Lightning Warp


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Balance & Design
Last bumped on Dec 10, 2024, 10:01:21 AM
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theres never the case when i want to teleport close to monsters with my witch to hit them with this skill and its too slow to use it for defensive purposes, i wrote it in old topic and will write it again, get rid of the delay+ dmg and make normal teleport from it, melee has flickering strike why shouldnt casters have mobility skill which is actually useful not a gimmick which has almost no utility and just takes valuable hotkey slot.
IGN Crakk
Last edited by maryn#2152 on Dec 5, 2011, 1:13:09 PM
maryn wrote:
theres never the case when i want to teleport close to monsters with my witch to hit them with this skill and its too slow to use it for defensive purposes, i wrote it in old topic and will write it again, get rid of the delay+ dmg and make normal teleport from it, melee has flickering strike why shouldnt casters have mobility skill which is actually useful not a gimmick which has almost no utility and just takes valuable hotkey slot.

i have to agree although i must admit i have not leveled the skill very high.

my intent was to use this skill as a defense for my bow ranger. i wanted to use it similarly to how my templar uses shield bash to get out of a jam.

the delay on the skill is longer than i hoped for and i never cared to use it for the dmg although that seems low too.

i would love if it were cold instead of light at least then i would look to use it strategically as an aoe snare since i dont want to use temp chains on this build.

will have more to say as i get higher, my HC bow ranger is only lvl 27 and im killing things before they get to me so i dont need to use it as i intended yet...maybe when i get into cruel i will be forced to try it more.
~SotW HC Guild~

I used to prefer shield charge for movility with my Templar, but i have to say that i loved this spell the few times used it. I don't have the problems the other players have, since my character can take some beating.

Now that i can't stack curses anymore going to give this spell a permanent slot. I bet i'll completely love this spell, gonna post in a few days.
Agreed. On my witch, I prefer a Phase Run gem over this. The delay is quite literally killer.
I like the spell but sometimes when i use it, i feel i am wasting casting time i could be using for my main spell.

This spell has 2 "delays", the casting speed, and the "real delay" you have to wait to be teleported.

I feel this spell would be way better if part of the casting speed time is transfered to "real delay". This way the character would have more time to cast their main spells before getting teleported but the total spell casting time up to the teleport wouldn't be lowered.
Random thought about changing the mechanics. The point of the spell seems to be, at least in part, to get you away from monsters. At its core, it's a utility spell, and the chief complaint is that it's short on utility. Instead of turning it into an ordinary teleport spell, why not change its utility somewhat?

Why not do something like... when you cast it, it flags an area around you and an area around where you targeted -- after the delay period expires, everything in the "from" circle is teleported to the "to" circle and takes some damage. You're still using it to create distance between you and enemies, but adding a tactical kiting element (cast it before they close, step back and try to keep them in the zone); synergy with Temporal Chains, I guess).
"And 'Do what thou willst' shall be the whole of the law." -- Aleister Crowley
"First, love; then, do what thou willst." -- St. Augustine
"Whatever is done out of love always takes place beyond good and evil." -- Friedrich Nietzsche
I am currently using this skill on a ranger as my main killing spell with Increased Area of Effect, Increased Critical Strikes, and Increased Critical Damage, which is expensive, but quite effective. It tends to kill everything but bosses in about 2 hits per mob, on average (it's just like all lightning spells, extremely unpredictable). The really amazing part is that each cast strikes twice, with a small amount of Venn-diagram-style overlap in between the affected areas at minimum travel distance.

So far I'm in act 1 in merciless, and the only minor speedbumps I have are caused by elemental reflect bosses. I'll try to get a short video together soon, as I find this character quite entertaining. I'm hoping the fun lasts into merciless and beyond.
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Last edited by UristMcDwarfy#1339 on Dec 10, 2011, 11:28:03 AM
No concentrate AoE?
konfeta wrote:
No concentrate AoE?
Actually I don't have one. I don't think I have a 5 blue slot armor to put one in anyway, especially since the character is evasion-based with some ES. But if you've got a Concentrate AoE and a 5 blue slot evasion armor, I'd be willing to give it a shot. :)
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