ThunderPunch - Doryani's Fist CoMK (on a tight budget)
![]() Important note : This build is about making Doryani's Fist work. It's niche. It's certainly functional and IMHO quite good cost/performance, but beware that if you're looking for OP EZ one button faceroll, you should rather be turning towards regular 2h RT cyclone/flame totem/whatever's meta right now. With that being out of the way... This build can roflstomp content up to mid maps (at least) with an investment of under an exalt (aka can be self-funded without even running a shop). It's also fun and flashy, has active gameplay that rewards skill and good tactics, and is fairly tanky. Build is a work in progress I just recently hit 82 with the build so it's still in development. I feel it's a good enough base to work on, but most stuff is still subject to change at this point. I unfortunately don't have a gameplay video to show as of yet, but hope to find the time to make one soonish. I'm also currently working towards less budget constrained, late end game focused variations which may pop up around here if they work out.
TL;DR - How good is it ? Gimme numbers !
{here is where I would put a gameplay video... IF I HAD ONE} Indicative clear times (measured roughly, while picking up major loot) : - A4m aqueducts : <2min - 69 Mountain Ledge : ~4 min - 73 Strand : ~5 min - 75+ : [not enough testing to tell as of yet] Here's some numbers on the build at lvl80 (using cheap gear linked below): - 3k life and 5k ES with a 350 ES chest. I'm cheap. Should easily get to 6k ES with decent gear. - 5k tooltip DPS on CoMK cyclone, 7k fully buffed (no flasks) Important note about tooltip DPS: the majority of the AoE damage is done by the triggered spells, so the low number doesn't reflect actual clearspeed - 11k tooltip DPS on single target cyclone, 15k buffed I'm still working on that part. As it stand it's enough to smoothly DPS down most map bosses up to at least 73, not counting spell procs form the adds. DPS numbers should be looked at in the light of it being pure lightning damage with 40% penetration, Conductivity cursing, and high shock chance. Although really the only proper way to assess damage output and clear speed is with a gameplay video, which I will do some time in the nearish future.
Skills & Links
(note : ignore gem levels/quality linked here as I just linked whatever gem came up fist from stash)
Main AoE : Core 4L is Cyclone - CoMK - Lightning Penetration - Shock Nova/Arc. Neither is a bad choice. That 4L should carry you from 63 to whenever you get a 5L without an issue. 5L : link both spells (Shock Nova + Arc) 6L : Add your choice of : a third spell (can be a repeat of one of the above), Conc Effect (boosts both cyclone and shock nova but the AoE penalty is pretty harsh, mana cost a bit rough), Faster Attacks (cheap way to scale attack damage which is usually the bottleneck), Fortify (if you can't be arsed to Shield Charge into stuff). I haven't actually gotten that far myself yet.
Other options to consider for triggered spells
Currently using shock nova + Arc, I like the synergy. 2 * nova would be an option but Arc is so efficient at picking off stuff that is out of nova radius.
Discharge with a Romira's to generate charges is fairly likely to be better, but I didn't really want to do that (keep it cheap = no Rom's, although they’re surprisingly cheap this league) and I'm happy with the performance of the current setup thus far. Other options considered : Ball lightning (too directional, no good), Storm Call (damage/cast low, delay makes it hit when most stuff is already dead, no good), spark (fuck spark). Didn't get to slotting in LWarp for the lulz yet. Ice Nova is decent but misses on too many lightning dps nodes, a second shock nova is better. Auras : Wrath scales both the attacks and the spells, making it a no-brainer for this. Great value. Since we shock everything, HoT will be permanently up and double cursing over a large AoE, while also dishing out a surprisingly high amount of damage due to all our generic lightning damage scaling. Warlord's Mark is pretty much mandatory, as it saves from mana issues and lets us get capped life leech on all our diverse damage abilities which would otherwise need an individual LL link. That includes HoT itself which will leech you significant amounts, notably in mana. Conductivity is a great choice for an offensive curse, but you can also run a defensive curse if you prefer to do so (both Temp Chains and Enfeeble are great). Single target : There are multiple ways to approach the single target problem (which is just the nature of CoMK - it's dead weight against a lone target like a map boss without adds, although those are becoming rarer and rarer). Another Cyclone with pure attack supports is a decent option, netting over double the attack damage of our main CoMK link. Mana consumption is significantly higher and requires you to either manage the length of your cyclones or spam a mana flask. Another problem is that the AoE gets ridiculously tiny without Master of the Arena. Unless I stay right on top of the target (rip mana) I'll be spinning at nothing way too often. Actual DPS is then a fair bit lower than it should. Works great on large hitbox bosses though.
Other options to consider for single target
Ice Crash - pen - conc - FA Another decent option, theoretical DPS is a bit lower but it's more consistent and easier to sustain. OTOH it's more dangerous as you get locked into place for significant amounts of time. Ball Lightning - pen - echo - slower proj With all the generic ele/light scaling and the flat damage on the gloves, this should technically give decent DPS. I found it pretty underwhelming though. Cast speed is shit, and damage output doesn't feel much better than just cycloning at stuff. It's a lot safer though, so a nice thing to have maybe. Tendrils would be another option (with conc) but that seems really dangerous Frenzy - pen - FA - multistrike Damage about on par with Ice Crash with the added benefit of frenzy charge generation. Problem is I don't have the dex to level the gem properly, and I unfortunately don't have access to more than the basic 3 f charges. On a character that cna take more of those this seems like a great option. I'll be looking into this some more Movement/Utility : Shield Charge - Fortify - two of : Frenzy/Innervate/Faster Attacks Shield Charge is a pretty valid choice for movement now (which is nice because unarmed doesn't really have access to any other, LW notwithstanding). It's also great as an opener... If you manage to aim it properly, which takes practice. Fortunately for me I have no less than three different shield charge builds' worth of training under my belt ! With the changes in 2.0 it's a lot more usable, as the "recovery period" after charging is dramatically shorter and scales down with attack speed. What it does is quickly get you to a pack, take off 60-80% of one mob's health, and give you Fortify just as you get into melee range. Then you can combo into a Cyclone that should almost immediately kill the target you charged at, and by doing so start the juicy chain reaction CoMK is all about. Using this has drastically improved the performance of the build for me, it's tricky to use to it's fullest but really great in a lot of situations. Note that if you actually one shot a mob rather than priming it for a cyclone kill, you're still not worse off than you would be without charging, and still get the benefit of Fortify and also Onslaught if you linked Innervate (Onslaught has a huge impact). I'm also toying with putting Frenzy in that link to generate F charges, as even just 3 charges gives me almost 20% more damage (I have otherwise low IAS). charge - fortify - frenzy - FA/innervate ; there's a hard choice to make there unfortunately. Shield Charge - fortify - FA - Chaos Golem is also a decent option if already frenzying elsewhere. Others : Vaal Discipline - Increased Duration ( - warcry of your choice) Vaal Disc is a literal life saver on ES builds, I wouldn't take any other vaal skill (or I would use both). Having a warcry there is nice if you have an open slot. Enduring Cry if you feel your End charges are falling off too often, else Rallying Cry which is great damage. Otherwise a golem could fit in there quite well too.
Gear & budget
You do need a Doryani's Fist to do a Doryani's Fist build. Luckily it's largely believed to be shit and sells for currently less than half an exalt in Warbands, That's by far the most expensive piece in the starter gear set. Martial Artistry is too good to pass up. It's also next to free (1c for a good roll. Immunity to Silence is a nice bonus that is useless in almost any other case so it retails at the same price than any other) Doryani's Invitation (lightning version obviously) it nice to have, although not necessary. The damage is good, the leech is useful for when Warlord's Mark can't help (curse immune mobs, first pack of the map), the shock is nice, and the resists + armor are solid. Currently sells for ~10c in Warbands. A life/es/resists rare would also do the job just fine. Random ES gear in all other slots. Resists, life and armor where you can afford them (ES is more important). Sample gear above. None of those cost me more than 2c per, at about three weeks into the leagues, including the shitty 5L chest which should be replaced by a semi decent Vaal Regalia or Saintly Chainmail ASAP. Jewelry should have ES, resists, flat lightning, some life or mana where possible. a couple c a piece should get you decent stuff, as linked here. Total budget : gloves 20c, belt 10c, 7 other slots at 2c each = ~45c for everything. No need to buy a single of those ridiculously priced exalts !
Upgrades to look for
- A 650 ES + 100 life Vaal Regalia or a 550 ES Saintly Chainmail with some armor
- A 400 ES + spell damage shield or 1000 arm + 350 ES hybrid shield - Those sexy Warbands exclusive boots "Steppan Eard" Straying a bit further away from the basic setup : - A Romira's Banquet if you want to run Discharge (you then need to repath for Power charges) - A Vertex, a Lori's Lantern and some more chaos res on gear to go ghetto low life with Discipline on BM and Pain Attunement (I will be testing this shortly) - Call of the Brotherhood, not sure how that would work out but that could be interesting (I don't much like cutting Penetration effectiveness in half though)
Passive tree
Here is the lvl82 tree
Bandits : Kill, Kraitlyn, Oak Key features : 120% life & 184% ES (also 60%+ ES from INT) 265% lightning damage + 20% area + 25% from celestial punishment 5% lightning penetration 15% chance to shock (+10 Fists, +14 Conductivity, +x on spells) 17% attack speed (+8 from cruel Kraitlyn) 5 Endurance Charges 48% increased armor 2 jewel slots (3rd at lvl84)
This build is fairly painless to level, although not that easy to level *as* since the core unique is lvl63+.
lvl 1-28 : Enjoy the fantastic shadow start, demolish everything with flame totem/fire trap/the spell of your choice. lvl 28-63 : Do the typical lightning caster thing (+1 weapon with Ball Lightning/Arc-Echo-Pen, personal preference goes to BL), or if you have a Tabula and a Fidelita's Spike you should be able to do a pretty nice CoMK with that before you get the gloves. Ignore ES nodes, take all the life nodes of the final build and the pathing between them, should net you enough to get by until Merciless. Double cursing early is pretty powerful. lvl 63+ : Build comes online, start fisting. Work mainly on your ES from there on.
Alternatives and possible evolutions
Life-based : One could easily do something similar without the life/ES hybrid part, on the south side of the tree, with armor and maybe block. Possibly Aegis. Will be hard to get as much damage down there though. There's at least one such build on this forums (Templar section IIRC).
Low life : would look pretty much the same as this one, except with a Shav's or simply just Chaos resist (the latter being much more my style). I will be testing the ghetto version of that soon. Romira's Banquet Discharge : you just need to repath for Power charges. I kinda dislike discharge (especially if not critting through the roof) so it's a nay for me but on paper it's pretty great. Bonus crazy idea : equip two Call of the Brotherhood to convert all your damage to cold, put yourself on the south of the tree with something very similar to a typical facebreaker block build, and put a Cold Steel jewel in the duelist slot. Bam, you get full damage scaling from the melee shield nodes there. The ranger slot also has some nice block/damage nodes to convert. Stack frenzy charges, put Ice Bite of HoI. Frenzy single target should be pretty damn good. Downsides : no defenses on either ring slot, you lose the ability to shock, would be hard to get freeze chance, a lot less spell damage scaling. Might be more appropriate as a pure attack build (but then the damage would likely be meh I think)
I'mma need to get some actual questions before I answer them
Side note on the build name
I was tempted to go with Rolling Thunder Punch, but the Dragon Ball nerds out there would surely be bickering about how the one time Gotenks used that attack, it failed miserably. That is not really the message I would want to convey about the build (failure is probably already what a lot of people expect when they see "Doryani's Fist" and "CoMK", which is one of the reasons I wanted to do it in the first place).
![]() For reals though Rolling Thunder Punch is simply too long.
credits & Acknowledgements
Thanks to my guild homies for funding my shenanigans in WB as I play like a dirty dirty casual and coming up with great suggestions as usual
Tip of the hat to this similar-ish build that predates mine - you can even find me commenting in there. The basic concept is similar ; the execution is radically different though. I'm proud I made the build that got hotfix nerfed by 80% in under a week : Kamikaze Clones /1204796 (LL Mirror Arrow Instability Prolif) Last edited by PepprmintButler#6593 on Aug 11, 2015, 12:18:28 AM
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[Reserved, just in case]
I'm proud I made the build that got hotfix nerfed by 80% in under a week :
Kamikaze Clones /1204796 (LL Mirror Arrow Instability Prolif) |
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Is Ice Crash an alternative to Cyclone? Last edited by Fleischtorte#3102 on Aug 12, 2015, 8:26:43 AM
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Oops, thanks for the heads up, fixed.
Ice crash is a valid alternative, I touched upon it as a single target skill. I don't think it compares favorably with cyclone as a CoMK trigger but it should work too. I'm proud I made the build that got hotfix nerfed by 80% in under a week : Kamikaze Clones /1204796 (LL Mirror Arrow Instability Prolif) Last edited by PepprmintButler#6593 on Aug 10, 2015, 7:31:45 AM
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little update :
I got around to buying a better chest and some chaos resist gear, so I made the switch to low life. Looking good. 7k ES with 800 life and capped chaos res, so about as much eHP as I had before the switch, with Pain Attunement on top. The DPS gain is of course quite noticeable and the chaos res holds up well (which is not a surprise, I already did a few chaos res low life builds in the past and that's just really solid). Currently just running BM-Clarity, but I want to at least consider Prism Guardian. Then I can put Wrath and Discipline in there, empowered (+1 PG would be lvl26 auras without gem corruptions - the dream !), and run AA and Grace on mana with HoT. I need the Sovereignty cluster to do that, so it's a few levels down the road. I'm afraid the ES loss from a rare shield would hurt too much (but with the boost to discipline it should actually be limited to about 600ish ES I think). I might try that version in standard. I'm still struggling to make good use of Frenzy charges and Innervate, both require too much work and end up slowing me down on otherwise fast content, so I benched both to make room for the new aura and started using Rallying Cry instead. I'm liking it, it's good DPS for very little effort. I'm proud I made the build that got hotfix nerfed by 80% in under a week : Kamikaze Clones /1204796 (LL Mirror Arrow Instability Prolif) Last edited by PepprmintButler#6593 on Aug 12, 2015, 3:27:55 AM
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Any suggestions on how to level this build? I'm guessing just the usual Flame Totem / Firestorm, and switch over as soon as you can equip Doryani's Fist?
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Any gameplay video?
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" That He-Man is an asshole. The dude clearly has an iron in his hand. Guy gets thunderpunched while doing laundry, WTF. |
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Nice build, just a quick question: How do you sustain Cyclone cost?
You don't seem to have any nodes invested into mana. From my experience that doesnt work. Or are you simply chugging down mana potions? |
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