Rich man's PA MF build(not updated)
Hi there guys, I will be sharing my experience and how I went through several variations while leveling and finally doing my own including MF of the famous Poison Arrow build.
Leveling: Start by using 4link Silverbranch BBGG like mine: Also you could get a 5l one if you're a rich person who doesn't care about going deeper with the leveling KappaPride, link PA+Slower proj+Conc+AOE gems in it Later on a friend gave me his thicket which was +2 to bow same colors to help me speed up leveling. You can also get a wanderlust Just to start of course Later on you would like to have a prepared so you can get more deeps and fight through leveling faster Also having rings with life/rez for lv 40-45~ prepared is quite nice and will boost your leveling speed Passive tree of mu current character:
Spoiler Bandits: Oak, Passive, Kraityn
Character story: Started using PA as soon as i got level for it, put on silverbranch with it as well, put every gem that i noted using in the 4link earlier as soon as you get level for it. If you have 5L use either pierce or empower(piece only if you have drillneck on but a rich person should have one) Had my drillneck early so i started using it as soon as I got level for it. Had jewelery with dope resists and life for around level 40-50 so it made life way easier. Also used wanderlust to start with but later on ditched them for blood dance(didnt have +1 frenzy back then its NOT necessary! just great for leveling with since it gives u mad DIPS when combined with bunch of frenzy charges from the passives) Leveled to 62 on ledge merc for my carcass jack simply because the zone is amazing for EXP, never set a foot at felshire(rip english?) Pretty much ran through everything and shot a single arrow then kept running while it was dying rewarding me with exp, using lootfilter with sound such as NeverSink is great so you hear if any good loot drops. Got to 74 at dried lake simply because its better than all the 68 maps, then switched to some of the mountain ledges I had for like 2 levels then kept going 1 level higher with maps for another 2 and some times even for just 1 level per map tier, when you get to 72's you might wanna get like 2 levels per map tier then continue, that should take you like no time. I'm currently running 74's at lv 84 did a jungle valley double boss with vuln crit+crit multi + 50% extra dmg as lightning without being hit once. Current gear + gem links You might wanna use vaal summon skeletons later for when you roll harder maps with harder bosses, pretty much pop it stay behind and throw bunch of arrows, pop your divination and watch the loots dro pfor you ez pez no problem, also level the V.S.Skeletons just a little bit so it doesn't bother you with it's intelligence needs. I also haven't bought all the proper gear I need because I'm waiting for someone to come online and get a pair of gloves, then I'll be getting new rings, amu and going higher on IR.
Jewels you wanna use contain these mods: Area damage, proj damage, chaos damage, damage over time, increased damage, life, did I miss anything? >.< The build is pretty much yolo at most of the times, I still haven't tried running normal atziri with it but I will as soon as I get few more levels, the guide is pretty much 15 min of work for the people who wanna try something bit different, nothing hard to do tbh. Also I never died at maps currently lv84. If you guys got any questions throw them in the comments ill be checking whenever I can. Bum stream: Good luck with the loots Last edited by Pat0k#3654 on Oct 14, 2015, 1:48:00 PM
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Just another copy of Serleth's pa build
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" Can u link me that one? Cause I never even heard of that dude lol, also saying that some1 copied a build is like saying the rest of the people on the planet can't figure out the same thing you did lol, good to have haters tho means you've done something right. However I'm improving the build and the gear really soon alraedy got decent gloves to start with! Hypu, also a 18/20 IR gem instead of AOE for normal atziri bosses and herself ^_^ Yo also thanks for the bump bruh Last edited by Pat0k#3654 on Aug 14, 2015, 1:19:54 PM
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I wouldnt call it a copy of serleths build, his pathing seems quite different not going up through ballistic mastery. I personally made a pa build looking only at LIbs and havocs and it ended up nearly exactly the same as serleths (hadnt looked at it before). Theres only so many ways to scale pa and path.
Last edited by Fhark#5469 on Aug 15, 2015, 12:14:27 AM
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Updated skill tree, gear, updated bandits.
Currently doing normal atziri with a few deaths here and there when she surprises me with a flameblast but thats it, however my fire resist is 62 lol still easy when u dodge properly. LOOTS! |
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Did some1 say LOOTS? |
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Great job man I am gonna have to try this out :)
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Hi, i may have some questions about the +3bow. Because i never tried PA build before so let me ask what kind of mod really important for PA build? Except DOT, Attack Speed, Crit chance or any other mods can affect your choice?
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Resists,Dot,Attack speed, movement speed implicit(maraketh, steelwood), maybe projectile speed on your bow if u randomly happen to get it by exalting, PA is not affected by crit chance tho
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thanks, got it.
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