Are Supporters getting Increased Drops?
First off I want to state I've played many leagues over the years and I've come to realize many things... I played Domination, Ambush, Torment/Bloodlines 1 month, most recent 5 day race and all league mods 1 month race. Noticed that 80% or more of the top 20 players in these leagues are all supporters for hardcore/softcore. The remaining 20% team up with these supporters. For some reason I have real bad RNG or whatever you want to call it. In each 3 month league I spent over 50+ ex in maps made it to 95 in Domination and 97 in Ambush all maps I bought from supporters.... Just keep in mind I'm mostly a solo player due to most of the players being from Europe or Australia so I can lag badly when I group.
So you know I did lots of research prior to making this post. I've watched countless streams where people are getting insane map drops and loot. I would watch them when I play and see how they roll their maps and I would do the same but I wouldn't get drops like theirs. (The only difference is they purchased supporter packs). Also want to state I can do 8 well rolled maps in a row and get all low maps so I buy alot of maps basically use all my currency. 90% of the maps I bought in races/leagues were from supporters. Last one month my curiosity got the best of me and dealt with the lag and ran with a few supporters where they rolled and opened maps. Ran a few hours with 4+ supporters and for every map they rolled and did with me they got at least one of the same map level in return up to 5 maps. I remember rolling 10 Shipyards I bought for 4 or 5 ex in 1 month Torment/Bloodlines and I got 1 x 77 and 1 x 78 back. Keep in mind when I roll 76+ and goin for exp I use 4 x chisels plus alch or trans/aug making it 50-100+ Quantity. I really enjoy the competitiveness but giving supporters the edge isn't fair. GGG has proved they do favor the supporters by giving them free beta access :D . It's really disturbing when I'm mostly running 70-72 maps while supporters are running 76-78 maps and have good map pools. It's real tough to pay for maps and try to gear your character usually have to do one or the other unless you get supporter RNG where u can sell off 73-76 maps to upgrade your gear LOL. Every single race it's always same people in top 20-50 if it was RNG/luck eventually it would run out wouldn't it xD Bottom line is most of these supporters don't even realize it but they are getting better loot and more map drops. Maybe cause they been a supporter for so long who knows... If I could afford a supporter pack I would just so I could compete. 80% of top 20 in leagues are supporters or play with supporters . You won't see a only solo player non supporter up there that's for sure LOL(maybe if I was still playin the league) Here's an interesting screenshot I took sadly I missed the guy who was selling 73-77 maps on 1 month All Leagues ![]() Hopefully this will be the last post by me regarding these leagues until they make them an even playing field. Now can rage all you want. Please don't message me about this post or message me in game all will be ignored. Just thought some truth should come out even though all the supporters will deny it xD WTB Map drops since 2013
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Stash tabs
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The reason you see top 20s as supporters are because they've been playing the game for years and know the efficient things to do. Drops don't even factor into it.
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I've never had a tier 1 unique drop.
I got ming's heart once, which I don't think is tier 1. Tier 1 being shavs, kaoms, etc etc. I make a shit load of money, knowing how to accurately price items. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter."
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I've bought stash tabs twice, and had 2x kaoms drop. Coincidence? I think not.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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We appreciate your passion however your question about supporters receiving an increased drop rate is unfounded.
You spoke about rolling your maps the same as others but the outcome being different but one area you didn't discuss was your IIQ and IIR. While these won't affect map drops in a map they do influence the rare and unique drops. So you can chisel and roll your maps as per the experts, but if your IIQ and IIR are low then you'd going to have poorer results. I understand your concerns about party lag but this is also where you're missing out: Each player after the first adds a bonus +10% Increased item quantity and 40% Increased item rarity to the party. For Gems and Currency items, party members add 50% Increased item quantity and 0% Increased item rarity. Bonuses to Increased item rarity from modifiers on player gear are only counted from the player who lands the killing blow. Any quantity bonus from a Map is multiplicative with all other modifiers. So with no other modifiers a full party of 6 will receive 50% IIQ and 200% IIR just for turning up. I too often prefer to play solo but I understand the advantages of partying and when there's low lag, and you have a good team, it's an awesome way to play :) With GGG adding new Servers hopefully you can get lower lag in the near future. Also look into a local guild, then you can team up with people nearby, and hopefully with players that have a similar style so you all enjoy the game. Good luck! |
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They play more that's about it->more maps->bigger chance of a carthographers strongbox in a high map.
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" hey hilbert, how's it going? [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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Stash tabs allow for quicker and greater volume of transactions. 8 tabs are constantly producing chaos/regal orbs, 10 tabs of storage for trading items, spare gem tab, map tab etc. When you can store more, you sell more.
Play longer sessions. These guys play for 8+ hours a day, and have done so pretty much for the past 2 years. They play the game on a different level than most others. They can get to Merciless within 8 hours, and they can farm 15 maps in an hour while you struggle to complete 5. This is the same as a pro in Starcraft who can get out Siege Tanks two minutes before you normally do, or that guy on Street Fighter than can land an air combo where you cannot. The ability to use your currency wisely is in fact, a skill that these people have practice through racing and playing the past few years. These players play in groups, so the map pool you are seeing is usually a collected effort. For example, you have 4 players in your group, and everyone runs their 76s solo and amasses their 77/78s in the guild bank to run together. Rather than say "they must be cheating", or "the game must cheat for them", why don't you ask "What are these players doing differently that consistently places them at the top of the ladders?" If you asked the latter question you'd get a much more useful response that you could work with and build on rather than just sitting there looking all sad, convinced that other players get an unfair advantage over you. |
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Never lucky babyrage
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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