Wanting to 3D print PoE items

So I have recently come across access to a 3D printer, my local library got a loan to get two and the community can use them as long as they take a class on how to use them. I have taken the class and am all ready to use them, and the first thing I thought of when I was thinking of what to make is PoE items of course! I am incredibly far from being able to make 3D models, and I'm guessing there are copyrights on the "official" models that GGG made for the game, however I beleive I've seen some posts in community showcase of people showing off their 3D models that they made. I will look for those and contact those people, however I would like to just make a general post asking for any cool models you guys have made. If you give me an STL file (or probably a different type of file as I'm sure there are converters), I can print it and will take pictures and post them here giving you credit for the design. Thanks!

Please excuse the lack of technical terms. I came across access to a 3D printer, but I don't have any idea how Computer generated 3D work at all.
I am a shadow. I was born the youngest daughter of a respected family, raised to fight, weep and bleed for God and the Order. I would have died to keep my mouth shut. Professional integrity, it's called. That lord sang a different tune once I had taken their children.
Last edited by jugglereli on Jun 8, 2015, 11:45:48 AM
currency orbs, that is what i am going to print first.

i will have access to one, but not until feb 2016. :(

I need more purple titles
some amulet or ring
Just for the record, Tabula Rasa already exists as a 3D object. :P

Personally I'd want a full set of gems and jewels... they'd look amazing on display.

P.S. There's a typo in thread title...
Last edited by Evilnut on Jun 7, 2015, 12:11:36 AM
your public library lets you use this for free?

guess I need to renew my library card...
Evilnut wrote:
Just for the record, Tabula Rasa already exists as a 3D object. :P

Personally I'd want a full set of gems and jewels... they'd look amazing on display.

P.S. There's a typo in thread title...

Thanks for that, can't believe I let that slip through :P And I have made a Tabula Rasa myself too! took a large white shirt and painted sockets, it's my favorite shirt :D
I am a shadow. I was born the youngest daughter of a respected family, raised to fight, weep and bleed for God and the Order. I would have died to keep my mouth shut. Professional integrity, it's called. That lord sang a different tune once I had taken their children.

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