[2.0]Elemental Shotgun[Tornado Shot + GMP]for cheap and effective clear
My first guide ever, sharing something I noticed to be powerful since beta and fine tuning it for some months. The result:
PROS AND CONS PROS: - Cheap as sin - every item can be acquired for 10-15 chaos tops(you can even do it for 5). - 5 link viable - I've been running increased rarity as my 6th gem and I don't have any problems clearing 77-78 level maps. - Great burst - I am killing yellow monsters in a single hit(sometimes) and bosses fall in 3-10 seconds. - Easy to use - I am mostly playing with 1 hand because 1 attack is all you need to use to clear everything on a map. CONS: - REFLECT!!!!!! - almost all of my deaths come from killing myself on reflect mobs but there is a little trick on how to avoid most of the damage I'll share later on. - one hit kills - I am completely dependent on evasion+dodge for my defense, so something crazy like a powerful crit devourer could be a problem. Pay extra attention to the map mods is my suggestion(the crit ones, they don't give that much item quantity/rarity anyway). - no leech - I am totally dependent on health potions and mana regen/mana on kill to refill, but there is a certain skill that could help in those moments you are desperate for mana. Alright, lets start with the items.
The trick here is rather easy. Most elemental bows need higher speed, right? Well, we are a shotgun, we don't need it that desperately when we kill mobs in 1-2 hits. The Harbinger/Decimation bows provide tons of crit chance and are cheaper than the Thicket ones for example. You need to look for solid elemental damage + crit chance or crit multiplier(then add the other crit yourself). The dream would be triple elemental damage + crit chance + crit multiplier + attack speed but I've yet to see one of these beauties. The bow costs a bunch of chaos orbs. QUIVER Ok, here is a fast lesson on prefixes and suffixes. Elemental damage and life are prefixes. Crit chance and multiplier are suffixes. Basically to be able to have attack speed on your quiver you need to have only 2 affixes, so no accuracy, resistances and the like. Of course if you feel that you don't need the attack speed get a quiver with a resistance and add life to it. The best part of my current quiver is that I can switch between life and attack speed at my leisure plus I can add life once I get Tora to level 8 anyway. A quiver with all 5 important pieces for a bunch of chaos and 2 exalts added later? Seems like a good deal! Either way, watch out for quivers without life or attack speed(add these yourself), it'll cost you only a bunch of chaos orbs. BODY ARMOR You DON'T NEED 6 links to kick ass, so consider something like this for a bunch of chaos orbs: Yeah it could be better. Oh well, you know the drill, it shouldn't be too much to equip yourself with a nice 5 link armor. I'll talk about the gem configuration later. HELM Starkonja(love the name <3) is just about the cheapest cheapy thing you can buy. And it works. I don't like losing 200 life for rat's nest so I make do with this and it serves me well. I consider some further one hit kill protection better than a meager 4-5% increase in crit chance. GLOVES Same deal as rat's nest, you don't actually need these gloves to kick ass! Here is what I used before shelling out some exalts to buy them. Should be cheap enough, hell, i got mine for something like 10c. You can also substitute attack speed for accuracy rating if you so desire. Or go full defense with another resistance but I wouldn't recommend it. Just remember - life is the most important part of almost all rares on this character. BOOTS I consider rarity a better mod than dexterity/evasion rating. Strength could still be better though(20 more life). Boots are the usual deal - resistances, movement speed and life. Atziri's step could be an option if your resistances are powerful but I'd rather secure myself against 1 hit kills with more life. Its your choice, they are all worth a bunch of chaos orbs anyway. BELT As much life as possible, baby! Consider dropping a resistance for strength. Also don't forget your weapon elemental damage mod. Don't go for a crafted one, 20% is MEEEEH! You'll get a good belt for a bunch of chaos orbs anyway, easy. RINGS Ok, let me share a few words first. I like my life and I like my resistances. Unfortunately getting two rings with both at a reasonable level is.......worth a bunch of exalts. This cant do, we are trying to be cheap here, so I divided my rings into a resistance one and a sustain one. Here is the end result: Go to poe.trade and look for a ring with elemental damage and 100%+ resistances. You are bound to find something for a bunch of chaos orbs easy. You can add the life(it is a prefix wile the resistances are suffixes) later. Yes, I know you can have 70+ life on the ring instead of 40+, be prepared to shell out some exalts though. The sustain ring = mana + mana regen + weapon elemental damage + as much life as I can get. Easy enough and very cheap. Of course currently I have very little mana problems so maybe I can drop some affixes to get something more juicy like attack speed. AMULET Hmm, ok, maybe this is a bit more than a bunch of chaos orbs. Lets just say I got lucky, but here the same rules as the quiver ones apply(no attack speed of course). You can cheaply add crits to your amulet so purchase something that lacks one of the golden trio, then add it. Simple. NOW ONTO THE SKILL TREE https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwYAAO4DHgYjB2MLYQ-rFHUVIBa_GbQaOB9BIXYj9iSLJP0mlScvKgsqTSzpLYMwcTB8MfoyiTWSN9Q51DpCOtg8LT8nRXxG10rIS3hNklFHUUxVS1b6V-JZ81uvX7Bh4mVNZlRo8m5pbqpvnnBScYVyD3XLdvd3B3fXd-V9W38rgpuDX4PMhMWGs4bOhxOIW4w2jX2Nv5BVlG-Xl5u1nKSgn6IArEevbLALsUK0OLVItfK3Pr02vqfBM8M6xq7KSsu91CPV-Ni92rndDd2o4XPlGedU6mLtIO0_8B_zEfPq-_X-Cv_e?accountName=Johny_Snow&characterName=WarElements Its working, right? Ok, lets put a bit of explanations here. - Duelist is the clear winner when it comes to major nodes in comparison to the Ranger. - I don't like the Ranger part of the tree to begin with, lots of sub optimal nodes and lots of physical damage(we don't need that). - I like the Templar tree, it gives me the following: 1. Easier to get jewel nodes, you only need to spend 1 or 2 points to unlock 5 of them. 2. Exactly as much intelligence as I need to have without spending points on a 30 intelligence node that leads to nowhere. 3. Some backup if I get an unlucky crit, I can still easily shock and shatter fools. 4. I like to live wide and experiment. - Everything else seems to be cookie cutter, crit nodes, life nodes and dodge nodes. I am getting Harrier at level 93 by the way. LINKS LINKS LINKS Tornado Shot + Greater Multiple Projectiles + Weapon Elemental Damage + Added Cold + Added Lightning + whatever you want. You can hold on to the lightning damage if you have only 4 links on your gear. The real beauty comes once you reach the six links. You can go with Increased Critical Damage if you wish. Or you can go with Innervate. Or you can change color and try Mana/Life leech. Or you can go for Ice Bite and sport both power and frenzy charges. THE DREAM would be to have both charges and Onslaught, something easy to achieve considering the Onslaught giving node is so close. I haven't tried it yet but I assume it is going to be awesome! Cast on Damage Taken + Frost Wall + x + x Frost Wall is IMO a must. As long as they don't kill you in one hit you'll build a wall between you and them, confusing them for a bit and allowing you to regen your health. The rest are support gems, which will confuse your foes even more(blind and chance to flee in this case). Other options, as the wiki says, is to add something fast firing and go with only one support gem(perhaps chance to flee). Need to experiment more with that. Herald of Ice + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark Self explanatory, I like Herald of Ice better because of the nice fast explosions. Plus freezing your enemies solid must be better than leaving them walking around as shocked foes. Better for a squishy archer. Grace + Clarity + Summon Ice Golem Self explanatory again. Grace adds a nice 20% chance to evade, I'll obviously take it because I am not getting good evasion from my gear. Clarity for additional mana support(at this point I feel like dropping it though) and Ice Golem for some final touches. IMPORTANT! Flame Golem is actually better before you get your 50%+ crit chance. Flame Dash To get out of some nasty Frozen Wall situations(it happens). I haven't experimented with Lightning Warp because Flame Dash suits me just fine. It is also great on some quirky maps like the Mine. Rallying Cry Boss killer and decreased regen map savior. Simply pop this when you are about the face the big bad and unleash the barrage of tornado shots. Easy. Perhaps I can do with even less mana regen if I activate this all the time BUT I am lazy >.> . HOW TO DEAL WITH REFLECT Its simple, once you identify the reflect mob just shoot in the opposite direction. The tornado shot's beauty is that it can cover the whole screen with shells, but of course the main shotgun damage is right where you point the mouse. It may take some time but as long as you have your back against the nasty monster affix and shoot shoot shoot you'll eventually kill it without one shotting yourself. JEWELS Projectile Damage, Increased Maximum Life and Attack Speed with Bows. Easy enough. Everything else is designed to fill up gaps. LEVELING TIPS Rush the Templar tree early, there is no reason to go for the crit/dodge nodes before acquiring better gear. My tree is pretty straight forward I think. VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsCKLGGNCaE Just a standard 76 level map with enfeeble + life + chance to avoid elemental effects + totems + endurance charges. It really showcases how great frost wall is at keeping me safe. CLOSING WORDS Feel free to point out improvements and mistakes I made, I am new in this whole build thing after all. Just a quick recap of my current stats 4.4k life 30k damage without power charges, 35k with them, 42k+ with a six linked increased critical damage/ice bite 75% crit chance with power charges, does not take into account the additional chance to crit from the curse max resistances 50% chance to evade, 40% chance to dodge no armor(lol) currently my highest level maps are 79, doing them all by my lonesome, never been in a party So, this is it! Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Aug 21, 2015, 4:00:25 AM
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Updated with a video. Didn't try too hard, got lost a couple of times(curse you strange map layout) and even allowed the boss to smack me around a bit. But this is the whole point, after all the build is for lazy people like me. Its a shame because the next map I did, the volcano, was harder and required more attention/was better as a showcase.
Last edited by Johny_Snow#4778 on Aug 21, 2015, 4:32:16 AM
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Upgrade time! I switched my resistance ring for this
and my boots for this Bought them for 5 chaos each, keeping true to the purpose of the build - everything for a bunch of chaos orbs. What this allowed me to do was drop 2 mana nodes and upgrade Harrier + 1 crit note(a placeholder, once I get 2 more points I'll most likely get the empty jewel spot in the Scion tree). In a nutshell: I lost some item rarity and 1% accuracy. I gained 60 life(yea not much but we are climbing up at least), 100 mana and 2k more damage clocking it on 33k DPS without power charges. I can also shoot one more time in quick succession without running out(7 up from 6). It is all going very peachy. |
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Big updates! Lets start with the skill tree first.
You don't need Celestial Judgement node. I know it only requires you 2 points but the damage increase is not worth it. Instead go for the Scion Jewel spot with the two projectile damage nodes. It gives you more damage and attack speed. I finally managed to get my hands on a decent body armor too So here is my logic: if I stick with Grace I will only get a 5% evasion increase. Pretty low but this is how things are when you try to climb above 50%. Without it I lose 10% and end up with 40% total. I decided to drop Grace and I don't regret it ever since. I only died once because of a freak devourer incident, so it paid off. The Dream! This ring is unreal for what it does. 100 life + mana + prime elemental damage/attack speed. The resistance is its only weakness but for less than exalt I am pretty happy. Very rare but if you get your hands on 6 of these you'll be golden. I don't see anything better for this build really. End result http://i.imgur.com/5pKGJ0J.jpg 49k with http://i.imgur.com/Z5gvkz6.jpg only 17 level Wrath Basically 50k+ damage with 5 links once I get Wrath to level 20. |
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Saw the vid and i gotta say im impressed by the damage. Is it Atziri viable?
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And also for Bandits?