Ormsen's 2H Leap Slam/Ice Crash Heavy Striker Permastun(PMS) build.
Hello everybody I'm the king of failure. I've had to come up with something strong in order not to succumb to the RIPs that wait for me around every corner. Since the royal treasury tends to run low I had to stay on the cheap side! The build will work with axes, maces and swords but I prefer axes for team play as maces get culling strike and swords are hard to use for stun. Here is what my royal self came up with:
(updated to 2.0.0!!!) i swapped leapslam for icecrash yet still keep a leapslam around for elemental reflect maps that i rly wanna do it's rather easy just swap it with the ice crash and you no longer have the 50 phy to ele conversion and just take off your elemental auras and turn on determination. that way you end up with pure phy damage and if you should meet a phy reflect you now have determination activated which should put you at around 75% phy damage reduction. also u still have endurance charges generated from endurance charge on melee stun. the charges will feed your immortal call you cast each time you take damage from the reflection. ![]() http://www.twitch.tv/ormsen1/profile so the build can run with all three kinds of weapons (2H) I've tried axe and hammer and they work super good. I'm guessing that would also be doable.
The passives (Early version weapon not defined)
The passives (Axe version)
High level https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEA9kg9_FhjxtiMz-8OFCBfP1BH5FEJlpd5OQ7yLxo-KS58uGoeajvZfIIH8kHSIXzZ9zLqGPjrFHGtjc9-dqyRzrvtpzCezd6WtqSYCp_LAec26GEhGlWE73h6qSeplIdqhNm9Nkd-ZU2-p9rBeu8FLXTtQKBeE8CmB3XcPSFVJyCKIiz7rlD-a2WnE8mkGbYsJd8b-vxLFE28nxiR975ul_KcWf4wd-JhwaNkUhNMJvgX4U4yaGXz3Ua3029qAZe0Valyqbc-g8w8LcauxPaDX_5UDc0rUBzOr6fYvf4KMZ6mVzrh8kU= Maxed level https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEA9kg9_FhjxtiMz-8OFCBfP1BH5FEJlpd5OQ7yLxo-KS58uGoeajvZfIIH8kHSIXzZ9zLqGPjrFHGtjc9-dqyRzrvtpzCezd6WtqSYCp_LAec26GEhGlWE73h6qSeplIdqhNm9Nkd-ZU2-p3rvBS107UCgXhPApgd13D0hVScgiiIs-65Q_mtlpxPJpBm2LCXfG_r8SxRNvJ8Ykfe-bpfynFn-MHfiYcGjZFITTCb4F-FOMmhl891Gt9NvagGXtFWpcqm3PoPMPC3GrsT2g1_-VA3NK1Aczq-n2L3-CjGeplc64fJFouoS4ZLQe4xN4_6P got to rank 36 in torment league with this build (= ^ currently around 150 in warbands (= ^^
The passives (mace version)
High level https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEA9kg9_FhjxtiMz-8OFCBfP1BH5FEJlpd5OQ7yLxo-KS58uGoeajvZfIIH8kHSIXzZ9zLqGPjrFHGtjc9-dqyRzrvtpzCezd6WtqSYCp_LAec26GEhGlWE73h6qSeplIdqhNm9Nkd-ZU2-p3rvBS107UCgXhPApgd13D0hVScgiiIs-6QZtiwl3xv6_EsUTbyfGJH3vm6X8pxoZfPdRrfTb2oBl7RVqXKptz6DzDwtxq7E9oNf_lQNzStQHM6vp9i9_goxnqZXOuHyRXuM2sGGYOStYMQZ6WCRnsU7O3dTUeZBPyE0tC_fspSH Maxed level https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEA9kg9_FhjxtiMz-8OFCBfP1BH5FEJlpd5OQ7yLxo-KS58uGoeajvZfIIH8kHSIXzZ9zLqGPjrFHGtjc9-dqyRzrvtpzCezd6WtqSYCp_LAec26GEhGlWE73h6qSeplIdqhNm9Nkd-ZU2-p3rvBS107UCgXhPApgd13D0hVScgiiIs-6QZtiwl3xv6_EsUTbyfGJH3vm6X8pxoZfPdRrfTb2oBl7RVqXKptz6DzDwtxq7E9oNf_lQNzStQHM6vp9i9_goxnqZXOuHyRXuMhmDkrWDEGelgkZ7FOzt3U1HmQT8hNLQv37KUhxLhktCi6k3j
The passives (sword version)
High level https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEA9kg9_FhjxtiMz-8OFCBfP1BH5FEJlpd5OQ7yLxo-KS58uGoeajvZfIIH8kHSIXzZ9zLqGPjrFHGtjc9-dqyRzrvtpzCezd6WtqSYCp_LAec26GEhGlWE73h6qSeplIdqhNm9Nkd-ZU2-p3rvBS107UCgXhPApgd13D0hVScgiiIs-6QZtiwl3xv6_EsUTbyfGJH3vm6X8pxoZfPdRrfTb2oBl7RVqXKptz6DzDwtxq7E9oNf_lQNzStQHM6vp9i9_goxnqZXOuHyRXuMiO2p-uHvYxfXfsEHG6oQ8PJagTr3TXYrgIon7drB Maxed level https://poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgEA9kg9_FhjxtiMz-8OFCBfP1BH5FEJlpd5OQ7yLxo-KS58uGoeajvZfIIH8kHSIXzZ9zLqGPjrFHGtjc9-dqyRzrvtpzCezd6WtqSYCp_LAec26GEhGlWE73h6qSeplIdqhNm9Nkd-ZU2-p3rvBS107UCgXhPApgd13D0hVScgiiIs-6QZtiwl3xv6_EsUTbyfGJH3vm6X8pxoZfPdRrfTb2oBl7RVqXKptz6DzDwtxq7E9oNf_lQNzStQHM6vp9i9_goxnqZXOuHyRXuMiO2p-uHvYxfXfsEHG6oQ8PJagTr3TXYrgIon7RLhktCi6k3j Stuff to keep in mind: First you must know that this build isn't the fastest clearing in the game. It's not your EA or rainbow discharge. However, it can do most content without any problems. I've done Atziri with no resist flasks and since I'm not a big fan of running around I tend to face tank her. This means that I lose a portal here and there but I always end up getting the kill. Ûber Atziri is another story; on my character in Torment I was able to get 6,1k hp so I don't know if some Atziri genius, with flasks would be able to pull it off because then this build can do it all. How stun works: As it says in the headline it's a “PMS” build. The way that the chance to stun an enemy is calculated is based on the enemy's max health pool. As a lot of CI people likely already know the lower your health -- the easier you get stunned. The way stun works is if you deal 20% of the defenders effective max life you have a certain chance to stun it. In order to reach 100% chance to stun you need to deal 50% of their effective max life. This means that if you can stun something solo you can stun it in a 6 man group as max life is a set value. The formula for calculating stun chance is: Stun chance=200*raw damage per hit/defender effective max life. Some monsters have an extremely high life pool and can therefore be hard to stun but as the formula suggests there are two ways of dealing with this. 1: get more raw damage per hit. 2: lower the defenders effective max life… and lower it we will. We are not going to lower the monsters actual heath, but we lower the required damage needed to successfully make a stun. This is where reduced stun threshold comes into the picture. Lowering the stun threshold means lowering the amount of damage you need to deal in order to stun your opponent. Heavy strike have 25% reduced enemy stun threshold and the Stun support gem have 49% at level 20 (50% at 21) that puts us at 75%. Normally I also get some on the belt (15% max) which puts us around 90%. At 90% you only need to deal 1,56% of the defenders max life in order to have a chance to stun and 7,8% to have 100% chance to stun. If you get lucky and get a 6 link you can even add in endurance charge on melee stun which is another 19%-20% which puts us at the numbers 1,04% for chance and 5,2% for 100%. This together with damage scaling will enable you to stun even Dominus on the 78 palace map or Atziri in her split phase. the base stun duration of stun is 350ms but can be increased via increased stun duration from gems, passives and gear. other things that can increase the duration is Temp chains and chill still testing out the stun with the new higher maps (atm im trying to get a little more dps and I'm going to see how many bosses i can stun. The gear As mentioned the build needed to be cheap… and it is. It works just fine with all rare i The axe: The hammer: Marohi Erqi is a good option for the increased area of effect gem which means u could use a conc effect. The sword: Doomsower could be a good ider also because of the increased area of effect yet a rare with high deeps is needed for endgame (look for somthing like 300-450) The single most important piece of your gear is your weapon. This is where your DPS comes from and also part of your defense, as stunning your enemy means it can't hit you. As we saw in the formula for stun the chance to stun is based off of the damage of the hit you perform and not your DPS. It's better to hit them hard rather than hitting them 9001 times with less damage in each hit. So you are on the lookout for a hard hitting weapon. Let us say you have the opportunity to buy a weapon with a base damage of 300-500 and with 1 attack speed or a 200-375 with 2 attack speed. The first weapon have 400 DPS and the other have 575 but you have to choose the first one as it hits harder and therefore is more likely to stun. This also means that it's going to be a lot cheaper as people don't like these slow weapons and sells them off cheap. The base for axes would be Karui chopper, for maces Karui maul, for swords Vaal greatsword. The rest of the gear: For the rest of the gear is all about getting you resists and try to find life where you can, then you are set from the beginning. However, we scale our damage with high physical damage which means reflect is going to be a problem so when you got your resist and life it's time to get more armor on Torment I was rather lucky to get a 30fire res 30 cold 30 lightning 80 life and almost 1800 armor chest plate. As for jewelry you would go for the last resist life physical damage and some life or mana leech as u need some of this, I had 1% mana leech and 3% life leech which was more than enough. Endgame options If you are lucky and find that GG items that sells for a trillion exalted orbs you can consider these expensive endgame items: Daresso's salute this is really nice as you get some movement speed, damage and +2 weapon range. Depending on if you have chosen mace, axe or sword. Atziri's disfavour vaal axe, this is a very fine weapon. It offers high physical damage and the bleed weapon range and +2 to all support gems is just insane. Marohi erqi karui maul this also offers high damage and the Increased area of effect is going to help your Leap slam a lot. The down side is the reduced movement and the low attack speed but you get enough attack speed from passives and from multi strike so it won't feel too slow. Doomsower lion sword we don't have any really high DPS swords out there but this like Marohi has the area of effect to help our Leap slam a bit. However, I would still say u needed a better sword than this if you want to be PMS'ing with a sword.
My gear from torment
My gear from warnands
Gems a very important gem is Endurance charge on melee stun as this will give you a lot of endurance charges when added to your Leap slam and if you are on a reflect map then your Immortal call will go off each time you hit something but because you have so many charges from the gem u can keep immortal call running and therefore not take any reflect damage. Gems will be listed in the order you need to add them while you level. Leap slam/icecrash: I normally put in the weapon. Leap slam/icecrash, Added fire, Melee physical, fortify, increased area of effect (for marohi and doomsower u could use conc) and last add the weapon elemental damage gloves: leapslam vengance lifeleech bloodrage(could use vaal cyclone insted of blood rage for lower levels but it's risky and you will die some times so if u wanna have fun vaal cyclone if u wanna level dont use it or be very smart about it hehe) boots: Cast when damage taken, warlords mark, Immortal call, Increased duration. Auras: I have in my helmet enduring cry (you could swap for another cry if u like), Harald of ash, Hatred, flame golem. Armor: in the armor there are some options u can put your Heavy strike. heavy strike, added fire, melee physical, stun, weapon elemental, endurance charge on melee stun (you can then swap melee physical on full life and multistrike in if the maps is cannnot be stunned( or fortify insted of melee phy on full life)) Bandits Oak, Oak(or skill point) and Kraityn
My lootfilter
Show Rarity = Unique PlayAlertSound 6 300 Show Class "Quest Item" Show BaseType "Empower" PlayAlertSound 6 300 Show Class "Gems" Quality > 0 SetBorderColor 200 0 50 SetTextColor 0 225 0 PlayAlertSound 1 200 Show Class "Map" SetBorderColor 200 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 100 PlayAlertSound 5 200 Show Class "Jewel" SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0 Show Class "Flask" Quality > 0 SetTextColor 250 0 0 Show Class "Fishing Rod" SetTextColor 255 0 0 SetBorderColor 255 0 0 SetBackgroundColor 255 255 255 255 SetFontSize 45 PlayAlertSound 6 300 Hide BaseType "Hybrid" Show BaseType "Granite Flask" SetTextColor 250 0 0 Hide BaseType "Small Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 12 Hide BaseType "Medium Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 20 Hide BaseType "Large Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 30 Hide BaseType "Greater Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 34 Hide BaseType "Grand Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 37 Hide BaseType "Giant Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 42 Hide BaseType "Colossal Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 47 Hide BaseType "Sacred Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 54 Hide BaseType "Hallowed Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 55 Hide BaseType "Sanctified Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 58 Hide BaseType "Divine Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 65 Hide BaseType "Eternal Life Flask" ItemLevel >= 67 Hide BaseType "Small Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 15 Hide BaseType "Medium Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 20 Hide BaseType "Large Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 30 Hide BaseType "Greater Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 34 Hide BaseType "Grand Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 37 Hide BaseType "Giant Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 42 Hide BaseType "Colossal Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 47 Hide BaseType "Sacred Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 54 Hide BaseType "Hallowed Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 60 Hide BaseType "Sanctified Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 60 Hide BaseType "Divine Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 65 Hide BaseType "Eternal Mana Flask" ItemLevel >= 67 Show Class "Flask" Show LinkedSockets = 6 SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 SetBorderColor 0 255 0 PlayAlertSound 1 200 Show Sockets >= 6 SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 PlayAlertSound 1 200 Show LinkedSockets >= 5 SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 Show ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity = Rare SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0 Hide BaseType "Coral Ring" "Unset" "Paua Ring" "Chain Belt" "Heavy Belt" "Studded Belt" "Cloth Belt" "Amethyst Ring" "Iron Ring" ItemLevel >= 10 Rarity = Normal Show Class "Ring" "Belt" "Amulet" ItemLevel >= 75 Rarity = Normal SetBackgroundColor 0 0 100 SetBorderColor 0 0 200 SetTextColor 0 200 0 Hide BaseType "Ruby Ring" "Sapphire Ring" "Iron Ring" "Two-Stone Ring" "Gold Amulet" "Onyx Amulet" "Gold Ring" ItemLevel >= 20 Rarity = Normal Hide BaseType "Rustic Sash" ItemLevel >= 50 Rarity = Normal Show Class "Ring" "Belt" "Amulet" Rarity = Normal SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0 Show ItemLevel >= 60 Rarity = Rare SetBackgroundColor 0 100 0 Show BaseType "Exalted Orb" "Divine Orb" "Chaos Orb" "Regal Orb" "Gemcutter's Prism" "Vaal Orb" SetTextColor 0 200 0 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0 PlayAlertSound 1 200 Show BaseType "Mirror of Kalandra" "Albino Rhoa Feather" SetTextColor 255 0 20 SetBackgroundColor 100 0 0 SetBorderColor 0 255 0 PlayAlertSound 4 300 Show Class "Perandus Coin" SetTextColor 196 0 98 SetBorderColor 0 40 30 Show Class "Currency" SetTextColor 196 0 98 Show BaseType "Stone Hammer" "Rock Breaker" "Gavel" Rarity = Normal SetTextColor 255 0 20 Show SocketGroup RGB SetTextColor 255 0 200 Hide Class "Divination" BaseType "Carrion Crow" "The Metalsmith's Gift" Show Class "Divination" SetBackgroundColor 0 128 0 SetBorderColor 0 255 0 PlayAlertSound 1 200 Show Sockets >= 3 SocketGroup W Show BaseType "Sorcerer Boots" Rarity = Normal Show BaseType "Glorious Plate" "Zodiac Leather" "Assassin's Garb" "Vaal Regalia" "Titan Greaves" "Slink Boots" "Sorcerer Boots" "Titan Gauntlets" "Slink Gloves" "Sorcerer Gloves" "Eternal Burgonet" "Lion Pelt" "Hubris Circlet" "Titanium Spirit Shield" "Harmonic Spirit Shield" SetTextColor 255 0 20 ItemLevel > 83 Show BaseType "Fleshripper" "Harbinger Bow" "Gemini Claw" "Imperial Skean" "Ambusher" "Spiraled Foil" "Jewelled Foil" "Dragoon Sword" "Exquisite Blade" "Imbued Wand" "Prophecy Wand" "Profane Wand" SetTextColor 255 0 20 ItemLevel > 82 Show BaseType "Harbinger Bow" ItemLevel > 76 Show BaseType "Talisman" Hide Rarity = Normal ItemLevel > 15 Hide Rarity = Magic ItemLevel > 30 you can always look me up if you have questions http://www.twitch.tv/ormsen1/profile Last edited by ormsen1#3503 on Mar 3, 2016, 6:28:16 PM
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Last edited by ormsen1#3503 on Mar 19, 2015, 9:56:35 AM
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hey i was actually into this build absolutely not knowing any of not-obvious game mechanics :noob:
and only mistake i'v made, and it is quite noticable as i understand now, is about choosing attack speed vs raw damage for stuns ) thanks Last edited by old_joe#4503 on May 22, 2015, 6:59:41 AM
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Looks very nice and fresh with no fancy tricks, just pure melee damage, high HP and armor. Very cool. I will try something like this in HC when I feel comfortable about obtaining some gear for it.
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I confirm this build is a pretty unkillable(almost heh) and OpieOP in DPS.
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Can we get a 2.0 update?
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should be updated for 2.0.0
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can you please post stats?
dps values / defense Domine Non Es Dignus
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the passive tree will be updated when Ascendancy comes out with ideas for which class to pic and stuff as for the requested stats i dont rly have a guy atm that isn't reset and not on standard but all i can say is that i normally get aronud 130-150k heavy strike and around 70k ice crash life is about 6k and my armor gives me about phy 60-70% damage reduction so high armor. normally i also go for some chaos resist on gear so my resist is maxed for the elements and chaos is at about 0 to +20.
i will start streaming again for talisman league so you can always look me up to get the new passive tree if you need it. i will play the new contagion and if it turns out nice i will also make a guide for that build. GL on talisman later today... the hype is real! |
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