Ice Queen - Coc freeze whole screen // Added solo palace run

Hello everyone, a few people asked me if I can write a build guide after seeing me run this build.
Without going into too much detail, I wanted a build that can clear at a reasonable speed and be able to do single target damage. I also wanted to avoid cyclone and discharge since those cause huge amounts of desync in my case, that's how I came up with this.

Using two eleron rings allows double purity and sustaining of the skill casting without problems


- Good clear speed
- Freezes 90% of mobs on screen
- No mana problems
- Good single target
- Simple to gear up


- Reflect can hurt without flask
- Doesn't insta leech
- probably more I can't think of

Here's my current passive tree, I'll be adding a lower level one shortly

Passive tree scion lvl 96

Untested vaal pact tree

Experimental acuity tree I run now

Good alternative acuity tree, doom cast and arcane potency can be replaced by more life. Very little requirements from the rings since we get so much resists from the tree


Few things are mandatory for this build:

Since I rely on having 7 power charges and don't want to waste a socket for pcoc volls is the best choice

Not much to say here, by far the best crit helm in the game, it also gives nice attack speed

Good cold damage and cold leech

Probably the most important after volls, using vagan's dagger saves getting any accuracy on gear or tree

Extra 4% max res and some spell damage on shield, you can of course use a rare shield with more damage if you feel like you need it but this one will also give a boost reflect defence

for the rest of the items all you really need is as much life as possible and 2% mana leech:

Slight Update:

Those rings allow dropping clarity and running double purity instead


My mapping setup is
Molten strike + cast on crit + multistrike + Increased AoE + Ice nova + glacial cascade

Highest dps setup:
Molten strike + cast on crit + multistrike + Conc effect + Glacial cascade + flame surge/cold snap

5L setup:
Molten strike + cast on crit + multistrike + Ice nova + glacial cascade

Herald of thunder + Herald of ice + purity of ice + purity of fire


I could use some help with calculations
With current setup I kill second phase palace dominus with extra life in 4s or slightly less

Avg dmp for spells:
13k flame surge
9k glacial cascade



sloppy death (forgot I didn't have acuity and tried to tank bosses... + another one to desync and no acuity again)

solo palace

Please post any questions and suggestions and I'll gladly answer. Also big thanks to Ozzzono for help with theorycrafting and Jobless_torment for recording the video
Last edited by skedra#3267 on May 20, 2015, 3:23:52 AM
Really nice build man! Maybe you could pick up Survivalist for 2 points and grab the +1% max cold res to deal with reflect a bit better.
I thought about it, I'm trying to get rid of clarity to run purity of ice + purity of fire/lightning.
Why is there fire leech on your weapon instead of spell damage?
You can't craft spell dmg on daggers with masters, also I use flame surge when I gem swap to single target. It was basically the least useless stat to put on it
Just copy&paste from my reddit feedback:

It looks like a Dagger Version of Coc Slam with Molten Strike instead of GS.

Its a really fun build and with daggers you get some more Crit Chance i guess.
That said, i tried playing with Molten on my CoC Slam too and i can only say that its a lot more dangerous to play, with Groundslam you can keep some distance, with molten you have to be right in the face of the Boss.

The single target is alot better with Molten, while packclearing is a lot faster with GS.

That said, if you are looking to improve the build her are some thoughts:

-You are passing right by the whispers of Doom Cluster, you could use HoT or HoI to Dualcurse with Ele Weakness + Warlords Mark/Ass Mark/Frostbite imrpoving your Mana Situation with Leech from Warlords and be saver from Reflect with Life Leech.
-If you do that, or just curse with Warlords without Dual Curse, you´d have some solid Leech to go VP without Accuitys
-You can skip the wasted Life Regen Nodes on the way out from Scion and go out through the Res Side, giving you more options to get higher Life on your Rare Gear as you don´t need that much resists on it.
-Doing that would also be a good reason to do it as Scion, as getting VP is the only good reason to do so, without it a Templar,Witch or Shadow start would be a lot better.
Here´s a Tree i made from yours, i cut some Crit Chance to get Dualcurse + VP in, as i assume you got enough with Dagger+7 Charges. (i get to 87% with my CoC Slam using a Scepter)

VaalPact + Dual Curse Skilltree
Current Builds:
All in one Thread until i make new Guides
Last edited by ZweihundertMorder#5678 on May 17, 2015, 2:03:14 PM
You pick up a lot of useless things travelling from scion to templar. You could start as witch/shadow/templar for more damage, save 4 points and pick up the same amount of life elsewhere.

Something like this.
Yeah I probably could, I had this scion sitting around though so I figured I may as well use her
Added a solo palace run

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