vid


- Added Springs Vid


- Added Courtyard Vid

IGN shdowe
Last edited by shdowe#7495 on Aug 26, 2015, 10:34:27 PM
Looks solid. Keep improving it though, never stop improving! :)
All my builds /view-thread/1430399

T14 'real' clearspeed challenge /1642265
MatrixFactor wrote:
Looks solid. Keep improving it though, never stop improving! :)

Thanks! Will try

- Added a bunch of map videos now that I have worked out how to record, check em out!
IGN shdowe
Last edited by shdowe#7495 on Aug 26, 2015, 10:43:46 PM
bringin da big deeps
Hi looks like a solid build, i made an incinerate totem build which was my first, , i was wondering if you could tell me your damage without empower. Im thinking of speccing across to your build but would like to use empire's grasp and knockback.
Fhark wrote:
Hi looks like a solid build, i made an incinerate totem build which was my first, , i was wondering if you could tell me your damage without empower. Im thinking of speccing across to your build but would like to use empire's grasp and knockback.

Sorry I haven't really been on a-lot lately, on my current setup +1 Tabula, Level 21 Incinerate, Level 3 Empower I have 21.2K Tooltip.

If I remove the level 3 Empower my dps goes down to 16.5K, which in my opinion is still a very large amount of damage
IGN shdowe
Thanks for the reply decided to try the taming/emberwake combo with build seems good. My ttdps is not that high about 11000 but im using 6l lightning coil and knockback in setup, plus prioritizing ignite for the taming. Running totems on eldritch battery with mom. Thanks for the build while my dps stayed roughly the same my cast speed went up which is much better for incinerate.

Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Sep 15, 2015, 6:19:31 PM
Isn't it better to use a wand with 20+ cast speed with added fire damage to spells and just dropping the whole whirling blade setup?

I feel like you lack cast speed but I might be wrong.
Last edited by gtrans#4236 on Sep 26, 2015, 11:11:30 AM
i agree with gtrans... id much rather have a nice wand with spell dmg , cast spped and proj speed, flame dash is enough , and i ddrop that w.blades setup for a vaal haste which gives huge cast speed and huge mov speed

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