One-Week Cut-Throat feedback
A little feedback about this event.
-loosing all loot on death is very bad and make people quit. Those who wasted all their wisdom scrolls or portal scrolls to buy cold rings/items for bosses and then die cannot go back again. They are stuck with useless skills you can t use because in this game skills need items. At Mid 20s if you die and have no currency anymore you can t even kill monsters anymore with your hands. Solution: I think white items should not drop on death. So you would loose everything else but at least you have a save-life items you can use to re-equip. Another idea would be randomizing the items that you loose on death. So you could keep some in order to be able to still use skills. -you can see other people instance, why can t people in instances know someone is in theirs? I know like that there is a surprise effect but let s be honest most Pkers are abusing the fact they are 10 level higher. At least those guys getting targeted could be able to run from the instance before getting 1 shooted. -Cold snap. In mid 20s skills that freeze are impossible to fight against unless you have flasks with freeze immunity. The problem is how cold snap is basically a skill you can use from far, taking no risk and spamming it. Since those who use it are also 10 level higher the time u use the flask you are already dead. Canceling this skill to drop in cutthroat would make things more fair. Forum pvp Last edited by lolozori#1147 on Jun 11, 2015, 12:25:01 PM
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My main issues with the league is:
Issue 1: People running in pairs or trios - often one who CC and the other who try to dps/kill. It just kills the fun cause you will die 9/10 no matter how good you are when you have to fight two people. Suggestion: Do not show the character names in each instance - instead just show: number of players currently in the instance. This way people who play together over voice chat cannot go to the same instance and gang up on solo players. / Issue 2: Traps at waypoints - basically one or several people can throw tons of traps at the waypoint and move away from sight. When you tp - and as soon as you start moving you are dead. This needs to fixed. Suggestion: When taking a tp, randomly place the character close to the wp instead of exactly on top of it - preventing the pk:er to spam all the different traps on one specific spot. / Issue 3: High level players pk:ing low levels. Its just frustrating cause you basically have no chance as a lvl 7 vs a lvl 11. Not to speak of even bigger differances. Suggestion: Make it impossible for a player of +- levels to join a certain instance. If the instance is lvl 12 maybe just let it be possible for max lvl 15 to join it. / besides these things I find the league pretty fun but at some times very frustrating cause many players are generally pussies with their playstyle |
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I like the pvp. As the OP points out however, loosing all gear on kill is too much and does in fact make it impossible to seek out revenge (the stated response in the event announcement). So far I've seen a gentleman's rule develop - the killer picks through the items and takes one or two and leaves the rest for the victim to return and pick up. This is courtesy. Beyond normal difficulty the resistance issue that having no gear presents usually means instant death to the no equipment player trying to get back to their gear(if any) I would think that the things that drop should be made simpler:
Normal - any Blue, Yellow or Rare equipped and the contents of the inventory. Leave the whites as no one cares anyway. Cruel - Yellow and Rares equipped and inventory contents drop. By this stage Blues and Whites are minimal for monster survival and provide at least a bit of a chance at survival. Merciless - Rares and inventory contents drop. Maybe include a random yellow. One piece of gear at this stage can be devastating. Gems dumping into the inventory is a major PITA and should be the result even under this scheme. I hate it but I love it. On the issue of trapping waypoints - this is a problem. The immunity / entry period should include a radius trap nuker - you enter and any traps in the immediate vicinity go off while you are immune - you see that someone is waiting and they see that someone has entered (and are free to throw more traps) Ganging up - this is kind of fun actually. I solo all the time and have been jumped by pairs. I don't mind so much as long as I have a fighting chance .... which leads to - imbalance. Level range. The fact that a group of players of much higher level can go into a lowbie occupied zone is just wrong. The restriction should be +/- 1 level if under 10, +/- 2 levels if 11-20, ... the main reason is gem levels. There is a massive difference between a level 3 and level 4 cold snap in a +1 cold wand - especially in terms of freezing. I run with maxed out cold resistance and am still constantly frozen by a pk-er +4 levels. This is pure crap. Given the rarity of base currency it is not acceptable to assume everyone will have an anti-freeze pot to activate - especially at low levels. Aside from this I have really enjoyed the event so far but was miffed that there were only a couple of players in the 40-ish bracket. Takes all the fun out of it when you know you are going to be ganked by who. So, rerolled a lowbie for some random action! |
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best event ever, didnt even registered for it
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
First of all, I would like to say that I really love the idea of this mode. The PvP I had at lvls 1-10 was downright amazing and could echo what potentially a mode like this could at it's best be.
However, the PvP quickly fades after that, since the risk is far too great. You can also run into some lame 2v1'ers. It's also pretty unfair when you can be killed by someone 5(?) lvls higher or above. It should be +/-2 of your level, not more or less. Losing 1-2 items on death may be enough(includes stacks such as Scrolls of Wisdom). Otherwise the idea itself is great, and I'd be curious to see how it works out if it's worked to be less unforgiving in the future. Last edited by summoner15#6700 on Jun 17, 2015, 4:47:56 PM
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Had some pretty good laughs griefing people and doing /destroy on their items. Don't think it needs to last this long though.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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My last years feedback +
FIX the gemlevelexploit(or make it HC) Readd maps again. |
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I'm not a particularly experienced player so CT League was fun only until the 3rd or 4th time I got destroyed, and my good yellow or blue equipment taken. I know this is the point, but I quit the League and was glad when it was over. My coping strategy was to equip bad equipment and hope my spells would prove lethal enough. I doubt I got past lvl 10 or 12 or so before I lost interest.
Being ganged up on by 2 players, in tandem, sucked. I did hear one person "say" that you can do a voice connection when playing on Steam. (They were trying to recruit me into a triad). It also sucked when you drop all your equipment getting killed by a monster or a boss or whatever. I can understand dropping the gear when fighting other players, but to lose your gear to the story...I didn't like that. Last edited by Beyond_Mere3D#3961 on Jun 23, 2015, 5:24:15 PM
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