[1.3 Torment] DRelentless' "Classic" Ceaseless Discharger (Budget Build)

So you want to make a "yolo" build for a new league? A build that clears as fast as Lameblast, CoCs, Crit Wander, Burn Prolif, Mjolner? or maybe even faster, and definitely not Boring?! And you also want a build that is cheap and very suitable for a new league? Tanky enough not to die 50 times before reaching 85? and easily handles reflect? well, here's for you.. probably the most fun you'll ever have playing POE.

Build: "Classic" Ceaseless Discharger

Budget: 4exa

Not meant for HC, but..
Atziri not yet tested
Not an "End" Build. Still In progress - Just proof of concept

How to make it work?

1.) Spell Max Crit

Sample Calculation:
Passives = 420
Weapon 1 = 175
Weapon 2 = 175
Rat's Nest = 70
Rings/Amy = 60
Total unbuffed = 900% ----> 80% Discharge chance to crit ("The Sweet Spot")

With Power Charges
6 charges = 300
Total buffed = 1200% ----> 104% Discharge chance to crit (but 95% is max)
So... you only need 4 charges at least everytime?

With Assassin's mark
9% additional "flat" chance to crit
You almost always apply shock, so you almost always apply curse (right?)
So... you only need 2 power charges actually to be at max crit everytime

2.) Crit Gears & Current Gears/Gems Setup

- Voll's Protector is a must (as always..)
- Rats Nest (BIS for a budget)
- 2 Daggers with 175%+ Spell Crit chance ("Kris" Daggers are great - instant 80%!)
- Crit rings/amulet with a lot of resist & life (60% total crit here is enough, we are on a budget and in a new league remember?)

Current Gears & Gem Setup

3.) 6 Power Charges & 5 Frenzy Charges with VAAL PACT

- 21k+ dps @level 18 Discharge, 5L & considered cheap gears (no bloated Conc. effect dps)
- while still low level (mid 60s) 3 frenzy charges is enough
- You are "reflect resistant", even without using a Topaz Flask.
- @6L Voll's, lvl 21 discharge and better gears. A 50k+ damage though is lethal, and may gets you killed in reflect without a flask

4.) 50%+ Chaos resist & Blood Rage

- Blood Rage gem grants you a frenzy charge every kill, which increases damage and cast speed (25% cast speed @5 charges)
- We are using Bloodrage with 4% life degen, so at 50% chaos resist, 2% degen is manageable
- only 2 item slot needs to be unique, so 4 item slot should have high chaos resist

5.) Defensive Mitigation - Pure Armour best for face tanking

- Iron Reflex is better than acrobatics, because getting too close gets you a lot of small hits that can stun you if you don't have armour, and your casting will be disrupted easily. Since you also can't wear LC or COF for phys mitigation.

- 9.5k Armour with lvl 18 Grace & Determination in decent gears.

- "Standard" CwDT-IC-EC-IncD setup, more effective with armour based builds

Defensive Stats & Discharge Dmg

6. Auras & Heralds

- @level 65 transition:
Grace + Purity of Elements + Reduced mana
Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassin's Mark (no need RM gem)

- @level 78 (with Charisma aura nodes):
Grace + Determination + Reduced mana (assumed you already can capped resist)

7.) Single Target Bosses

- Vaal Storm Call - Light Penetration - Spell Echo - Blood Magic
- Spark - Light Penetration - Spell Echo - Blood Magic (shotgun up-close efficient)
- Whatever you fancy..

8.) Bandits (Oak, Passive, Alira)

9.) Leveling & Miscellaneous

- Transition to the build at level 65, do whatever lightning skills you like leveling
Start of with:
> 6 Power Charges, 3 frenzy Charges
> Temporary use Blood Dance boots (if still can't use Blood Rage)

- Spell Damage or Crit Multiplier ?
> since you are almost always crits, a 10% crit multi equals 12-14% spell dmg, Craft Crit multi from Vagan, its cheaper that way, since you cannot craft spell dmg on daggers

- Increase Duration nodes is great here. Buff for Heralds, Immortal Call, Vaal SC, curse, Blood Rage

- Crafting 1-2% Lightning Leech on daggers is highly recommended, your Herald of Thunder gives you some life leech back to counter some Blood Rage degen

10.) Passive Tree

11.) Gameplay Videos

Sample level 71 map run

Running with 5L Voll's Protector, Level 17 Discharge and just decent cheap gears.


Last edited by Drelentless#4948 on Feb 8, 2015, 4:58:16 PM
Video up - Sorry for poor video quality atm.
Last edited by Drelentless#4948 on Feb 8, 2015, 10:07:15 AM
I'm level 40 and i start to use discharge often but right now my main attack is lightning strike.
Nice build and guide.

What do you think of a Voll's Devotion for this build ?
Floleb7 wrote:
I'm level 40 and i start to use discharge often but right now my main attack is lightning strike.
Nice build and guide.

What do you think of a Voll's Devotion for this build ?

Thanks man. doing it at level 60+ will be more effective when you got those crit gears and passives.

Voll's Devotion does not help much, because I did not invest in any Endurance charges on tree, also I need those charges to be consumed for Immortal call. which is a must in almost every build, if you want to level to 90's.

A good amulet with very high crit multi + spell dmg and crit is somehow comparable to what a 3 endurance charges would give in terms of damage, since your lightning damage have penetration, fire does not have (but-currently using a Windscream @ lvl 88 added Ele weakness, will update thread again after I can find a weapon upgrade or crafted).

I'm 67 now and having real difficulty with the boss. I use vaal strom call and either i kill the boss quickly or i have trouble doing it at all.
Floleb7 wrote:
I'm 67 now and having real difficulty with the boss. I use vaal strom call and either i kill the boss quickly or i have trouble doing it at all.

It might take some time to get used to killing bosses if not used to the build, but once you do, they will die quickly as u mentioned most of the time. Things you have to practice:

-You have to be aggressive, just plunge inside right away, you have vaal pact and flask that recharges.
- stongboxes, bosses, exiles, fight them usually when they have mobs nearby, avoid 1 on 1
- cast vaal stormcall the moment u encounter bosses, it recharges fast, it will give you PC when it crits as well, so you have continuous Power charges actually
- ice spear gmp can shot gun, when u hit a single mob in the right angle, you'll get 5 PC immediately from a single target if you do it properly.
- again, be aggressive, this is how you play this build and it's actually safer, once you're used to it

Link me your gears, because usually you can 2-3 shot bosses when at full charge at low level maps. Just a note, I did jump straight away to lvl 69-70s maps at lvl 68, once I got familiar with the game style, Trust me I don't have a pro-streamer's game reflexes, I just felt it's over powered. But of course for 1 on 1 boss encounters you need some practice

Hello I am new to the game and was wondering if you could help me out. I am lvl 16 only and dont understand a whole lot but like your build. what can you recommend for low levels. any help is appreciated thx
OOa007 wrote:
Hello I am new to the game and was wondering if you could help me out. I am lvl 16 only and dont understand a whole lot but like your build. what can you recommend for low levels. any help is appreciated thx

Hi, for low leveling, you can use lightning tendrills + fire trap until you reach lvl 65, which I did, buy all the gems before level 50s to level them. Just farm orbs till you can acquire all the gears you need. Do not do this build until you have the necessary gears & level. It will be difficult for a new player to acquimulate wealth early on, but just keep killing stuffs, less idling, you can do it. I recommend you to do this build at level 70, as it is not really a newbie friendly gamestyle of play. Good luck!
Just re-specced into this (from fakener) can confirm fun build.


Need to get my defenses up still but the damage is great.
Last edited by Agent_Wesker#3689 on Feb 28, 2015, 10:18:49 PM
Wouldnt smashing strikes give you like full free endurance charges for every discharge ?

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