{2.0} Budget Tempest Dagger Reave

Hardcore viable crit reave, cheap to run to start the league, effective, got to level 90 in Tempest and died to Malformation Piety that got stuck in a corner. Live and ya learn oh well :) I haven't seen a whole lot of dagger reave builds out there other than softcore or expensive variants. No Abyssus, Acuity, Aegis, or mirrored gear here.

I started the character planning to go crit reave with sword + shield. Ended up getting a 265 pDps Apex Rapier (35 implicit multi) with >7.5 crit chance. The dps, while being good, felt inconsistent. I respecced to dagger, and the build immediately felt better. From my experience, crit 1 handed swords are simply weaker than daggers. Was still using a shield for a while with my dagger, but felt that dropping the life and evasion from the shield for the insane dps you get dual wielding with Death's Hand was worth it. Other options for a dual wield partner with reave are Lavianga's Wisdom, Relentless Fury, or Soul Taker.
Feel free to ask questions or give suggestions. ign= PutTheStrayPuppyDown
I've took a break from PoE for a bit and haven't been keeping up with this thread as much but will still try to get answers to people when I'm active.

Endgame Tree
Oak +40 Life
Kraityn +8% attack speed
Alira +1 max power charge

Although I used a Shadow, Ranger is more optimal by a couple of points.

Level 94(last few levels I'm just picking up frenzy charges):

If you are ranger (Level 92, more optimal):

Use the offline passive skill tree planner if you are not already:


Reave - Melee Physical Damage - Multistrike - Fortify - Increased AoE - (Increased Crit Damage/Added Fire)
My planned 6 link is either increased crit damage or added fire. Use PCoC instead of Increased AoE if you don't have a Death's Hand for power charge generation. When you get a Death's Hand, Increased AoE will help your clear speed more than another damage support. If you want to go full dps mode, use Added Fire instead of Fortify (SC only). Physical reflect maps are not worth attempting in my experience, even if you have a Phys to Lightning and Life Leech instead of Increased AoE and Melee Phys. With enough leech, vaal pact is an option for the ability to run phys reflect, but then Blood Rage becomes annoying to use. Single reflect mobs are a complete non-issue, and now that Thornflesh is removed, we have no worries at all about reflect in normal maps. DPS with the 5 link is sitting at ~33k at the moment, not taking into account the dual wield bug, so it is quite a bit higher in reality.

Vaal Reave - Faster Attacks
Multistrike does not help us, as VReave already adds seven extra attacks.

Note: No golem, not because of the slots, but because I don't like having to worry about it. I'm scared I will forget de-spawning it in a chain map.


Hatred + Arctic Armor.
The chill/freeze/shatter from Hatred is great for both offense and defense. For elemental weakness if you aren't overcapped, run Purity of Elements + Herald of Ash + Arctic Armor instead. If you feel like running more dps, you can substitute a Herald in for Arctic Armor, but personally I've run AA the entire time it has been available.

Increased Duration - Blood Rage - Vaal Grace
It is important to have this setup in one of your weapons, being able to toggle off your Blood Rage is a convenience factor, especially in Vulnerability maps. Run Vaal Haste if you want to for the deeps, although I'm quite happy with Vaal Grace.


Whirling Blades - Faster Attacks - Blood Magic
Makes movement speed on boots irrelevant for the most part, and with the attack speed on the tree, makes traveling incredibly fast. The 30 movespeed on my boots is nice for stuff like Haku missions but that is about it. Blood Magic is necessary, as we don't have enough mana regeneration.

CWDT - Increased Duration - Immortal Call - Enfeeble
Pretty self-explanatory, physical immunity and auto-enfeeble. This works really well in conjunction with Daresso's Defiance, if you get hit with enough damage to proc the CWDT, you all three endurance charges consumed toward your Immortal Call. The level you have the CWDT gem at is personal preference, I have mine at level 4. Remember to not level IC above the level requirement of your CWDT gem.

CWDT - Arctic Breath - GMP - Chain
Chilled ground, chilled ground everywhere. Even though we are running arctic armor, this just spreads the chill even more. It is essentially a free temp chains. Get the lowest CWDT you can, we want this proccing as much as possible.

Gems in offhand for swap depending on map mods:


Try aiming to get a dagger with 250+ physical DPS and local critical strike chance above 8%. The dagger I am using has 270 pDps, but a gg dagger will easily exceed 300 pDps.


Death's Hand is BiS at the moment in my opinion. It gives you power charges as well as Unholy Might (30% of physical damage added as chaos damage). This is something you should go for after getting a good dagger, as there are other great options to run before you get one.

Lavianga's Wisdom gives you increased AoE and damage (and a small amount of life), and we don't care about the movement speed penalty because of whirling blades.

Relentless Fury offers culling strike and onslaught, as well as chill immunity while under the effect of onslaught.

Going shield is an option if you are feeling defensive. If you go this route, spec out of the dual wield nodes around Duelist, and make sure to get a high evasion shield. I would recommend the shield effect node Precise Interception, it will give you a huge evasion boost.

Soul Taker is the other late game option, as you no longer have to worry about mana and you get to run another Herald. Mana is generally not an issue though with enough physical damage and the leech you should have. You might consider picking one up at some point to swap for 80+ maps with enfeeble + monster phys reduction + endurance charges, although I don't think it is worth the investment until you are really maxed out on your other gear.


As for all our gear, make sure to get high life. The things you really want, but don't absolutely need: good accuracy, high evasion, and resists to cap you off. If resists are not an issue, I would recommend a Starkonja's for a cheap mix of both good defense and offense.

Standard variants of this build can use a Rat's Nest; I don't think it would be worth to lose the life for Tempest.


Try to get crit multi on your amulet as well as life and some strength/int. Accuracy, crit chance, or resists are a bonus.


Accuracy is a big deal for crit. The more you get the better off the feel of the build will be. Other than that, resists are a big thing you should be going for on your rings, along with life (ok I'll stop mentioning that).


A rustic sash is nice for offense, but a Leather is great for life and Heavy belts offer some extra life and much needed strength. Get resists, and weapon elemental damage helps a little. Flask effect duration is often overlooked, it is a big bonus.


Daresso's Defiance doesn't offer the most in terms of raw evasion, but has the benefits of endurance charge generation on kill to power your IC duration, some extra dodge, leech, and occasional onslaught. For the price it is pretty hard to beat. Other than that, a high evasion rare would be very good, and for early mapping, a cheap 5 link is an option as well.


I didn't mention it earlier, but if you can get mana leech on any of your jewelry slots, that will power your mana sustain. If not, get gloves that have some or have the open slot to master craft (can't craft mana leech on jewelry). Gloves are yet another piece we can get accuracy on.


Movement speed is not a necessity, as we have whirling blades, which allows you to get a huge amount of resists with this slot.


Get a couple pots with bleed removal, one with freeze immunity for boxes, and one for curse immunity. Having one with shock immunity is nice, especially maps with shocked ground. Surgeon's prefix on flasks is really nice for more uptime.

Shield I was using:

Bought this very early in the league, could definitely do a lot better with evasion and life.

Leveling Advice and Trees
I'm pretty bad at providing leveling trees, as I just spec into what I feel is necessary at the time when I play. Traveling to duelist to begin with is a good idea, you get life regen to run blood rage and some decent damage. Also, hold off on going into crit early or any dagger specific nodes, as this allows you to use any good weapon you find leveling, or something like a Lakishu's Blade for example. I don't know where these trees will put you on your life pool, but to be safe, I recommend 1200 life for Malachai on normal, and 2400 for cruel. The trees below use some nodes that we will spec out of late game, but the given passive respecs are more than enough, you won't need regrets.
38 points: http://poeurl.com/zBgvI78
65 points: http://poeurl.com/zBgwlgL
90 points: http://poeurl.com/zBgwVzz
Again, these are just kind of outlines, I would use the end game tree as something to work towards instead but this has been requested a lot.
End game tree again:http://poeurl.com/zuF4AIj
Offline skill tree planner again:https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases

I only recorded one map so far, a 76 gorge. Lots of devourers unfortunately :C. Tried to showcase the difference between reave and vaal reave this map, and how strong the mobility can be.
Last edited by theDeliveryMan#7941 on Oct 16, 2015, 6:44:42 PM
Seems like dualwielding is in fashion for now and I want to test it out too :) I have my tree like this https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAAAYAXgSxBS0FtQceCC4NjQ3RDkgRlhHVFfYWvxmOI_Yk_SaVKgss4TBxMHw2PTfUOkI-z0MxRwZHfklRSn1LeExgTP9Nkk4qUUdVS1b1V5daGluvYEFh4mJ5YqxjQ2NwZU1sCGyMbWxwUnBWdO167311feOE2Yd2jAuMNo19jb-OipAblS6VZpfQmhObjZ2qo4qmf6xmr-uxs7TFtUi5Prl8vTa95r6nwuzDM9N-1CPYdtrB227b1Nvn3ajjn-dU7LDtP-1B7YPuDu968NXxivLh8-r8xf66_94= because I dislike the sidestep for revenge of the hunted + scion area IMO. Happy reaving and thanks for your Idea of a different melee build :)
BreezeX wrote:
Seems like dualwielding is in fashion for now and I want to test it out too :) I have my tree like this https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAwIAAAYAXgSxBS0FtQceCC4NjQ3RDkgRlhHVFfYWvxmOI_Yk_SaVKgss4TBxMHw2PTfUOkI-z0MxRwZHfklRSn1LeExgTP9Nkk4qUUdVS1b1V5daGluvYEFh4mJ5YqxjQ2NwZU1sCGyMbWxwUnBWdO167311feOE2Yd2jAuMNo19jb-OipAblS6VZpfQmhObjZ2qo4qmf6xmr-uxs7TFtUi5Prl8vTa95r6nwuzDM9N-1CPYdtrB227b1Nvn3ajjn-dU7LDtP-1B7YPuDu968NXxivLh8-r8xf66_94= because I dislike the sidestep for revenge of the hunted + scion area IMO. Happy reaving and thanks for your Idea of a different melee build :)

Yea ranger is better for sure late game, gotta decide between the voice acting of the shadow or the better efficiency of the ranger tree :D

Hit level 88, switched my tree around and updated the main post. For reference, this is what I was using previously: http://poeurl.com/ztW3rlA
Hey, I'm currently leveling with the Ranger variation of your build and I'm having mana issues. I see you don't even use a mana potion or have any mana leech yet I'm assuming you have no issues. What's your trick? I'm level 39 and everything seems to be going really well but the mana issue is restricting me. Are you running a mana Jewel?
Last edited by Damages17#6244 on Aug 1, 2015, 1:25:11 AM
Damages17 wrote:
Hey, I'm currently leveling with the Ranger variation of your build and I'm having mana issues. I see you don't even use a mana potion or have any mana leech yet I'm assuming you have no issues. What's your trick? I'm level 39 and everything seems to be going really well but the mana issue is restricting me. Are you running a mana Jewel?

When you get enough damage the tip I got from him was to take the 0.4% mana leech node leading down into duelest and then have 0.4% from another source this should be enough. Else just use a mana potion or two or you could use 3 points getting the Spirit void cluster OR grab mind drinker then respec out of them when you get enough DPS.

Also bump for this thread really solid build and knows his stuff!
Why don't you use Fortify on Whirling Blades and add a better damage improvement to your main skill?

I'm rolling your build in tempest. Will try to report my progress here if I don't RIP soon.
For the moment going mainly for HP nodes.

Started Reaving at level 12 and the damage is pretty good. I find it hard to keep my stacks but thats not really an issue.

And I think will have to break my habbit of jumping right in the middle of big packs :D
How does this build hold up for endgame map bosses? I'm stuck between a dagger+aegis or this build and i'm not sure if its good for bosses
AquaFreeze wrote:
Why don't you use Fortify on Whirling Blades and add a better damage improvement to your main skill?

If I have fortify on WB it forces you to jump into packs to keep the buff up, and in late game maps, that is not something I want to be doing with certain mobs. Having fortify on Reave also gives me the consistency where I am sure it is always up. Damage is sitting at ~33k tooltip at the moment (quite a bit higher considering the dual wield bug), damage is not the biggest issue.

Edit: for Warbands/standard go for the damage if you want :D
Last edited by theDeliveryMan#7941 on Aug 5, 2015, 6:18:38 AM
Feu wrote:
How does this build hold up for endgame map bosses? I'm stuck between a dagger+aegis or this build and i'm not sure if its good for bosses

Dagger + aegis is more defensive if you want to be really safe. This build will do more damage at the cost of defense. If you want to push 92+ this build will eventually die to 80+ maps with crazy mods. Also depends how familiar you are with the game and the damage potential of different mobs. I would say you would have more fun clearing with a dual wield build just for the damage/clearspeed.

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