Undying Wander (Coil + MoM)

I always wanted to use Lightning Coil and Mind over Matter together.
So this whole build depends on that. After figuring out how can I make that combination work, it seemed to me that Kinetic Blast was the most effective and safest skill to use.

And after playing with this build for sometime, I can honestly say that it is quite HC viable. Actually I don't remember a single RIP after I started mapping. And in that time I managed to kill 74 Hasted Abaxoth, 78 Palace Twinned Dom and bunch of other things you would normally hesitate to engage in HC. Without dying of course, otherwise it wouldn't mean much.

Note: Bear in mind that this build might not be so viable in the next patches to come(especially with new EB) but I will surely try to make it work again, even if I fail.

Current Passive Tree

Final Passive Tree

Bandits: Oak / Kill / Alira

Build starts to kick in around LVL60(at this point you reach MoM, get your Coil and get a nice Imbued Wand), until then I would suggest playing defensively. I leveled up with EK, it was my personal choice you can pretty much level with anything you feel comfortable.

So how does this build actually function? It's pretty simple actually.
We get a nice Hybrid Eva/ES shield and start stacking some Block nodes(the ones that give %increased Defences from Equipped Shield). This bonus stacks additively with any ES or Mana bonus you have. This way we're getting between 1.2K-1.8K(depending on your shield) Energy Shield just from the Shield. This gives us a huge Mana pool to work with.


Since we really need a reasonable unreserved Mana pool for Mind over Matter to become effective and we really don't wanna bother taking Mana Reservation nodes, Hatred is not an option for us. That's why we're using 3 Heralds instead. I actually tried dropping one of the Heralds and using Clarity instead to use a low level Arctic Armour but I actually saw no benefit, so I switched back to triple Heralds setup.



This was a self crafted Wand, pretty decent but nothing Major. I would suggest getting at least 10% crit chance on your weapon and it should really have no less than 1.5APS. Above 180 PDPS should be fine for clearing 78 Maps, but ideally you would want have a atleast 225PDPS.


One of the most crucial items in this build. You really need at least 300ES on your shield and decent life. Resists are good bonus but it also means that you're gonna have to pay more. So if you're on a budget build I would just suggest looking for ES first and then Life and then Resistance(Mainly Lightning). And ideally, you would want it to be hybrid shield. But if you got no other choice, pure ES would do the work also.


As you might imagine, this is our core item for this build to function properly. Ideally you would want to have atleast 5L.

I really felt tanky enough to utilize both aggresive uniques like Rat's Nest and Maligaro's with no life or resist at all. And a lot of the damage comes from both of these, but if you really need to pick one I would say Rat's Nest.


Kinetic Blast
Greater Multiple Projectiles - Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Faster Attacks - Power Charge on Critical - Weapon Elemental Damage



You might wonder, why not Life Gain on Hit or Life Leech at all? Because at the current meta, this build is purely reflect immune. If you're careful(that means just hitting your Jade Flask to achieve 95% Proj Evasion) there is no way you're dying to reflect. I managed even run reflect maps and survive double reflect mobs, it only slows you down, doesn't come close to killing you. Ondar's Guile is pretty strong and necessary, that's why it's getting nerfed.

Note: You might also notice that I'm not actually running this setup, my current setup is KB-GMP-PPAD-FA and Increased Critical Strike Damage. The reason behind is that, I simply don't like using PCOC. Instead I'm using Herald of Ice - Curse on Hit - Assassin's Mark setup. And in short, I'm calling it Poor Man's PCOC. When I hit a pack of mob and I crit, they explode and die and I get my 5 charges instantly. For me, there is not much need for PCOC. I've never had a problem with getting charges up.

Power Siphon
Physical Projectile Attack Damage - Faster Attacks - Weapon Elemental Damage

HoI Setup in Action

Might wanna click on the GIF to see it in slower fashion.

For defensive purposes, I also used Smoke Mine with Inc AoE and Inc Duration gem, movespeed bonus from Smoke Mine is quite nice actually.

Think I covered it mostly, will update it surely tho if I think I missed something crucial.
Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.
Last edited by rockmassif#5784 on Apr 24, 2015, 12:57:47 AM

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