[1.3] LEAP SLAMER, Element's God || HUGE Extra elemental damage || Tanky character || Original build
HELLO EXILES ! I'm sorry for my poor english but I'm a french player. Thank you to KorgothBG for some images !
As I always said, there is an important issue on PoE to me : how to play an original and funny build without not being able to do all the end-game content ? I searched viability and some fun mechanics ! Do you want to be an incredible Leap Slamer Templar ?
Your YOLO-Swag VS others YOLO-Swag
The Leap slam of your Leap-Slamer's mates
Your Leap Slam
![]() There are two importants things in a build : AoE clearspeed and Single target skill ! But there is also a movement skill : in a melee character, it's Leap Slam. Yet, I use Leap Slam as a clearspeed AND movement skill ! Double Strike is used to slain bosses. Concept of the build => A tanky character : since your a melee character, you'll have to facetank all the monsters, even when you jump as Mario. => Clearspeed/Movement skill in a single skill => DPS : You'll get the MAXIMUM of extra % physical damage converted to % elemental damage with a lot of % physical damage and % elemental damage. Doomsower is btw the perfect unique and the core of the build.
Where do you get all the extra damage (which benefit from %physical damage and %elemental damage) : => Doomsower : extra 10% of your Physical Damage as Fire Damage => Hatred : extra 35% of your Physical Damage as Cold Damage => Herald of Ash : extra 15% of Physical Damage as Fire Damage => Added fire damage : extra 35% of Physical Damage as Fire Damage => Physical to Lightning : extra 25% of Physical Damage as Lightning Damage Total of 120% extra elemental damage of your physical damage, both modifiers by %physical damage and %elemental damage. => Three ailments status in a row ! Ignite (DoT damage), Shock (increase DPS) and Freeze (increase survivability). => HIGH attack speed to jump as a God ! ![]()
Leap Slam
Leap Slam, even if it's a well-known movement skill, is a great AoE clear skill for two-handed weapon : 100% of your damage is done (against 80% for GroundSlam), it has a chance to knock-back on hit and it's a very safe skill ! Moreover, it gets some amazing "increased Physical Damage". At level 20, you got : Jump into the air, damaging enemies, and knocking back some, with your main hand where you land. 76% increased Physical Damage 24% Chance to Knock enemies Back on hit PS : %q on this gem is a detail !
Double Strike
This single target skill is the best one for a two-handed sword. At level 20, you got : Performs two fast attacks on target enemy with your main hand melee weapon. 76% increased Physical Damage Deals 70% of Base Damage ![]()
Auras are really important in this build : it offers a huge bonus on your clearspeed, all the elemental damage to assign elemental status and a way to curse the enemies. Herald of Ash : Extra fire damage + amazing "explosion" clearspeed => it's a must. Herald of Ice : added cold damage + great "explosion" clearspeed + permit to freeze Herald of Thunder : added lightning damage + lazy curse + permit to shock Hatred : Extra cold damage which is a must ![]()
Passive tree
https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgUAi4z53cxmSpjAZpRcBLPwH6IAaPI8BZ_f73yCm5o7kFUnL-w4sULzEXGFwBoaOEbXPC1M_69sxq4a5IiP_TBqpbc-2L3-CvnoQYexBbjQga_aOij6gsd82fcycqnE9s9-dqzqGDkO6wmFUtlhrY3kUZd5CZbvDlBHjM_2SF8_FCBYYz389012K4CKJ-01koTZAdy-ingNqW618r02R36HaqmUvqdlTakneHp673TthO9hIWBLBS0nIIoiLPshVV4TwKYHddw9MglybGxGW6CnVXwOQ8juevoYiO0aVeHvVylTUkWdmuDr7g== Tank : 172% max life, 7.8% life regen, 74% armour, 18% elemental resistance Elemental : 122% elemental damage, 2% penetrate elemental damage, 10% chance to Freeze/Shock/Ignite, 25% increased Damage against Frozen, Shocked or Ignited Enemies Physical : 410% physical damage, 90% attack speed, 20% increased Damage against Enemies on Low Life, 8% increased Area Damage, +2 to Melee Weapon range, 20% increase radius area, 100% chance to hit Mana : 125% mana regen, 5% maximum mana ![]()
Gems and links
6L Doomsower : Leap Slam + Physical to Lightning + Melee physical + Weapon elemental + Added fire damage + Concentrated effect
Why ?
Why concentrated effect ? Because you got +35% radius of area and +90% attack speed and this wonderful gem gives near 65% more area damage ! Armour : Double strike + Multistrike + Weapon elemental + Melee physical + LL + Added fire damage/Physical to Lightning
Why ?
Why LL ? Because against bosses, it's always good to get an insane life leech ! Helmet : Herald of Thunder + Curse on hit + Elemental weakness + Reduced mana
Why ?
The lazy curse ! And of cours the best curse : elemental weakness since you run the 3 elements. Gloves : CWDT + Enduring cry + Immortal coil + Increase duration Boots : Hatred + Herald of Ash + Herald of Ice + Reduced mana
The gear more precisely
=> Weapon : the core of the build is Doomsower, which is a pretty cheap unique ! It increases radius area, it gives extra fire damage and some amazing physical damage and attack speed !
![]() => Helmet : Devoto's Devotion is huge on a Leap Slamer build. In fact, Leap slam has a base duration on the skill. It's really important to get the maximum of attack speed. Moreover, this helmet has great tank mods and insane movement speed !
Devoto's Devotion
![]() => Rings : you can get LL/elem res/physical damage rings OR, if you want to get a crazy build, you can run my favorite item in PoE. The Taming ! One of the most expensive unique on the game but crazy as f**k on this build. Tons of elemental damage, elemental resistance, chance to affecte status ailments AND increase damage on those enemies. Craziness, bro' !
The Taming
![]() => Armour : high armour / elem resistance => Gloves : life leech / armour / elem resistance => Boots : physical or elemental damage / armour / elem resistance => Amulet : physical damage / mana leech / elem resistance ![]()
Normal : Passive Cruel : 8% attack speed Merciless : Passive THANK YOU FOR READING ! I'm waiting for some replies, some improvements and some guy who want to test out this build. My last "experimental" build has reach 25-30k on a lvl 75 character which said "it could easly reach 40k at full power". Last edited by Justice_#0898 on Jan 25, 2015, 12:38:08 PM
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I need your advices, mates ! |
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I can't seem to get your passive tree link to load, would it be possible to re-link it perhaps?
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" Thanks dude ! I didn't check if my passive worked..sorry ! Normally, everything is now ok. |
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One answer so far..I think I deserve just one or two more to know if it's viable ! Thanks a lot ! |
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Try it on bloodline, have some problems with reflect, but its ok. Rly strong up dmg if make 4L(Herald of Ash+Increased Burning Dmg+Reduced mana+Elemental Proliferation). With Ash+hatred+frenzy(From Blood Rage) and Atziris promise my dps on shity gear - http://i.imgur.com/c2FdEiv.jpg.
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I made something similar to this in concept but it's a dual wield not 2 handed build.
Main concept of the build was using attack skills that only used the main hand so I could cheese resist from my off hand. 30k double strike 8k leap slam Fairly tanky Here's some of the gear I actually sold my armor to a friend so I don't have my 5 link double strike in a lightning coil. I also gave my boots to my wander so I also don't have my 4 link leap slam I was mostly using this build to farm vaal in merc for a bit it was perfectly capable of mapping safely I just didn't really do much of that after 70's |
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very cool build
can you post your equip? and how viable will this be for the upcoming 1 month league? |
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